Tranxending Vision

C2174 eye of the dead

C2174 eye of the dead

He did not know where he was, nor did he know how far away he was from the Suspension City. Xia Lei stopped, he quietly felt the direction of his body, and realised that although he did not know how far he had flown, he could clearly sense the existence of his body.    


As long as he could sense the existence of his body, his soul would be able to return to his body in an instant. He had come here because of an "idea." To return to his body, all he needed was an "idea."    


The seven-colored soul stepped on the black ground and slowly walked on it. There wasn't even a speck of dust in the air.    


"There's no life force, nothing that can move. It's endless. How can I find that fragment?" Xia Lei stopped and the annoying question popped up in his mind again.    


Even if one wanted to answer this question, ten to a hundred years wouldn't be enough for an answer.    


Xia Lei squatted down and placed his soul's palm on the black ground.    


The black earth had no temperature, but because there was no water, it did not freeze.    


Xia Lei reached out and grabbed a rock. It was hard but very light. He felt a little strange as he exerted a little more strength in his hands.    


Ka-cha! *    


With a light sound, the seemingly solid rock exploded in his hand, turning into black powder that scattered in all directions. One portion fell to the black ground, while the other remained suspended in the air, slowly floating away into the distance.    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with surprise, "Is the Death World's stone so fragile? it feels like a fake rock. "    


When the word fake came out of his mouth, Xia Lei's mind suddenly flashed with a ray of inspiration!    


"This is the Death World. I understand the Death World through the sight and sensation of a living person. My starting point is wrong. Death World, how can it be the same as the world I'm familiar with? The place I am going to is not far away, nor is it in the sky, but underground! " This was the connection brought by the inspiration, Xia Lei could not help but smile.    


The rainbow-coloured soul suddenly disappeared from the black ground. In the next second, Xia Lei who was lying inside the World's Stone's coffin opened his eyes.    


This was the speed of the soul. Although he did not discover anything of value when he went out this time, the inspiration and association that he had just obtained was of great significance to him!    


Xia Lei crawled out from the World's Stone's sarcophagus and entered the energy channel s to enter the lower city.    


When he came out of the energy channel s, he saw Diao Chan climbing up cautiously.    


The altar was tens of metres high, and the stone stairs were steep. To ordinary people, it was a very dangerous path, but it was also the only way for Diao Chan and Diao Chan to enter the city.    


"Aiyo, be careful. Don't fall down." Xia Lei's figure flashed and appeared beside Diao Chan. After that, he embraced her small waist and brought her to the top of the altar in an instant.    


Only now did Diao Chan clearly see that it was Xia Lei. She held onto her well-developed chest and let out a long breath, "Dragon King, you nearly scared me to death. That strike of yours just now was even more frightening than climbing the stone stairs myself. "    


Xia Lei said: "It's very dangerous for you to climb on your own, go find the Amido when you go back, get it to build an elevator beside the altar, I said that."    


Diao Chan blinked her eyes, "What is an elevator?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Go and tell it, it will understand."    


"Yes." Diao Chan replied and looked around to confirm what it was. She then quickly took out an alloy milk bottle from her sleeves and stuffed it into Xia Lei's hands, "Dragon King, I secretly squeezed this at my father's house. Take it, I'll squeeze it for you tonight."    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "Diao Chan, you're so good, thank you."    


Diao Chan's face slightly blushed, but her eyes were filled with tender love. "Dragon King, no matter what I do for you, I'm willing."    


Xia Lei laughed, the hand around her waist gently squeezed, "Quickly go back, I will come to find you tonight."    


The waist of the man was like the waist of a woman. These two areas were not easy to touch. If he touched it, that would mean their relationship would be different.    


"Go, go. From now on, take the elevator back in and out. Don't climb the stone stairs again." It's time for me to go to Ghost Tribe as well. There is a very important matter that I need to take care of. " Xia Lei said, wiping some oil to show his sincerity and then stopping.    


Diao Chan made a blissful gesture towards Xia Lei, "I shall respectfully escort Dragon King Majesty out."    


Xia Lei laughed and flew down.    


Diao Chan looked at the handsome figure of her back disappearing in the blink of an eye. After being stunned for a while, she finally said, "He touched my waist again, is that good or bad ? "But is that all you have?"    


If Xia Lei heard this, he might even fall from the sky.    


"Mr. One, it's been a long time since I've seen you." In Ghost Tribe, Xia Lei suddenly appeared in front of him.    


Xia Lei had not come to the Ghost Tribe for a very long time, so of course You Xue couldn't see him.    


In truth, Xia Lei could cancel Ghost Tribe, and let all those who had died rest in peace. However, he did not do so. In his eyes, even if it was a dead person like the white ghost, they were still a different kind of life, so he would rather waste the Suspension City's energy and continue to maintain the existence of the white ghost.    


And it was because of this kindness that the white ghost would reward him as he deserved.    


Right now, You Xue did not know that she had become the key person to solve the problem.    


"You Xue, quickly come with me. I have something important that I need your help with." Xia Lei pulled You Xue's hand and headed down to the city's exit.    


"Mr. One, what do you want me to do for you?" You Xue asked curiously.    


"You'll know soon enough. Just follow me." Xia Lei did not explain.    


You Xue did not ask, but she could not help but be curious, because in her eyes, Xia Lei was as godly as a god. There was nothing she could not do, what could she do for him?    


Xia Lei immediately brought You Xue out of the Suspension City.    


This was the first time You Xue had seen the Death World, the starry sky of death, and the black colored earth.    


Xia Lei said: "You Xue, tell me, what did you see?"    


This was the reason why he brought You Xue here. In Death World, only those who were dead could see the truth, but only the dead could see the truth.    


You Xue sized up everything in front of him, and only after a long while did she say: "I saw the dead stars, and this black earth, hm?"    


Her voice suddenly stopped, and her eyes were filled with surprise.    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat, and he said anxiously: "Quickly tell me, what did you discover?"    


You Xue did not immediately return. She seemed to be uncertain. But she was still staring at that place, and the expression on her face was getting stranger and stranger.    


Xia Lei looked in her direction, but aside from the black ground, he didn't see anything. But he did not urge You Xue to tell him what she saw. He had to give her some time.    


Sure enough, after about a minute, You Xue pointed in that direction and said: "Mr. One and only, in that place, on that ground ? There's a hole. Did you see that? "    


Xia Lei looked carefully in the direction she pointed, but other than the black ground, he saw nothing. He asked again, "You Xue, tell me how far is the hole you saw?    


"Probably... It's a few kilometers away from us, it's huge, much bigger than the lower city we live in. " You Xue described the scene she saw, "There were countless grains of sand falling, it was like a waterfall ?"    


Xia Lei's gaze locked onto that place. Although he did not see any hole, he still believed You Xue's words. You Xue would never lie to him, not now, and not in the future.    


"One and only teacher ?" You Xue's voice suddenly contained a hint of fear, "I, I, I still saw ?"    


Xia Lei became nervous, "What else did you see?"    


You Xue pointed at the ground beneath his feet, her voice trembling. "I can still see the sand and rocks beneath our feet flowing in that direction, will we fall down?"    


Xia Lei's line of sight locked onto the ground beneath his feet, and started the projection mode. But the ground he saw did not move. However, his brain had already constructed the relevant scene according to You Xue's description ? ? The black ground was slowly moving, and all of the soil, sand, and rocks were pouring down from the enormous hole.    


The moment his soul left his body, he had already guessed that the Dark Death World was underground, and not just in the sky and on the ground.    


"Mr. One, I'm a little scared." You Xue's voice.    


Xia Lei comforted her: "Don't be afraid, I'll be by your side. "Come with me. We'll take a look around the hole."    


"But ?" We'll fall. " You Xue still could not overcome the fear in her heart.    


Xia Lei pulled her hand, "Follow me."    


Even though she was very afraid in her heart, You Xue did not resist as she allowed Xia Lei to pull her by the hand and walk towards the hole that she saw.    


As they were walking towards that hole, the two engineering robot s had already received Xia Lei's orders and came over. Together with Xia Lei and You Xue, they moved towards that hole.    


Xia Lei said: "You Xue, can you see these two engineering robot s?"    


You Xue was startled, "Of course I can see it, Mr. One, what do you want to say?"    


Xia Lei was also embarrassed by his own question. He said: "Wait a moment, I will let the engineering robot pass. Just watch if they fall or not."    


"Yes." You Xue replied.    


Xia Lei increased his speed and very quickly reached the location of the hole that You Xue had mentioned. Without waiting for him to continue walking forward, You Xue grabbed onto him and said anxiously: "Don't go over there, we are already very close to it. If you continue going over there, we will fall down."    


Xia Lei carefully observed the ground again, but the ground beneath his feet still remained unmoving. He gave the order and a engineering robot walked towards the hole. Staring at the engineering robot, he kept thinking of one question: Will it fall?    


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