Become a Billionaire in One Day



"Come on!"    


Before Chen Yang finished his sentence, he was immediately interrupted by a middle-aged man in his fifties, "Chen Yang, you've been gone for so many years, but you haven't learnt anything. Chen Yang, before he finished his sentence, you were immediately interrupted by a middle-aged man in his fifties," Chen Yang, you've been out for so many years. You even asked for money for us? "Do you have the ability to do that?"    


"Yeah, what's even funnier is that this brat actually said he's helping us with the money. If we seven or eight people combined pay less than 50,000 starting points, will you be able to take it out?"    


"That's enough, stop wasting time with this kid. If you were to talk about me, then it's because he didn't eat well when he was young and his brain had problems. Otherwise, he wouldn't have done so many unimaginable things."    


Under these people's mocking, Chen Yang completely lost his confidence. He didn't plan to do anything anymore persuasion, he just silently took out his phone, dialed a number and said: "You guys come here, the tallest new building in the village is here."    


With that, Chen Yang hung up the phone, then went to the shade of the tree with Zhao Tai and Xiao Cui.    


Wang Erlai, who was under the tree, was secretly pleased with himself. Chen Yang spoke for a long time with his mouth dry, but no one listened to him. This meant that his thought process was successful.    


"Chen Yang, I have a strange question. Why did you make them stop? Do you really think that you can take this house away from the Patriarch?"    


When Wang Erlai spoke, his tone carried a trace of disdain.    


Chen Yang ignored Wang Erlai and turned his gaze towards the entrance of the village instead. Not long later, a Yang group would appear there, and from then on, the entire Tu Wa Zi village would experience the greatest change in its entire history!    


Wang Erlai saw that Chen Yang didn't say anything, so he didn't ask anymore. He began to think about how to call Ma Dahu and tell him the news of Chen Yang's return. If Ma Dahu caught Chen Yang, he would definitely get a reward.    


Wang Erlai thought as he moved behind a tree. He secretly took out his phone and was about to send a message.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Just when Wang Erlai took out his phone, he suddenly heard a rumbling sound. Wang Erlai was shocked and almost dropped his phone. He quickly looked up and found that the sky was still clear and the sun was high in the sky.    


"Wh …" "What's the situation?"    


Wang Erlai was confused. This didn't seem like a rainy day, why was there such a sound?    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


At this moment, another rumbling sound came. Wang Erlai realized that the sound did not come from the sky, but from the entrance of the village. He ran out from behind the tree and looked towards the entrance of the village.    


From the looks of it, it should be an excavator. Because their village did not have any large construction over the years, they had only seen such a large excavator in the outside world and on the news television. This was the first time their village had seen such a large excavator.    


That's not right.    


Not one, but two, three, four …    


Because there was a hill on the other side of the village, Wang Erlai could only see excavators emerging from the hillside one after another. As for whether there were more behind, he was completely unaware of how many there were.    


But even if there were only these few, it had already created the history of their Tu Wa Zi village.    


"Oh my god, what kind of tycoon is this, bringing so many excavators over?" The workers also sighed.    


"There are so many of them! How much money would that cost? If we had known earlier, using these would have been much easier than shovels. The construction schedule would have been completed long ago!"    


"Nonsense, let me tell you, I saw this type of large-scale excavator before when I was working in the south. The cost was at least one thousand yuan a day, and it was even higher than our combined salary. Do you think Ma Dahu is willing to spend that money?"    


When these workers spoke, their eyes were filled with envy. At this moment, they no longer bothered with the work schedule, and each and every one of them became a quiet, beautiful man.    


"What are you doing? "Continue to work!"    


At the same time, his eyes glanced at the excavators from time to time. When the last excavator appeared, Wang Erlai counted, there were a total of 20 machines. Looking from afar, they looked like a long dragon. In addition to the excavator, there were also bulldozers, road rollers, and crane. It could be said to be very comprehensive.    


Obviously, there was going to be a big project in the village in the near future.    


Wang Erlai didn't know where this project started and when it started. At this time, he noticed that Chen Yang was taking his phone and taking pictures of the excavator on the road. He couldn't help but think to himself: "This kid, he's really a country bumpkin, what's there to take a picture of? He's someone who has lived in the city before, why is he acting like a country bumpkin?"    


At the same time, it had also attracted the attention of many villagers from Tu Wa Zi Village. When they saw it, each and every one of them revealed a surprised expression. Most of these people had never been out of the mountain in their lives, so how could they have seen such a large group of excavators?    


"Oh my god, there are so many excavators. Where did they come from?"    


"Don't tell me our village is going to be demolished? I heard that it won't be demolished for the next two years. Why has it changed now?"    


"Who knows? Let's go and join in the fun to see what's going on."    


As they spoke, they followed the two sides of the excavator, talking and laughing.    


At the same time, in Chief Ma Dahu's house, Ma Dahu, who was dozing in the yard, suddenly heard a rumbling noise coming from outside. He quickly got up, wanting to see what was going on outside, but just as he reached the door, he heard someone shout from inside the house, "Dahu, quick, come out with me!"    


Ma Dahu turned around and saw that the person who spoke was Ma Dashuai. He had been sleeping in his room all this time and would run out the moment there was a sound. It seemed like he knew something.    


"Marshal, what's going on?"    


"I'm not sure either, but I'm guessing that it's most likely the mayor and the others who brought the investment here. Let's hurry up and welcome them!"    


"Is that so?"    


When Ma Dahu heard that the mayor had arrived, he immediately became excited. To be more precise, he was so excited when he heard about the investment.    


After all, according to what Ma Dashuai said, this investment should have started at least in the millions. This was a huge investment, and if he guessed wrongly, he wouldn't feel any pressure to make one or two million yuan!    


Ma Dahu quickly ran back into the house. Seeing this, Ma Dashuai frowned, "I told you to greet the mayor, why did you run into the house?"    


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