Become a Billionaire in One Day



Chen Yang took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down.    


At the same time, he was filled with anticipation.    


He had a strong premonition that he could unlock the stone today.    


He rubbed the stone in his hand, a strange light flashing across his eyes.    


Chen Yang carefully led the web-like Spiritual Energy deeper into the stone.    


Suddenly, his transparent eye seemed to have touched a wall, making it difficult for it to penetrate even half an inch deeper.    


That's right.    


Chen Yang spat out a mouthful of impure air.    


The last time he was stuck in this place, the thing inside was still resisting him. But this time, Chen Yang was confident that he could fully investigate the situation inside.    


He took another deep breath and circulated all the spiritual power in his body.    


The strong mental energy surged forward like a tide.    


The sound of a barrier shattering rang in Chen Yang's mind.    


Chen Yang's head hurt, but he was ecstatic inside.    


It opened!    


He finally undid the stone.    


Chen Yang kept his eyes open and tried to see what was inside. Though his eyes were now a sickly red.    


What appeared in Chen Yang's field of vision was a mass of golden liquid that was like water. There was something in the liquid, swimming about in it, free and timid.    


Chen Yang blinked his sore eyes and leaned forward.    


What kind of creature was this?    


When Chen Yang saw it clearly, he suddenly stood up. His heart was like surging waves that could not calm down for a long time.    


He couldn't believe what he was seeing …    




It had a head like a camel's, antlers like a deer, eyes like a rabbit, ears like an ox, a snake's head like a snake, a belly like a sea serpent, scales like a carp, claws like an eagle, and palms like a tiger. "Though petite, it has a beard around its mouth, pearls under its chin, reverse scales under its throat, and a mountain above its head.    


Aren't these the characteristics of the legendary dragons?    


Chen Yang was shocked. He never thought that there would be a dragon hidden in this seemingly ordinary stone!    


After a long while, Chen Yang sat back down and watched the dragon swimming in the water. Somehow, he became entranced.    


Chen Yang only came back to his senses when he heard the warning beep beep from an unknown place.    


A dragon!    


A living dragon!    


Chen Yang finally accepted this fact. The impact it had on him was too great.    


Although we speak of dragons, we always believe in the fact that they are false, that they do not exist, that they are fictitious. Everyone treated Ye Tianlong as a fable joke. They never thought that he would actually appear in front of them, including Chen Yang.    


It was very difficult to change a person's mind for a long time. Even in the face of reality, there would still be people who would try their hardest to refute and resist. They would rather live their whole lives with their false beliefs than be disturbed by others.    


Luckily, Chen Yang was very resistant to this kind of thing. As a superpower, he was used to a lot of things. Although it sounded absurd to have a dragon hidden in the stone, Chen Yang had to believe the truth.    


Chen Yang sat quietly in the huge basement with the dragon.    


Suddenly, the corner of Chen Yang's mouth hooked up into a smile.    


Raising a dragon?    


Sounds like a good idea.    


Chen Yang looked at the stone again, all he saw was the surface of the stone.    


This time, he did not open his perspective, so he naturally could not see the dragon.    


He felt an impulse to open the stone and let the dragon out.    


He thought about how he would have a dragon following him when he travels in the future. If he wanted a Dora Wind, he would have a Dora Wind.    


Thinking about the envious gazes from the others, Chen Yang felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.    


Thinking of this, Chen Yang couldn't help but attack.    


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