Become a Billionaire in One Day



After they entered, Chen Yang glanced at Liu Yunyan's house. Although the style was a bit old, the overall decoration was pretty good. If they were to demolish her house in the future, she would have to compensate 4-5 million.    


It was no wonder that the middle-aged woman looked down on him. It was all because of money.    


Liu Yunyan sat dumbly on the sofa, not saying a word. The middle-aged woman sat on the other side of the sofa, similarly not saying a word. Obviously, she was also angry in her heart.    


"Lad, come over here for a bit. I have something to tell you."    


Chen Yang stood up and went to the balcony with Yu Shoucai.    


After closing the sliding doors of the balcony, he lit up a cigarette and asked directly, "Young man, how much did you take?"    


Chen Yang frowned, "How much is it? Uncle, I don't understand what you mean. "    


"Hehe, kid, I don't like to beat around the bush. I called you out because I wanted to tell you something."    


"Tell me, I'm listening!"    


"I know my daughter very well, you must have been hired by her for the sake of resisting the marriage contract next month. Young man, if you're friends with her, I hope that you can consider it from her point of view, that the one chasing after her is the Chief's son, and that the future of Yun Yan's life is the life of a high class person. She's still young, so she doesn't have a good understanding of the future, but you have to help her persuade her ah, and not mess around with her like now, understand what I mean?"    


Yu Shoucai said a lot of things, but Chen Yang didn't take it in. He only asked, "Uncle, are you sure that you really know your daughter?"    


"Of course, I'm her father. I don't understand, could it be that you understand?"    


Yu Shoucai asked.    


Chen Yang smiled bitterly. With such parents, he finally knew how much pressure Liu Yunyan had to bear.    


"Uncle, since you don't like to beat around the bush, I'll just tell you the truth. I'm Liu Yunyan's boyfriend. She can't marry anyone else in her life other than me."    


"Hehe, little fellow, everyone will talk big and I'm not afraid of you messing up my plans. On the 16th of next month, her engagement day, we will hold the engagement banquet at the Fortress Hotel and I will give you a chance. If you can bring me 10 million yuan as a betrothal gift, I will break my engagement with the Hu family on the spot, or else, from today onwards, don't even think of approaching my daughter again."    


10 million RMB betrothal gift!    


After hearing this number, Liu Yunyan fell into complete despair. Even if Chen Yang sold the car, he wouldn't be able to save up 10 million yuan. His dad said this obviously to make Chen Yang give up.    


More accurately speaking, it was to make him give up.    


At this moment, Chen Yang was thinking about other things. Ten million was just a drop in the bucket for him. As long as he wanted it, he could take it out anytime.    


However, Chen Yang was not anxious. Yu Shoucai had already said that the 16th of next month would be the wedding day of Liu Yunyan and Hu Zhibin. Chen Yang decided to appear on that day and prove to everyone that he was fully qualified to be Liu Yunyan's match.    


"Yun Yan, you should stay at home. On the 16th of next month, I will show up at the Rich Hall on time. No one can take you away from me!"    


With that, Chen Yang picked up the fruit beside the trash can and left.    


"Hubby, why did you tell him the time and place of the engagement? Are you not afraid that something might happen to him?!"    


"Hehe, woman, what do you know?"    


Yu Shoucai smiled faintly and said to the middle-aged woman, "With just this poor kid, don't even mention ten million, he wouldn't even be able to take out a million. I let him go just to prove how popular our daughter is.    




When the middle-aged woman heard this, she patted Yu Shoucai's back and said, "Hubby, you're so smart. Why didn't I think of that!"    


"Learn well. When our darling son gets married in the future, we can't let other people cheat us!"    


"Aiya, if you didn't say it, I would have forgotten. Why isn't the child back yet? Did something happen? Hubby, give me the car keys, I'll go get our child!"    


"I'll go too!"    


Then, the two of them took the keys and ran downstairs. Before they left, they locked the anti-theft door from the outside.    


Liu Yunyan watched the scene unfold in front of her eyes. Her heart had long since died. She was used to being a transparent person. However, Hu Zhibin's pursuit had disqualified her from being a transparent person.    


Right now, she could only place all her hopes on Chen Yang. Even though this hope was still slim, Liu Yunyan really couldn't think of a better way.    


At this moment, Liu Yunyan was like a drowning child, while Chen Yang was a floating straw. Even though she knew that if she grabbed onto this straw, the result would be the same, but if she didn't, she wouldn't even have the strength to struggle.    


After leaving Liu Yunyan's house, Chen Yang took a taxi back to Ivy Days Hotel.    


Just as they arrived at the entrance of the hotel, they heard a commotion in the lobby. Someone shouted, "I already said that brat was trash, yet you guys didn't believe me, now do you believe me!?"    


Chen Yang couldn't help but smile when he heard this. Why does it feel like he was talking about himself?    


"That's right, damn it! I've never been so humiliated while eating pickled noodles at a five-star hotel!"    


"With his bear-like appearance, do you think he will win the big prize? All of this is a trap he set on purpose to humiliate us! "    


When Chen Yang heard this, he couldn't help laughing out loud. He originally thought that these guys could endure until noon, but it was already afternoon and there was still someone here.    


"Everyone, if you want to eat, please wait patiently in the private room or go out. The ruckus in the main hall has affected the business of our hotel …"    


The attendants of the Ivy Days Hotel explained to the gathered students, but these people obviously wouldn't listen. Their stomachs were filled with anger, and they continuously clamored: "Call the owner of your hotel out, we've eaten pickled vegetables and noodles in the emperor's bag, we must demand an explanation!"    


"Right, we can either get him to hand over Chen Yang, or else, we won't leave!"    


All of these students puffed up their chests, as if they were going to fight with the hotel.    


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