Tranxending Vision

C2523 First time with the wall

C2523 First time with the wall

The two armies clashed ferociously the moment they came into contact with each other.    


Xia Lei not only bestowed courage and strength to the Light Faction's warriors, but he also bestowed them with energy, representing the "source of power" of life and death.    


Was a German soldier weak during World War II?    


On the battlefield, a tall and thin Imperial soldier had used up all his magazine and stabbed a Blue Moon Suicide Knight to death with a knife!    


Was a Mongolian soldier with a bow and arrow riding a thin horse weak?    


On the battlefield, a Mongolian cavalryman galloped on his horse with his bow bent and arrow aimed at them. All the night watcher Warriors, who were ten times more powerful than him, fell under his arrows.    


The most spectacular were the Soviet soldiers charging with red flags and their tanks. It was a flood of people and steel, sweeping away all defenses!    


More advanced battles took place in the sky.    


Riding on a pegasus, the body of the angel emitted a sacred light. There was also Valkyrie riding a unicorn in her golden armor. All of them were shining with golden light, looking valiant and formidable. The ancient elites of Angel, Valkyrie and Darkness Army fought fiercely with each other over culminate evolution. They were like a sacred sword, invincible wherever they charged! Whether it was an existence like the Great Emperor Black Sun or an existence like Ao Ying, they were all killed!    


This was not the old Great Emperor Black Sun and Ao Ying, as well as the fact that their current existences were weak, but they were not fighting against any angel or Valkyrie at all, but Xia Lei's source energy! They were pure energy individual s, and the battle between energy was a competition between who was more powerful and more powerful. And Xia Lei's energy came from the beginning of the universe and the main source of energy, the main force controlling everything, so there was no higher level energy!    




There were German soldiers of the Second World War with iron wills, Soviet soldiers of the Second World War fearless, Mongolian cavalry galloping on horses, Viking warriors of Odin's people, and even the heavily armored Crusaders of medieval Europe. Countless soldiers rushed to the position of the dark army, one after another. With their golden energy, it was as if the rising sun had cast its golden rays onto the dark, shrouded earth. Everywhere they went, the darkness vanished. Where they had rushed to, their blood would be absorbed into the earth. Little grasses would emerge from the soil one after another, quickly growing and blossoming into multicolored flowers.    


In the sky, where the angel riding a pegasus and the Valkyrie riding a unicorn had charged past, the dark sky had disappeared, and behind them were only blue skies and white clouds.    


Miyas used death to rule this Dark Death World, and Xia Lei used life to purify this world.    


You kill with a knife, and I save with a knife.    


Rumble ?    


The sky was shaking and the earth was shaking.    


As the large dark army retreated step by step, Miyas's absolute domain Dark Death World began to become unstable. It was only a matter of time before it collapsed.    


"You can't beat me!" Miyas roared, he suddenly moved over and slapped away a large number of Angels and Valkyrie.    


But in a second, those scattered Angels and Valkyrie were reborn. They and them did not exist and were Xia Lei's Source energy s. They and their only obey Xia Lei's will. Xia Lei wants them to live with them, and they will live with them. Xia Lei wanted them to disappear, and then they disappeared along with them.    


Xia Lei's feet lightly touched the ground and his body instantly rose to a height of tens of thousands of meters parallel to Miyas's head. The majestic ancient palace he had built shone with golden light beneath him. It possessed the majesty of a royal family, and was not to be offended. The Flamephoenix was the queen of the ancient palace, but she could not be seen.    


Face-to-face, this war between father and son would eventually end under the hands of father and son.    


"Unfilial son!" Xia Lei raised his voice and said: "You still haven't given up yet? You have already used the most powerful method you can use. You are not my match. Kneel down and admit your wrongs to me and your current situation. Tell me who made that box and I'll let you live. "    


"Go to hell!" Miyas's six arms suddenly swung towards Xia Lei.    


The three arms came from the left and the three arms from the right. The sword, hammer, axe, spear, blade, and fist were all different. Every weapon was way too huge for Xia Lei, the human himself. Especially that battle-axe, it was like a mountain was being cleaved down at him. Xia Lei was not even the size of a rock on that mountain, how could he defend against it? Furthermore, that sword was like a train travelling through thousands of carriages. How could he resist it? Even the unarmed fist was smashed into a city made of steel!    


Xia Lei did not dodge, and did not use his energy to condense a huge idol or anything like that, he faced the incoming six arms and threw six punches. A fist landed on Miyas's arm that was holding onto the greatsword, and punched onto Miyas's arm that was holding onto the battle axe. A punch landed on Miyas's arm that was holding onto the battle blade, and another three punches landed on Miyas's arm that was holding onto the longstaff and greathammer, as well as the unarmed fist. Each strike released an earth-shattering amount of energy. And just as the six violent explosions occurred, Miyas's six arms were knocked away, opening wide.    


Xia Lei, wrapped in a golden light, sliced through the empty door and instantly moved to the face of Miyas's representative. He waved his hand and slapped him, "You unfilial son, this slap represents that Miyas's mother had slapped you!"    


A palm strike that could cultivate was not even considered a mosquito's leg to Miyas's super large face, but when the tiny palm hit his cheek, a violent explosion rang out. The head that represented him shifted, and even the tens of thousands of meters tall body fell to the side!    


With a flash of golden light, Xia Lei instantly moved to Miyas's face, which did not have a face, and from the face that represented the future, he waved his hand and slapped again, "This slap is for your father, I am your father!"    




Another violent explosion sounded as Miyas's second head, which represented the future of this world, suddenly turned. The several tens of thousands of meters tall ruler's body had completely lost its balance, and fell onto the ground with a loud bang.    


"I can't accept this ? ?" Miyas roared angrily, "I am the ruler of this world!"    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Miyas's back smashed onto the ground, causing a huge tremor to shake the earth, and numerous cracks to astonishingly appear as the mountains collapsed one after another with a loud bang! He had no idea how many of the dark army's past life forms had been crushed into fine powder by him!    


In the sky, Xia Lei's voice came from the depths of the golden light, "Do you really want to remain in the position of ruler for all eternity, to become the ruler of this world? Even in this dark world, there would be a day of destruction! There have never been any eternal existences in this universe. Even though I am stronger than you, there will still come a day when I, including myself, will perish. "    


Miyas roared at Xia Lei: "Shut up! You lowly human, you are just a thief who stole the energy of the starting point! You can, I can too! "    


Xia Lei could not help but shake his head, "You are already hopeless."    


Miyas said angrily: "You are just a lowly human, you have not experienced the feeling of being a ruler. That supreme authority, that supreme glory, all living beings obey your will, whoever you allow to live, whoever you let to live, whoever you let to die, will die! Have you experienced this before? "You don't have it, and you don't even have the qualifications to become a Chief Sovereign!"    


Rights were a type of poison, and the higher the level, the stronger the poison. Those who see rights as floating clouds are often those who have no rights.    


Xia Lei said: "I have never been a true ruler, and I have also never experienced this kind of supreme ruler's rights and so-called glory that you speak of. But I know the feeling of love, and I have love. Love is the most powerful energy in the universe, but you will never understand it. It's easy to make someone revere you or even fear you, but not easy to make someone love you. "Even though you are the ruler of this world, if I kill you, do you believe that the majority of the people in this world will applaud and cheer for you? No one will care about you!"    


"Don't preach to me! You are not my father, so you are not worthy to be my father! " With the support of Miyas's six arms, his enormous body left the ground and rose to the sky.    


"Your father has always been your father!" Xia Lei roared angrily. In the midst of the golden light, he swooped down like a meteor, and stepped on Miyas's head, which was the only thing that could affect his current appearance. "Your hypocritical face makes this daddy feel disgusted!"    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Under the Origin Energy's attack, the holy, transparent and bronze Energetic Rune began to flicker densely. The head of Miyas suddenly split open, and the face that carried a kind smile instantly split, disappearing without a trace!    


"Ah ? ?" Miyas let out a miserable cry. The source energy that came from the origin and destination of the universe could break down all kinds of energy. Even the highest level of dark energy in his Dark Death World was unable to stop it. The moment they encountered each other, they were disintegrated.    


Those powerful existences, Great Emperor Black Sun, who was not a powerful existence that ruled one side, were not even able to retaliate in front of Xia Lei's source energy? A hundred spears pierced through his body in an instant, killing him instantly!    


"I'll beat you to death for being disobedient!" Xia Lei jumped up, and from a height of tens of thousands of meters, he dove down like a meteor again, stepping on the head of Miyas, which represented the future, "What is not easy to learn?    


With this kick, Miyas's head that represented the future of his life also cracked apart with a loud bang, and the energy directly crumbled as well! His body, which had just risen to a height of ten kilometers, fell down once more, crashing to the ground. The earth trembled, as if there was a magnitude 10 earthquake!    


Xia Lei's body rose once again, "Even though you didn't recognize me as your father, I still gave you another chance. You didn't cherish it even once. "Fine, I'll just take it as if I just shot it on the wall. I'll destroy your disobedient son!"    


The golden light that filled the sky suddenly converged together, the condensed golden light was incomparably dazzling, like a scorching sun hanging in the sky of Dark Death World!    


This was Xia Lei's strongest attack!    


This strike, was comparable to taking Miyas's life!    


However, before Xia Lei could make his last move, Miyas suddenly howled out: "Mother ? Save me!"    


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