Tranxending Vision

C2544 We are representing the women of the Earth.

C2544 We are representing the women of the Earth.

The room was silent.    


Xia Lei laid on the bed without moving, the golden light on his body did not disappear, within the light shone a pure, transparent and bronze Energetic Rune. Their existence made his "Divine Spark" seem more real, and they were also reminding the Peaceful Mansion's mistresses that everything they saw was real.    


He had done what he needed to do, and it now depended on the reaction and attitude of the Peaceful Mansion's Mistresses.    


The women were silent, and the atmosphere in the room was heavy and depressing. The women first looked at Xia Lei who was lying on the bed, then looked at each other. Obviously, they wanted help or advice from others, but since everyone thought so, there was no help or advice.    


After several minutes of silence, Liang Siyao finally broke the silence in the room, "About that, you guys said ? "What should we do?"    


The ladies were still silent. Although Liang Siyao did not say anything, they all understood what she meant. Xia Lei had married six wives in the World of Hope and then married seven wives in the Dark Death World. Liang Siyao wanted them to express their opinions on what to do.    


However, how could he express his opinion in such a situation? Divorced Xia Lei? They would not even think about it. They loved Xia Lei, and it was love that came from the bottom of their hearts, from the depths of their bones. They simply could not lose him. And the love Xia Lei had for them was also a great, selfless, unforgettable, and unforgettable love. He had single-handedly created the Rayma Group, yet he gave them all the shares. In order to protect them in the Dark Death World, Xia Lei didn't compromise with the Six Creators even when he was in a hopeless situation, and risked his life to enter the beginning of the universe to find a way out. Was his love not great enough? Not only did he save them, he also saved the entire world!    


"You guys can talk. You can't just stay silent, can you?" Liang Siyao spoke and paused for a moment, before continuing, "How about we start with the order in which we get to know Xia Lei? We all have to say what we think about the woman our husband married in two other worlds, and what we're going to do next. "    


All the women's gazes were focused on Jiang Ruyi.    


"Am I the first to speak?" Jiang Ruyi immediately became nervous. Too many things had happened today and night, and her heart was still in a mess, with no ideas at all.    


Tang Yuyan replied, "You grew up with your husband, the childhood sweetheart. You knew your husband before any of us, so of course you can say it first."    


"Go ahead." Long Bing urged.    


Jiang Ruyi cleared her throat, and braced herself as she said: "Then let me tell you, this is what I see ? He had been through so much in the other two worlds, so many enemies, so many dangers, we were not with him, if only those women hadn't helped him, fed him ? We won't see our husband any more. I understand the Brother Lei, he is the kind of person who would repay a kindness that she received even if it were to drip a drop of water. The women had helped him that way, not only by giving him milk, but by fighting with him. With his personality, he would definitely repay them. So, I think... "I can accept it."    


The women's gazes shifted towards Shentu Tianyin.    


Shentu Tianyin thought for a moment before replying, "Actually, I don't have the qualifications to blame him for having a woman outside. Furthermore, she has helped him before, a woman who fought alongside him. I've done bad things to him, and I'm satisfied that he can forgive me. I don't have much hope, I just want to be with him and have a happy life for the rest of my life. "    


It was Liang Siyao's turn, and Senior Sister's expression was somewhat awkward, "I ? I've done something to hurt him, too, and I still haven't forgiven myself, and I'm not in a position to blame him for marrying those women for that reason. So, I have no objections, I just want to raise me and his child, and live a peaceful life. "    


Long Bing said: "I have no objections at all, I don't care about this at all. I just want him to wake up and recover her memories."    


Tang Yuyan replied, "I have no objections either. Although I still can't believe it, but he is almost like a god. As you have all seen, he can create angels and he can casually move American aircraft carriers to the Sahara Desert. I want to ask you guys, who can serve him alone? "    


Yes, as an ordinary woman, your husband is the ruler of two universes. A true god, what is there to be dissatisfied with? Do you still expect to have him alone? Well, you have it all by yourself, can you satisfy him for what he has and what he has?    


Because of a few words from Tang Yuyan, the atmosphere in the room became a little more relaxed.    


Long Bing rolled her eyes at Tang Yuyan, "You're already a mother, why are you speaking so impolitely?"    


Tang Yuyan's face slightly blushed, "I ? I don't believe that you guys don't want to, hmph! "    


Fan Fan said, "About that, let me say a few words, I ?" We can both accept each other. Why can't we accept our husband's women in the other two worlds? We represent the world of Earth, and we want to be magnanimous and accept them with a heart of tolerance, so that they can feel the fraternal love of the Earth sisters. "    


Leaders were leaders, and speaking in such an occasion would inevitably lead to an official's speech.    


This was the reaction and attitude of his wives.    


Xia Lei heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart, his heart filled with joy and happiness. He had treated them with great and selfless love, and they had returned his kindness and tolerance. Wasn't this what he wanted when he was reunited with his family?    


At this moment, he really wanted to get up from the bed and hug them tenderly, but he suppressed his urge. He was still pretending to be unconscious and amnesia. If he were to get up and confess now, he would be exposed.    


Shentu Tianyin's eyes became misty, "We have said so much, but our husband is still unconscious. Even when he wakes up, he has already lost his memory, he doesn't remember us at all, what should we do?"    


Once the depressed atmosphere returned to the room, the women's moods quickly dropped.    


Xia Lei was secretly anxious in his heart, "Should I wake up now and tell them that I have already recovered my memories? "However, isn't this too fake? No, I must endure it ?"    


He had to endure it for the sake of his future happiness and his blissful sexual life.    


After a few more minutes of silence, Fan Xian suddenly slapped her forehead and excitedly said, "I've thought of a way!"    


The gazes of the women instantly gathered on Fan Fan as they asked in unison, "What method?"    


Fan Fan said, "Did you forget?" We have raised a god out of our milk. Why don't we use our milk to awaken his memory? I have an intuition that our milk will awaken his memory, just as our milk helped him to evolve. "    


This was really waking him up from his dream!    


Yeah, it was they who used their milk to nurture a strong Ranker, laying a solid foundation for Xia Lei to become a god. Right now, their husband had lost his memory for some reason, but he was still a god after all. It was very possible that feeding him would awaken his memories!    


Xia Lei, who was lying on the bed, heard Fan Fan Xian's suggestion. He couldn't help but want to jump and hug Fan Fan Fan Fan and kiss him, this was simply an excellent idea, not only giving him a chance to feign amnesia, but also giving him a chance to relive his old milk!    


Without waiting for the other women to respond, Fan started unbuttoning his shirt.    


"Should I feed him now?" Shentu Tianyin's face was flushed red. Amongst the wives of the six worlds, she was obviously the most shy and most serious one. If Xia Lei was in the same room as her, then there would be no problem at all. She wouldn't mind what kind of request he had that made her feel embarrassed, but if she fed Xia Lei in front of her five other sisters, she wouldn't be able to let it go.    


Fan Fan said, "Tianyin, my husband is still unconscious. This is our chance to feed him. If he wakes up, he might not be able to drink our milk. If he wakes up and goes, who can keep him? There's only one chance, hey! Don't be embarrassed, there's nothing to be embarrassed about! "    


"En!" Shentu Tianyin nodded her head heavily and also took off the zipper on her dress bravely.    


The beautiful scenery, the fragrant milk, everything that suddenly appeared in front of Xia Lei was like a dream. He felt as if he was in a long dream, unable to wake up.    


"Hubby, you have to wake up no matter what. If you're unconscious, what are we going to do with the children ?" As Fan as he fed Xia Lei, he muttered to himself and her voice became choked with sobs.    


"Hubby, you have to recover your memories, you can't forget us ?" Shentu Tianyin fed Xia Lei a lot of food, his heart full of memories from the past.    


The women fed Xia Lei one by one and then surrounded him, waiting for a "miracle" to happen.    


"He didn't react at all! Fan Fan, is your plan useless?"    


The corners of Fan Fan's mouth curled, and he began to sob.    


But right at this moment, Xia Lei's body suddenly released a multicolored energy light. That energy light was like petals floating in the air, the entire room looked as beautiful as a dream, romantic yet realistic.    


Fan Fan immediately stopped crying.    


"Hubby?" Long Bing asked excitedly: "What's wrong with you?"    


Xia Lei suddenly opened his eyes, "Ah ?"    






"Hubby you're awake!"    


"Look at us. Do you remember us?"    


The women spoke at the same time. The scene was a bit messy, but that emotion was the most sincere emotion in the world.    


Xia Lei's eyes swept across the faces one by one, his eyes blurred, and then he suddenly sat up, "Oh my god, am I going home now? How did I get home? Oh my wives, Ah Bing, Siyao, Tianyin, Transcending Mortality, Ru Yi, Yuyan ? I missed you guys so much! "    


If the previous scene had a score of 99 points, then the rest of the scene would only add up to a score of 100 points.    


But how could the Peaceful Mansion women think about that? Xia Lei waking up and remembering them was a heavenly happy occasion for them. The women were all crying tears of joy, all of them pouncing onto Xia Lei, each one of them with endless words of love.    


The following scene was even more chaotic ?    


Anyway, it was dark, so it was better to sleep.    


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