Become a Billionaire in One Day



That's right! If Chen Yang, as soon as he had money, started to bully others as unscrupulously as Fatty and the others, wouldn't he become the person that he hated the most?    


Not to mention, Lee Yimo had always been like Chen Yang.    


If she saw it, what would happen?    


Ann Qian was speechless. She suddenly didn't know how to refute Chen Yang. Indeed, in this materialistic society, maintaining one's true nature was very difficult.    


However, it was only for Chen Yang's method. Ann Qian couldn't agree with him at all.    


If no one had any way to convince the other, then they wouldn't be convinced at all.    


"It's up to you," Ann Qian said flatly. "As long as you think it through."    


Seeing Ann Qian walk away, Chen Yang had to be in a hurry to go home because of what he had said at the banquet. There would be countless people coming to talk about cooperation with him in the next few days.    


It was time for him to work hard and learn how to do business. He could use those people to practice.    


"Sir, are you looking at my plan?"    


"Knock knock knock." Urgent knocking sounds came from the door. Accompanied by the anxious shouts of some people, Chen Yang massaged his temples with a headache.    


These people are really troublesome.    


Today, Chen Yang had read countless business planning books, but the final result was always trash!    


These people might be trying to fool him because he was still young and inexperienced, but each of them had come up with an empty shell company for him to invest in.    


He really thinks he's stupid!    


"Security, chase these people out," Chen Yang said impatiently, "I won't be receiving guests today!"    


After the chaos outside, it finally quieted down. Chen Yang, who hadn't seen Chen Yang for a long time, took a deep breath and fell asleep on his bed.    


He didn't get up until five or six in the afternoon.    


Now go home and visit your sister at the hospital. Chen Yang pondered as he walked towards the outside of the Jin Han building.    


"Mister! "Excuse me, are you the owner of the Jinhan Building?"    


As soon as they arrived at the door, a middle-aged man grabbed Chen Yang's hand and followed behind him like a shadow.    


Seeing this person, Chen Yang couldn't help but get goosebumps. Didn't I already get chased away by the security guards? Why is there someone here?    


Upon seeing this, the guards, who had observed the situation, instantly became anxious. They hurriedly rushed forward and said, "Sir, we've really kicked them out."    


"But this customer is blocking the entrance of the Jinhan Building, is this really not something we can manage?"    


With that, he looked at Chen Yang nervously, waiting for his reply. I hope this unknown gentleman is a reasonable man.    


Hearing the security guard's words, Chen Yang was a little surprised. Who the hell was it that would actually squat in front of the door?    


On closer look, sure enough, there was a sweaty buttock mark on the doorstep, as if he had been sitting there for some time.    


What kind of perseverance had made him sit there?    


Chen Yang was suddenly interested and said, "Since you're sincere, let me see your proposal."    


Was he planning on agreeing to his proposal? The middle-aged man was wild with joy as he hurriedly handed over the proposal in his hand.    


Taking over the proposal, Chen Yang opened it and quickly browsed through it. He raised his eyebrows with interest. This person was really interesting.    


It was different from the previous scheme that wanted to cheat him. The content here was filled with sincerity, and he even took out 50% of the company's shares.    




Flinging aside the middle-aged man's proposal, Chen Yang said with certainty, "Your company is about to close down, right?"    


How did he know? The middle-aged man's smile immediately stiffened. After remaining deadlocked for a few minutes, he finally spoke as though he was making a compromise.    


"Yes, yes, he's going out of business."    


The plan was well written, describing a large cake after success, but with only its own investment and no risk assessment.    


The decision to transfer 50 per cent of the company's shares was a further indication of the middle-aged man's eagerness to get an investment.    


To sum up, it is not hard to guess that it is about to close.    


"I'll keep this proposal," Chen Yang said lightly: "I'll let you know when there's news."    


Although 100 million wasn't a large amount of money for him, it didn't mean that Chen Yang would spend it on a business that was destined to lose money.    


The middle-aged man's eyes flashed with a few lights of despair. He kept thanking Chen Yang and almost kneeled down.    


At least Chen Yang did not directly refuse, right?    


"Oh yeah," Chen Yang asked casually. "How did you recognize me as the owner of the Golden Han Mansion?"    


Had his identity been exposed?    


Feeling a bit embarrassed, the middle-aged man scratched his head and explained with a smile, "Nothing much, I just heard that the owner of the Jin Han Tower is an ordinary youth."    


"Adding on your clothes, it is indeed rather …"    


Out of the corner of his eyes, he carefully looked at Chen Yang. The middle-aged man didn't dare to say anything, his eyes swept across him and the road.    


Chen Yang immediately understood.    


A youngster in an earthy and tattered sports uniform came out from this elite hall — the Golden Han Tower. It was truly a bit out of place.    


"You can just call me Mr Chen." Chen Yang didn't want to reveal his identity and said, "What's your name?"    


The middle-aged man found those words very strange. No matter what, he had been in the business community for so many years.    


In an instant, he reacted and said with a smile, "I have heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you. "    


Right at that moment, a phone rang. "Ding ding ding ding", Chen Yang waved his hand and left. He went to the roadside to check the information.    


From Xie Liang    


Liang Dazhuang and Zheng Xiaoxiao were together. They said that they would treat everyone to a meal and that everyone in the room was coming.    


Treat? Chen Yang looked at his phone in amusement. It seemed like Liang Dazhuang didn't learn from last time and still wanted to confront him.    


What could he do? It was nothing more than showing off. What else could he do? Chen Yang shrugged helplessly, then stopped talking after he replied with the word "go".    


He had never been afraid of these people.    


Not long after, Chen Yang arrived at a KTV. Upon entering, he saw the students looking at him in ridicule.    


It was as if he had prepared an unprecedented gift for his arrival.    


"Chen Yang, you escaped the last time when I paid," Liang Dazhuang said straightforwardly, "This time, I won't let you pay."    


"After all, he's poor."    


Oh? He let me go so easily? Chen Yang knew that Liang Dazhuang wouldn't let him off so easily, but he still nodded his head in gratitude.    


"Therefore, I've decided to split the expenses with Xie Liang this time." Liang Dazhuang continued and put his arm around Xie Liang's shoulders.    


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