Tranxending Vision

C2600 It was as if he had seen a ghost …

C2600 It was as if he had seen a ghost …

The gazes of all the women in the room fell onto the service robot. All of them were filled with surprise and doubt.    


"Who asked you to deliver this letter?" "What message did you bring?" Lan Ji'er asked anxiously.    


The service droid didn't answer her.    


The arrogance of the service robot angered Lan Ji'er. She who had a fiery temper immediately stood up from her chair and slapped him. What made her lose control was not only the service robot's arrogance, but more importantly, the fact that she, the real Ice Queen, had returned but the Ahimis did not recognize her.    


Xia Lei grabbed her hand and said gently: "You are already a mother, why are you so angry? I'll go take a look. You guys eat first. "    


Only then did Lan Ji'er heave a sigh of relief, and said: "We'll wait for you to come back before we eat."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, then turned to the service robot and said: "Do you really need me to follow you to speak?"    


The service robot said, "Yes, sir, please follow me."    


Xia Lei stood up and followed the robot server. His first instinct was that it had something to do with the fifth day, but he thought better of it. On the fifth day, she could use her Pagoda s to directly connect with the Hua Xia Tower through "hyperspace". He did not need the service robot in front of his at all. Moreover, it looked very ordinary. It was one of those cheap civilian robots.    


So who allowed this cheap service robot to transmit information, and what was the message?    


Xia Lei's heart was actually filled with curiosity as well.    


The service robot brought Xia Lei into an elevator and arrived at an office on the top floor of the Qian Wang Hotel.    


It was a large office, but not an office.    


It was called an office because it had an office desk and a desktop holographic computer. There was even an antique bookcase with a lot of old paper books on it. That it wasn't an office was because it had an indoor swimming pool and a small bar.    


A man from Ahimis was lying down in the bathing pool. A few women from Ahimis and humans surrounded him, waiting on him. Some fed him fruits, some massaged his shoulders, and some dived into the water ?    


It had to be said, this was an exciting scene.    


When Xia Lei saw the Ahimis man's face clearly, she was stunned on the spot.    


The person who was lying in the bath was none other than Lan Ji'er's father, Lan Mu. Just a few hours ago, he and Lan Ji'er had paid their respects to him in front of his father's grave, and Lan Ji'er had even given birth to Xia Mu Sheng in front of his grave. However, in the blink of an eye, this fellow was actually lying in the bath and enjoying such an eye-catching beauty bath!    


However, this father Lan Mu was a bit younger than the father Lan Mu he met before. Judging from his appearance and age, as well as his biological information, it was true that he was Lan Ji'er's father, but he should be the father of a twelve to thirteen year old Lan Ji'er.    


This Lan Mu was obviously drawn from the past space-time. Was it the fifth day?    


Xia Lei guessed it to be the fifth day, but he could not guess the fifth day's motive. He was in the distant Godess Galaxy, where she had been for tens of thousands of years. A few tens of thousands of years was enough for her to use the Creator's methods to revive the Spirit Race Civilization. Then, why did she want to revive Father Lan Mu?    


"Mr. Lan Mu, he's here." The service robot said.    


The biological information matched, and even the name was the same. The middle aged man lying in the surf pool was really Lan Mu.    


He almost shouted "father-in-law" out of Xia Lei's mouth, he couldn't help but think about how happy Lan Ji'er would be if he saw her father returning to the mortal world. But emotions were emotions, and reason was reason. Even if this Ahimis man was the real father Lan Mu, before finding out the truth, he would never call him "Father-in-law". Moreover, the other party's interception point was different. This father Lan Mu obviously did not recognize him as his "son-in-law". It wasn't just him who was a "son-in-law", but this father Lan Mu in front of him didn't even know his current daughter, Lan Ji'er.    


Lan Mu waved his hand, signalling with instructions.    


The service robot that brought Xia Lei here turned around and left, and the middle-aged version of Lan Mu's father crawled out from the bath.    


He caught a fish, but the fish ran away when he stood up.    


Xia Lei looked at Lan Mu's father who was climbing out of the bath, and a thread of Source energy quietly stuck its way into Lan Mu's body. The sliver of Source energy very quickly returned the biological information that he wanted. This middle-aged man in front of him was only thirty-five years old, and there was no darkness energy existing in his body, nor was there any aura of death.    


This discovery surprised Xia Lei, but he quickly understood. He thought to himself, "He must be Old Man Lan Mu, the person who intercepted me during the fifth day and copied my power on the fifth day. She already has the ability to solve the problem that the past-man only has for a hundred days."    


This middle-aged Lan Mu had obviously lived here for more than a hundred days, which meant that he was not the kind of past-man who could die suddenly at any time, and would not live past a hundred days no matter what. He is the same as Daqiao and Diao Chan, the past-man who can live on like this and live for a hundred years. "    


"Hey!" "Kid." Lan Mu didn't even bother to tie a bath towel, as he walked towards Xia Lei with large strides.    


Xia Lei did not mind this middle-aged version of Lan Mu calling him a little brat. In his heart, he treated this middle-aged version of Lan Mu as his father-in-law. He responded with a smile from his middle age version of Lan Mu's father.    


The middle-aged version of Father Lan Mu glared at Xia Lei, "You motherf * * king ? Was it deaf or dumb? When I talk to you, you also want to talk, not giggle and nod. "Look, stand up straight. Tell me who are you and what are you doing here."    


Xia Lei also frowned, this kind of attitude, even a real father-in-law would not use this kind of attitude to speak to his son-in-law, right? Also, what surprised him was that the middle aged Lan Mu had such a bad temper. Or had the comfort changed him?    


In Xia Lei's memories, his father was a craftsman who was greedy for money, but was an outstanding craftsman. He was a respectable man who worked together with Lan Ji'er to earn money back for half an incense worth of time. However, this father Lan Mu in front of him was like a rich and overbearing scoundrel; he was lustful and lustful, he enjoyed luxury and he was tyrannical and barbaric. Just when he had discovered the middle-aged version of Lan Mu's father, he couldn't help but think of Lan Ji'er. He had an urge to call Lan Ji'er over to have a look, but now, he hesitated.    


If Lan Ji'er were to see this kind of father, what she would receive would not be the joy and bliss of father and daughter reuniting, but instead a terrible feeling, even a nightmare!    


The middle-aged version of Lan Mu's father did not speak either. Xia Lei's second silence clearly angered him. He waved his hand and punched towards Xia Lei's lower abdomen, not forgetting to curse in rage even as he made his attack, "Damnable foolish human being! "Go to hell!"    


Xia Lei reached out and grabbed his hand, only then did he say the first sentence, "Who I am is not important, what's important is that you asked your robot to call me here for?"    


As he asked this question, his energy field had already activated.    


The middle-aged version of father Lan Mu struggled free from Xia Lei's right hand, and suddenly punched towards Xia Lei's face.    


Xia Lei grabbed his hand once again, and said indifferently: "This is only a third matter. If you attack me again, I won't be polite anymore." With that, he shook off Lan Mu's hand.    


Lan Mu's body suddenly tilted to the side before he managed to maintain his balance. He revealed a trace of fear towards Xia Lei's strength, but he quickly calmed down and walked naked towards the archaic looking desk. A woman came to him with a towel and was about to wrap it around him, but he roughly pushed her away. You bitch! My body can only be touched when I allow it. At any other time, you will never touch it! Get lost! "    


The woman obediently withdrew, her eyes full of fear.    


Lan Mu operated the interface on the table's computer, and then a monitoring image appeared in the air above the desk in the form of a projection mapping.    


Xia Lei was very familiar with this scene, because this was the private dining hall for his wife and children. Tranquility and Gu Kewen were also there. The two women seemed a little nervous and cautious in the picture.    


The hotel was monitored, which was normal.    


And in this short amount of time, Xia Lei had already caught Lan Mu's thoughts and secret.    


"Human, are those your women?" Lan Mu looked at Xia Lei, his eyes shining with a threatening glint.    


Xia Lei suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Yes."    


Lan Mu's finger nodded in the midst of his projection mapping, and his posture was as though he was ordering dishes, "I want this black-winged, this two transparent, this Ahimis woman, and this long-winged woman. Then, he picked up a cigar, lit it, took a puff, and blew the smoke towards Xia Lei's face, "Give me your price."    


This was the so called information and motive of the middle-aged version of Lan Mu's father. He had his eyes on Xia Lei's woman and wanted to take his for himself. The ones he chose were Fire Phoenix, Yuan Taimei, Cai Ling and Hei Ni, as well as Lan Ji'er. But he obviously did not know that Lan Ji'er was his daughter.    


However, as a father, even thinking about such thoughts was a crime! Disgusting!    


However, Xia Lei still could not completely blame him, because he had just discovered that the memories of this father Lan Mu in front of him were not complete. After he was resurrected, the people who resurrected him did something to his brain.    


"Name your price." Lan Mu spat out another mouthful of cigar smoke at Xia Lei's face, "Otherwise, the price won't be anymore, I'm going to shoot!"    


Xia Lei took a deep breath, "If you take back your words now, we could still be safe and sound. If you continue like this, I'll really be rude to you. "    


Just as he finished speaking, a cigarette butt flew out from between Lan Mu's fingers and crashed onto his forehead.    


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