Tranxending Vision

C2157 "It's harder to pick up a girl than it is to pick up a girl."

C2157 "It's harder to pick up a girl than it is to pick up a girl."

Dong, dong, dong.    


Xia Lei knocked three times on the door, then calmly waited.    


"Who is it?" Daqiao's voice came from inside the door.    


Xia Lei spoke out, "It's me, Big Sister."    


"Who are you?" Daqiao's voice.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


He marrying Xiaoqiao was because he had to do so under extreme circumstances and under the gaze of so many people, while Xiaoqiao used her mouth to block the tear in the Yin-iron-coat s on his chest. That was the reason why Xiaoqiao had to marry him. If not for these reasons, marrying Xiaoqiao would not have been so easy. Contact, familiarity, attraction, nurturing of feelings, and then a mutual love after the marriage talks. This process would at least take half a year and a year, right?    


However, he did not have the time. No matter what, he could not be like a normal person, spending half a year and a year to pick up girls, then getting married and drinking milk.    


But now, if he wanted to drink Daqiao's milk, he didn't have a reason to marry him;    


However, he had never been a person who feared difficulties. He had come to meet them head-on.    


The door opened and Daqiao appeared behind it. She was dressed in simple clothes with bright eyes and white teeth, and a beautiful face that was like a crescent moon. The word "beautiful" was carved on her from head to toe.    


Opening the door, Daqiao did not say anything, and avoided Xia Lei's gaze. Actually, she knew that Xia Lei was knocking on her door, she was afraid to see him, but she still opened the door. This was her contradiction. Xia Lei was a spear, she was a shield.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Elder sister, are you not going to invite me in to have a seat?"    


Daqiao gave way, but stared at the cloth in Xia Lei's hand, and asked curiously: Dragon King, why did you bring a piece of cloth over?    


Xia Lei walked in, and said while he walked: "Elder sister, I heard from Xiaoqiao that you, a female, are very good, and that I need a new set of clothes.    


"Huh?" Daqiao was startled for a moment, then anxiously said: "That won't do, Xiaoqiao is also good at women, she is your wife, you should find her to do this kind of thing, you should find me ?"    


"What's the matter?" Xia Lei stared into her eyes.    


Daqiao inhaled slightly, as if she had made some sort of decision, "This is inappropriate. Take the cloth back, I won't sew clothes for you."    


Xia Lei casually placed the black cloth on the table and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't sew it for me. This cloth is not bad, you can make yourself a set of clothes."    


Daqiao glanced at the cloth again, her face was filled with disdain, "Which woman is wearing black? I don't want it. "    


Thus, Xia Lei was unable to find any topics to talk about. He had a headache. From her conversation with Xiaoqiao, he knew that she clearly liked him and had a close relationship with him. But when he got near to her and specially come to his to chat up her, she was extremely reserved and restrained her every word and action, refusing to take that step.    


Daqiao was also silent, she could not find anything to say. Xia Lei made her nervous, but she seemed to like that feeling. He liked him by his side, even though she was embarrassed and nervous. She knew that if she were to ask Xia Lei to leave her room, he would definitely leave. Even so, Xia Lei was a spear while she was a shield.    


"Elder sister, I ?" Xia Lei broke the silence.    


"What?" Daqiao's voice was soft. She lowered her head and looked at her toes.    


"I... "Nothing."    


A hint of disappointment flashed across Daqiao's eyes, she didn't know why.    


Xia Lei secretly cursed himself for being useless, but he was very clear that he was trying to seduce girls from the Three Kingdoms, not modern ones. Those hands that he was good at were of no use in front of a woman like Daqiao. This was a famous woman from the three kingdoms who truly saw money as dirt. As long as she nodded, it wouldn't be a problem for her to eat wild vegetables with you. If she didn't nod, then even giving her a gold and silver mountain wouldn't be of any use. She also did not buy into the romantic way. Romantic methods of picking up girls would also lose their luster before her year. Therefore, he had intended to say the words "I like you", but he had swallowed it due to all these misgivings.    


"About that, if the Dragon King is fine, then please leave. Our identities are different, it's not the same whether you stay in my room or not." Daqiao said, and then added, "Mn, take the cloth back as well."    


This was an order to expel him from the city.    


Xia Lei pulled open his robe a little, revealing his chest that had been smashed by Shenyue Ruyi. He had a bitter expression that said "Sister, look, my battle uniform is already broken like this. Do you really want me to show off or even go and face a strong enemy?"    


Daqiao's gaze fell upon Xia Lei's fair and jade-like skin that was exposed, yet as firm as an iron cake. After a single glance, she shifted her gaze away in a fluster and her face flushed red, "Y-you, quickly cover yourself up, and reveal your breasts in front of my big sister ? If you continue to be so frivolous, I ? I will leave this place! "    


Fortunately, I'm not dying to show you.    


If she had also been hung on the branch like Xiaoqiao, things would have gone awry.    


Xia Lei's head was already big enough, but facing such a pure and strong lady like Daqiao, romantic methods were completely useless. He did not dare to use force against her, this was the first time he tried to seduce a girl with so much difficulty. In front of Daqiao, he even started to suspect if he was really that ugly. Otherwise, why wouldn't he be able to settle things that he had casually done in the past?    


The super brain was running at top speed, trying to find a reason, trying to find a way. His brain had even started to simulate the conversation between him and Daqiao, what he said, what actions he would take to attract her, how he would gain her favor, etc.    


Daqiao took the black cloth and shoved it into Xia Lei's hands, "Dragon King, please go back. If you don't leave, I really don't know where to start."    


Just at this time, a "ding" sound suddenly came out from Xia Lei's brain, and a ray of light mysteriously flew past his super brain.    


"Sigh!" Xia Lei sighed, and turned to walk to the door.    


Daqiao's lips moved a little, as if she wanted to stop him, but in the end, she didn't say anything.    


"One is an immortal flower garden, the other is a flawless jade garden. "If you say that there is no such thing as destiny, then you will meet him again in this life. If you say that there is such a thing as destiny, then how can your mind become hollow?" Xia Lei mumbled to himself as he walked. His voice was filled with sorrow and magnetism.    


"Dragon King, this is ?" Daqiao could not help but shout out.    


Xia Lei turned his head and looked at her, his eyes filled with sorrow from being trapped in love, "Elder sister, these are just idle rumors I sent out, sorry to trouble you, but I will be leaving now."    


If Cao Xueqin was also captured, and heard Xia Lei recite his poems, he might even pounce over and fight with Xia Lei.    


This was the spirit light that had flashed through Xia Lei's super brain, the spirit light that was as bright as a shooting star.    


Xiaoqiao was a martial artist and liked unparalleled heroes, and he was the father of unparalleled heroes. However, Daqiao was different. Although Daqiao was also known as General Yun Xia, her martial arts was just a normal show and she couldn't even go onto the battlefield. In the Middle Earth, every time an order was given to go to war, the one to lead the troops to battle on the battlefield was also Xiaoqiao, not Daqiao. She was actually a gentle, virtuous, and intelligent woman, not a martial arts woman. Therefore, how could she pursue such a woman without knowing any coquettish poems?    


Money could not attract her, and peerless martial arts could not attract her. Only literature would be able to do that.    


He wasn't a poet and couldn't compose poems, but he was an Earthling of the twenty-first century, so how could he not know how to compose poems? He just had to carry it!    


Daqiao looked at Xia Lei in a daze, his cherry lips muttering, "One is a fairy from the Heaven Garden, the other is a beautiful jade that has no blessings. If you say that you have no destiny, then you meet him in this life; if you say that you have a destiny, then how can your mind become empty? This... I... "You ?"    


It had to be said that Xia Lei's choice of Cao Xueqin's poems was perfect, and more or less matched his and Daqiao's current situation. Baoyu had feelings, and Daiyu also wanted to, but unfortunately, they couldn't be together. Right now, he wanted to plead for the phoenix, but she had always been restrained by worldly etiquette and had never been able to take that step. Just the word destiny, how much suffering had it caused to men and women?    


Xia Lei continued to walk towards the door, and casually recited another line, "What is love in this world? Straight to life and death. North and South of the sky, the two flyers, old wings several cold summers. Enjoying the fun, parting and suffering, there are even more foolish children. Jun Wu Yi said: "A thousand miles long sea of clouds and a thousand mountains full of snow, to whom should I send my shadow?"    


"Dragon King, you ?" At this moment, the expression in Daqiao's eyes changed, and a little more water appeared in her pitch-black pupils.    


Xia Lei's footsteps did not stop moving, and he had already reached the door.    


"Dragon." Daqiao was completely unaware that her way of addressing him was already missing a greeting and there was an extra bit of intimacy in it, "Is, is this what you just blurted out again?"    


Xia Lei turned to look at her, "Elder sister, have you ever heard others call you by your name before?"    


Daqiao shook her head.    


Of course, she had never heard anyone read it, because the poet had not been born yet.    


Xia Lei grinned, "Sorry, that disturbed big sister's peace and quiet, I was just saying it out loud, don't mind big sister, I will be going."    


After he finished speaking, he opened the door and left, leaving behind a lonely shadow.    


Daqiao was still stunned, she murmured the poems that Xia Lei had just recited, "In this world, what is love? Straight to life and death. Two Flyers from Heaven, South, and North... What was the next sentence? Aiya, damn it, how could I have forgotten to copy it down? This is the best poem I've ever heard. "I really didn't expect him to be so powerful ?"    


She did not notice that her cheeks had turned rosy red.    


Xia Lei walked ahead for a while, turned around to take a look, and became a little depressed, "Why aren't you chasing after me? It doesn't make sense. "    


He waited for a few minutes, but Daqiao still did not catch up.    


It's not scientific.    


Just at this moment, the Chief Sovereign suddenly shook.    


Xia Lei injected a bit of soul energy and activated the energy brand within the ruler. A projection mapping appeared on his wrist.    


"My master, please come to Bronze Finch Palace, our scout robots have sent back information!" The Brain Amido's voice carried a hint of excitement.    


"I'll be right there!" Xia Lei strode towards the direction of the Bronze Finch Palace.    


A few minutes after he left, Daqiao walked out of her door, looking left and right, "Where is he?"    


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