Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C424 Forceful Crushing

C424 Forceful Crushing

I quickly withdrew my hand and straightened my posture. I gloomily looked at the person who spoke. He had a very clean head and a small braid on his head. It was the manager of little Zemira.    


The look in this brat's eyes disgusted me. His eyes lit up as he stared straight at Feng Yao, full of lechery.    


Afterwards, I quickly glanced at Feng Dazhi.    


Although she could only see one side, she could see that her face had turned very cold.    




I sighed in my heart. It seemed that I wouldn't be able to taste the beauty of the island.    


At this moment, I feel depressed, and I want to cry, wuu... "My Mary!    


There was no other way. Even if he wanted to become a Mary, he wouldn't dare to make Feng Yao unhappy. If the latter was half as soft-hearted as Little He, it would be great.    


At this time, he had to express his stance and silently sighed in his heart. He could only bear with it and cut off his brother's love.    


"I'm sorry, I have to accompany my wife. Let's chat again when we're free."    


He still had some thoughts on his mind, and he was really unwilling to accept it.    


Plaits frowned. "Mr. Lin, you're the first man to refuse Little Ze's invitation. She'll be very unhappy if you do this."    


It was clear that the Chinese language spoken by Plaits was quite fluent.    


But in my heart, I was very depressed.    


He wasn't willing to be number one, so Master Feng stood to the side and watched. There was nothing he could do.    


"I'm sorry, I have to stay with my wife."    


I said this apologetically. Then, with raised eyebrows and a change of tone, I said coldly, "Also, hurry up and put away that wolf cub of yours. If you continue to look at my wife like that, I'll dig out your eyes."    


As I said these words, the grandeur of the big boss suddenly burst out, forced Gelou to rise.    


Plaits smiled coyly, retracting his gaze from Feng Yao: "Sorry, I didn't expect to see the supermodel Master Feng here."    


Ya ha, this braid is quite good. When he looked at Feng Yao, his eyeballs were about to pop out, but he didn't seem surprised at all.    


Playing this game in front of a master liar, he's too green, hmph.    


At this time, Feng Yao giggled and turned her head to look at me. Her eyes were filled with tenderness as she said, "Darling, I really like that domineering manner of yours. Good my ass."    


I lowered my head and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Darling, I think you like to call her 'Wife' the most."    


"We've known each other for so long, this is the first time you've called me that."    


She nodded, her tone slightly accusing. Then, she called out to Plaits who was about to turn around and leave. "Wait."    


Little Plaits stopped, turned around, and looked at Feng Yao with a puzzled expression.    


"Since little Zemia is so bored, we'll have a chat with her."    


After saying this, Feng Yao stood up and pulled me up as well. She put her hands on my arms and said, "Dearest, since you've already been invited, as your master, you shouldn't be so rude."    


Cough cough, from the meaning behind her words, I should have already known that the real owner of this bar is me.    


I was miserable.    


If Tian YI He knew about this, he would also interfere. Three women in a play, I would definitely be tortured to death by them.    


Helpless, no one could change Master Feng's decision.    


She took my arm and led me to the second floor. The employees looked at her with fiery eyes. They obviously recognized her, but because of my existence, no one dared to come and bother her.    


"Darling, they're my employees, which means they're your employees. Look at them, they seem to want your autograph."    


I whispered.    


Feng Yao didn't say anything and directly answered me with her actions. She stopped her steps and let go of my arm, then said to the employees, "If you want an autograph, then come over."    


At this moment, Master Feng was filled with a domineering aura.    


The staff members cheered and immediately became high-spirited. They ran over one after another to ask for their signatures.    


About ten minutes later, the staff dispersed.    


Feng Yao came to my side, took my arm, and continued on to the second floor. In front of me, Little Plaits smacked his lips: "Master Feng is indeed very famous."    


"Your family's Little Ze is quite famous. He's so infatuated with my man that he's confused."    


Feng Yao said in a cold voice before she turned her head to look at me. "That's right, my dear."    


"How could I be confused and disoriented?"    


I immediately retorted and tugged on her arm. "Yaoyao, since you're an international celebrity, it's best if you don't find that little Zemira is an avatar. It would damage your image."    


"That won't do. I want to see what kind of woman could make my man lose his head and lie to me."    


Feng Yao's eyes flashed with a cold light.    


"Uh, don't always say that. I'm not that obsessed with her, I just have a bit of sexual interest in her. I've seen quite a few of her movies."    


I weakly said.    


"So you know every part of her body."    


"Hehe, not bad."    


She snorted. "Have you ever watched my show?"    


"Although I've never watched your program before, I know your body well."    


Big Bro is speaking the truth.    


She raised her leg and stepped on my foot. Then, a little angrily, she quickly walked up the stairs. At the same time, a sentence was transmitted over: "I knew that you have not seen my program."    


Hiss …    


Her high-heeled shoes hurt so much that I grimaced and hurried to keep up with her, afraid that she would do anything rash.    


A few minutes later, in the VIP lounge on the second floor.    


When Feng Yao and I walked in, we saw little Zemia sitting on the sofa watching TV. Plaits walked up to her and leaned over her ear to talk.    


Immediately afterwards, she turned her head to look in my direction, but her gaze was fixated on Feng Yao.    


After that, Maria stood up, walked up to us with a smile, and said in her rather crude Chinese, "I didn't expect to meet Master Feng here."    


"I've long heard that the Heavenly Queen of the Island is a hybrid, possessing the beauty of a European woman and the cuteness of an Eastern woman. I saw it with my own eyes today, no wonder my man wants to pick you up."    


Feng Yao's words are too direct, causing me to feel a little embarrassed.    


Maria looked surprised, then glanced at me and laughed. "Master Feng is so domineering."    


"What, isn't it easy to mess there?" "They came all the way to China just for a few hundred thousand dollars in appearance fees."    


His words were full of fire and sarcasm.    


I can understand that.    


Whether it was Maria, or Baudolino, or some of the other famous figures in the world, they were all peerless beauties in the eyes of men, and in the eyes of women, they were all natural enemies.    


At this moment, listening to Feng Yao's blatant humiliation, I suddenly felt a little heartache for Maria.    


"Chinese men like us, so here we are."    


"The wolves in the mountains like you too, why don't you go?"    


"Master Feng must be joking."    


After saying that, Maria turned to me and said, "Mr. Lin, there's still some time until the evening. I'll go back to the hotel first and rest before coming over."    


"Ok, do you want me to send someone to escort you there?"    


It's good to leave, so they don't have to pinch each other again.    


However, I always felt that Maria was deliberately avoiding Feng Yao's idea.    


Although they were all public figures, the latter was a powerful international celebrity, the former was, after all, a physical entity. If their bodies turned red, they wouldn't be able to get on the high platform. Their position in the entertainment circle would not be the slightest bit worse.    


In addition, she had always been the target of his attacks and had long since lost her temper. This also meant that she was extremely destructive to men. If she faced against such a domineering character like Master Feng, she would definitely be defeated.    


Other than that, when Feng Yao stood together with her, regardless if it was her looks, body, or the star model, she could at least leave her by a few streets.    


Even so, I still had thoughts about her.    


"No need, I have bodyguards. China's security is still very good."    


Maria's voice was very soft. As she spoke, she walked towards the door, and Bracelet quickly followed.    


I turned to look at her perky ass and felt an itch.    


If Feng Yao didn't come, then maybe I would be doing Maria right now. Fuck, she always appears out of the blue to disturb me, and there were several times when Han Bing and I almost succeeded because of her.    


What made me feel light pain was that as soon as Maria left, another person came in. It was my most tender confidante, Tian Yihe.    


"Hubby, where did Little Ze go?"    


Tian Yihe was stunned as soon as he finished his questions. His eyes showed surprise and doubt.    


She stared at Feng Yao, who was also looking at her. For a moment, the atmosphere was a bit awkward.    


I pretended to cough twice and hastily tried to smooth things over. "No one is an outsider. Please sit."    


The next second.    


They asked in unison, "Who is she?"    


Yao Yao, this is the general manager of the bar, Tian Yihe. He's kind, gentle, and very considerate.    


I first said a few words to Feng Yao, then I winked at Tian Yihe, "Little He, she is the international supermodel, Master Feng. In reality, her name is Feng Yao."    


Honestly speaking, even though I like Feng Yao very much, my heart still favors Tian Yihe because the latter has a weak character and is simply not a match for the former. Naturally, I have to help the weaker party.    


After hearing my introduction, Tian Yihe revealed a pleasantly surprised expression. In a few steps, he walked in front of Feng Yao and grabbed the latter's hand.    


The more I look at you, the more you look like Master Feng. I didn't expect you to be really, really, I've always admired you, you're the first supermodel to walk into the world, you're great.    


Tian Yihe's expression was extremely excited.    


Feng Yao smiled: "I was just lucky."    


"No, you did your best."    


Just like this, they began chatting happily with their idols and fans. In just ten or so minutes, they had already called each other sisters.    


Feng Yao's personality was domineering, but Tian Yihe's personality was weak. Perhaps it was because of this that they were able to chat so much.    


No wonder Han Bing and Feng Yao would pinch each other the moment they met. They were both too domineering.    


With this analysis, Han Bing might also be able to become good sisters with Tian Yihe.    


At that moment, a phone call came in, and they both looked at me at the same time.    


"Uhm, I got a bit too many calls today."    


I smiled coyly and took out my phone. It was an unfamiliar number. Frowning, I picked up the call and asked curiously, "Hello, who are you looking for?"    


A very anxious voice came over the phone, "Mr. Lin, it's bad. Little Ze has been robbed by a group of criminals."    


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