Tranxending Vision

C2610 Opening his face? In his previous life?

C2610 Opening his face? In his previous life?



The gigantic stone pillar that required around twenty to thirty people holding hands to surround the World's Stone collapsed with a loud bang, and it turned into pieces of flying ashes. Without waiting for his feet to hit the ground, Xia Lei punched towards the other pillar.    




Another stone pillar collapsed and flew away. The stone pillar that was thousands of meters tall suddenly turned into dust and fell from the sky.    


Xia Lei's intention was simple, he wanted to collapse this godly temple so that the "door curtain" would no longer exist. However, he destroyed two enormous stone pillars. That godly temple was still standing tall, and didn't even tremble. The strangest thing was that the two World's Stone pillars that were almost able to hold up the sky were rebuilt in the blink of an eye, just like how he did when he arrived. The World's Stone powder that was disintegrated by the Source energy fell back to its original position without waiting for the floor to become stone, and the stone was also used to make the stone pillar.    


After a seemingly negligible pause, the mysterious magnetic field pulled Xia Lei's head into the godly temple's "door curtain".    


The darkness came without end.    


The entire world seemed to have vanished, only Xia Lei remained. He could not see any temples, nor could he see the fifth day. In fact, he could neither see nor feel anything. The feeling of loneliness came like a tide. It was as if the universe was just him, nothing but him.    


However, he didn't lose his consciousness. On the contrary, he was incredibly clear-headed. His eyes did not close, but he could not see. He could even breathe and feel his heart beating. He was normal in everything else. What was abnormal was this space world.    


"Come out!" Xia Lei roared, as he wanted to summon the fifth day's flesh and blood clone.    


However, his voice did not spread out. It was all stuck in his throat. That feeling was akin to a person trapped in a nightmare. He wanted to shout, but was unable to do so. He wanted to struggle, but his body wouldn't obey his commands, so he couldn't move.    


Suddenly, a ray of light appeared in front of him. It wasn't far, just a few steps away. Two seconds later, the line of light rapidly expanded before suddenly opening.    


It was actually a door.    


Light shone in from the door, brightening Xia Lei's eyes.    


This was a gorgeous room, the walls were made by World's Stone, the floor was covered with amber energy gems. The walls were flowing with blue energy, and the ground was flowing with colorful energy, as if they were living on a rainbow. Every piece of furniture and accessory in the room was incomparably exquisite. Regardless of whether it was its own value or its artistic value, it was both peerless and peerless.    


Xia Lei found him lying on a bed, wearing a white robe.    


A group of women walked in from the door that had just been opened. All of them were of the spirit race, and they were tall and slender with long legs, no hair, and no faces.    


Xia Lei suddenly crawled up from the bed.    


The group of spirit race women swarmed over and stood obediently in two rows in front of the bed. Some of them were holding shiny golden basins filled with clear water, some were carrying towels, some were carrying toiletries, and some were carrying clothes and boots.    


As they stood there, the skin of their faces suddenly moved back from their cheeks.    


It was like the special effects of a movie. They had a pair of deep blue eyes, a pretty nose, bright red lips, and delicate, crystal clear ears.    


This change stunned Xia Lei for a moment. The only spirit race he came in contact with was the King of War, Axis, and the Six Creators. In a sense, these weren't normal clansmen. However, the girls in front of him were the real clansmen. He had seen their "opening their faces" before.    


"Master." The Spirit Race girls cried out in unison, using the language of the Spirit Race. Their voices were clear and melodious.    


"Master" caused Xia Lei to wake up from his "door curtain" and the "open face" of the Spirit Race girls. Subconsciously, he raised his hands and was shocked to see his own body.    


His body was no longer the body he was familiar with, but the body of a man of the spirit race.    


His line of sight followed a mirror carved from a black power gem beside the bed. He could see himself reflected in the mirror. His face was also one of the spirit race, and it wasn't completely open. It only had a pair of deep blue eyes!    


"This... It must be a dream! " He closed his eyes.    


He closed his eyes for a split-second. He saw his face in the mirror. His face had disappeared. There was no face. After closing his eyes, he could no longer see through the darkness. It was as if he had just entered the shrine's' curtain '.    


With a single thought, his ability to see through things was awakened. When the darkness disappeared, he once again saw the face in the mirror, but there was still no face. He also saw the sisters from the Spirit Race still standing modestly in front of the bed, waiting to serve him.    


This was not a dream. If this was a dream, then why was it that everything before his eyes didn't have the slightest hazy feeling? There was no change at all.    


He then opened his eyes. Everything was still the same. This was not a dream.    


He suddenly thought of when he was in Dark Death World. Shenyue Ruyi had brought him to a blood pool, and told him that he could see his past life from that blood pool. That time, he saw a face without a face in the pool of blood. At that time, he suspected that he was mistaken, but now ?    


Now, he still wasn't sure if it was an illusion.    


"Master, let us help you get up." A maid reminded him in a crisp voice.    


Xia Lei suppressed all the emotions in his heart, and said with a heavy voice. "Put this down, and then, all of you can leave."    


"Yes." No one questioned Xia Lei's instructions as all the maids put down the items in their hands and left the room.    


Xia Lei jumped down from the bed and arrived in front of the black mirror. He looked at the faceless face in the mirror, and the skin of his face flowed behind his head. What was revealed was not the spirit race's face, but his own. As he "opened his face", his body was also changing rapidly, returning to its original state.    


The situation surprised and confused him, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.    


If his face was the face of a clansman, then he would suspect that he was a clansman in his previous life, or the descendant of an ancient god who created the 'mechanism'. But when he opened his face, he saw his own face, which meant that he was not of the spirit race. Although he didn't understand what was happening in front of him and where he was, he was still a lot more at ease after confirming this point.    


Human, this was an identity that he was unwilling to give up no matter what.    


He sealed his face, and he became a faceless spirit race member. Only a pair of deep blue eyes could be seen. After that, he made another attempt. He suddenly extended his hand to grab a gem vase beside the black mirror. The Source energy was released from his palm, and the gem vase instantly disintegrated into sand and scattered onto the counter.    


The Source energy also did not disappear, which meant that he did not return to his previous time and space.    


"Could it be whose absolute domain this is?" A thought suddenly emerged in Xia Lei's mind. He thought of the fifth day, but rejected it in the blink of an eye.    


The fifth day was simply not that powerful. If it was an absolute domain created by the fifth day, he would be able to see through it and even destroy the absolute domain of the fifth day! However, he couldn't find a single flaw in this world. Everything was so real that he couldn't find any traces of it!    


"Could it be ?" Xia Lei's heart started to beat violently, "Um ? the existence that created the World's Box? "    


It was not surprising that he could think of this. If there was anyone in the universe that could control him like this, then the only existence that could create the World's Box would be this.    


On the fifth day he had said he would find the answer when he entered the temple, and now it seemed that the fifth day was not a lie. His current situation, as well as the mysterious environment in front of him, had given him a foretaste of how he was on the way to finding the answer.    


What would happen next?    


He had no idea, but he had calmed down.    


He took the clothes that a servant girl from the Spirit Race had brought him and changed his "robe." Then, he put on his boots, cleaned himself up briefly, then pushed open the door and walked out.    


The door opened and his vision widened.    


A black pyramid that was tens of thousands of metres tall entered his field of vision. He was stunned for a moment.    


Other than the Tomb Pyramid, his field of vision was filled with countless magnificent buildings. There were temples, altars, and even buildings that he did not know the uses of. Those buildings were tens of thousands of meters tall, and around them were countless civilian buildings. At first glance, the city looked like the city of God. There are not only ordinary people living in this city, there are also gods.    


Then, he felt something he had seen before. He thought to himself, "This ?" Isn't this the Origin City that was rebuilt because of me? "    


When he arrived, the Origin City ruins within a few hundred kilometers radius were reconstructed. However, he did not tour the entire area, but only took a direct route. However, he had seen about a third of the places he had seen, so he had this feeling that he had seen something like this before. Only, the Origin City that was rebuilt for him did not have any Tomb Pyramid. If there was, how could he not see a Tomb Pyramid that was tens of thousands of meters tall?    


He also saw where he was, at the entrance to a palace. The palace was a thousand meters tall, and it was dazzling in gold and jade. It was magnificent, and every part of it emitted a luxurious aura. However, it was not the only palace in the area, it was only one of many. It was also not the most majestic and luxurious palace. The most majestic and luxurious palace was around ten thousand meters tall and stood right beside the Tomb Pyramid. If the Tomb Pyramid was assumed to be a god, then the palace should be the king's!    


A man of the spirit race suddenly walked over, bowed and said, "Great God of war Tituafiz., I was fortunate enough to find some clues."    


God of war Tituafiz.?    


A clue?    


These two keywords, however, gave Xia Lei the confusion of the ocean!    


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