Tranxending Vision

C2499 dark front

C2499 dark front

"What's that?" On top of the walls of the Doomsday City, a night watcher warrior was holding onto the walls with her hands as she looked anxiously in the direction the city gates were facing.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


The sound of an ear-splitting beast running was heard, and even the ground trembled. Very quickly, Ghost Tigers that were close to twenty meters tall appeared on the wasteland, along with the Knight Godly Meteorite on their backs. A Knight Godly Meteorite coupled with the Ghost Tiger below him was roughly thirty meters tall. To the warriors on the city walls, it was an existence similar to a tall building. Riding on a hundred Knight Godly Meteorite would be equivalent to a moving city!    


"Enemy attack!" "Enemy attack!" A high-ranking officer shouted in shock.    


Dang, dang, dang!    


The energy alarms on the city tower rang out, and the huge and dull ringing of the bell resounded throughout the entire city.    


However, before the soldiers of the Nirvana Empire could enter a state of combat, before the soldiers could rush to the temporary palace, the void started trembling, and a City of the Sky suddenly appeared. It then descended onto the wasteland between the Knights Godly Meteorite.    


The upgrade of the Suspension City had always been going on, but this upgrade did not make it bigger. On the contrary, it had become smaller. After separating itself with the Creation City and splitting up the residences of the night watcher, its size was actually even smaller than the Suspension City's at first. According to Xia Lei's plan, the residences of the humans and wolves of the three nations would also be separated from the Suspension City.    


The only thing that they could keep were the Ghost Tribe s, because white ghost were not past-man s. When they followed Xia Lei to the World of Hope or the world of Earth, they would not be suppressed by the opposing universe and so they did not need Xia Lei to save them.    


The appearance of the Suspension City dispelled the nervousness of the soldiers. That was the Dragon King's city, as long as the Dragon King was there, who would dare to attack the Doomsday City?    


On the Ghost Tiger's back, Ao Ying suddenly stopped his mount, and then raised the gigantic knight spear in his hand.    


The ninety odd Knight Godly Meteorite s all stopped their Ghost Tiger mounts. They were originally charging in a fast formation, but they suddenly stopped and stopped abruptly. That scene gave off an incomparably shocking feeling.    


When the Great Emperor Black Sun appeared beside Ao Ying, his energy body seemed small compared to Ao Ying's enormous soul body, but the aura emitted from his body was even more powerful than Ao Ying's.    


Because they were very far away, the Nirvana Monarchs on top of the walls of Doomsday City could see the gigantic building that looked like Ao Ying and the Knight Godly Meteorite, but they could not see the Great Emperor Black Sun that appeared in its normal form. Otherwise, it would certainly be another wave of nervousness and panic.    


The Great Emperor Black Sun and Ao Ying both looked at the slowly descending Suspension City. As the latter descended, the both of them looked at each other. There was no word, but their eyes seemed to exchange something.    


The Suspension City's energy shield disappeared and a group of battle droid walked out from the city gate to stand on both sides.    


"He really is an arrogant guy!" The Great Emperor Black Sun snorted, "We are here, he actually doesn't leave the city to greet us."    


Ao Ying also frowned, he was obviously dissatisfied. No one wanted to be ignored, and his ancient soul was no exception.    


"The Dragon King invites you!" When Xie Fang appeared at the city gate, he shouted: "There's only the two of you, the other Knight Godly Meteorite must stay outside and wait."    


This time, not only was Great Emperor Black Sun and Ao Ying disregarded by Xia Lei, they were also disregarded by his butler robot.    


But even so, Great Emperor Black Sun and Ao Ying showed no dissatisfaction after they looked at each other. The Great Emperor Black Sun arrived at the gates of the Suspension City first, and Ao Ying dismounted from his Ghost Tiger mount.    


The three thousand three hundred and thirty-third step, each step was one and a half feet tall, and had a total of more than a thousand meters of height. This kind of height, which could cover ten thousand meters of tall mountains, was nothing to Dark Death World, but to Suspension City, it was actually an existence which could reach into the clouds.    


The Dragon Palace and the Sparrow Temple were situated above the clouds. They were bathed in the sun's rays and exuded resplendent splendor, giving one the impression that they were both a palace of gods.    


This was a preliminary reform of the Suspension City. It cancelled the altar and the energy channel between the upper and lower city, and connected the upper and lower city together. In the past, there was space between the Upper and Lower Cities, but now that space had disappeared, the filling was naturally the World's Stone and King's Stone that he had taken off from the Creation City. Although the current Suspension City was smaller than the world city, and might even be smaller than the original Suspension City, the overall quality and energy contained within was comparable to that of the merged City of the Sun!    


On the stone steps of the World's Stone s stood two battle droid, and they stretched all the way up. The cold robots and energy arms formed a solemn scene.    


Great Emperor Black Sun frowned again, "What are you doing? Who's going to show you such a scene? "    


Good Fang said, "Of course it's for you to see, so you'd better be more honest."    


The Great Emperor Black Sun snorted, disdaining to talk to Yue Fang. With his power, it would be easy for him to kill off Xie Fang, but the key point was that Xie Fang was Xia Lei's butler robot.    


"Let's go." Ao Ying said. Without waiting for An Shiyi to lead the way, his spirit body had already reached the end of the Heaven Stairway which contained more than three thousand World's Stone.    


Great Emperor Black Sun also arrived at the end of the Sky Stairway in the next second. He finally saw Xia Lei, who was standing on top of the Bronze Finch Palace's stairs, and the Fire Phoenix, who was carrying a child. This was the first time he had seen the fire phoenix after Xia Lei had "kidnapped" his, but even then, his line of sight still stopped at Xia Zheng, who was in the arms of the fire phoenix.    


Ao Ying's reaction was the same as Great Emperor Black Sun's. His gaze also instantly fell on Xia Zheng who was in the Fire Phoenix's embrace, unable to shift away anymore. His soul's eyes flashed with an excited light, and his twenty meters tall body unknowingly lowered.    


"Yes, yes." Great Emperor Black Sun coughed.    


Ao Ying straightened his body as well and moved his gaze away from Xia Zheng's body.    


The strange reactions of Great Emperor Black Sun and Ao Ying were naturally under Xia Lei's observation. For some reason, his mood suddenly became heavy again. It was with great difficulty that he managed to convince himself that Xia Zheng had nothing to do with Miyas's reincarnation, but just from Ao Ying's reaction, the reasons why he had first convinced him were weakening.    


But even so, seeing Ao Ying's strange reaction, as his father, how could he be willing to believe that his son was related to Miyas's reincarnation?    


Fire Phoenix did not notice Ao Ying's strange reaction, as soon as Great Emperor Black Sun arrived, her gaze landed on him. She seemed a little nervous, to the point of not daring to look into Great Emperor Black Sun's eyes. There were a hundred ways to convince himself not to be afraid of the Great Emperor Black Sun, and not to think about his kindness in bringing her up. But when the Great Emperor Black Sun appeared in front of her, she had even more complicated thoughts than this.    


"Di Yin, we finally meet." Great Emperor Black Sun broke the silent and strange atmosphere.    


Xia Lei held onto the Fire Phoenix's hand.    


She glanced at Xia Lei, her eyes filled with gratitude and gentleness. Then, she shifted her gaze to Great Emperor Black Sun, looking straight into his eyes. "I am not Di Yin, I am the Fire Phoenix, the clan leader of the undead flamingo s, the queen of the Nirvana Dynasty, the wife of the Dragon King."    


Great Emperor Black Sun said lightly: "Have you forgotten about the past?"    


Xia Lei said out loud: "Great Emperor Black Sun, are you here to reminisce about the old days or to negotiate an alliance? You seem to have forgotten something I reminded you of before. "    


Great Emperor Black Sun replied, "I haven't forgotten. Alright, since you don't like me talking to the fire phoenix, I won't say anything. Let's talk business. I have already prepared the contract. Look, if there's no problem, I can just brand your energy onto it. "    


Great Emperor Black Sun passed a contract she had prepared a long time ago to Xia Lei.    


The content of the contract was very simple. It basically meant that Great Emperor Black Sun, Ao Ying and the Knights Godly Meteorite were willing to form an alliance with him and the Nirvana Queen to fight against the Six Creators together. Great Emperor Black Sun and Ao Ying only listened to the Nirvana Queen's orders and not any of his. The contract did not mention the name "Di Yin", nor did it mention the name "Fire Phoenix". This seemed to be because Great Emperor Black Sun had long since taken into account his and Fire Phoenix's feelings, but at the same time, she was also taking her own feelings into account. The contract also said that allies shared intelligence, and that betrayal was not allowed.    


The material of the contract was neither paper nor skin. It was very special. There were already two energy marks on it. One was the black energy mark of the Great Emperor Black Sun, and the other was the blue energy mark left by Ao Ying. The former was the emblem of the Black Sun Empire, and the latter was the emblem of the Knights Godly Meteorite. Xia Lei had never left his energy imprint on a contract before. He pondered for a while, then he injected a bit of creation power power into the contract and left a golden ball shaped emblem.    


It was the sun, a scorching sun that dispersed the darkness.    


Afterwards, the fire phoenix also left an energy mark of a undead flamingo on the contract.    


The Great Emperor Black Sun said, "Alright, we are allies now. Army Commander Ao Ying, talk about sharing information with the Dragon King and the Nirvana Queen. Let me look at my grandson. "    


Great Emperor Black Sun walked towards the fire phoenix.    


It was clear that she did not want Great Emperor Black Sun to get close to her and Xia Lei's child, but Great Emperor Black Sun had helped her in raising her. Even though she would not admit it, the father-daughter relationship between her and still existed. When Great Emperor Black Sun said that he was Xia Zheng's grandfather, it was really hard for her to refute him. Great Emperor Black Sun wanted to see Xia Zheng, so she didn't refuse.    


However, the Fire Phoenix wasn't worried about the Great Emperor Black Sun hurting Xia Zheng because Xia Lei was standing right beside her.    


Xia was currently lying in his mother's embrace, a pair of pitch-black eyes staring fixedly at the Great Emperor Black Sun that was approaching him. He seemed very quiet, not at all afraid of life.    


Xia Lei did not stop Great Emperor Black Sun from approaching Xia Zheng. He raised his head and looked at Ao Ying who was as big as a building, "Army Commander Ao Ying, I have been meaning to ask you a question."    


Ao Ying looked down at Xia Lei, his gaze never leaving Xia Zheng. He said: "Dragon King, what questions do you want to ask me?"    


Xia Lei said: "All those years ago, did you participate in the decisive battle between Darkness Master Miyas and the Six Gods?"    


Ao Ying said: "I was fortunate enough to participate, but my opponent is not the Six Gods, but their claws and fangs."    


"Then tell me what happened." Xia Lei said.    


Ao Ying recalled, "At that time..."    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


An earth-shaking explosion suddenly came from outside Suspension City!    


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