Become a Billionaire in One Day



No matter how much these people humiliated Chen Yang, they didn't move. The person who came here first raised his glass and was about to throw it at Chen Yang.    


When Chen Yang saw this, he dodged the drink as fast as he could and stood in front of the man to take the cup from him.    


No one had clearly seen how Chen Yang had done it. Chen Yanran had already stood up, and Luo Mengxiao's hand holding the glass of wine had also paused.    


Many women looked at Chen Yang with admiration.    


Even the man who threw the glass at Chen Yang was shocked.    


Hearing the commotion, the young miss who hosted this party hurried over. Someone had long since told her about this matter.    


Her gaze first looked at Chen Yang. Although the clothes he was wearing did not suit him well, his bearing was not ordinary and he did not flirt with anyone. He still arrived together with Chen Yanranluo Mengxiao.    


"My apologies, but there is a small problem that I have to handle. I hope it does not affect everyone's mood."    


Everyone was giving this woman face. Although they had dispersed, they still paid attention to this place.    


"Hello, I am Elias, the host of this reception," Anfey said.    


The man, who was still shocked when Chen Yang dodged the glass of wine, nodded in confusion.    


Chen Yang went up to Elia and shook her hand. He said in English, "Hello, I'm Chen Yang."    


Sure enough, the woman surnamed Chen confirmed Chen Yang's identity 90% of the time. She directly said to the man, "You disrespect my guests here, please leave now."    


The man looked at her in confusion, as if he was the victim.    


"I already know about this. You were the one who started this. You dare to be disrespectful to Richest Man, Chen Jingwang's grandson? Are you still not leaving?" Elijah said solemnly.    


Actually, it wasn't just her power, she also did it to protect this man's family property before he got angry. She purposely pointed out Chen Yang's identity as a reminder to him that he messed with someone he shouldn't have.    


This time, the man panicked. He looked at Chen Yang and then at Chen Yanran before shaking his hand to leave unwillingly. Chen Yang didn't stop them with a smile on his face. He still hadn't figured out the identities of these people and their powers.    


Some people heard that Chen Yang was the grandson of Richest Man and Chen Jingwang, and they started to discuss among themselves.    


Chen Yang's mood was completely ruined. He directly told Elya that he had something to do later, so he left with Chen Yanran. Luo Mengxiao also came out with them.    


"Meng Xiao, we haven't seen each other in a long time. Why don't we go have a cup of coffee together?" Chen Yanran invited Luo Mengxiao.    


"Not today. I still have things to do when I go back. Maybe another day." Then he nodded to Chen Yang and left.    


Chen Yanran was a little disappointed. After getting on the car, Chen Yang asked, "Is there any misunderstanding between you and Luo Mengxiao?"    


"Hmm, as you can see, we were good friends since we were young. Plus, Grandpa and Uncle Luo were very busy, so we often played together to keep each other company." Chen Yanran smiled bitterly.    


"When we were ten years old, we picked up a kitten. Its eyes were especially small, so we agreed to take turns taking care of it, but when it was my turn to take care of it, it died. I was also very sad, but little Meng Xiao thought that I didn't take good care of the cat."    


Chen Yang looked at Chen Yanran with pity and sadness in her eyes. Then, he said, "At that time, I also thought it was because of me that we were too young. After this incident, she drifted apart from me, we haven't seen each other for many years, and her personality was different when she grew up."    


Thinking about it this way, it was indeed a pity for their friendship. Their playmate who was supposed to grow up together had become like this due to such a small misunderstanding. Chen Yang comforted Chen Yanran a few times, then went back to his room to sleep.    


The next day, Wu Ming arrived at the BH country. Chen Yang asked Uncle Fu to send someone to receive the company directly.    


Wu Ming carried San'er into Chen Yang's office. Upon seeing Chen Yang, San'er broke away from Wu Ming and ran towards Chen Yang. Chen Yang held him and rubbed his head.    


The horn on San'er's head became more and more obvious, and the speed at which he ran towards Chen Yang was not something a normal dog should have. It seemed that Chen Yang had to think of a way to hide San'er.    


"Young Master, San'er didn't see you for a few days, so he stopped eating. That's why I brought him here this time." Wu Ming said embarrassedly.    


"Hmm, I called you here this time because I need you to help me investigate something. I can't leave, and your ability is also the most outstanding."    


"Yes, young master. The others have already given them their mission during my absence."    


Chen Yang stroked San'er's smooth and smooth fur, and slowly said, "I want you to keep an eye on a person for me. When Luo Yuan left, I sent you his photo and address information."    


After Wu Ming received the mission and checked in Chen Yang's office, he directly set out to look for people.    


Chen Yang gave Wu Ming some money for his card. It was a reward for Wu Ming, and he also needed some equipment to eat and drink.    


As for Chen Yang, after Wu Ming left, he went to Chen Yanran to get some accounts from her in the past years. He wanted to continue checking if there were any problems.    


Chen Yanran couldn't help but raise her eyebrows at how quickly Chen Yang checked the accounts. Even she had to look through these accounts for two days, yet Chen Yang finished them in less than a day.    


Chen Yang looked at the accounts in the computer. As he expected, recent years' accounts had many big and small problems, but they were all perfectly covered up.    


Chen Yang marked the account and sent it to Chen Yanran. After a while, Chen Yanran came over to Chen Yang with a serious expression.    


"I've looked through all the accounts you sent me. There's a problem with them and they were perfectly done. If you didn't intentionally round them out, I'm afraid you wouldn't have been able to tell even if you looked at them twice." Chen Yanran's face was grave and filled with regret.    


She looked at Chen Yang. This boy was always a surprise to her, and was also the first person she admired.    


"Do you remember who did these accounts?"    


Chen Yanran nodded, "I remember that the accounts were all made and passed to me for verification. A few years ago, it was made by an old man in the company who just retired this year. Now, this person has been with the company for many years, and he has been apprenticed for a period of time with that old retired employee."    


"Search, search for information on these two people." Chen Yang also had a serious expression.    


"There's no need to check, I already know that the company's servants will first check out their information, only after ensuring that there are no problems will they be able to be at ease."    


Chen Yanran told him all the information about the two of them. It was very normal, so Chen Yang frowned.    


"Have you checked on the retired employee?"    


Chen Yanran shook her head. It was fine as long as they were safe in the company. Who would care about someone who had already retired.    


"Check who he's been in contact with, including who he was close with during his career, as well as that employee now, including their own funds."    


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