Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C68 Feigning Drunkenness

C68 Feigning Drunkenness

My legs went soft and my body fell to the side. All of my weight was on Xu Hui's body.    




I let out a cry, and instinctively the evil hand seized the peak.    


The mother-in-law's milk was really too big. After touching it for the last time, the aftertaste was endless.    


This time, he finally touched it again.    


Anyway, Han Bing and him were not husband and wife, and Xu Hui had done everything else except that.    


Thinking of this, the guilt in his heart lessened.    


After the last intimate encounter with Xu Hui, he was now taking advantage of her and became a lot bolder.    


Actually, there was another reason, which was because the mother-in-law's body was too alluring.    


I expected to take advantage of the situation, but things went beyond my expectations.    


I leaned against her, but she couldn't bear the weight of my body and fell backwards.    


As we fell, my mouth closed around her cheek, and when we fell, it closed around her mouth.    


This time, it was truly incredible.    


My body was on my mother-in-law, and it was mouth to mouth.    


I don't know what my mother-in-law feels like, but I feel good, soft, and fragrant.    


My mouth moved, and my tongue disobediently broke into her world, immediately entangling her tongue.    


She was stunned.    


Well, I can take advantage of her.    


Ga Ga!    


I don't care. The guy below is hard against her little sister, rubbing his two proud lumps of pink with one hand and greedily asking for the scented liquid with his upper mouth.    


Soon, she came back to her senses. There was embarrassment, anger, and a hint of intoxicating haziness in her eyes.    


I directly ignored that expression of shame and anger. I only saw that blurry expression.    


I think she's been single for so many years, she must be desperate for a man's love.    


This could be seen from the craziness she displayed that night.    


Deep down, I was sure, he wanted it.    


The other hand reached under her and inside, feeling wet.    


The current me, just like Han Bing had said, was a man who had been dealt with.    


It's normal for me to be wet. I have already comprehended the true meaning of love from Tian Yihe.    


Xu Hui began to push me, and the more she pushed, the more excited I became.    


I started to take off her clothes. She was no stronger than me, so I quickly took off her upper body.    


He could see the beautiful scenery of the two snow-capped peaks clearly.    


My hands greedily kneaded her, her mature and perfect body made me infatuated, made me crazy, the evil fire in my body kept rising, gradually reaching the point of erupting.    




She stopped struggling and suddenly slapped me.    


Not only did this slap not wake me, it only made me worse.    


This proud woman, the first time I met her, I was like an ant to her.    


Every time he spoke to her, she would always speak with a haughty attitude, looking down on him.    


Now, pressing her under him felt both exciting and satisfying.    


The next moment, she stopped hitting me and actually started crying in grievance.    


This is it, this cry of hers is more effective than slapping me in the face a hundred times.    


I stopped and wiped the tears from her face. She didn't resist.    


"We were like that last time, what's there to be embarrassed about? You want it, I want it. After that, heaven knows earth, you know I know."    


"No, I made a mistake once. I can't continue on like this. We have to stop."    


Xu Hui said tearfully.    


"We've never started, and we're talking about termination."    


I said dejectedly.    


"How am I going to face Little Ice in the future if you treat me like this?"    


Xu Hui pushed me while he was talking. I pinched the breasts nostalgically before getting up.    


Her face flushed, she scrambled to her feet, turned, and dressed quickly.    


I really want to tell her that I and Han Bing are still innocent, but as husband and wife in name, there's no need to worry about Han Bing, we can play as much as we want.    


After all, he promised Han Bing that he would keep this a secret for her.    


Besides, there was still the agreement to keep him in check.    


The price of breaking the contract was five million, where could I get five million to give to her?    


"I'm sorry, I only thought about what happened that night when I saw you. I was impulsive, so …"    


She interrupted me before I could finish.    


"Don't talk about it anymore. I have forgotten about the past."    


I came up to her, grabbed her shoulders, and stared into her eyes.    


"I haven't forgotten, and I'll never forget."    


"We won't have any results."    


"It doesn't matter if you say it or not, it doesn't matter if I say it. Time matters."    


There is a saying that goes: Time is the greatest author, and it will write the perfect answer for everyone.    


"Were you faking it just now?"    


Xu Hui sat back in his office chair and asked me with his head lowered.    


Was it guilt or shyness that she didn't dare to look at me?    


Brother automatically ignores the former and chooses shyness.    


I lay down in front of her, elbows on the table, and teased, "Are you afraid of me?"    




She started to panic.    


"Don't worry, I won't do what I did to you again. You should be busy. I'll miss you, so I'll come back."    


Laughing, I turned and headed for the door.    


He walked out of the office for a while, still smiling.    


What the heck was this!    


He didn't manage to get Han Bing in his hands, but almost got his mother-in-law in his hands.    


The phone's ringing interrupted my thoughts. I took it out and saw that it was from Zhao Wen.    


"Do you really think that your dreams are like a market? Come at once! If you don't want to come, you won't be able to see me for a few days. Hurry back to work!"    


"Sister Wen, I'm injured. I can't go to work."    


"Don't tell me you want the guards of Dream Capital to invite you over?"    


Zhao Wen's words were quite tactful, but a threat was a threat. Ever since I met my mother-in-law, I was truly afraid of the ladies in the VIP area.    


He was now the boss of a territory after all, how could he possibly do the work of a duck?    




He wouldn't go even if he was beaten to death.    


Retreating ten thousand steps, even if Han Bing took off all his clothes and laid in front of his bro, he wouldn't even go if he had to.    


"Sister Wen, I'm really hurt. If you don't believe me, I'll take a photo and send you my WeChat."    


Now, he had enough troubles. If he could avoid them, he would.    


After I finished speaking, I hung up the phone and immediately took a photo and sent it to Zhao Wen.    


Very soon, Zhao Wen replied to me, saying that she could let me rest for a few days, but that I must go to work when my injury is better.    


Naturally, I agreed to it. I would drag it out for a few days before deciding again. Looking at my watch, it was already past ten in the evening.    


We took a taxi back to Liu Cong's place before we returned to Xiushui Laiyuan District.    


After getting out of the car, I wandered around downstairs for a while before making up my mind to go upstairs.    


In the elevator, I became a little nervous.    


I walked to the door, took a deep breath, and opened it gently.    


The living room was very dark, so it seemed that Han Bing had already gone to bed. I heaved a sigh of relief.    


I closed the door softly and crept into my sister-in-law's room. As I passed the master bedroom door, I heard a moan.    


I suddenly felt my heart tighten as a bad premonition assaulted me. Could it be that Han Bing was stealing men behind my back?    


I pressed the door handle gently and the door opened.    


Pushing open the door, he looked inside and was immediately stunned.    


Such a familiar scene.    


Han Bing hugged a woman, and kissed and touched her. This woman was the one he hadn't seen in a long time, Xu Wanqing.    


While the two kissed, they were still grinding their tofu.    


When I saw this, I was heartbroken to the extreme.    


I can clearly see the changes that Han Bing has gone through during this period of time.    


She was becoming more and more feminine, and her mind was becoming more and more normal.    


But now, she had obviously returned to her original state.    


So many days of hard work had all come to naught.    


However, being depressed was being depressed. At the moment, they could only look on helplessly. Regardless of whether it was Han Bing or Xu Wanqing, both of them were exceptionally beautiful.    


Their naked bodies tossed and turned on the bed, making my mouth go dry.    


The evil fire that had been ignited by Xu Hui began to burn again.    


Closing the door, he leaned against the wall and thought for a moment. Then, he rolled his eyes and came up with a solution.    


I quietly left home, went to the district supermarket to buy a bottle of 10 dollars old village chief white wine.    


He walked out of the supermarket and opened the door. He raised the bottle of wine, raised his head and blew into it.    


After a few gulps, a quarter of the bottle was emptied out. The bottle was thrown into the trash can.    


Maybe it was because he drank too much, and he had a fast empty stomach. He did not have much alcohol to himself, so he felt dizzy just by standing on a horse.    


As he walked, he also started to sway a little.    


F * ck!    


Don't really faint from drinking it.    


When I got home, I went straight to the master bedroom and pushed open the bedroom door.    




The two girls screamed at the same time.    


I pretended not to hear. I swayed, and before they could get out of bed, I was lying on my stomach against their bodies.    




So comfortable.    


They were soft as a bed.    


I reeked of alcohol, half opened my eyes, pretended to be drunk, and lay between them, one pink in each hand.    


Han Bing's pink and tender body was bigger, Xu Wangqing was almost the same as Xia Tongtong, she could grab him with one hand.    


One pair of hands, two kinds of feelings, it felt good and crooked.    


The next moment.    


They reacted and pushed me.    


"Wife, I love you. You can't leave me, I love you."    


I muttered, pretending to be drunk and spouting the truth.    


In order to be a little more realistic, I squeezed out a few tears, opened my eyes, tears.    


I hugged Han Bing tightly, feeling that it was a pleasure. The current Han Bing was completely naked.    


"Wife, you have to believe me. I didn't do anything that would let you down. You are the one I love the most."    


I whispered my thoughts to Han Bing as I stroked her back with my hands, taking advantage of the opportunity.    


Han Bing was shocked by my words, so she didn't push me away.    


If she doesn't resist, brother won't be satisfied.    


I threw her down on the bed and pressed her hard, touching her face with one hand and rubbing her breasts with the other.    


Han Bing and Xu Hui were indeed mother and daughter, with their breasts so big.    


She gave me a shove, and I hurried to whisper in her ear, "Wife, we were hit, we fell down the hill, and we survived. Did you forget that? The person I love the most from the beginning to the end is you. "    


What I said stunned Han Bing again. The hand that was pushing me turned into an embrace.    


While she was speaking, her hands were not idle as they groped her body over and over.    


Oh right, he had been so engrossed in the affair with Han Bing that he had almost forgotten about Xu Wanqing.    


Han Bing's performance gave me a bold idea.    


Maybe only by putting Han Bing on would she truly become a woman.    


Since they liked being together so much, he might as well take advantage of this opportunity to take them both in.    


Xu Wanqing, ah, Xu Wanqing, there's a road to heaven that you don't want to walk.    




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