Tranxending Vision

C2150 Close to the truth

C2150 Close to the truth

Over the next three days, more than a dozen more deaths occurred. Most of those deaths were from soldiers of Shu. They were not much later than the past-man s of Changsha Country, even before they came to Suspension City, there were still people who died mysteriously. They had not been in the Suspension City for long, so even if Xia Lei could find a way to increase their vitality and physique, the effect would not be very obvious.    


Every time a past-man died, he would inevitably think of Daqiao and Xiaoqiao. She was worried for them, afraid that they would also suddenly die, and make all that he had done for them go down the drain.    


However, he was just worried. He didn't give up trying. The negative events also didn't affect his plans.    


Three days later, near the dark gorge.    


Xia Lei broke through the energy barrier of the Suspension City, leaving one point five degrees behind, and landed on the peak of a large black mountain.    


The top of the mountain was covered with a thick layer of snow and ice. The cold wind howled, as if it wanted to take away all the heat in the world. Looking into the distance, the wind and snow covered one's eyes. They could not see the Central Earth City nor the mysterious canyon.    


To find out why the Suspension City couldn't fly out of this place, he had no choice but to investigate the dark gorge that teleported to past-man. The answer could very well be hidden in that canyon.    


A projection mapping appeared on the ruler on his right wrist. It was a holographic map of this mountain. And there was also the sound of "Call!" Call! The owner of my Dual Blessing? Call... "    


"I heard you. Speak." Xia Lei said snappily. He became even angrier when he heard the word "virtuous arts and talents".    


"That gorge is to the west of you, all the way to the west. About five hundred kilometers."    


Xia Lei replied: "Got it."    


The ruler was not only Axis, the King of War's weapon, but was actually a multi-functional technological equipment. Not only does it control the entire Suspension City, it can also be used as a communication device. It still had many other functions, but Xia Lei had not developed them yet. It represented the highest level of technology amongst the clansmen. Using it as a weapon was an insult to the clansmen.    


"Are you sure you don't want your brave good man to accompany you on your expedition, master of my Twin Cups of Virtue?" A pleasant voice.    


"No need. Also, don't use the word 'virtuous pair' again from now on. I hate that word." Xia Lei could not hold it in anymore.    


"Ugh ?" "Alright, I am the master of an unparalleled hero." Then, He Fang changed his name.    


Xia Lei cut off the timely communication, then leaped down from the mountain peak. Gathered his Natural energy wings, he flew westward along the canyon at the foot of the mountain. On his right wrist, the ruler provided him with a projection mapping. That projection mapping had a route that had been marked out for him.    


The Suspension City was right behind him, flying at an even slower speed. He controlled the ruler, which meant he controlled everything about the Suspension City. He could make it fly as fast as he wanted it to, and it would stop whenever he wanted it to. At this moment, the Suspension City had become his City of Remote Control.    


His initial plan was to let the Suspension City fly to that valley and then observe it from the sky, but before leaving, he changed his mind and decided to use this method to approach that dark valley.    


If there was something wrong with one place, then there might be something wrong with the surrounding area as well. This was the reason why he suddenly changed his mind.    


At the foot of the mountain, the canyon was covered with black rocks and the terrain was rugged. A deathly green river flowed along the riverbed within the gorge. The flow was very slow, and even though it flowed from the steepest part of the earth to the lowest part, its speed was still strangely slow.    


"This dark green river was left behind from the valley where the Defasisy resided. From the direction of its source, it seems to be passing through the dark valley and the middle earth. Why is it that I can't see this dark green poisonous water in the middle earth?" Xia Lei's heart was filled with curiosity.    


After flying forward for a distance, Xia Lei stopped at a cliff.    


A pale green river flowed past him, slowly pouring down into the valley beneath the cliff. The flow of air gave the impression that the cameraman had deliberately slowed the lens of the camera. However, the dark green river water didn't seem thick. They should have been rushing down it. However, it just slowly flowed down, which was impossible to explain.    


Xia Lei casually picked up a black boulder, and the Yin-iron-coat on his palm slid upwards a little, revealing his palm. Although he no longer had to wear the Yin-iron-coat anymore to freely move about in Dark Death World, proper disguise and concealment were still necessary.    


After his palm was exposed, Xia Lei injected a bit of Nai Yuanli into the black volcanic rock. Seemingly at the same time, his brain gave an analytical result based on the information gathered by the Nai Yuanli.    


This kind of rock contained a few weak Death Energy s, but these kind of Death Energy were of a very low level, so existences like these Defasisy s would have no value at all. Even to blue moon man who once preyed on humans, it was of no value.    


However, the moment the rock entered his hand, it started to move, wanting to absorb the energy from the past that had evolved from drinking Xiaoqiao's milk!    


Of course, it couldn't absorb the past energy from his body, but this magnetic field existed.    


"So that's how it is!" Xia Lei became slightly excited, "These black rocks are naturally born with a whirlpool that absorbs energy. Many of the black mountain ranges gathered here, and their small magnetic fields converged to form a large magnetic field that formed a scale at a certain place. After slightly controlling it, one can draw in past-man s from different time and space. The Middle Earth, the Middle Earth was right beside that dark canyon, and that dark canyon should be a large scale magnetic field that could absorb energy! That's why they are continuously drawing in past-man, the things from the past, and why they are able to rebuild the destroyed Middle Earth City! "    


His eyes followed the pale green of the river.    


A drop of dark green river water floated up, and a sliver of the Nai Yuanli was injected into the drop of water.    


A new parsing result appeared.    


This dark green spring water was not the dark green spring water from the Star of Hope and the Nirvana Sento. The latter was not pure, it was highly toxic spring water that had been diluted and "contaminated". The dark green spring water here was extremely pure. Not only did it contain a stronger poison, it also contained a stronger ability to devour life!    


Most importantly, this spring water contained a type of energy that nourished the black rocks. The black rocks that had been soaked in this spring for a long time would have a stronger magnetic field when absorbing energy from the past!    


Although he did not know what the name of this black boulder was, Xia Lei already had a very fitting name in his heart, and that name was ? Stone of the past.    


There was also the poisonous spring water. Its name should be "Spring of Death".    


"There should be a large lake formed by the Spring of Death in that dark canyon. Even if it's not on the surface, there should be an underground lake formed by the Fist of Death. Then, could that be the true nest of the Defasisy? " The results of the two analyses gave Xia Lei such an idea, and getting close to the truth also gave him a bit of an excited feeling.    


The spring of death that was floating in the air fell into the waterfall, the pale green waterfall slowly fell down the cliff.    


Xia Lei jumped up from the cliff and continued to fly towards the west. This time, he increased his flying speed. He couldn't wait to fly to the canyon and take a look.    


With a flying speed that was several times that of supersonic speed, he was able to leave behind a distance of over 400 kilometers in the blink of an eye.    


For a moment, the ruler on his right wrist trembled. On the projection mapping map it projected, a destination marked with a red dot wasn't too far away.    


Xia Lei descended onto another mountain peak, then made the floating city stop its flight. To rashly let Suspension City follow him into the dark canyon was not a wise decision.    


In fact, didn't even need to remind the Chief Sovereign King because he knew that he was already very close to his destination, because the energy field here had already become stronger after absorbing the energy. As he expected, there was definitely a lake that was made up of the Spring of Death, or perhaps an underground lake.    


After making the Suspension City stop and observing him for a while, Xia Lei started walking towards the dark canyon. It would definitely not be a wise decision to dive into the Dark Canyon at a speed several times the speed of sound before finding out what was inside.    


The cold wind blew, causing snow to fall from the sky. Dark clouds covered the sky above his head. Could it be that a terrifying black lightning bolt had struck down? And in the direction of the Middle Earth, there was another total solar eclipse under that sky.    


This place was filled with a strange aura.    


Door of the Dark World, where is it?    


At this very moment, the Suspension City was experiencing something else.    


Within the Cauldron Palace.    


"Little sister, Long has been gone for a long time. Why hasn't there been any news yet?" This was the very first sentence Daqiao had said after finding Xiaoqiao.    


Xiaoqiao said: "Men have their own matters to handle. He is a godlike man, I understand him, so I am not really too worried about him." At this point, she suddenly burst out laughing, "My good sister, do you think it's appropriate for you to be so concerned about my husband in front of me?"    


Daqiao was stunned for a moment and then her beautiful face blushed red. Then, she slapped Xiaoqiao angrily, as if she was angry and said, "I, I ? Dragon is also my family, what do I care about him? "    


"Yes, yes, you and him are a family, of course it's nothing to be concerned about." Xiaoqiao said in a strange tone: "Is that so? My good sister. "    


Daqiao immediately frowned. She clenched her fist, wanting to hit Xiaoqiao again, but was too reluctant to do so. She knew that Xiaoqiao did not care about how concerned she was about Xia Lei, and she also knew that Xiaoqiao was doing this to help her get to know Xia Lei, but in her heart, there was always a feeling that she could not get over it.    


"Elder sister?" Seeing Daqiao not saying a word, Xiaoqiao could not laugh, and asked with concern: "Elder sister, what's wrong?"    


Daqiao suddenly turned and ran out, and did not say a word.    


"Elder sister, elder sister?" Xiaoqiao shouted.    


Daqiao's footsteps paused for a moment, but it was only for a moment, and she was already running away without turning her head back.    


Xiaoqiao stood alone at the door, looking confused, "Did I say something wrong?"    


On the ground, Xia Lei had already arrived at one of the entrances into the dark canyon.    


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