Become a Billionaire in One Day



The people at the bottom level of the company also nodded. Obviously, Lee Feng and Liu Yunyan's words had gained a lot of popularity.    


There were still a small number of people in the company who had extreme opinions, so Chen Yang and co. naturally wasted some time in persuading all of them.    


After there was no dispute over this matter, Chen Yang made a call according to the business card Yu Laozong gave him, signaling for him to come immediately and hold an emergency meeting at the company.    


After hearing the news, Yu Laozong could no longer hide his excitement on the other end of the phone. Originally, it would have taken them an hour to get there, but Chen Yang and the rest had no idea how he got there in 40 minutes.    


"After discussion at our company, we decided that you can consider buying shares."    


Chen Yang said solemnly.    


"Great!" Yu Laozong was naturally in a good mood after hearing this news. Then, they discussed the details of the investment. This senior commercial officer was really experienced in this aspect. It only took him half an hour to settle everything, and the only things left were the contract formalities.    


"Senior Yu, from now on you are a member of our company. Welcome to our company."    


Liu Yunyan laughed.    


With a business veteran joining the company, everyone was in a good mood. Chen Yang smiled and said, "I'll treat you guys to a meal. We won't be going to the roadside stall this time. Everyone, follow me."    


"Young Master Chen, how can I let you invite him?" "I haven't apologized to you for what happened last time. I'll take this meal as compensation."    


Yu Laozong also said with a smile.    


"Senior Yu, what happened last time is already over. Now that you have joined our company, you are now one of us." We don't have to worry about these little things. Today is the first day that you've joined the company. This meal is to welcome you to join us, so naturally, it's up to us to invite you. "    


Chen Yang said.    


Since Chen Yang said so, Yu Laozong had no choice but to accept it.    


This time, Chen Yang didn't let everyone down. The handsome horse carriage took them to a five-star hotel.    


This meal was naturally enjoyable, and even Liu Yunyan had drunk quite a bit of wine.    


After Yu Laozong's investment, the company could begin construction. As for the rest, they would have to wait for the construction plans of the engineers.    


There were still a few days of free time left, so Chen Yang's team didn't want to waste it like this. Other than basic eating and sleeping, they spent the rest of their time studying business knowledge.    


However, in this tense situation, Chen Yang felt that something terrible was happening.    


This was what the steward Uncle Chen hired by Chen Yang told him. He said that Yimo seemed to have met with some troubles at school, but he didn't want to say it.    


When Chen Yang heard this news, he felt guilty and regretful for a moment. These days, he had been too busy at the company. Even when he had free time, he had invested all of his energy into studying business knowledge. They weren't even able to calm down and accompany Yimo properly.    


However, she didn't expect that something would happen to Yimo in the few days she was gone.    


The most worrying thing was that Chen Yang didn't know what had happened.    


Through Uncle Chen's call, Chen Yang found out that this girl rarely talked after returning home. She didn't even eat anything and just went to sleep after obediently finishing her homework.    


From Chen Yang's understanding of this girl, his sister definitely met with some troubles at school. And it was not a small matter, because his sister was very resilient, Chen Yang knew that.    


After dialing his sister's number, Chen Yang felt that she was in a very negative mood. Chen Yang asked her what had happened. She was always hesitant to speak, but in the end she couldn't.    


Chen Yang, who was working at the company, was extremely anxious. How could he have the mood to manage the company's business? After giving Liu Yunyan a few simple instructions, he rushed back home.    


When he got home, Chen Yang was shocked to find his sister hiding in the corner of the room, not saying a word.    


"Big brother, you're back!" When Yimo saw her brother push open the door, a flash of excitement passed through her eyes before it turned into a deep sense of loneliness and helplessness.    


"Yimo, what's wrong with you? "If you encounter something, just tell me. I'll definitely help you settle it."    


Chen Yang comforted, while his heart was filled with pain.    


"Big brother, nothing, nothing."    


Yimo said in a daze.    


All of a sudden, this girl didn't want to say anything, but Chen Yang didn't force him. Instead, he went to the kitchen and cooked a few dishes himself.    


He saw that his elder brother had personally prepared a delicious meal for him. Yimo's dejected mood finally improved a little, and a trace of a smile appeared on her face.    


"Big brother, you eat too."    


Yimo put a piece of beef between her brother's lips.    


Chen Yang smiled. No matter if it was before when she was poor or now when she was rich, Yimo was always so considerate and concerned about him.    


"Yimo, I'll go to the school with you tomorrow."    


After the meal, Chen Yang said to his sister with a smile. He must go to the school to find out what happened and what grievances his sister suffered at school. If he knew that someone dared to bully his sister, he would definitely make that person suffer.    


The dragon had a reverse scale, it was certain death if touched, and Yimo was without a doubt Chen Yang's reverse scale.    


"Big brother, no, I don't need it. I'm fine."    


Yimo said in a daze. She didn't want her brother to worry.    


Yimo wanted to say something, but this time, Chen Yang made up his mind. Li Yimo had no choice but to respect her brother's opinion.    


She only hoped that this matter could be resolved in a good way, and that this would be the best way to resolve it.    


The next day, Chen Yang sent Yimo to school early. As soon as they arrived, Chen Yang found something was wrong.    


The students looked at Yimo as if they were looking at an outsider.    


"What the hell is going on?" Chen Yang thought silently in his heart. If I was looked down by others in school because I picked up trash to make money, then now that I'm rich, Yimo doesn't need to be looked down by others, right? What was it then?    


After class, Chen Yang seemed to gradually realize something was wrong.    


A young female teacher wearing a light blue outfit walked into the classroom. When she saw Chen Yang, who was standing beside Yimo, she scolded, "Hey, you despicable son of a bitch, you still have the face to call for your family. What's wrong? Trying to vent? What do you think the school is? "    


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