Tranxending Vision

C2548 First Dinner

C2548 First Dinner

As night fell, a grand banquet was held in the Dragon Palace. The loyal servant, Zhu Fang, cooked the dishes himself. He cooked over a hundred delicious dishes according to the different eating habits and tastes of the three world's matriarchs, which could be considered the entire table of the universe. The table was also specially made, made from an entire piece of energy gem. The colorful lights of energy were like the aurora in the universe, holding delicious food and delicious wine. It was romantic and warm, and it also had a unique noble and luxurious aura.    


There were only Xia Lei and his wives here. Originally, he had invited Xia Changhe and Zhu Xuanyue, who were in Zodiac Clan, to a gathering at their home, but they didn't come. In fact, it was not that he did not want to be given face, but that he had deliberately given him the opportunity to enjoy Aurora's dinner with the wives of the three realms.    


Xia Lei's gaze swept across the beautiful and amiable faces one after another. The story of him and them flashed through his mind, filling his heart with happiness. If his happiness was compared to a huge vat, then this vat was already filled to the brim.    


The women picked up pairs and chatted, asking about the other world. After all, the Dark Death World's wives had never been to this world before, and the World of Hope's wives had also never been to the Dark Death World and Earth. Twenty mouths were chattering away, and the scene was like a flock of birds in a meeting in the woods.    


Xia Lei was not surprised at all by this situation. Three women being together was already an incredible feat, but 20 women being together was even more so. Their voices were a little noisy, but he could hear them as if they were nature itself. Yes, what could be more pleasant than the happy conversation of a beloved woman?    


Xie Fang who was wearing an apron and Brain Amido who was dressed decently walked into the dining room.    


"My God, my God, my matriarchs are so beautiful, so holy and noble that I thought I had come to the palace of the goddess. "And my master, you are even more dazzling than that star ?"    


Xia Lei coughed, "Get down to business."    


"My most beautiful master, is there anything else I can do for you? If not, I'll go back and accompany my wife. "    


Fan Fan Fan asked in surprise, "Does a robot also have a wife?"    


"My beautiful and noble mistress Fan, my wife is called Yue Nu. It is also an artificial intelligence, I will bring it to meet the matriarchs tomorrow."    


"Alright, alright. I must bring it with me." As Fan Fan said this, he secretly thought to himself, "I must bring this artificial intelligence to the Grand China. If our Grand China can create this kind of artificial intelligence, then we will be invincible!"    


However, she ignored a question. In this universe, what artificial intelligence was stronger than her husband? Not only did it feel good, even the Brain Amido s were blessed with the luck of having today's culminate evolution.    


The Brain Amido bowed politely, then said, "My esteemed masters, matriarchs, and children have all fallen asleep. Seven young masters from Earth were sleeping in one room, guarded by nursing droids. The Star of Hope's summer little master is sleeping in a single room, and she also has a special plastic guarding robot. "    


Jiang Ruyi said, "Why don't you put the summer together with our child? The children will love their brother. "    


Brain Amido smiled, "Esteemed matriarch Ru Yi, there are some things that you are not aware of, and this is for your safety."    


Jiang Ruyi said: "Do they know how to fight? It's normal for kids to quarrel, it's no big deal. "    


At this time, Santissima, who was sitting beside Jiang Ruyi, used her arm to touch Jiang Ruyi, and then placed a metal spoon on the table into her mouth. Just when Jiang Ruyi was puzzled as to why her little sister with a tail touched her once, yet didn't say anything, Santissima took out the spoon that was placed in her mouth.    


The spoon emitted green smoke, and the part of it that was impressively missing disappeared, leaving only a metal handle.    


Jiang Ruyi's mouth was agape, and she was shocked speechless.    


Santissima replied politely: "My child's summer poison is many times stronger than mine, this is the reason why we can't play together."    


Shentu Tianyin felt a chill down her spine, "Then, then it's better to not let them be together."    


Xia Lei said: "Good Fang, do you have any other matters with the Amido?"    


Brain Amido said: "From last night to now, public opinion in the Western World, led by the United States, has been surging. A large number of unfriendly remarks have been directed at you and Grand China. Some hawks in the United States and the West even threatened to use nuclear weapons to destroy you and the Grand China, while some conservatives proposed economic sanctions against the Grand China and your company. These are all reports from the Earth that I've collected. Master, do you want me to paralyze their information network? "    


Xia Lei said: "No need, let them cause trouble, all of you can leave now."    


"Yes." Brain Amido and Yi Fang left the dining hall.    


Fan Fan said angrily: "Those fellows who play the game of democracy, are they the masters of this world? Waving democratic flags and robbing the world with dollars, while bombarding it with warships and planes. "Now, they actually dare to say something about using nuclear weapons against us. What's the difference between that and a villain?"    


She is particularly sensitive to political issues because of her political status. This was also the reason why other women were angered when they thought it was nothing.    


The Flamephoenix said: "Husband, why don't we stop Heroic Fang from bringing the Suspension City's battle droid army to battle? The easiest way to shut the enemy up is to kill him."    


Xia Lei said, "This world is very small, different from the Dark World and the World of Hope. Even though this world was in war, it was just a small fry. I moved the Seventh Fleet to the Great Maha desert. America, which had always assumed itself as the world's leader, would naturally make a sound. If they didn't dare to say anything, public opinion would open fire on them. Let them make a fool of themselves, if they really dare. "    


Fan Fan Fan asked worriedly, "Hubby, what if they punish Rayma Group and our economy?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "When I was wandering in the other two worlds, I had always had an idea or a dream. I wanted to bring the technology from the other two worlds back to Earth to help the humans on Earth develop. They want to punish us? It was just a pipe dream. After a while we'll go to Mars and build a permanent base and develop Mars. We'll recruit volunteers from all over the country, and we'll give them free accommodation, food and jobs, and I believe we'll have no problem mobilizing a million people to go up there. "    


Fan Fan said excitedly, "Sure! I'll ring up the report when I get back. The entire human race was dreaming of landing on Mars, but that was just a fantasy. This is good, we can be at the top of the world. "    


Jiang Ruyi laughed and said: "Of course, why don't you see who our husband is?"    


The human plan to develop Mars was finalized at this table, in the form of lovers' conversations. Later historians named the dinner First Dinner, a far cry from the world-famous Last Dinner, which represents the first step on Earth.    


However, the historians of the later generations did not record what happened next. This was already giving the Chief Sovereign some face.    


"Husband, when are you going to take us to see the world on Earth? You said you were going to take us shopping in the cities on Earth." Diao Chan brought up the topic in another direction.    


"I want to buy some rouge powder." Daqiao said: "I've used up all of my inventory."    


Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "You guys have already started your evolution, why are you still applying rouge and cosmetic powder? You don't need to apply those things."    


Xiaoqiao rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "You don't want to bring us to the world of earth to shop, right?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


The Flamephoenix said, "We also want to go take a look. Husband, bring us along with you."    


Cai Ling became excited for no reason, "Is there a nut shop on earth? I'm going to buy nuts, husband, give me a dime. Being your wife is really poor, only having treasures and no money. "    


The restaurant erupted into laughter.    


If that was the case, only Cai Ling, this kind of rich wife, could say such words. Any treasure from the Suspension City, would be a priceless treasure, yet she was still crying about her poverty.    


Xia Lei had a slight headache. He said: "You should all know what kind of situation you will be facing once you go down. "I need to make some preparations first. I'll take you guys down when I'm ready."    


Six and a half wives from Dark Death World all pouted their lips. A new world was in front of them, and they wanted to see it, to see what it was like, but their husbands refused to take them. They could not think of anyone who was stronger than their man, so they felt that as long as he wanted to bring them there, there would definitely be no problem. Therefore, after Xia Lei said this, they were no longer happy.    


Women were emotional creatures, so they, who came from the Dark Death World, were no exception.    


Xia Lei changed the topic, "About that, are you done eating? "Tonight ?" After a pause, he shamelessly asked, "Where do I sleep?"    


"I'm going to see the children." Shentu Tianyin stood up and said.    


"I'll go too." Tang Yuyan also stood up.    


The six wives from Earth first left the dining room. They were deliberately being polite, wanting to give Xia Lei to the sisters from the two other worlds in order to show the broad bosom of Earth's women. This was something that they had agreed on long ago.    


"Let's go back as well." Lan Ji'er stood up and said.    


Star of Hope's wife, Tian Ji also left the dining hall. It wasn't that they could give Xia Lei up to anyone, they just didn't understand the situation and didn't want to fight a rash war. After all, there was a Fire Phoenix within the seven women from Dark Death World that he couldn't afford to anger.    


"Let's go back as well." The Flamephoenix stood up.    


Soon after, Dark Death World's wives also left the dining hall. The wives of the three nations had always been good to Xia Lei, but they had always avoided him when he was sleeping. They were all worried about the child in their stomachs. Who would dare to serve a godlike man?    


In the end, only Xia Lei remained in the dining hall.    


Xia Lei stared blankly at the dining hall by himself, and only after a long while did he say a single word, "Is this the reunion that I've been waiting for? Who did I offend? I have twenty wives, but I can't even find a place to sleep ? "    


At the same time.    


In the distant interstellar world, the silent starry sky suddenly trembled ?    


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