Tranxending Vision

C2533 Queen had fallen

C2533 Queen had fallen

Suspension City was far less than Lan Yue, and the people on the Star of Hope could not see it at all. However, the energy shell it shot out was as dazzling as the blazing sun. With all its firepower, it was like a meteor shower falling in the direction of the Peace Forest!    


Too far away to hear the sound of an explosion, but that wasn't hard to imagine. The energy cannons of an upgraded Suspension City were even more powerful than those of a City of the Sun. They could destroy an entire city in a blink of an eye. It would be easy to destroy important areas of the Peace Forest, including Origin Canyon.    


Xia Lei's figure suddenly shook, he almost could not feel his movements, but he had already reached the edge of the rooftop and grabbed the six-coloured feather bird.    


The little bird with six colored feathers stared at Xia Lei, its two small, deep blue eyes emitting a breathtaking light. It was not afraid, much less fear of death.    


Xia Lei said coldly, "No one can control me, and no one can threaten me. I will bring my wife and children back to Earth. If you have the guts, come and fight. And here, if you dare to destroy the Star of Hope, I will wipe all of you out. Do not doubt my resolve. I will do as I say. "    


"Even if you kill Miyas, do you think that you can defeat us? You are facing six Miyas s. " The little bird with six colored feathers sneered, "You probably still don't know about our battle with Miyas, right? He only won against our flesh and blood idol. You'll regret it, and I'm pretty sure of it. "    


Xia Lei said: "I know that you guys are watching from behind, then accept my signal." After saying that, he squeezed his hand.    


The little bird with the six colored feather immediately exploded, turning into dust and falling onto the rooftop. Without waiting for them to fall to the ground, a gust of wind blew past. Not even ashes remained.    


"Hubby, is there really a creator in this world?" Kangtu Nana had still yet to recover from her state of nervousness and shock.    


"I'll explain it to you on the way home. Let's go." Xia Lei wrapped his six wives in Source energy and leaped in the summer. With this leap, he and his six wives soared up from the rooftop in summer and disappeared into the clear sky in the blink of an eye.    


The women cried out in alarm, and the holy city quickly shrunk and disappeared from their field of vision. And then there was the earth. In the blink of an eye, the earth had become an arc of land. In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere of the Star of Hope was also left behind. They felt that they had become light, and now they were moving at the same speed as light. However, they did not know that Xia Lei had actually slowed down on purpose, if not for that, they would already be hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.    


In the blink of an eye, Lan Yue had neared. However, the women couldn't clearly see the blue moon man and robots that were rebuilding Lan Yue on her. In just a flash, Lan Yue had been left behind. Then a city floating in space came into view, a magnificent palace, a towering mountain, and a black pyramid with blue energy flowing on top of it. There were towns and forests, and even fields, like the legendary fairyland.    


Xia Lei slowed down his pace, "That is the Suspension City, you are the ladies of this city."    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Just as he was speaking, the Suspension City's cannon roared again and shot a gigantic energy shell in the direction of the Peace Forest. It was actually not a energy shell, but an energy beam with a diameter of a few dozen meters.    


The women's gazes followed the direction of the energy beam. They finally saw the Peace Forest, as well as the flames and the giant mushroom cloud that soared to the sky.    


"The Queen Peace is here, you can enter the city." Xia Lei gave a light push, and the women were all wrapped up in a ball of Source energy and flew into the Suspension City.    


The women's base of operations was the white ghost Tribe, the front line of Suspension City. Separated by the Suspension City's energy shield, the women could clearly see Xia Lei floating in space. There was also a special existence that suddenly appeared.    


The human shaped Queen Peace did not have clothes, nor did he have a perfect human body and appearance.    


The energy body of the Queen Peace was not killed by the explosion, so Xia Lei was no exception. However, its trunk was definitely dead.    


"How dare you treat me like that!" Queen Peace roared at Xia Lei: "Bastard! Tell your city to stop bombing Peace Forest! "    


accepted his words, because what he was doing right now was indeed pretty bad. But he did not tell the Suspension City to stop bombing the Peace Forest. He had to do the evil this time. Otherwise, the humans, Ahimis s and defeated blue moon man s of the Star of Hope would have to pay the price with their blood. A thousand years of struggle, and the chance for peaceful coexistence and renewal that has cost you so many lives will vanish.    


If they could do good, who would be willing to do evil? However, there are many things in the world that we must do if we don't want to do them.    


Xia Lei said: "The next day, I will order you to gather the Peace Forest's army of wild beasts to attack the humans and the Ahimis, as well as the blue moon man, am I right?"    


The Queen Peace was silent, but this silence was also its response, and it agreed to it's decision.    


Xia Lei said, "Do you know what the humans of this world and the Ahimis from the Star of Ice have experienced? Humans had been enslaved for over a thousand years, and the Ahimis had lost its mother planet for several thousand years, which meant that they had wandered the streets of the Ahimis for a few thousand years. I do not wish for them to endure another round of such suffering. Therefore, if any side is not going to be destroyed, I hope it will be the Peace Forest. "    


"Those creatures are innocent!" Queen Peace said angrily: "Have you forgotten? When you humans were chased to the point where you had no other way out by the blue moon man, who provided you with a base to stay alive? Who was the one who braved the gunfire to drive away the blue moon man, and who helped you win the battle? If you do this, do you owe the life of the Peace Forest who have sacrificed their lives for you humans and the Ahimis? "    


Xia Lei said, "I only bombed Origin Canyon, I didn't bombard the areas where those living creatures live."    


Queen Peace was suddenly stunned.    


Xia Lei continued: "Queen Peace, you still don't understand? Only if you can save them, only if you die will they not respond to your call to attack the humans and Ahimis, and the blue moon man who surrendered in battle. Only if you die, then the Six Creators will not be able to order you to lead the Peace Forest's army of wild beasts to war, and die on the battlefield. "    


"You want to kill me?" The Queen Peace's voice was filled with grief and indignation.    


Xia Lei looked at it, "Then can you betray the Six Creators?"    


Queen Peace shook her head without even thinking, "It's never possible."    


Xia Lei said: "Then I'm sorry, I want to kill you. If you are still alive, there will be no true peace in the World of Hope. Not only humans, Ahimis s, blue moon man s, but even the life forms of Peace Forest s would be implicated by you. You exist because of that mechanism, and you exist only to serve that mechanism. We are enemies. "    


Queen Peace suddenly revealed a rare smile, "I remember the scene when I first met you. At that time, I had a very special feeling, I can't describe it, but I know that you are different.    


Xia Lei felt an indescribable pain in his heart. He knew that it had intentionally chased after him. Knowing that it would die yet coming back, could this not indicate its purpose, its determination and its courage?    


The Queen Peace continued to speak, "You are truly amazing. I used the word legend to describe you, but I feel that it was not enough. Unfortunately, we cannot be friends. We are fated to be enemies. I'll represent my faction and fight with you! "    


Xia Lei raised his right arm, "Amido, stop your attack!"    


"Yes, my master." Brain Amido's voice sounded.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to Queen Peace's face, "The creatures of Peace Forest view you as their mother, and you deserve to be their mother. I am proud to have an opponent like you, and it is my honor to fight with you here."    


Queen Peace said, "I have a request. I guess you've already gathered all the fragments and the box is in your hands. I have existed because of it for countless years, but I have never seen it before. Can you let me have a look at it before you make your move? "    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, before replying, "Are you doing this for the Six Creators or yourself?"    


"I don't want to lie to you. Even if it is me, it is also for my master. This is my last request, and I hope that you can fulfill it because I have helped you so much. "    


The Self-treasure floated up from Xia Lei's body, and then opened the energy channel. A bronze box came out from the energy channel and quietly floated in space. The cracks on its body were clearly visible. It was incredibly ancient and mysterious. Because it was in space, it did not destroy anything. However, the Queen Peace's energy body was instantly affected and became unstable.    


Xia Lei was no longer affected by the box at all, because he had the "Sand" that made the World's Box on him. Before the last jump in Dark Death World's Nirvana Canyon, he was still affected by the image of the box. He started to hallucinate and even went crazy, but after coming out from the "starting point" in the universe, he was not affected at all. In a way, he and the box were in fact the same species, the "leaders" of the universe.    


"Hahaha ?" Queen Peace laughed out loud, "Is it such a box?"    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Yes, it is that box, World's Box."    


Queen Peace's smile became more and more strange, "So many people died because of it, but it was actually such a shabby box. Although I do not know what magic it has, I am willing to verify its authenticity for my master! "    


After it finished its sentence, a string of strange sounds suddenly came out of its throat.    


That was a signal that was sent to the Six Creators.    


Xia Lei knew clearly that it was doing it for the Six Creators, and less for itself, but he still fulfilled its last wish. He was never a heartless person. The Queen Peace had helped the humans of this world before, when the humans had nowhere to go. The Queen Peace had helped him before, and although there was a mechanism to it, since he had received kindness from others, how could he take revenge? Satisfying its will to complete its mission could also be considered as repaying its debt of gratitude.    


After the strange noise, the Queen Peace suddenly charged towards the World's Box.    


Xia Lei still did not stop it, but instead, he said it out loud, "Goodbye, Queen Peace."    


Queen Peace's body of energy hit the box and directly broke apart, leaving nothing behind. The speed at which it broke down also reached a maximum. It was as if a wind had blown past, leaving nothing behind.    


Xia Lei covered the Self-treasure and kept it. He glanced at the Peace Forest, then returned to it.    


Next was the trip to Earth.    


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