Become a Billionaire in One Day



After the discussion died down, Chen Yanran swept her cold eyes over the crowd.    


"I'm sure you all still don't know, but there are 49 companies facing a bankruptcy crisis right now, right?"    


Without a doubt, Chen Yanran's words were like a clap of thunder on the ground. The directors hadn't received any news beforehand. All they knew was that Chen Yanran had changed many companies after she had posted the news.    


All the shareholders in the meeting room started whispering to each other.    


"So, something went wrong within our company, and some of our industrial subsidiaries are not doing well, so I plan to use this time to let them all rest, so as to avoid any more losses."    


Seeing the reaction of the crowd, Chen Yanran smiled and continued, "All the shareholders are pillars of the company. I'm sure they won't suffer any more losses for a small benefit."    


This time around, the people in the room looked a little embarrassed. They were all old and only thought of their own benefits, but did not think about the reason behind Chen Yanran's actions.    


At that moment, the door to the meeting room opened.    


Luo Liu walked in with his cane and sat down.    


He coughed and said, "My apologies, everyone. I came late because of a temporary matter."    


"It's not too late, it's not too late. Elder Luo, if you have something to do, you should be busy first. We have also just started."    


"That's right, that's right."    


All of the shareholders present echoed the words of the flattering person. On the other hand, there was not a single trace of guilt in Luo Liu's words.    


"Don't interrupt me. Yanran, continue." As Luo Liu sat there, someone was already talking to him about the meeting.    


"So, right now, we're just giving up on the small to protect the big, or if everyone has any better ideas or opinions, you can say them all."    


Chen Yanran had no intention of hiding anything from these people. This was something that could be easily discovered with just a casual check. It would be better to just put everything on the surface, since everyone knew what she was doing and would not make things difficult for her.    


Chen Yang sat there without saying a word. He listened quietly to Chen Yanran and the others' rebuttal while he observed the reactions of the people around him.    


"Hehe, Yanran. I know about the meeting already. I think your idea is pretty good."    


Luo Liushi was the first one to stand up for Chen Yanran after hearing what the others had to say. Chen Yanran also looked at Luo Liu with gratitude. His words were authoritative. For a moment, the entire meeting room was silent.    


"Thank you, Uncle Luo. Then we will carry it out without any objections." Chen Yanran agreed.    


"I think so. Chen Yang, what do you think?" Luo Liu looked at Chen Yang.    


Chen Yang, who had always been transparent, suddenly got his name called. He was obviously stunned for a moment and then looked at the crowd blankly.    


He embarrassedly touched his head and said, "That's right, I think so too."    


Some people looked at Chen Yang with disdain and ridicule. Chen Yanran's face turned dark after she noticed it.    


"Mm, then let's do it this way." Luo Liu continued.    


The remaining people all agreed.    


At the end of the meeting, most of the people had left, leaving Chen Yang, Chen Yanran and Luo Liu Shisui behind.    


"Come, Uncle Luo Shi, let me help you up." Chen Yanran walked to Luo Liu's seat and helped him up.    


"Little girl, you made a good decision."    


Chen Yanran smiled shyly and said, "Thank you for your support, Uncle Luo. Otherwise, I would have had to spend a lot of effort to convince them."    


"Haha, you, Chen Yang. You can ask me about the company." Luo Liu turned to Chen Yang and said as if he was a good senior.    


"Yes, Uncle. I'm still not used to it when I'm new here." Chen Yang said shyly.    


Luo Liu Shisui patted Chen Yang's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I've always been like this since I'm new here. As long as I get used to it after a while."    


Chen Yang nodded and walked Luo Liu to the elevator with Chen Yanran before returning.    


After returning to Chen Yanran's office, Chen Yang returned to his sloppy look.    


"Why did you say that just now? I think you're very used to it." Chen Yanran glanced at Chen Yang the moment she spoke to Luo Liu. She didn't realize that Chen Yang wasn't used to it either.    


"You've already discovered this. It's nothing. I just want to see who these big figures in the company are before slowly displaying my talent."    


Chen Yanran rolled her eyes at Chen Yang.    


"Your office has been arranged, right next to mine. If you have any questions, you can ask me." Chen Yanran straightened her expression and said.    


"Yes." Chen Yang put away his smile and said.    


He didn't spend much time here and this office wasn't very useful. He wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible and then go to the rock gambling den in Southeast Asia. Time was a bit tight, Chen Yang frowned.    


"Oh yeah, our Chen Group has a big project to complete. You should join as well." Chen Yanran suddenly said.    


Big project?    


To be able to make the Chen Group talk about such a big project, it must be something extraordinary. The other party would probably make a move on this project.    


Chen Yang analyzed all of this in his heart and nodded to Chen Yanran.    




Uncle Fu was at the bedside of Old Man Chen, telling him all about Chen Yang's situation from the hospital to the company.    


Hearing that someone had tried to assassinate Chen Yang, Old Chen's wrinkled face sank as he said: "Who had the guts to touch my grandson?!"    


Uncle Fu went on to talk about the meeting at the company, and Old Master Chen was slightly gratified. His grandson and Chen Yanran's decision were right, and it was also the best way to reduce the losses so far.    


After Uncle Fu finished, he paused for a moment and continued: "Master, I have an opinion."    


"Speak, you old thing, why are you still being polite after following me for my entire life."    


"The person who assassinated the young master this time should be in the same team as the one who assassinated the young master in the country. I got someone to compare them with two times. It's the same, even the production batch is the same."    


Old Master Chen fell into deep thought. The only reason he assassinated Chen Yang was because of Chen Yang's identity. It seemed that the other party didn't want him to have a successor, and was afraid that his Chen Family would continue to grow.    


Chen Yang spent most of the day in the documents Chen Yanran sent to him. He had photographic memory, so he wrote down everything related to the company.    


After work at more than six, Chen Yanran called Chen Yang to accompany Grandpa Chen to the hospital for dinner.    


When they arrived at the hospital, Chen Yanran saw that Grandpa Chen's complexion had improved. She said joyfully, "Grandpa, I see that you've pretty much recovered from your illness. You look really well today. You're really strong and still haven't aged yet."    


Chen Jingwang laughed, he was coaxed into a happy laugh by Chen Yanran. Chen Yang also laughed along. Both he and his grandpa had a tacit understanding and didn't say anything about this.    


It wasn't that he didn't believe Chen Yanran, but if this matter was spread out, no one would believe it and people would always covet it. If someone else were to find out, Chen Yang would be in deep trouble.    


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