Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C192 Family Disagreements

C192 Family Disagreements

"Your dad is the scum."    


Cui Xiaohu roared in anger, raised his fist and struck towards me.    


When I heard his words, I got even angrier and sent a kick towards him.    


Cui Xiaohu is a head shorter than me, and he is also thin and weak. He is no match for me, so my kick landed on his stomach.    


He let out an "Ah!" as his body fell to the ground, clutching his stomach as if he was in a lot of pain.    




Cui Wenqian screamed anxiously as she ran to Cui Xiaohu's side. Tears flowed down her face once again, and she looked heartbroken.    


When I saw this scene, I silently sighed. After all, they were siblings. At the most critical moment, I was able to immediately see the difference in strength.    


At this moment, his mother, who had probably heard the commotion, ran over and asked worriedly, "What's going on?"    


"Mom, it's fine."    


I turned to my mother.    


When Cui Wenqian saw her mother, she cried even harder.    


After that, she looked at me with a complicated expression. It was estranged, unfamiliar, lost, and seemed to contain a faint trace of hatred. "When you came to pick us up, was the smile on your face fake and the kindness on your face?"    


Cui Wenqian's words caused everyone else to be shocked.    


I felt a pang in my heart. At that time, I was feeling happy from the bottom of my heart because I had suddenly gained a younger brother and a younger sister.    


"Yes, I hate you. I hate you for sharing my mother's love."    


I took a deep breath and gritted my teeth.    


"Yang Yang."    


the mother shouted anxiously.    


I smiled wryly in my heart, but didn't want to explain any further. At this point in time, no matter how I argued, Cui Xiaohu and his sister wouldn't believe me.    


"Brother, let's go."    


Cui Wenqian turned to look at Cui Xiaohu.    


His mother rushed over to Cui Wenqian's side and scolded, "Go where you can. This is your house."    


"This is not our home."    


Cui Wenqian said sorrowfully.    


Han Bing glared at me, then walked to Cui Wenqian's side, "Little sister, don't listen to his nonsense. Whenever he's angry, he'll say something he doesn't mean, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, you two siblings wouldn't have quarreled."    


"Sister-in-law, this has nothing to do with you." Cui Wenqian said.    


"Listen to sister-in-law. You can stay here. This is your home, and your elder brother has no right to speak." Han Bing comforted Cui Wenqian.    


"Right, right. Listen to your sister-in-law." My mother hastened to say yes.    


I looked at Han Bing exasperatedly, damn it, laozi has already offended everyone, and she started to act like a good person.    


Also, what do you mean I don't have the right to speak?    


Pah, pah! This is so infuriating. If she doesn't demean me soon, she'll feel upset.    


I've endured it in my heart. Buddha has kept it in my heart. This old monk will not lower himself to her level. Amitabha.    


"Come here." Han Bing said to me.    


"What for?"    


I asked snappily.    


"Apologize to little sister."    


Han Bing's face fell.    


"Not going."    


Damn, from what she's saying, it sounds like it's my fault. I, your father, am completely loyal to this brother and sister. What else do I want?    


Ungrateful ingrate, I can't be bothered with them.    


"Hurry up."    


Han Bing's hidden threat made my heart tremble. If this woman were to attack me, she wouldn't care about the occasion.    


F * ck!    


When can big bro act like a man in front of Han Bing and tell her what to do?    


I made up my mind that I must develop my career well, try to be proud as soon as possible, make the decision, and live the life of lying on the sofa with food in my mouth and clothes in my hands.    


Well, why don't we apologize?    


Otherwise, this bro's meal wouldn't be quiet.    


"We can't stand his false apologies."    


Cui Xiaohu said with disdain.    


When I heard this, I was immediately enraged and shouted incoherently, "You little bastard! You're just like a bear!"    


"If you dare say anything more about my dad, I'll kill you."    


Cui Xiaohu roared in anger, and was about to charge towards me again, but Han Bing and the rest hastily stopped him. He stood on his tiptoes, extended his arms, and looked as if he wanted to eat me.    


"Ah ha, he's not big, but he can speak big words, and he still wants to kill me? Let me tell you, if it wasn't for my mother, I would have killed you first, so that you could go with that drunkard. "    


As soon as I finished, my mother stepped in front of me and slapped me in the face.    


"You're almost thirty people, and you're so much older than them. Can't you just let them go?"    


His mother's face was covered in tears, and she was crying sorrowfully.    


I was stunned for a moment. After recovering from my shock, I looked at my mother for a few seconds before shouting, feeling wronged, "Why should I let them ask me? Do they treat me as their big brother in their hearts?" I don't owe them, they owe me. "    


Mother was stunned by my words and immediately cried even harder. She muttered, "You're all right. It's all my fault. None of you owe anyone. I owe you all this. I'm sorry."    


"Cui Xiaohu, you better remember this. In the future, shrink your neck. If I see you with a little bit of uneasiness, I will take your life."    


When I saw my mother crying so sorrowfully, my heart ached and all of my anger shifted to Cui Xiaohu.    


"Come on, come on."    


As the saying goes, a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger. Cui Xiaohu was not frightened by me, and his craziness was something that I admired in my heart.    


However, I was not happy that he treated me like this, not to mention that I was angry with him.    


I raised my leg and kicked him. Before I could kick him, Liu Cong stopped me. "Enough."    


"Second fool, don't mind me. This is my family matter."    


I shouted at Liu Cong.    


"You think I'm willing to interfere, but if you go on like this, you'll only end up getting into conflict."    


Liu Cong's words made a lot of sense. The problem was that he wasn't in the mood to listen to him.    


"If it's so, then so be it. I've been busy day after day, why should I suffer from his anger when I get home?"    


Mother, Han Bing and the rest only know how to protect the Cui Xiaohu and sister, did they ever think about my feelings?    


At this moment, my cell phone rang. I took out my cell phone and immediately felt refreshed. I glared at Cui Xiaohu before walking out of the door.    


I came to the door, picked up the phone and asked, "Xiaolong, how is your sister-in-law?"    


"Big brother, ever since I came here, sister-in-law has been sitting there crying."    


"How many brothers did you bring?"    


"Twenty brothers, including me, and a few other brothers who were hospitalized, all made preparations to come over at any time."    


"Very good, thank you brothers. I'll be right over. Watch your sister-in-law, don't make her do anything stupid."    


I sighed. I felt guilty that my career had involved Tian Yihe.    


"Big brother, don't worry. With me and Qiang-ge here, nothing will happen to sister-in-law."    


I hung up the phone and went back to the living room. I saw Han Bing and my mother coaxing Cui Wenqian.    


Hmph, I thought to myself, even if I'm a few years older, there's no need to completely ignore me, right?    


"Bro, I'm sorry. With the current atmosphere, we can't eat anymore."    


I said apologetically to Liu Cong.    


Liu Cong gave me a rare smile and shook his head to show that I didn't mind.    


"You guys go ahead, I still have things to take care of."    


I said unhappily to Han Bing and the rest before turning around and walking outside.    


"Yang Yang." cried the mother.    


At the same time, Han Bing also shouted, "Lin Yang, stop right there."    


I was so upset that I didn't pay any attention to them. When we were outside the door, Han Bing chased us.    


"Slut Lin, how old are you? Why are you still in a bad mood over two teenage children?"    


Han Bing said angrily.    


"Was that a ruckus? "What I said was the truth. Cui Dayong, that scumbag, stole my mother, so I thought of Cui Dayong the moment I saw them."    


I argued.    


"But you clearly called me before to tell me that you were very happy to have your younger brother and sister, and now you purposely said those words to provoke them. What exactly do you think?"    


Han Bing said in disbelief.    


I was at a loss for words. "I … I lied to you. Cui Dazhao stole my mother, and they stole my mother's love. How could I be happy?"    


"You're lying. What you're saying now is against your own will. You clearly care about them, yet you intentionally said those words to make them hate you. What are you trying to do?"    


Han Bing sighed.    


I was extremely depressed in my heart. How could I have said those words on purpose? Wasn't I confused due to their anger?    


Now, since they have already misunderstood me, I am unwilling to explain any further. I can't pull that face off to apologize to these two brats who don't care about me.    


Whether or not they hate me, whether or not they are grateful to me, that is not important. The important thing is that mother is happy.    


"If you do this, will she be happy? What she wants most is for you and your sisters to be happy together. "    


Han Bing rolled his eyes.    


"At this point, I can't care that much anymore. I believe that time can heal all the pain."    


I said emotionally before continuing, "I was just thinking too much. Just now, I suddenly realized that the siblings are the real ones. To them, I can at most be considered as a close relative. I can't not admit it. This is the truth."    


Han Bing didn't refute my words, which means that she agrees with me.    


There was still one more father to be had.    


If my mother and Cui Daorong had only one child, maybe this child and I would be able to get together. But the truth is, they had two children, so it would be very difficult for the three of them to get together.    


Just like before, once there was a conflict, I could immediately see that the two of them were of the same mind. There was always an insurmountable gulf between us that my mother could not bridge with a few words.    


Fortunately, he was quite open-minded. It didn't matter whether he could get together with them or not.    


Life is like a journey, not everyone goes to one place.    


I have embarked on a unique life path, I have a beloved woman beside me, a group of hot-blooded brothers, I am no longer alone.    


The lonely Lin Yang before he turned twenty was no longer there.    


The current Lin Yang, with the help of his brothers and the company of his beloved woman, would definitely reach the pinnacle of the world.    


This bro has always avoided such negative emotions.    


I am on my way to the peak, and I won't be disturbed by any negative emotions. In my heart, there are only two words, go, go …    


Han Bing was silent for a moment, then asked, "Where are you going?"    


"I'm going to the north of the city to take care of some matters."    


"What is it?" Han Bing asked.    


F * ck, I said to take care of some things, but I didn't want to tell her anything.    


"Some people have captured my friend's son. I'll help him deal with them."    


I said half-truthfully.    


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