Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C537 Evil Reprisals

C537 Evil Reprisals

Feng Yao walked a few steps in front of that person and coldly asked, "Three years ago, a car accident happened on the Hong Kong Expressway, did you understand that?"    


That person wasn't scared at all. Instead, he revealed a look of looking at an idiot and sneered, "We have killed countless people and also caused a lot of traffic accidents. I can't even remember the accident three months ago."    


"You might not remember the other accidents, but you should remember the assassination of Feng Kun and his wife."    


Feng Yao's tone was ice-cold, and her eyes revealed a murderous intent.    


I think that if it wasn't for the fact that this person was useful to her, she wouldn't hesitate to kill him.    


But she seemed to be cheating on him.    


The man revealed a thoughtful expression as he muttered Feng Kun's name. Then, he muttered: "I seem to have heard of this name."    


"You'd better tell me everything you know, or I'll let you have a taste of life rather than death."    


That person laughed out loud, looking like he had gone insane. "Little girl, do you think I'm scared?"    


Feng Yao took a few steps back and coldly said, "Let him have a taste of your methods."    


Immediately after, two muscular men walked up to the man. One of them had a dagger in his hand, while the other had a small cage. Inside the cage, there was a mouse.    


F * ck, what were they planning to do?    


There was no trace of fear in that man's eyes as he crazily shouted, "Come on, just use whatever you have."    


I secretly clicked my tongue. Just by looking at this, this person was quite courageous.    


However, his crazy appearance made him look more like a religious fanatic.    




As long as he was a human, there would be limits that he wouldn't be able to endure.    


Under such torture, perhaps only a small minority of those with powerful beliefs would be able to withstand such inhuman torture.    


They brought over a small table about half the height of a man and placed it in front of him. There were two curved iron buttons on the table, and they vaguely guessed what it was used for.    


Next, the person holding the military dagger cut the rope from one of his hands. Then, he pulled the other hand onto a small table that was as tall as half a person. He then undid the buckle and pressed the man's wrist inside.    




The metal buckle locked onto his wrist and he pulled hard, unable to move at all.    


After that, the man wielded the military dagger and gestured a few times. The white blade glinted with a cold light and looked extremely sharp.    


The next second.    


He slashed fiercely, and the terrorist cried out in pain. A wound appeared on his hand, and blood kept flowing out.    


Another man waved the cage at the terrorists.    


The cage looked like it was specially designed for use. One end was flat, while the other end was caved inwards in an arc.    


The man placed the cage on top of the terrorist's hand. The arc caught the latter's arm. A trace of fear finally appeared in the latter's eyes. Immediately, the former gently pulled the small door under the cage.    


The rat seemed to have smelled the scent of blood and squeaked non-stop. It looked to be in high spirits.    


After opening the small door, the mouse immediately pounced on the person's hand and started chewing on it. Looking at such a cruel scene, I immediately frowned and turned my head to the side. I couldn't watch any longer. This was too bloody.    


Crash! * * Crash! * A sound rang out. From the sound of it, that person was trying to pull his hand out.    


At the same time, that person's voice was also constantly heard. His voice was filled with a deep sense of fear.    


"Yaoyao, killing is just a matter of life and death. Isn't that a bit too cruel?"    


"Don't be too merciful when dealing with these beasts that kill without batting an eyelid. Think about what he said before and how he caused countless car crashes and killed countless people. It is already benevolent of him to have countless happy families destroyed in their hands." Feng Yao said with hatred in her voice.    


Think about it, terrorists did not have any scruples when it came to killing people, and in their eyes, there was no benevolence. Killing people was like crushing an ant; they loved to kill people, otherwise, the word 'terrorists' would not rest on them.    


Miserable screams filled the air.    


The squeaking of the rat was too terrifying to bear.    


Although I didn't want to see this bloody scene, I still couldn't help but turn my head to look. When I saw the scene in the cage, my stomach started to churn and I felt like vomiting.    


I held my mouth tight and took a deep breath, trying to suppress my disgust. I quickly withdrew my gaze, not daring to look anymore.    


It wasn't that Old Lin was timid, it was just too bloody.    


The teeth of a mouse were as hard as steel. Almost everyone knew that even a wooden beam as thick as a grown man's waist could be bitten through, let alone a body made of flesh and blood.    


The man's hand was bloody and so was his bones. His five fingers had been bitten off. His hand was crippled and his body was covered with blood. He had turned into a bloody rat.    


At this moment, that person's scream had turned into an extremely terrified scream.    


His eyes were wide open, bean-sized beads of sweat rolled down his face, and veins bulged on his forehead. It was obvious how much pain he was enduring.    


There was a saying in the underworld that was good that one had to pay for messing around.    


When this terrorist was slaughtering people with a gun, he never thought that there would be an industry report.    


The cycle of karmic retribution.    


The Buddhist "The Great Perception" had a famous French phrase: "There is no such thing as good fortune, only people call for themselves, good and evil are rewarded, like shadow following the shadow."    


A short 16 words can teach us many truths about life.    


Misfortunes and blessings are not fated, they are summoned by our subjective attitude towards people, things, actions, words, and so on. When a person dies, the gold and silver wealth, fame and position will not be taken away, but the good and evil will be like the shadow of a person.    


At this time, Feng Yao coldly said, "His hand is already crippled, cut off."    


The man with the cage closed the door and removed the cage. The other man with the military dagger turned around and looked at him. He smiled and said, "I'm sorry, the knife is a bit dull. Please bear with it."    


Next, he cut his wrist back and forth.    


"Aooo …"    


The screams made my ears ring.    


Damn, this guy must have done it on purpose. The blade looked extremely sharp, but he actually said it was blunt.    


It took him a full minute to cut off the palm.    


"What other tricks do you have? Continue."    


Feng Yao's tone did not contain a single trace of emotion.    


The burly man who was carrying the cage turned around and walked towards a corner of the cabin. In a few breaths, he returned with a thick, transparent glass bottle and a bottle of honey in his hand.    


Inside the transparent glass bottle were many black ants. Their bodies were very thin and long.    


I grabbed the subordinate and asked curiously, "What kind of ants are these?"    


"Brother, this is a black ant, I got it from Taiwan. This ant has a keen sense of smell and likes sweet food and meat. I rubbed this honey on the wound on his wrist, these black ants will definitely try their best to drill in."    


He shook the honey in his hand.    


I couldn't help but shiver. This was too cruel.    


No, I really can't watch it any longer. I have to leave, I can't stay here any longer, or else I will definitely stop them. What is the difference between this kind of inhuman torture and someone from the Yellow Springs?    


The next moment.    


When the terrorist heard our conversation, his eyes revealed a terrified look. With a trembling voice, he said, "I will tell you everything I know. Please give me a quick death."    


I heaved a sigh of relief and waved my hand to that lackey, gesturing him to move to the side.    


"Wrap him up. He can't die until I hear something useful."    


Feng Yao coldly said. However, her gaze was still focused on that person. She took two steps forward and immediately asked: "If you don't want to continue suffering, then be smart. Otherwise, those little animals under me will eat you little by little."    


He hurriedly nodded his head, no longer as crazy as before.    


"About the accident three years ago."    


"Three years ago, I just joined Netherworld, and that was when I was still a mercenary company. I didn't join any terrorist organizations, and the new employees who joined the company had to go through strict physical training before they could officially get on duty. In order to pass the test quickly, I had to fawn on the instructor quite a bit. I also got a lot of information from the instructor and learned that the company rarely receives orders from China. "    


He stopped here.    


Feng Yao frowned and continued, "Continue."    


The man said weakly, "Can you let me drink some water?"    


She turned her head and nodded to a big man.    


"One day, the instructor suddenly said that he was leaving for a few days and said that the company had accepted a Chinese order. I was a little curious, so I looked at the contents of the order. The name on it seemed to be Feng Kun, and there was even a photo of the target.    


I feel the same way. Every time I pay my respects to Feng Kun, his fierce gaze always makes me feel as if I'm standing in front of a small meter.    


That said, he did not expect this guy to actually know about the accident three years ago. That was even better, since he could even remember this kind of thing, then he definitely knew more about the internal affairs of Huang Quan.    


According to this person, that mission should be carried out by the instructor.    


Hearing this, Feng Yao's expression became very excited: "What's that instructor called? Is he still alive? "    


He nodded his head, "The instructor is a core member of the company, his spear skills and agility are both very good, he doesn't need to personally take action, only some tough bones will make him do it, so he rarely goes out, and basically stays at the headquarters to train new recruits. I don't know his name, his skin is very dark, we all call him Black Wolf."    


Feng Yao frowned and asked, "Black people?"    




"What physical characteristics does he have?"    


After Feng Yao asked this question, a man immediately walked out from the side. In his hand was a drawing board. This scene was too familiar. He wanted to draw the Black Wolf's appearance according to the dictation, it was truly admirable.    


She actually had this kind of talent under her command. The background of a great power was indeed something she could not compare with.    


"Around 1.7 meters tall, with a crew cut, not too fat nor too thin..."    


A few minutes later.    


The man finished describing the characteristics of the black wolf, and the man with the drawing board also finished drawing. Then, he showed the pattern on the drawing board to the man.    


Feng Yao took over the drawing board, looking like she was about to grind her teeth. She stared at the drawing board for a while, her eyes filled with hatred.    


I walked to her side and put my arm around her shoulders as I consoled her softly, "We will capture him. Now that we know about this Black Wolf, we can be considered to have gained a lot. At the very least, we know who the culprit is."    


She gave a tight grunt and did not speak.    


I picked up my phone and took a picture of the image on the drawing board, then I passed the drawing board to the subordinate beside me. I turned to look at her and said in a deep voice, "Black Wolf is the executor. The real killer is the one who placed the order on Huang Quan. We need to find this person and get rid of him."    


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