Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C255 Distinction Is Not Shallow

C255 Distinction Is Not Shallow

I wasn't the only one who was stunned. The person who opened the door was also.    


Qiu Shiye looked at us suspiciously. "You know each other?"    


I embarrassedly coughed twice before I smiled. "Lili, why is it you?"    


Yuan Lili, the PR manager who is going to work at my bar, even sneaked past her when she was renting her own bar.    


Never in my dreams did I expect that Qiu Shiye's good sister would be Yuan Lili.    


"I'm also curious, the person Ye-zi spoke of turned out to be you, we are truly fated."    


Yuan Lili covered her mouth and smiled. She then said, "You don't need to change your slippers. Just come in."    


Qiu Shiye walked in with a confused look on her face, holding my arm. Yuan Lili closed the door and led us into the living room.    


"What do you want to drink?"    


Yuan Lili asked us.    


"Juice." Qiu Shiye said.    


"I want some juice too."    


After I finished speaking, I started to observe Yuan Lili's dress.    


On top of her was a bodice shirt with short skirt and black silk threads, and a pair of slippers.    


Really, this butt is so quirky, quack.    


I looked after her and gulped. I wanted to reach out and touch her.    


"What's the matter with you two?"    


Qiu Shiye said with a bit of jealousy.    


"Well, your sister used to be in the agency. She showed me the house."    


I said very simply.    


"It's not that simple, right?"    


Qiu Shiye was a little taken aback.    


At this time, Yuan Lili came over with two glasses of juice and placed them in front of us.    


As she bent to place the juice in front of me, my eyes lit up. Through her collar, I could see the two lumps of white and tender.    


After a short while, she quickly straightened up.    


Even so, she still caught my eye, and her clothes were held up by the great chest.    


Amongst so many women, besides the mysterious Huang Wei, only Yuan Li's delicate and pretty face could compete with Xu Hui's.    


"My eyes are about to pop out."    


Qiu Shi Ye said sourly.    


"Eh, I really didn't expect your sister to be Yuan Lili. All of a sudden, I feel this world is too small."    


I raised my hand to rub my head and smiled embarrassedly.    


Yuan Lili smiled and said, "Yes, I feel the same way too."    


"Is this fate between you two? Quickly hug and kiss."    


Qiu Shiye snorted, looking a little angry.    


When I heard this, I immediately burst out into laughter. I thought to myself, what fate. Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence?    


He had thought that he would never see Yuan Lili ever since he came across her while renting a house. However, he didn't expect to meet her again at the clothing store of the shopping mall.    


I quickly put my arm around Qiu Shiye's shoulders and kissed on her cheek. I smiled mischievously. "You guys are indeed good sisters, to have such a hot body."    


No matter what, he and Yuan Lili would only have a one-night stand. Qiu Shiye was still his woman, so he had to give her some face.    


"Then you should take Lily as well. We'll serve you together."    


Qiu Shi Ye pouted as if she was overturned by jealousy, and the sour taste in her mouth rose to the heavens.    


Her words excited me.    


In terms of looks, Yuan Lili was slightly inferior to Qiu Shiye. In terms of figure, they were on par with each other. In terms of seductive appearance, Qiu Shiye was slightly ahead of her.    


Although it wasn't the first time he had caused trouble, he had never played a dragon and a phoenix, so he had no idea what it felt like.    


Imagine Qiu Shiye and Yuan Lili lying naked on the bed, waiting for the scene of their favorite.    


In the next second, he felt a sharp pain from his waist.    


I came back to my senses and hurriedly covered my mouth. I raised my hand to wipe the saliva at the corner of my mouth. Damn it, I was distracted again.    


"Darling, stop messing around, Lily is your good sister, I absolutely can't have any bad intentions."    


I said something seriously against my will.    


"That is to say, if Lily wasn't my sister, you would be able to seduce her?"    


Qiu Shiye pouted unhappily.    


Yuan Lili sat beside her with a smile. She put her hand on her arm and said, "Ye-zi, you finally made it here. Don't always make fun of me."    


Qiu Shi Ye turned her head and gave me a cute snort before starting to chat with Yuan Lili.    


I cast a grateful glance at Yuan Lili and immediately felt a burst of emotion in my heart.    


Although Yuan Lili was not bad, she was still a little inferior compared to Qiu Shiye. Qiu Shiye knew more about how to please men than her.    


Take Yuan Lili for example. Originally, I was the one who tricked her, but in the end, it was she who tricked me. She gave me a feeling of being dealt with and made me feel very unhappy.    


Qiu Shiye, on the other hand, is different. She knows how to handle a man's heart, whether it's anger, coquettishness, acting pitifully, or causing trouble, she did everything right, making me feel good.    


This point could be seen from Sun Quang's attitude towards Qiu Shiye.    


I think if a woman like Qiu Shiye were to travel to an ancient palace, she would definitely be able to confuse the emperor so much that he would have no choice but to destroy his country if he were to meet her.    


Qiu Shiye and Yuan Lili chatted excitedly, their chests quivering with happiness.    


What I was watching was an envious look. A glass of juice quickly entered my stomach, but my mouth still felt dry.    


Fortunately, he had just dried Qiu Shi Ye not long ago. Otherwise, that evil fire would have burnt him to the point that his throat would have started to smoke.    


I looked down at my watch. It was eleven o'clock.    


"Darling, why don't you guys talk another day? It's almost noon, and I still have to go to the dinner table. "    


I touched Qiu Shiye's arm.    


She turned around and rolled her eyes at me. Then she said to Yuan Lili, "Where's the thing I left here last time?"    


"I'll get it for you."    


Yuan Lili was slightly surprised for a moment before she said with a smile.    


"Does she know what that is?"    


I asked curiously.    


"I don't think she knows. I told her not to peek." Qiu Shiye said.    


Uh, when I heard her words, I became speechless.    


Was he that obedient?    


Anyhow, if Yuan Lili was in my place, I would have to take a look at her as soon as she started walking away. Everyone has their own curiosity, alright?!    


Soon, Yuan Lili walked over with a small wooden box about the size of her palm.    


When I saw the small box, I heaved a sigh of relief. So there was a lock on it. It seemed that the key was in Qiu Shiye's hand. Yuan Lili probably didn't know what was inside.    


"Ye-zi, what exactly is inside?"    


Yuan Lili showed a curious expression.    


"Lili, don't ask too much. It's not good for you to know more."    


Qiu Shiye said solemnly.    


Yuan Lili answered with an "Oh" and stuck out her tongue.    


Qiu Shi Ye took the box and sighed. Then, she handed the box to me.    


I looked at the small wooden box excitedly. There was something on Chief Zhang's mind, if Han Bing knew about this, she would definitely be happy to give me "benefits."    


It's a pity that I won't hand over any information regarding Director Zhang, because his downfall might not be beneficial to me.    


On the contrary, as long as he was in that position, he had to take care of my bar.    


Thinking back to when Han Bing wanted to rise to the top and gave me to Huang Wei, but was interrupted by Director Zhang. At that time, Director Zhang was pretty awesome, and when he shook hands with him, Director Zhang just ignored him.    


That was another time.    


As long as the handle in this box is strong, Director Zhang will be at my mercy. Even if he is a square, I can pinch him into a round shape.    


"Sun Qun thought that this thing would be the safest with you, but on the contrary, if she knew that you had given it to me, her intestines would be turning green with regret."    


I said happily.    


"If you want to stop acting good and give me the thing, will you kick me away?"    


Qiu Shiye stared at me.    


"Idiot, I'm not that kind of person."    


I pulled her into my embrace and winked at Yuan Lili.    


Yuan Lili also blinked at me coquettishly and immediately said, "Ye-zi, please stop showing off your love. I'm so envious of you."    


Qiu Shi Ye left my embrace and turned around with a smile. "Then let him hug you as well. We're good sisters, so I don't mind. If you fall for him, I can lend him to you for a few days."    


When I heard this, I was speechless. You, Qiu Shiye, what do you think I am?    


What do you mean lend it to her for a few days!    


Laozi has a soul and thoughts, he's about to become the boss of Qingjiang district, and he also has his own bar in the northern part of the city. Now that Old Lin's status has skyrocketed, he's no longer the gigolo sent by that woman.    


I roared inside.    


Damn it, seeing that she had recently made so many meritorious deeds, I felt like I could walk on an aircraft carrier. I didn't want to lower myself to her level, hmph, hmph.    


"Ye-zi, I'm serious."    


Yuan Lili said to Qiu Shiye and then gave me a coquettish look.    


"Regardless, men are still clothes. If it's appropriate, we should wear it. If it's inappropriate, we should throw it away and change it. Our bodies are similar, so if I'm wearing clothes that fit my body, you should wear it as well."    


Qiu Shi and Ye Xiao were getting more and more out of hand. At this moment, Ye Zichen actually compared his martial arts to clothes, which really pissed me off.    


The word "endure" passed through Lord Buddha's mind, but he still refused to lower himself to her level.    


"Then I'm really 'wearing' this set of clothes. Don't cry later on."    


Yuan Lili came to my side and touched my chest.    


She smelled good, and I inhaled, and then I looked down at her towering breasts, her perky buttocks, and I wanted to rub them. It was really, really tempting.    


"To put your heart at ease and wear something like that. Who asked us to be good sisters? Look at how he didn't say anything, he must be overjoyed. He really wants us to do that kind of thing with him."    


"Jaeger" once said a classic sentence in the movie, no longer have to endure the need to endure.    


Alright, since she likes Yuan Lili so much, I will do as she wishes.    


I put my arm around Yuan Lili and let my hand slide down her back. I touched her buttocks, and at the same time, with my other hand, I climbed up the two peaks that I had been thinking about for a long time.    


As I moved my hands, I lowered my head and kissed Yuan Lili. Then I turned to Qiu Shiye and asked, "Darling, are you satisfied now?"    


Little kid, you're still too young to fight with your brother.    


There is no 'politeness' in this brother's dictionary. Are you still f * cking provoking me like this? If Old Lin doesn't make any more movements, then is it still our style?    


Hmph, look at how arrogant she is right now. Those who don't know me would think that I'm her pretty boy toy!    


Since she wants to serve me with Yuan Lili so much, I must let her fulfill this wish of hers. Since there's still more than an hour before noon, it should be enough for me to have another fight.    


As I thought of this, the evil fire in my body started to rise, and my eyes started to burn as I looked at Qiu Shiye.    


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