Tranxending Vision

C2515 The mystery of the cosmos.

C2515 The mystery of the cosmos.

Xia Lei did not know where he was either.    


The moment he entered the Black Arch, he felt as if he had reached the end of the universe, or the end of the universe. It was not dark here. There were all kinds of energy rays twisting around, just like the most gorgeous laser in the universe. The energy factors here were light and darkness, life and death alike. They were clearly visible, like colored grains of sand.    


Everything here was still, except for Xia Lei. However, his actions were not 'active', but 'passive'. His body was in the process of dissolving into 'grains of sand'. To be more precise, it was disintegrating. His clothes and hair were the first things to be dissected, along with his exposed skin. It felt as if thousands of years had passed in an instant. The wind had eroded and disintegrated, turning it into the energy substance that had formed at the beginning of time. After that, even the energy material that was formed at the beginning had turned into chaos.    


Yes, Chaos.    


Chaos was the most obvious characteristic, the most powerful aura in this space. Here, one could sense all the energy materials that constituted the universe of light. The lowest level to the highest level could be found everywhere. Here, he could also sense the energy matter that formed the Dark Death Universe. The lowest level to the highest level could be found everywhere.    


All the energy matter here is increasing at every moment, compressing into the center of space. This space seemed to be compressing itself, turning into an endless point, finally detonating.    


Is this the mystery behind the birth of the universe?    


If that was the case, it would be too simple.    


However, even this simple and profound mystery didn't give Xia Lei the chance to experience or think about it. He could only watch helplessly as his skin transformed into the energy substance that was formed at the beginning, then disappeared. His energy of creation power was healing his body like crazy, causing his lost flesh to be reborn. But there were no materials here, the creation power power's actions were just the consumption of energy, without replenishment, it would eventually have its power cut. The time was not far away. It could have been a minute, or it could have been ten seconds.    


Time was an abstract concept in the outside world of darkness and in the opposing universe. Different forms of life and different civilizations had their own understanding and definitions of time. The life of an insect is just one summer, but the life of a human being is billions of years. For insects, a man's day may be their year, and a man's year may be their three hundred and sixty-five years, an inaccessible and distant time. However, human time, even if it was a lifetime, was insignificant to the life forms of the Dark Death World. As far as Dragon and Medelsa were concerned, to seriously sleep would probably take hundreds to thousands of years. Including Xia Lei himself, if he could return to Earth alive, the time system of Earth would be completely meaningless to him. He could probably live for eternity, even if Earth were to be destroyed in the future, but he would still be alive. In such a situation, would human time still exist for him?    


But here, time was another matter. It is not a concept of time in any form of life, it is not a concept, it is an energy. In this space, there was a type of bronze energy substance. It was like a sand grain in the middle of a beach, sprinkling in different places. The quantity seemed insignificant, but here it played a role of a 'leader'.    


With so much energy here, it was like a human's world. There were lowly commoners, well-dressed elites, nobles, and even supreme level 'leaders' and 'kings'. There was the light universe's energy, and there was also the Dark Death World's energy. The uncountable energy squeezed into this space, yet there was no response. Obediently listening to them, willing to be compressed and die for the next outbreak of the universe, how could not have a 'leader'?    


After discovering the bronze colored sand "Master", Xia Lei suddenly understood everything, "That is the material used to create the World's Box, it came from here! The beginning of the universe was currently in a balanced state. If they brought the World's Box in, then the sudden entry of many of the leaders would break the balance and destroy everything! But the box itself contains a space, I know of its existence, if the Six Creators were to destroy this universe, their body of energy and soul would definitely hide inside the box, not be destroyed! Once the universe was reopened, they could reconstruct the civilization of the Spirit Race according to their wishes and create a new universe system! Yes, it must be so, the World's Box's space is extremely similar to this space, the material will be split into the most basic source of energy, and the flesh and blood cannot enter. Only pure energy individual like the Six Creators can hide inside, and avoid the ultimate destruction of the universe that is being restarted! "    


However, this realization came a little too late, because his flesh and blood had already been decomposed to the limit. His entire body was without skin, and even the fat and muscles underneath his skin had been decomposed. His once handsome face was now reduced to cheekbones, and his nose and ears were gone. He could clearly see the ribs on his chest, as well as the internal organs beneath them. All that was left of his legs, arms, bones, and legs were a pitiful amount of flesh and blood. Now, this space was disintegrating his bones and organs!    


He was dying, and he was definitely going to die!    


This was the price he had paid to solve the "Starting Point" and the ultimate mysteries of the World's Box.    


In fact, if he did not have the perfect evolution of a flesh and blood body and the energy of creation power that could create life to repair his body, he probably would have been disintegrated within a second or two after he came in. But even so, the effort that his energy of creation power had made was only to "struggle on the brink of death". In front of the energy contained within this space, his creation power power could at most be considered a "Zhi Zun" level energy, but there were millions of "Zhi Zun" s who were obediently compressed to die for the next explosion of the universe.    


Looking at his own bones, his last bit of flesh and blood dissolving quickly, and the energy of creation power's struggles becoming weaker and weaker, Xia Lei's heart was filled with grief and despair, "Am I going to die? I'm really going to die... Goodbye, my love, my child, everything I love... "I'm the one who disappointed all of you, but I've done my best ?"    


In this dying moment, he was not thinking of himself, but of his wife and children, his loved ones and everything he loved.    


Face after face surfaced in his mind. Earth's wife and children, the wife and children on the Star of Hope, Dark Death World's wife, and lastly, Qing Teng.    


Why did he think of Ivy Academy at this time? He didn't actually have much contact with her, nor did he have any unforgettable feelings towards her.    


Perhaps, it was because she had died too innocently.    


Perhaps, it was because he owed her.    


However, all of this was not important, because he was also about to die. He said to the ivy that appeared in his mind, "If you die, I know what you've done for me, but I can't repay you. Now that I'm going to die too, I'll accompany you. "If we cannot meet again, then let us live in the next life. If there is a next life, let me take the initiative to get to know you ?"    


In his mind, ivy revealed a smile. She said to his consciousness, "Fix that box. The box is not a bad guy, but a bad guy wants to use it to destroy the universe. Then why don't you use the box to destroy the bad guy?"    


These were the words that Ivy had said to him before he died.    


It was also because of these words that he felt as if he had awoken from a dream. As these words flashed through his mind, he suddenly felt as if he had comprehended the dao of the world! It was like the leap he had just made with his life left behind. Was that the abyss of death or a brand-new world after that? In fact, the answer was not in the hands of others, nor was it waiting for him somewhere. It was in the span of a moment!    


With just a thought, all things were born!    


"So that's how it is!" When he was on the verge of death, Xia Lei suddenly understood the most important thing in his life, "If World's Box is broken, then what Six Creators wants the most is someone who can repair the box. They let me evolve in a barbaric manner, step by step, in order to let me evolve to the level they wanted me to. Miyas also wanted me to repair that box, rather than snatching the broken pieces away, because the broken pieces were useless to him and the Six Creators. They wanted to hide in the space of the box to avoid the moment of ultimate destruction of the universe, and let themselves live forever! And in this universe, there is only me who can repair World's Box, World's Box needs my energy of creation power, this means that I can absorb the energy sand that created World's Box! This is just like I'm welding. When I want to welding cast iron, I will definitely use cast iron welding rod. If I want to welding copper, I will definitely use copper welding rod! "Then why don't I use that copper-colored sand to weld my own body?"    


That year, his experience of electric welding on the construction site was now flashing as it became a beacon in the dark night, guiding him home!    


"I want to live!" Xia Lei released the last bit of energy of creation power left in his body. With a burst of golden light, thousands of golden runes flashed and the energyetic root flew towards the bronze colored sand grains, and then carried the bronze colored sand particles back to his body that was about to be disintegrated.    


A miracle was born.    


When the bronze colored grains of sand and his energy of creation power returned to his body, his creation power power would possess the attribute of creation and destruction. Without any interval, the moment he came into contact with it, he would evolve from "Zhi Zun" to "Leader". It was just like what he had thought about just now: a copper electrode and a copper electrode and a copper electrode and a copper electrode and a copper electrode and a copper rod.    


All the actions in this space were controlled by the leaders, which included dissecting Xia Lei's body. Now that he had become the leader himself, how could he break him down?    


When energy of creation power leveled up, it possessed the ultimate nature of both creation and destruction. At this moment, he was like a part of this starting point. The danger of death was relieved, and energy of creation power quickly healed the incomplete parts of her body. Those who left all returned. Not one gram, but not a single gram either. But he was no longer Xia Lei who had leaped up, but a brand-new existence!    


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