Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C264 Cardiomete

C264 Cardiomete

Guo Jinhai and I were both holding onto his weakness, so we had to try our best to get him to stand on my side.    


If he hates Guo Jinhai, he'll be more inclined towards me.    


There were still a lot of plans that required his cooperation. Only when he was completely on my side would I dare to proceed with the following plans.    


Otherwise, if he was worried about Guo Jinhai, he wouldn't have gone all out to help me.    


Zhang Gui Shui's expression was extremely complex. Sometimes he looked livid, sometimes angry, and finally, he revealed a powerless expression.    


"You've said so much, what do you want from me?"    


Zhang Gui Shui let out a long sigh.    


As expected of someone who had been in the government all year round. Even though his expression was furious, he did not express his anger and instead asked a critical question.    


"Director Zhang is a straightforward person, and I don't like hiding anything. Let's get to the point, I want to cooperate with you."    


I stared at him, waiting to see how he would react.    


"Mister Lin, like I said before, you're the first person to use my weakness and be so courteous to me. Just tell me what you want me to do."    


Zhang Gui Shui laughed at himself.    


"Director Zhang, you're right. I have your weakness and I can threaten you to do something for me. There's no need to be so polite with you, but I want our sincere cooperation and not mutual deception."    


I stopped here.    


Zhang Gui Shui's expression changed, his eyes revealed an expression of admiration.    


"You're not bad, Han Bing is really lucky to be able to marry you."    


He smiled sincerely.    


Zhang Guishui's words pleased me greatly.    


Ever since I was married to Han Bing, all I've heard is how lucky I am to be married to Han Bing. This is the first time I've heard the opposite, and it's beautiful in my heart.    


Actually, big brother has always felt this way. Han Bing should feel very lucky to be able to become my wife.    


"Director Zhang, working together is a win-win situation, not your win-win situation. I believe that you're surrounded by rumors and rumors about you. Why don't you do something to change the opinion of your superior?"    


I mean it.    


If Han Bing heard that I was so considerate towards Zhang Gui Shui, she would definitely skin me alive.    


Zhang Gui Shui was silent for a moment, then said with an extremely serious expression: "Continue."    


"Money and beauties are not what you need. What you need is a more stable seat, not an appearance that will fall at any time. You have been in the government for many years, so you should be very clear on the principle of having your head pushed down and broken tens of thousands of gavels."    


I frowned, my expression grim.    


There were some words that didn't need to be said too clearly. When it came down to it, people like Zhang Gui Shui were more aware of the stakes involved than anyone else.    


When I finished, he seemed to be lost in thought.    


The room fell silent, and I waited patiently, not urging him on.    


A few minutes later, as if Zhang Gui Shui had made some important decision, he revealed a cautious expression, "Mister Lin, are you worthy of my trust?"    


At this point, my every word and action must be strict.    


Otherwise, it would make his wavering heart even more uncertain.    


Zhang Gui Shui was now like a frightened bird, he lived every day in panic and fear, he no longer had any confidence in doing anything, and there was a more appropriate analogy, he was now simply a puppet at the mercy of others.    


However, those people ignored the important point. He was a person with a soul, not a puppet without any thoughts.    


As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if a rabbit is anxious, it would still bite.    


If these people pushed Zhang Gui Shui to a certain limit, he would be like a spring that was being pushed to the bottom and would begin to rebound. The more he suppressed them, the greater the backlash.    


"Director Zhang, if I say it's worth it, you will definitely be suspicious. Why don't you try cooperating with me? As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is his friend. We have a common enemy, so you should be clear on this point. "    


I paused here before continuing, "The world is unpredictable. Anyone can encounter desperate situations, but right now, you are alone. You need a friend that you can rely on."    


Zhang Gui Shui's expression changed again, but he did not say anything.    


He didn't say anything, so I continued, "What you want is to consolidate your position. What I want is to seek greater benefits. This is a win-win situation."    


With Zhang Gui Shui being controlled by Guo Jinhai, he will definitely suffer a lot from his personality in the future. As for whether Boss Zhu and Viper have anything to do with him, I am not sure.    


However, those were not things he should consider at the moment.    


Guo Jinhai and the others were also my enemies, but there was no unbreakable hatred between me and Zhang Gui Shui.    


As for the conflict between Han Bing and Zhang Gui Shui, it was purely job competition, not hate.    


This way, Zhang Gui Shui and I would have a common language.    


As long as Zhang Gui Shui could be tied to the same boat, it would be enough. In the future, both light and dark would work together, and when doing things, the results would be twice as good.    


"Well said, the enemy of our enemy is our friend, maybe we can try cooperating a bit."    


Zhang Gui Shui's eyes flashed.    


I secretly cursed the old fox in my heart. After saying all that, he even gave me some leeway.    


However, thinking about it, there are a lot of people like him who have seen a lot of things. For such a big matter, he wouldn't be able to settle it with just a few words from me, after all, he has to be extremely careful when dealing with a powerhouse like Guo Jinhai.    


"Alright, that's what I'm waiting for."    


I smiled as I said that. Then, I stood up and stretched out my hand to wait for Zhang Gui Shui.    


He also quickly stood up. Our expressions were all excited, and we shook hands with a great amount of strength. We should not underestimate these details, and we also had a great amount of knowledge in handshaking.    


After we shook hands, we indicated that we had reached an initial level of cooperation.    


As for whether I can continue to cooperate with him, that will depend on whether my ability will be acknowledged by him.    


In future cooperation, he will examine me, and I will examine him.    


He was being cautious, and I dared not to be careless. Otherwise, there was a risk of destruction at any moment. A tycoon like Guo Jinhai was definitely not a mediocre person like Sun Min.    


We looked at each other and smiled and sat down.    


Since they had already reached an agreement, they had to eat, drink and chat. Otherwise, how petty could they be?    


I clenched my teeth and ordered a dozen or so dishes from the AI machine. The price was six digits, f * cking hell, that was a pain in the ass. The owner of this Xiangyuan must be extremely rich.    


There was no other way. The taste of eating here was secondary, it was just a form of face.    


I didn't know if the owner of Xiangyuan was a man or a woman. If it was a woman, she would definitely be hooked up to a bed. Even if she didn't come for free, she would at least be given a discount.    


Big Bro was a little unwilling in his heart, but his expression still maintained his casual posture.    


I casually took out my phone and scanned through it. Then, I received a text message. This meal of a dozen or so dishes was f * cking over 500,000 yuan, wuwu …    


After that, I said seriously, "Chief Zhang, the higher-ups want to move to the northern suburbs. This matter must be kept a secret for now."    


Zhang Gui Shui's expression froze for a moment, and then he nodded: "I will keep it a secret, if others reveal it, then I have no other choice."    


"Of course."    


It seemed that I had to speed up my pace and the Qingjiang district couldn't be delayed any longer. I stayed silent for a few seconds and then said: "Director Zhang, there are things happening in the city that involve the northern suburbs. Why don't you take this credit into your own hands?"    


"Tell me what you think."    


Zhang Gui Shui is used to being a leader for a long time, so when we talk about proper business, he has a leader's tone, which makes me unaccustomed to him.    


"Since the city has this intention, you should just follow the orders of the higher ups and ask the higher ups to let you burn this fire. As the leader of the Wen/Hua department, you are fully qualified to take control. This is a good opportunity to prove yourself."    


When I said this, I was excited.    


Zhang Gui Shui's breathing became rapid. It seemed that he was moved. If this kind of contribution was not made, then it would be worth it.    


After which, he frowned in worry, "What you said is reasonable, but Sun Dazzling Sun is Guo Jinhai's man, if I touch him, then it would be the same as touching Guo Jinhai. He would definitely stop me."    


He was telling the truth, and fortunately I had already taken that into account.    


"Therefore, this matter must be kept a secret, and it must be resolved quickly, from the time you took control until the end of the day. In other words, the northern suburbs must be closed before Guo Jinhai can react, and even if Guo Jinhai intervenes, it would already be a foregone conclusion."    


I finished the sentence in one breath and stopped to catch my breath.    


Zhang Gui Shui clenched his fists. He was definitely weighing the pros and cons of this matter.    


Now that his heart has loosened, I must strike while the iron is hot and bring Zhang Gui Shui back to my own faction.    


Thus, I continued, "Guo Jinhai's old daughter is a cunning fox, she only asked you to take care of Sun Dai. She did not explain to you the relationship between him and Sun Dai, so we can take advantage of this opportunity. Even if Guo Jinhai asks you later, you can use this reason to cover for her."    


After I said these words, I didn't say anything else. Whatever I could think of, he would definitely think of it as well.    


The room was silent again.    


Zhang Gui Shui slightly lowered his head as he seemed to be lost in thought. His fists became tighter and tighter and his face changed back and forth; finally, it turned into a resolute expression.    


He raised his head to look at me and said in a deep voice, "I have to say, you're quite good at talking. I admit, your words have convinced me, but I don't want to talk about military matters on paper. Even if I take control, what excuse would I use to quickly take over the northern suburbs?"    


When I heard that, I immediately smiled.    


"Chief Zhang, if Sun General Sun and Du Jingtian gather again to fight, it will definitely cause a terrible social impact. Even if the city doesn't want to move, public opinion will urge the city to fight. You should know better than me that once it's set ablaze, it won't only be a matter of the police."    


I opened my palms as I spoke, and clenched them into fists as I spoke.    


"They should have received the news of a fierce battle in the city, so why would they go all out?"    


Zhang Gui Shui was asking very realistic questions.    


I mysteriously smiled and said, "Then why did they fight to the death two days ago?"    


Zhang Gui Shui was startled and looked at me strangely for a moment. He then asked with uncertainty, "Did you design them?"    


"No matter what the reason is, they are indeed fighting with everything they have, and the social influence they have is very bad. As long as they have intentions, anything is possible."    


I didn't answer his question directly.    


"They even know how to fight?"    


Zhang Gui Shui asked curiously.    


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