Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C171 Divorce

C171 Divorce

The villa is very big, so speaking of it as a villa, I feel that this place is more like a garden, because inside, besides the plants and trees, there are also fake mountains, pentagonal pavilions, corridors, and what looks like an ancient mansion at first glance.    




There was a person sitting in the pavilion.    


At this moment, the car stopped. Liu Cong and I got out and looked at the people in the pavilion.    


After the middle-aged man got off the car, he pointed at Liu Cong and said, "You stay here."    


Then he said to me, "Come with me."    


His voice was soft and his expression was solemn as he walked towards the pavilion.    


Liu Cong nodded to me, signaling me not to be afraid. I gave him a depressed look and quickly followed the man.    


Damn, how could he not be afraid?    


Coming to Viper's nest, he was already extremely nervous, his hands were sweating and his legs were trembling uncontrollably.    


I looked up the corridor in front of me. It was also an old-fashioned corridor, with wooden pillars leading to the small pavilion from time to time.    


When I stepped into the corridor, it was like stepping onto a bridge. Once I reached the other side, I was at the gates of hell.    


I walked to the middle of the corridor, looked back at Liu Cong, and then looked into the distance. Bye bye, idiot Li.    


I lowered my head to wipe away my tears. When I raised my head, I was already inside the pavilion.    


There was a circular stone table in the pavilion, and around the stone table were five stone stools. On the stone table was a tea set.    


"Sir Meng, we've brought him."    


The middle-aged man respectfully bowed.    


I raised my head to look at Elder Meng. He looked to be in his fifties, wearing a beige Tang suit. He sat on a stone stool as he leisurely sipped his tea.    


At the same time, he was looking at me.    


I looked into his eyes and hastily made way for him to leave. I lifted my hand to wipe away my cold sweat.    


His eyes were brimming with vigor, wisdom, and a faint trace of cold light. He was like a ferocious beast lying in wait, causing his heart to tremble.    


Elder Meng looked at me for a while before glancing at the old man. He asked him in a neutral tone, "What happened to the wound on your face?"    


I was so scared when I heard what Mr. Meng said that I started to shiver. Could it be that he wants to settle the score?    


"Yes, he was beaten by his bodyguard."    


The middle-aged man said.    


When I heard his words, I held my breath. My hands were wet, and I paid very close attention to Mr. Meng's movements.    


Old man Meng was sipping on a cup of tea. Upon hearing the man's words, the cup was stunned for a moment. Then he blew on the cup and drank the tea in one gulp.    


"I told you to invite Lin Yang, did you make a move?"    


He placed the teacup on the stone table and asked indifferently, his voice majestic without anger.    


"He, he won't come."    


The next second.    


Boss Meng suddenly threw out his hand, and a "peng" sound was heard.    


I hastily turned my head to look and saw that the middle-aged man had already collapsed onto the ground. His eyes were wide open and a willow leaf throwing knife was stuck between his eyebrows.    


My mouth was wide open and I couldn't say a single word. I watched this scene in shock. After a long while, I finally shut my mouth and hurriedly rubbed my eyes. I must be dreaming.    


After I finished rubbing my eyes, I looked at the floor once again. The middle-aged man still looked as though he had died with remaining grievances. Between his eyebrows, scarlet blood was seeping out.    


F * ck!    


This was too crazy.    


Even if they beat someone up, they would be afraid of being caught, yet they brazenly killed him. They were not afraid of being seen at all. This was too violent.    


Motherf * cker!    


As expected of a venomous snake.    


I was already scared enough, but now that I see what you're doing, I'm even more scared.    


Good heavens! Killing a person was as easy as killing an ant. With just a gentle wave of his hand, that person would fall to the ground. This was too scary.    


I feel like my lips and teeth have turned cold, could it be that he is trying to intimidate me?    


You don't need to kill your own people, right?    


At this moment, I finally understood why they say venomous snakes are the scariest. They treat human lives like grass and treat their own people so ruthlessly. When dealing with outsiders, one cannot be more ruthless.    


I let out a long breath and shook my head violently, trying to get rid of all these negative emotions.    


At this point, stretching one's neck was just a knife and shrinking one's neck was also a knife. They simply resigned themselves to fate and made up their minds to agree to whatever he did.    


Two people ran over from afar and arrived at the pavilion. Without saying a word, they lifted up the middle-aged man and left.    




Mondo said to me in a hard, gentle voice.    


"No, no, I'll just stand."    


Like the man before me, I stuttered, and though I tried to comfort myself, I was afraid.    




Old Meng said again.    


I hurried to sit on the stone bench opposite him, fast.    


"Why are you so far away?"    


Elder Meng's lips curled up into a smile, giving himself a very warm feeling. It was like the smile a parent would give their child. If it wasn't for that scene just now, I really would have thought that he was a very gentle person.    


I smiled awkwardly, unsure of what to say.    


He took out another teacup and poured some tea before pushing it towards me. "Don't be restrained, just treat this place as your home and drink your tea."    


Get lost!    


I don't want to stay here for even a minute, so how can I treat this as my own home?    


The heck, you scared me to the point that I nearly wet my pants, yet you still want to drink tea and my ass!    


However, he was still a little excited. Viper had personally poured tea for him, what kind of treatment was that?    


No one would believe it even if word of this spread.    


I quickly stood up and held the teacup as if it were a priceless treasure. I didn't dare to spill a single drop of tea.    


"Thank you, Sir Meng. May I know what business you have with me?"    


I braced myself and weakly asked.    


He definitely had come to find me for a reason. That way, he wouldn't kill me so easily.    


"No rush, let's talk first."    


Sir Meng wasn't in a hurry at all. He smiled and said something.    


He wasn't in a hurry, but I was!    


"Old Meng, is there a toilet here?" I want to pee. "    


I asked in a low voice. I was so cautious that even my speech had become civilized. There was no other way. I was afraid that if I said that it wasn't good, I would anger him.    


Old Meng laughed and shook his head. He pointed to a corridor on the other side of the pavilion. "Just turn left."    


I stood up, bowed to Mr. Meng, and walked quickly towards him. When I was far away from Mr. Meng, my heart finally dropped.    


Very quickly, he found the toilet according to the route that Old Meng pointed out.    


Just as I was about to go in, I saw the two men who had run into the pavilion before, and they put a black bag in a car.    


I swallowed again. It must have been the middle-aged man in the bag.    


All right, man.    


If you feel wronged, go look for Elder Meng. Don't look for me.    


I went to the toilet and peed for a while. After that, I shook my brother and muttered, "Little brother, this old man Meng is too scary. Whether we brothers can leave this garden alive will depend on our luck."    


Just as I finished mumbling, turning around and stuffing the stuff into my pants, I froze.    


The heck, why is he here?    


"Elder, Elder Meng, why … why are you here?"    


My hands stopped moving, my legs went limp, and I almost fell to the ground.    


The younger brother was peeing again. He was lying on his stomach on the front of his pants, opening the door. He stretched out his "head" and looked at Old Meng in fear.    


It's over, the dishes will definitely be put to rest this time!    


He must have heard the words that he muttered a moment ago.    


To his surprise, Sir Meng did not fly into a rage. Instead, he smiled. A hint of amusement appeared in his deep eyes. "You little rascal, how dare you call me old man Meng."    


"I … I was talking about an old man near my home. I didn't … I didn't mention you."    


I don't even believe it myself.    


Elder Meng definitely wouldn't believe me. He asked while he was giving water, "Han Bing is your wife?"    


When I heard the two words, "Han Bing," my heart thumped, and then I had a bad premonition.    


This strange wife of his had offended all the large and small powers in Hong Kong. Could it be that the reason he came to find him was related to Han Bing?    


After I pulled up my pants, I lifted my hand to wipe off my cold sweat. The more I thought about it, the more likely it was.    




There was no point in quibbling. He must have already investigated me thoroughly.    


"If I let you divorce her, would you?"    


Old Meng was also like himself, shaking his brother after the water was poured out. "Cough cough, it seems like all of us like to tease old brothers like this."    


I was stunned when I heard his words. He wants me to divorce Han Bing?    


What should he do?    


Before, he had made up his mind that no matter what Elder Meng asked him to do, as long as he did as he pleased, he would be fine.    


But I can't divorce Han Bing, I can't do this, even if I temporarily agree to him in order to live, after Viper finds out that I lied to him, with his methods, he won't be able to escape death.    


In this life, even though there was only one spring, life was still the same. Since death came sooner or later, death would come sooner or later.    


"I won't divorce Han Bing, if you want to kill me, then kill me."    


I mustered up my courage and said this manly sentence before closing my eyes to wait for death. In my heart, however, I was extremely terrified, especially in the area between my eyebrows.    


After waiting for a while, he realized that there was no movement. He opened his eyes and saw that there was no one in front of him. Could it be that Old Meng had never come and he was hallucinating?    


I wiped the sweat from my forehead and soaked my clothes.    


I took three deep breaths and went out to the pavilion, where I saw Mr. Meng sitting at a stone table and drinking tea from a distance.    


"Sit down. That cup of tea has turned cold. I've poured another cup for you."    


After walking into the pavilion, Master Meng told me that he had returned to his previous state of being an otherworldly expert.    


I sat down, took a sip from my teacup and smacked my lips. "En, it tastes good."    


"How is it good to drink?"    


The corners of Sir Meng's mouth curled into a smile.    


"Just the fragrance of the tea makes me feel comfortable. When I drink it, the tea will taste sweet and sweet, along with a hint of bitterness. What a good tea!"    


I said as I was holding the cup of tea.    


Hearing this, Elder Meng laughed out loud. "I didn't know that you knew how to taste tea."    


I touched my head in embarrassment. "I'm a layman, and I say the most direct feeling."    


"You can taste all these with just one sip. Not bad at all."    


Elder Meng praised me with a smile.    


"What tea is this?" I asked curiously.    


"I don't know what kind of tea it is either. It was given to me by a good friend from before. I can't find it in the market."    


A look of reminiscence flashed in Old Meng's eyes.    


Could it be that his good friend is already dead?    


"No wonder I haven't had this tea."    


Actually, he rarely drank tea. Before, he had already drunk jasmine tea and glutinous rice tea.    


"Lin Yang, I called you here today because I have something important to talk to you about."    


Sir Meng's face turned serious, and his tone became very serious.    


Damn it, when he finally got down to business, I hurriedly said," "If there's anything you want to tell me, just say it."    


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