Tranxending Vision



2 181 - Women are Trouble, but this is Fate.    


Once the passageway was opened, entering and exiting would not be a problem.    


Xia Lei brought his former sworn enemy back to the black ground, but he did not immediately bring Shen Yueruyi into the Floating City. After all, she was his sworn enemy from the past. He couldn't believe her completely just because of a single conversation.    


"What's on it?" Xia Lei asked.    


"Nothing." Shen Yueruyi said: "It is world of death's Skin."    


"It's the sky of world of death?" Xia Lei was surprised.    


Shen Yueruyi said, "world of death devours cosmos all the time, and after devouring, there will be the black ground that you see now. My understanding is that Skin, and the place we were at just now is the real world of death."    


Shen Yueruyi's metaphor was very likable, but Xia Lei felt that the nice metaphor was even more accurate — — sh * t.    


The world of death devoured the world of the cosmos all the time. Planet after planet, civilization after civilization, it ate so much.    


"Di Faxisi was only guarding a vortex of energy. It used the characteristics of that vortex of energy to create a meso earth. After Lan Yue was destroyed, it added a past-man to the recipe."    


"There are many existences like Di Faxisi. world of death is so big that you can't even imagine it. Just like the cosmos world that you came from, so far no one has been able to fully explore the world of death, including the Spirit Race. "    


"The spirit race came as well?" Xia Lei thought about how he accepted the skeleton. That guy was probably eating meat in Floating City's warehouse.    


"I've been here for a while. There were more than one batch, and all of them have failed."    


"Why did the Spirit Race come to the world of death?"    


"I don't know about that. I don't know much about the culture of the spirit race and spirit race either. If I remember anything, I'll tell you. "Now you can go back. Give me some time, and I will find something for you that will help you see what you want the world to see." Shen Yueruyi said.    


"You want me to wait for you here?"    


"I know your city is close by, but you obviously don't want to take me in." Shen Yueruyi said flatly, "But I can understand you."    


"You would have done the same, right?" Xia Lei said.    


"Yes, after all, we have been enemies for so long." Shen Yueruyi said, "That's why I need some time to gain your trust. You also need some time to accept me. Trust me."    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment before nodding, "Okay, I will wait for you here. The next time you come, please let me see your true sincerity. "    


Shen Yueruyi looked at Xia Lei deeply but didn't say anything. After that, she turned around and threw herself into the hole.    


The thing she was looking for was in the world of death.    


Looking at the flowing black waterfall, a strange idea suddenly popped into Xia Lei's mind, "This hole …" Damn, could it be that it's from world of death … The anus? "    


The thought disgusted him.    


Returning to the Floating City, Xia Lei went straight to the copperfinch Palace.    


"My Master, I thought I was going to enter the world below, but I didn't receive any orders, and you've returned. What happened?" Liu was eager to know what had happened.    


Xia Lei said, "I encountered an attack and the plan is temporarily cancelled."    


"My God, how long are we going to stay on this shit?"    


"My Master, what attacked you?" Zhi Kuami Duo said.    


Xia Lei said, "Give me the energy receiver. Once I construct what I see, you will know what attacked me."    


A ball of blue energy fell down from the golden dome. It was the energy receiver, and it could receive signals from the brain. It looked very much like the jellyfish on Earth, blue and transparent.    


From this energy receiver, it was easy to see just how strong the spirit race people's understanding and control of energy was. If we compare human on earth's civilization with that of the Spirit Race, then the former should be a man with a mountain top, and the latter should be Americans.    


The jellyfish shaped energy receiver enveloped Xia Lei's head, and the relevant information stored in his brain was quickly transferred. A projection mapping appeared in the air, and within the projection mapping stood a person. It was precisely the female night watchman that Shen Yueruyi had simulated.    


Her body was completely transparent, without any Clothes concealment. Her body was exquisite and exquisite, with angry twin peaks, a full round buttocks, a pair of deep blue eyes, and a bright, cherry like lips s. Her body gave people a strange and strong temptation.    


"What the f * ck is this?" He looked very surprised.    


Xia Lei said: "night watchman, Shen Yueruyi said that she is night watchman, world of death's intelligent life."    


"Shen Yueruyi?" He Fang was even more surprised.    


"She said she's willing to follow me and help me accomplish that mission, but that's on the premise that I help her survive," Xia Lei said. He told her the reason for their meeting, as well as some of the content of their conversation.    


"So that's how it is, wait for her to come, I want to scold her a bit. "Oh my god, my beloved has died in her hands!" He Fang ground his teeth.    


Xia Lei didn't say anything. He was also secretly glad that he was in the world of death. If he was in the Star of Hope world, he would definitely not accept Shen Yueruyi. This was because the mother, Lan Jier, and Kang Tunuonuo all hated Shen Yueruyi to the skies, and he had to stand on Wife's side no matter what.    


"She's just a former type, the real Shen Yueruyi has been killed by the great Master." Zhi Kuami said something else, but it regretted it the moment he said it.    


"Do you want to fight?" Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, He Fang entered a battle state.    


"Enough!" Xia Lei stopped him.    


Then, he shut his mouth.    


Xia Lei continued, "Shen Yueruyi said that the spirit race had also come to the world of death to explore, and not just once. I believe what she said. The one in front of the skeleton in our house is a spirit race member. I told you all this because I wanted you to start an investigation. Good, go ask that skeleton, use meat as a reward, let it tell its story, then you organize it and give it to me. "    


"Roger that, my perfect Master." He Fang said humbly.    


Xia Lei then said: "Amido, search the library again to see if there are any missing pieces of Books from world of death. In short, you must think of a way to find any information on night watchman."    


"Understood, I'll do it right away." Zhi Kuami Duo responded.    


After the mission was given, Xia Lei left the copperfinch Palace. When he went out of the door, he wanted to find You Xue and study her eye structures. However, before he could make a decision, Diao Chan appeared at the head of Corridor and walked towards him.    


Seeing Xia Lei, Diao Chan couldn't hide the joy in her heart. With a sweet smile on her face, she quickened her pace and called out from afar, "The dragon king majesty."    


This clear and crisp sound was like a jade plate filled with rolling beads. It was so pleasing to the ear that it could make a person's bones go soft.    


Xia Lei saw the gauze in her hands, and then he remembered what happened last night. He wanted to drink someone's milk, so he sneaked into their room in the middle of the night. In the end, they were unable to squeeze themselves out because their hands were injured, so he could only do it himself …    


At that time, every Details in the scene, including her eyes and voice, would make Xia Lei's heart race and his lower abdomen warm up just thinking about it. As for that thing, it had risen up from the ground, and was filled with fury.    


"As expected of one of the four great beauties, a peerless beauty whose name hasn't declined for thousands of years, a natural seductress …" Should I have taken this goblin? " Xia Lei couldn't help but be confused. If he could still control himself before last night, then after last night's hand-to-hand combat, he was already on the verge of losing control.    


Actually, he knew that Diao Chan intentionally cut through the finger and got injured. As a woman from the Three Kingdoms, she was able to take the initiative to do this. However, he understood her intentions. Weren't women of that era just looking for a husband to teach? Politics, fame, etc. To the women of that era, they were really nothing.    


Diao Chan came to Xia Lei's side, legs slightly bent, hands folded on her waist, timidly said: "body of concubine pays his respects to The dragon king majesty."    


The other party was just a blessing gift, but Xia Lei extended his hands and supported a pair of lotus arm. With a smile, he said, "Aiya, I didn't say it, there's no need to be so polite."    


Diao Chan's cheeks turned slightly red, "His Majesty has the body of ten thousand men, so how could body of concubine dare to be rude?"    


To be honest, this feeling of being a king was not bad, especially when a peerless beauty like Diao Chan was trying to curry favor with him. Xia Lei sighed in his heart. No wonder so many people wanted to be emperor. If he was just a peddler, wouldn't mink cicada have just brushed past him? At most, he would just take another look because he was good-looking.    


If a man had the ability to control his entire body and the right to control the fate of all living things, he could have any woman he wanted. Since ancient times, there had never been love without a reason, nor had there ever been hate without a reason.    


They looked at each other without making a sound, but sparks seemed to appear in the air, as if the two who were staring at each other could be ignited at any moment.    


In the end, it was Diao Chan who was no match for him. She said timidly, "Your Majesty, you... "Why are you looking at me like that for?"    


Xia Lei grinned and said, "You're so pretty. You're so pretty."    


Diao Chan pursed her lips and smiled. It was hard to hide the joy in her heart. Her voice suddenly became even softer, "body of concubine woke up early in the morning. There was a big rise there and it felt uncomfortable. I thought His Majesty hasn't had breakfast, so …"    


Thus, he personally delivered it.    


Xia Lei felt warm inside. He grabbed Diao Chan's hand and said, "Go to your room. Your hand is injured. I can't bear for you to do it yourself. Let me do it."    


"Yes." Diao Chan replied softly, her blush spreading to her neck.    


It was at this time that Daqiao, Xiao Qiao, walked out from the end of Corridor.    


"Husband, body of concubine is waiting for you to have breakfast." Xiao Qiao's voice said, "Come over here quickly."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


This was probably the King's trouble, as there would always be fights between women in the harem.    


It was the same in TV dramas. Xia Lei had never watched it before, but now, he was the main character.    


As Daqiao and Xiao Qiao slowly walked over, the two pairs of eyes of eyes were full of caution and displeasure.    


Xia Lei sighed in his heart, "I am exploring in the world of death, why am I in trouble with women again?"    


This was fate.    


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