Tranxending Vision

C2179 I saw a ghost!

C2179 I saw a ghost!

I saw a ghost!    


After twenty-four hours, Xia Lei stepped on the black sand and dirt and headed towards the edge of the hole. The Suspension City had already risen into the air and entered a state of one point five degrees, unable to be seen.    


All the preparations had been made, and he was just waiting for him to enter the underground world.    


The black sand, mud and rocks slowly poured down, but no sound was transmitted. At the bottom of the hole, the sky was empty. All of this gave off a strange aura.    


Although he had made all the preparations, he was still a bit nervous as he was going to enter an unknown world.    


"How can you get a tiger without getting into the tiger's den? "Damn it, even if it's a real hell, I still want to go down there and walk around!" After saying that to himself, Xia Lei leaped up and pierced down towards an arrow.    


17.23 kilometers behind him, he dove into the pale yellow sky. The moment his body tore apart the sky, he encountered a small obstruction. It was as if he had used a blunt instrument to pierce through a balloon. However, it was just a strange feeling. There was no other uncomfortable feeling.    


As he rapidly descended, the air rubbed against the Ares suit. The oxygen and dust in the air burned due to the friction, making him look like a meteorite falling from space. After entering the atmosphere, Xia Lei's field of view was much wider than the one he obtained last time with the Desire Energy.    


He saw with his own eyes the dark gray of the earth, the strange sea of clouds and the endless sea.    


He was soon surprised to find that he could not see the extent of the planet. He entered the atmosphere, thousands of kilometers from the ground. At such a height, if it was a planet like Earth, he would be able to see the arc of the sphere, but he didn't see it. The grayish black of the earth and the black of the sea stretched forward indefinitely, always on a horizontal plane.    


He did not see the city, he did not see the village, but he did not exclude the existence of intelligent life, because the black scorpion was unforgettable in his mind.    


Xia Lei selected a valley with a flat ground from the sky. There, mountains were surrounding it, and its surroundings were a continuous stretch of black mountain ranges and forests. The ground within the canyon was extremely flat, and was overgrown with weeds, suitable for the Suspension City to land on. This place was secretive enough to reduce the risk of Suspension City being discovered leaving the lower city.    




Xia Lei descended into the valley, but he did not immediately control the Suspension City to descend. He looked around warily, making sure he was safe.    


Silence reigned in all directions. Occasionally, a gust of wind would blow across the mountains and forests, making a humming sound. Insects were called in the grass, and their cries resembled the cries of crickets on Earth. Occasionally, he would hear the roar of a wild beast. The roar was filled with anger and hostility, as if it was a warning to someone or a wild beast that had invaded its territory. Other than these sounds, there was no other sound.    


If it were not for the ice-cold and despairing greyness and black color that made people here, and the color of the grass, forest, mountain range and sea that should have, Xia Lei really would have suspected that they were on Earth or some kind of planet.    


After observing his surroundings, Xia Lei raised his head and looked towards the sky. He couldn't see the hole, nor could he see the black waterfall pouring down. He could only see the faint yellow sky, it was just the sky, there wasn't even a fake star in sight.    


The sky was covered with grey clouds, all in strange shapes. They kept extending out of his sight, and he couldn't see the end of it. Due to the obstruction of the atmosphere, Xia Lei was also unable to see through the holes several thousand kilometers above. He was standing in this valley, and his perspective was only that of an ordinary human being. He was no longer standing in the clouds and looking down at the earth with his divine vision.    


"There shouldn't be any problems. If there is any danger, even if I don't see it, I should be able to feel it." Xia Lei thought in his heart. He raised his right arm, preparing to activate the Chief Sovereign and let him enter this world.    


Rustle, rustle, rustle ?    


An unusual sound suddenly came from behind him.    


Xia Lei decisively ended the thought of guiding the Suspension City to this valley, and turned around to look in the direction of the sound the moment he heard it.    


A rabbit ran out from the gray grass. It also saw Xia Lei. Its upper body stood upright, and a pair of long ears stood up. With a pair of grey eyes, it stared at Xia Lei, and was extremely cautious, as though it was on guard.    


Xia Lei was sure that he said he saw a rabbit, because all its characteristics were the same as the rabbits on Earth. Other than the eyes, the eyes of the rabbits on Earth were mostly red, as bright as rubies. The one in front of them, however, was black, completely black, without a single trace of white in his eyes. It gave the impression that it was carved out of black crystal and then installed in its eye sockets.    


One man and one rabbit stared at each other.    


Three seconds later, Xia Lei suddenly moved. Swoosh! He rushed to the rabbit's side, extended his hand out and grabbed the rabbit's long ears, grabbing it and lifting it up from the grass.    


Catching a hare with his bare hands was very hard for ordinary people, but it was nothing for someone like him who had evolved at a super level. If he couldn't catch her, that would be an accident.    


The rabbit struggled violently, kicking on Xia Lei's arm with its legs, trying to break free from Xia Lei's imprisonment. A sharp cry came from its mouth. It was not very loud, but it strangely spread very far.    


Xia Lei's eyes jumped, his eyes instantly entering the scanning mode. He could see inside the rabbit's body. Its heart was beating and its blood was black. Its lungs were also doing expanding movements as it breathed in air. More importantly, it had a strange life force on it.    


It was tiny, with a dark element.    


Suddenly, B.Rabbit opened his mouth and bit towards Xia Lei's wrist.    


That was no longer the mouth of a rabbit. Its sharp black teeth shone with a cold light. It was extremely dense, like the mouth of a shark and the teeth of a shark!    


Ka-cha! *    


The rabbit bit onto Xia Lei's wrist, and a few of its teeth snapped.    


There were no traces left on Xia Lei's wrist, even Shenyue Ruyi was not able to destroy a Ares suit that was using the technology of the Spirit Race, let alone a rabbit. This was also the reason why he did not dodge.    


The rabbit suddenly turned around and opened its mouth again. Its tongue suddenly shot out from its mouth straight towards Xia Lei's face.    


Its tongue was sharp and long, like an arrow!    


Xia Lei smashed the ground with his right hand and then stepped on it. The black blood splattered everywhere, and the ferocious rabbit was suddenly reduced to a pile of meat paste.    


Xia Lei had never thought of killing it, but the attack power it displayed was just too strong. Furthermore, it made him feel disgusted, so he casually killed it.    


"If a rabbit is so ferocious, wouldn't it be even scarier if it were a bigger beast? Where are the higher ranked intelligent beings? " Looking at the rabbit meat sauce on the ground, Xia Lei's heart suddenly became heavy.    


He knew nothing about this new world. If a rabbit was so fierce, then he could imagine the clues he would need to find that piece of debris in this new world.    


Sou sou sou!    


The sound of something tearing through the air suddenly rang out. It was the sound of arrows or javelins flying at high speed.    


Xia Lei subconsciously dodged and observed, but he did not see any arrows or spears. However, he could feel the fluctuations of the dark energy. There was no powerful dark energy, but there was an extremely large amount!    




No arrows or spears could be seen, but clusters of sparks were produced on Xia Lei's body. In that instant, his body was pierced by at least a hundred arrows or spears!    


Xia Lei's gaze quickly swept across his surroundings. The forest was still the same, but aside from the trees and weeds, he didn't see anything else!    


There were enemies and weapons, but he could not see anything!    


He suddenly thought of You Xue, and remembered the hole in the black ground. He could not see it, the Suspension City's energy detection and monitoring system could not see it, but You Xue could, because she had a pair of eyes of a dead person!    


This was the Dark Death World, it was completely different from the other universe! In order to explore this world, the first thing he had to do was to solve the problem of how to see those things!    


Sou sou sou! "Woosh, woosh, woosh ~ ~ ~"    


More arrows and spears flew towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei released her and his Flaming Heraldry Shield, shielded them in front of him with his shield and then rushed towards the forest at the side as he quickly slashed the Frost Blade in his hands. Wherever the blade went, trees fell to the ground. He didn't even see the body of a wounded enemy or an enemy.    


"Boom!" "Boom!"    


The sound of huge footsteps could be heard. It seemed like there was something huge approaching, but the ground didn't shake at all. It gave him the feeling that he was in a movie theater, that his enemies were hiding inside the screen, that all the sound was transmitted from speakers, and that all the weapons that flew toward him were 3D in effect.    


However, he actually felt a sense of danger. Sparks were constantly being emitted from his body, reminding him that this wasn't an illusion, it was real!    


Xia Lei was preparing to leave, he couldn't fight in this kind of battle.    


Suddenly, a blue shadow flew from the top of a mountain peak and appeared in front of him.    


Shenyue Ruyi also came.    


Xia Lei slashed out with his blade.    


Xia Lei did not know how Shenyue Ruyi managed to follow her here, but he knew that if he did not kill her now, he would be in big trouble.    


"Wait!" Shenyue Ruyi suddenly retreated backwards, his speed was extremely fast, "Follow me!"    


Xia Lei was immediately stunned.    


"Boom!" "Boom!"    


The loud sound approached quickly.    


Arrows rained down on him.    


Shenyue Ruyi had already instantly flown back to the mountain peak he came from, so the pure energy individual's speed should be one of the fastest in the universe.    


Coming, leaving after a few words without attacking. Her actions seemed to be because she was afraid of something, so she did not dare to stop.    


Xia Lei ended his hesitation, stepped on the ground, and with a whoosh, he flew quickly towards Shenyue Ruyi.    


Crash! *    


A piece of ink-like dark energy suddenly appeared from thin air, and rushed past the place Xia Lei had just landed at.    


Xia Lei turned his head to look back, but he still didn't see anything.    


I saw a ghost!    


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