Tranxending Vision

C2546 meet an old friend

C2546 meet an old friend

Bringing Earth's wife and children to the Suspension City was Xia Lei's biggest wish when he returned to the Earth. He had used the Source energy to envelope her six wives, seven members of the Zodiac Clan s and four female Knights, as well as Xia Xue and Liu Zhengnan's husband and wife. In one or two seconds, he had already brought out the seven children that were still sleeping in their respective rooms.    


When the women tried to remind their children, the children were already in their arms and sleeping like pigs. Before they could even feel it, their feet had already reached the ground of Suspension City.    


The golden energy light disappeared and the Suspension City, which seemed like a fairyland, entered the line of sight of all the 'visitors'. The black Specter Tower that reflected "sunlight", the golden and dazzling Sword and Dragon Palaces, and the majestic stone mountain of World's Stone. Large patches of exotic flowers and herbs, fruit forest and so on. Everything here surprised those who came to the Suspension City for the first time. They suspected that they had entered a fairyland in their dreams.    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "Welcome to Suspension City."    


It was only then that his voice roused the dazed crowd.    


"Hubby ?" Shentu Tianyin's voice trembled, "Is, is this true?"    


Xia Lei smiled at her, "Of course it's true. You can touch everything here, and you can also taste those strange fruits. They are all treasures of the plant world, and are greatly beneficial to your bodies."    


Long Bing punched Xia Lei in the chest, producing a loud sound.    


Xia Lei was startled, "Why did you hit me?"    


Long Bing said: "As expected, it's real. I hit you to prove that I'm not dreaming."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Son, wake up, don't sleep." Tang Yuyan shook the slumbering Xia Wangda in her arms awake.    


Wangda Xia opened her eyes, took a look, and fell asleep again.    


Tang Yuyan said gloomily: "What a lazy little pig." She looked at Xia Lei with a charming and seductive face, "He must be learning from you. You'll be a lazy pig in an hour."    


Xia Lei laughed and said, "Let me carry the child."    


Without waiting for Tang Yuyan to give Wangda Xia to Xia Lei, the seven children all floated out from their mothers' embrace and flew to the top of Xia Lei's head, forming a circle.    


Liang Siyao rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "What kind of child are you taking care of like that? You are really lazy, no wonder your children are lazy too. "    


Xia Lei moved closer to Liang Siyao's ear and softly whispered: "Of course, it's my seed. Of course you're like me."    


Liang Siyao's face immediately flushed red. Then, when she thought about what happened last night, her legs also went soft. If not for the fact that there were still Zodiac Clan members and four female Knights here, she would have bitten Xia Lei to take revenge for last night's grudge.    


At this time, white ghost walked out of the Ghost Tribe's house one by one. Some were holding a fruit plate, while some were holding flower baskets. Men and daughters, children and old people all knelt by the only way out to the world's mountains, holding plates full of exotic fruits and baskets full of flowers over their heads.    


Xia Lei did not allow them to do so, but to white ghost, he was a god that gave them life and freedom. The only day was when one was free. This was the ancient prophecy of the white ghost Tribe. How could he not kneel before a god?    


"They... "White people?" Although he had seen the white ghost in Xia Lei's "Big Life Movie", when he saw it with his own eyes, he was so shocked that he didn't want it anymore.    


Xia Lei said: "They are all white ghost s, and are all native to Suspension City. All of you, follow me." As he walked towards the mountain, he said, "Rise."    


The white ghost s all stood up and praised Xia Lei and his wife and children in their language. When the women followed Xia Lei through the white ghost Tribe, they offered fresh fruits and fresh flowers.    


Amongst all the "visitors", the ones who felt the most complicated were the seven members of the Zodiac Clan, as well as Xia Xue and Liu Zhengnan's wife. To them, it was equivalent to suddenly coming into contact with all these, not even giving them a chance to 'cushion'. On the other hand, Xia Lei's wives had seen "movie life" before, so they knew about its existence. One could imagine how shocked the members of the Zodiac Clan, Xia Xue and Liu Zhengnan were feeling at this moment.    


A fiery light suddenly soared up from the summit of the mountain. The fiery light instantly condensed into a pair of gigantic immortal wings, spreading out to a distance of a hundred meters! Raging flames, shaped like a phoenix head and phoenix tail. In the center of this gigantic undead flamingo, there was a gentle and beautiful woman. She wore white clothes, and her skin was transparent.    


The fire phoenix appeared. She dove down from the top of the world mountain.    


Following closely behind the Flamephoenix, Hei Ni and Cai Ling also appeared. Behind the wives of the two Dark Death World s followed a large group of Angels with white wings.    


Looking at the Angel, the four female Knights were extremely shocked and excited. Their legs went weak, and they were about to kneel down. However, it was as if there was an invisible staircase beneath their knees that was as high as their knees, making them unable to kneel down at all.    


Xia Lei turned around and said to the four female Knights, "Those Angels were all created by me, my children."    


The four female knights dropped their jaws to the ground because they knew who had created the angels.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Don't let your thoughts run wild, I am not the god you are imagining."    


He would not deny the existence of the God, because it was the belief of the four female Knights. To deny the existence of the God was equivalent to denying their belief, and that was a form of harm. He wouldn't do anything to hurt them.    


Fire Phoenix, Hei Ni and Cai Ling circled at a low altitude for a few times before descending.    


The six wives on Earth stared at the Fire Phoenix, Hei Ni and Cai Ling with their mouths agape and mouths agape. They knew about the existence of the wives of the three Dark Death World s last night, but that was after all to watch a "movie".    


Cai Ling seemed to want to fly onto Xia Lei's shoulder, but Hei Ni grabbed her leg and pulled her down.    


Fire Phoenix looked at Xia Lei, "Husband, you're back." Then, she looked at the wives on Earth that stood beside Xia Lei, and revealed a smile, "Are these those six big sisters?"    


Xia Lei nodded his head, but before he could introduce Fire Phoenix, he came over and pulled Shentu Tianyin's hand.    


"Elder sister is so beautiful." Fire Phoenix smiled and said, "Every elder sister is so beautiful. Darling, you sure are lucky."    


Hei Ni and Cai Ling also came over to talk to Xia Lei's six wives on Earth.    


Earth's six wives were initially a bit nervous, but they quickly got used to it.    


"I know you're called Fire Phoenix, I didn't expect your Chinese to be so good." Fan Fan said.    


The fire phoenix said, "I come from the Dark World, where all the languages of the universe are spoken. Chinese is just one of the wives. Our husband is a Chinese, so of course I have to learn to speak Chinese. "    


"Are your wings real?" Long Bing caressed Hei Ni's wings and exclaimed, "Aiyah, it's true!"    


Hei Ni flapped her black wings and hugged Long Bing, then said with a smile, "You must be Big Sister Long Bing, your eyes are really beautiful."    


Tang Yuyan also reached out her hands to touch the floating Cai Ling, "Your wings are also real, you are so beautiful."    


Cai Ling plopped down on Tang Yuyan's shoulder and handed him a nut, "I'll treat you to some nuts."    


The scene was warm and harmonious.    


Dark Death World's wife and Star of Hope's wife were at loggerheads when they saw each other, almost fighting each other. That was why Xia Lei thought of this plan. It seemed like his plan was successful. He got what he wanted, a family reunion, a living together.    


"Let's go up. We still have sisters waiting for you." The Flamephoenix said.    


Jiang Ruyi raised her head and looked at the steep stone steps leading to the top of the mountain with fear in her eyes, "So high."    


"I'll bring my sister up." Fire Phoenix reached out her hand and grabbed Jiang Ruyi's hand. Then, she leapt up and flew to the top of the mountain.    


Fan and Jiang Ruyi's screams were left in the air.    


"Let's go up as well." Hei Ni also grabbed Long Bing and Shentu Tianyin's hands and flew up.    


Cai Ling came down from Tang Yuyan's shoulder and grabbed both of Tang Yuyan's and Liang Siyao's hands.    


Liang Siyao quickly replied, "No, no, no. You're so young, just in case ?"    


Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Cai Ling also flapped his wings and flew up with her and Tang Yuyan in an instant.    


Xia Lei turned around to face the members of the Zodiac Clan, along with Xia Xue and Liu Zhengnan, and said with a smile: "Do you guys want me to carry you guys up?"    


Xia Xue suddenly raised her hand and slapped her own face. With a crisp sound, she said, "Bro ? Am I dreaming? "    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "Just take this as a dream."    


"Boss ?" Kyoko Tsukino wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Xia Lei said: "I'll first bring you guys to meet a few old friends, then we can chat, okay?"    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded.    


Xia Lei said to the four female Knights: "Wait for me here, help me take care of the child, I'll be back soon."    


Giovanna said: "Leave it to us, Master."    


The seven children left Xia Lei and entered the arms of the four female Knights. It was indeed seven little pigs, and they were still fast asleep.    


Xia Lei brought Xia Xue, Liu Zhengnan and the members of the Zodiac Clan to the mountain forest. At the end of the path was an elegant courtyard, with green stone tiles, wooden fences, and vines that covered the fences. The gate was covered, so no one could be seen in the yard.    


"Follow me." Xia Lei walked towards the forest.    


Xia Xue, Liu Zhengnan and the members of the Zodiac Clan followed Xia Lei and arrived in front of the entrance of the forest courtyard.    


Xia Lei said: "After meeting up, do not mention death, remember?"    


"Boss, what's the meaning of this?" Erdelmtu asked curiously.    


Xia Lei said: "You will understand."    


With that, he pushed open the door.    


In the yard, a few people sitting in the yard drinking tea looked over.    


In that instant, the members of the Zodiac Clan and Xia Xue even forgot to breathe.    


Xia Lei said: "You guys chat, I have to go back to take a look, or else there will be trouble."    


No one said anything. The people here had already forgotten his existence.    


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