The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C34 Special sessions

C34 Special sessions

Cao Aidang stood up and said, that Xiao Huang, don't just sit there and wait for the five of them, this is none of your business … Maybe he wanted to use this opportunity to raise his deterrence level, so he could not help but raise his voice, his tone becoming more and more unyielding: Huang Xing, did you hear me, don't make a fool of yourself here! What's wrong with your head?    


The entire audience burst into laughter.    


Huang Xing wanted to stand up and explain, but he felt that it was difficult to say it out loud.    


In a deadlock, Fu Jie pushed open the door and entered.    


The conference room immediately recovered its tranquility, Cao Aidang's serious face instantly eased up and he respectfully watched Fu Jie take a seat.    


Fu Jie leisurely walked to her seat and felt that the meeting room was a little stuffy, so she prepared to open a window to take a breather. Dan Dongyang quickly went forward to help. Fu Jie turned around and sat down. Fu Zhenxin poked her lips with an oil brush, as she lightly slid on it and asked: "Sis …." The Boss Fu seemed to be in a hurry this time. Also, did something happen after the sale, or why would Huang Xing follow along as well?    


Fu Jie did not reply to her question, she only frowned and reprimanded Fu Zhenxin: "Tell me, how old are you? Why is a dignified Deputy General Manager like a child following you around all day?" Why are you holding a pen to your mouth?    


Fu Zhenxin flicked her tongue and quickly took down the pen.    


In reality, however, in meetings, Fu Jie would habitually criticize Fu Zhenxin for a few sentences, and then knock on Mountain Shaking Tiger. In fact, anyone could see through Fu Jie's intentions, she was using such a method to display her might. The pitiful Fu Zhenxin, had always been a victim of Fu Jie's deterrence. This kind of private enterprise, even if one wanted to sing a song and play a song, it was not too excessive. As the Deputy General Manager of a company, it was natural for Fu Zhenxin to be a good person. Fu Jie was also very good at using her attitude towards Fu Zhenxin to express her opinion towards the management. had always been good at managing things like this. She rarely scolded any Managers in public, Fu Zhenxin was an exception.    


Fu Zhenxin had long ago become accustomed to it. Every time she was criticized by Fu Jie, she would comfort herself: Sister by blood, if I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?    


Fu Jie took a sip of water to moisten her throat, and turned to look at Dan Dongyang. Dan Dongyang felt a little guilty, and only after a long time did he finally understand what Fu Jie meant. He coughed lightly and said seriously: "The meeting starts now. Ah, this, please turn your cell phone to vibrate …" Below … Next, I ask Boss Fu to give everyone some pointers, and everyone welcomes it!    


Fu Jie was both annoyed and amused. She couldn't help but ask: "Single Director, do you want me to do battle mobilization?"    


Dan Dongyang laughed awkwardly and shifted his butt a few times.    


Fu Jie raised her wrist and looked at her watch, saying: Everyone, ten minutes, first take a look at the marketing plan that is in front of you.    


With the sound of pages being flipped, all the managers put on a very serious attitude as they read the words in their hands. Fu Jie frowned her eyebrows and thought for a while. Then, she said something. Ten minutes later, Fu Jie raised her head, pointed at Fu Zhenxin and said, "Fu Zhenxin, from you onwards, let's talk about the promotional plan.    


Fu Zhenxin habitually used to poking the brush in her mouth. With a frown, she quickly placed it on the table, touched the tip of her nose with her index finger and said.    


Fu Jie also scolded her: Of course you can't write at that level!    


Following that, several managers successively expressed their approval of the promotional plan. Cao Aidang's words were the most insightful. He described this plan as a bright light in the darkness, and once implemented, it would definitely illuminate the entire Jinan's communications industry. Fu Jie knew that Cao Aidang was an expert at flattering others, but she never thought that he would still be able to make such a poem. In the end, it was Dan Dongyang's turn to speak. He stammered for a long time before he managed to squeeze out a comment: Once this promotion plan is released, it will greatly improve our company's competitiveness and lay a solid foundation for future all-round marketing.    


Dan Dongyang's comment had a very official tone, the various managers sitting around all felt that he had the potential to become the spokesperson.    


Fu Jie could not help but let out a bitter laugh. She sat up and emphasized, "Everyone who is sitting down is basically an elder of Xin Yuan company. But I really don't like the promotional proposal you submitted. Hypocritical, empty, and full of empty talk. Some even directly took out last year's plan to deal with the official business, not even thinking of changing the date. Especially your solution, Fu Zhenxin, the whole thing is wrong and your standard of writing is even lower than a primary school student …    


Fu Zhenxin was speechless, and argued softly: I didn't have any education in the first place.    


Fu Jie frowned and swore, "Shut up." Then she continued: "In the end, I still need to mention the Single Director's plan. To be honest, the writing was quite good. It was following the rules and looked a little like an official military document. But perhaps it's because you don't know much about the company, and your plan isn't very practical. Here are a few things I'd like to hope for you to do. Companies and troops are two different things, and although I've always wanted to guarantee order through military management, I want to be flexible. It was impossible to move around with force! I admire your political skills, and how you've raised the promotional programme to the level of three representatives. But, in the army, it could be said, in the company it was a little superfluous.    


Dan Dongyang's face broke out in cold sweat as he heard this, and nodded repeatedly. "Yes, yes, I will definitely pay attention to this and definitely improve."    


Then, Fu Jie picked up the plan in front of him, and continued: The plan that you guys saw just now, did not come from me, Fu Jie. For this meeting today, in addition to giving everyone a clear promotion plan, I would also like to highlight one employee. He was the after sales representative, Huang Xing.    


The moment he said this, the entire audience was shocked.    


Fu Zhenxin stood up in shock: What? You mean he. Huang Xing?    


Fu Jie stressed: That's right! This plan came from Huang Xing.    


Fu Zhenxin repeatedly said. How could he write something like this after he sold it... Such a plan? I don't believe it!    


It was very obvious that because of some prejudices, Fu Zhenxin had never favored him. In her impression, Huang Xing was just an ordinary person, extremely mediocre.    


Fu Jie reprimanded Fu Zhenxin: Don't think that no one in the world can achieve it just because you can't write decent stuff yourself!    


Fu Zhenxin shut her mouth obediently.    


Huang Xing was both apprehensive and pleasantly surprised. He never thought that Fu Jie would create such an occasion to praise herself. Or perhaps, Fu Jie was only using this method to whip the dozen or so Managers s? Then she would become this whip.    


Maybe that's not a good thing. Many people, after receiving a whip, would not dare to resent their master for using such violence. Instead, they would blame their master for using such a whip.    


Huang Xing suddenly thought of many things.    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing, and continued to say: Huang Xing is truly an unexpected talent in marketing, administration, management, etc. Through the few plans he had written before, I can confirm this point. He had keen insight and was good at analyzing and thinking. In this plan, Huang Xing mentioned for the first time that moving the market towards a rural-urban junction was a strategic issue that concerned the overall development of the company. All the managers seated, including Fu Zhenxin and Single Director, do you have such a sense of strategy?    


The rhetorical question caused all the managers to lower their heads in contemplation.    


Fu Jie paused for a moment, and then raised her voice: That's why I've decided to promote Huang Xing to the Deputy Director in my office, and work with him. One month for trial.    


Huang Xing's heart thumped wildly, as he did not dare believe his own ears. Was he hearing things wrong, or was he simply dreaming? He slipped a hand down and tugged at his thigh under the conference table. It hurt. From the looks of it, this wasn't a dream.    


Dan Dongyang suddenly stood up excitedly, his excitement could be seen from his words: Thank you so much, Boss Fu! To tell you the truth, Chief of Staff's work is fragmented, complicated, and numerous. This time, having an assistant eased quite a bit of the pressure on me!    


Fu Jie said: Then do your job well and see your performance.    


Dan Dongyang nodded his head.    


Dan Dongyang's reaction made all the managers present speechless. They all thought that's head must have been kicked by a donkey. Cao Aidang was a veteran in the work force, he had dominated the world for so many years, but it was the first time he saw such a simple rookie like Dan Dongyang. He couldn't help but mock in his heart, idiot.    


Of course, the one with the strongest reaction was Fu Zhenxin, who had a complicated relationship with him. Seeing that Dan Dongyang not only did not have the mindset of worrying about things, but had instead treated it as a gift from Fu Jie, she could not help but feel extremely anxious. (TL: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU))) She stood up and expressed her position towards Fu Jie: I don't agree! Sister... Boss Fu, you should at least discuss something as big as this with everyone, right?    


Seeing Fu Zhenxin stand up to oppose him, Huang Xing's heart suddenly thumped, and she couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Actually, she only felt regret and not disgust towards Fu Zhenxin. But the more she thought about it, the more he felt that Fu Zhenxin seemed to be trying to do something for him, afraid that she would do something big within Xin Fang Company.    


The heart of a woman, the needle of the sea, he was not lying at all.    


Fu Jie didn't give Fu Zhenxin any face, and scolded her: "You sit down!    


Fu Zhenxin sat down obediently, before turning to look at her and asked her, "Tell me your reason." Fu Zhenxin sat up straight, she did not dare look straight into Fu Jie's eyes: "I think …. I feel that Huang Xing is just a seller, he was previously just a security officer, he doesn't have any experience in administration and management. Letting him become the Deputy Director was too much of a risk. What's more, Xin Edge Company didn't need that many administrative personnel. Doing so will imperceptibly increase the company's cost burden.    


Fu Jie even gave a wry smile that seemed to be extremely lethal: Costs? Your noun? Fu Zhenxin, let me tell you, for the sake of the company's development, I can ignore all costs! I've decided to raise the matter, but I can't change my mind.    


Seeing that Fu Jie's attitude was so firm, Cao Aidang who was originally against it immediately stood up and supported him: I agree with Boss Fu's arrangement, the company daring to start a new company is a good thing.    


Most of the managers echoed him, showing their support.    


Fu Zhenxin saw that she was left alone with no help, and was so angry that she almost broke her brush into two. At the same time, she was also sulking at Dan Dongyang's anger.    


Fu Jie observed the expressions of the managers, then stood up and said: Brothers and sisters, time is money, time is life, do as you will! Now, the meeting was adjourned!    


Everyone stood up, Fu Jie whispered something into Huang Xing's ears, and came to my office.    


Huang Xing nodded his head, and everyone watched as Fu Jie walked out of the meeting room with her noble footsteps. In an instant, the meeting room exploded into discussion. Huang Xing did not dare stay for long. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Fu Zhenxin and Dan Dongyang arguing. Fu Zhenxin said. Single-headed director, what exactly are you thinking? Do you really think it's a good thing that my sister arranged a Deputy Director for you? Dan Dongyang stroked his hair and said, could it still be a bad thing? Fu Zhenxin waved her brush in the air and said with a frown, "One mountain cannot hold two tigers, you better be careful not to get caught in the air …"    


Fu Zhenxin's words in front of Huang Xing indirectly implied her concern and disregard for Dan Dongyang. The sharp contrast left a dark and cold scar in Huang Xing's heart. He suddenly felt that, although she had unexpectedly been promoted, she was still alone.    


Take two quick steps and leave the room. However, the sounds of dispute in the meeting room still faintly echoed in his ears.    


Huang Xing heard Dan Dongyang's reply, "Carry me?" With Huang Xing's capability? Just wait and see. His tail won't stay up for many days. Fu Zhenxin said again, but he had my sister's backing! Dan Dongyang said. No matter how much support she had, he was just a deputy without real power. He was Green Leaf, and I was Red Flower. The Boss Fu used him to serve as a foil for me! Fu Zhenxin laughed bitterly, Single Director, you are awesome, you think about it yourself, I hope you can shock him. After a series of pfft pfft sounds, Dan Dongyang said, it was relaxed and happy, even he couldn't control it, I, Dan Dongyang will go out and walk backwards.    


When the Huang Xing who had already left the house heard the conversation, he could not help but curse in his heart. Look how amazing you are, I, Huang Xing, will make you walk backwards! Just as he was about to leave, he heard Cao Aidang grumbling. With Huang Xing's looks, how could he become an office Deputy Director? What's wrong with Boss Fu, his eyes are getting worse!    


The other managers agreed with him, one after another, expressing their dissatisfaction at Fu Jie's sudden promotion.    


Huang Xing shook his head and went straight to Fu Jie's office.    


Fu Jie was at the desk rubbing her eyes with two fingers, seeing Huang Xing enter, she stopped, nodded slightly, then extended her hand to indicate him to sit.    


Every time he sat across from Fu Jie, Huang Xing had a complicated feeling. She was so cold that no one dared to look her in the eye. Huang Xing just sat straight, but it was unknown if she should put her hands on her knees or just float in the air. To be exact, he didn't expect Fu Jie to use such a method to promote him. He was surprised but also pleasantly surprised, but most of all, he was responsible. It was as if the long march was halfway there, and the other half might be a more muddy swamp. But he was still grateful to this mysterious and unfathomable beauty.    


Fu Jie touched her neck, curling up two fingers to scratch her head. Maybe she wasn't tickling at all, she was just used to this seductive action. Fu Jie said: "You should be able to see how much pressure I put up against this time."    


Huang Xing nodded, and felt that Fu Jie's words had transferred the pressure given by Fu Zhenxin and the managers to her own body. Huang Xing said: Thank you, Boss Fu, for your trust, I will definitely try my best!    


Fu Jie said yes and looked at Huang Xing with an earnest gaze. This kind of gaze might be a type of hope: then, properly cherish this opportunity.    


Huang Xing replied: Definitely, definitely.    


Fu Jie added: What you need to do next is to establish your prestige as soon as possible. Leadership without authority does not have managerial authority. Also, as the Deputy Director, your main job is to work well with the Single Director, administration, personnel, and recruitment.    


Huang Xing nodded again.    


Actually, Huang Xing had always wanted to remind Fu Jie to solve the problem in his own office, to be promoted to Deputy Director, and not be squeezed together with ordinary employees anymore. But after thinking about it again and again, Huang Xing felt that it would be hard to say anything. Fortunately, before he left, Fu Jie suddenly realized this point and said to Huang Xing: You should use the same office as Cao Aidang first.    


The word 'first' contained a rich connotation that was easy to imagine. Perhaps it wasn't just an indication of a temporary situation, but a metaphor for something.    


After packing his things, Huang Xing immediately moved into his house. When he appeared, Cao Aidang was very surprised: What are you doing?    


Huang Xing said: Boss Fu wants me to work in an office with you first.    


Cao Aidang knew that this was the general trend, and said helplessly: "You are really pregnant with two babies born within a month, you have raised (gave birth) really quickly."    


After Huang Xing took over, Dan Dongyang was like a fish back in water. Although a lot of people were fanning the flames in his ears, saying that this was the Boss Fu denying his work and wanted to use Huang Xing to intimidate him, once they found the right time, they would bring him down. However, Dan Dongyang seemed to not feel the slightest bit of sense of danger, as he only saw Huang Xing as an assistant and a foil. Whenever there was a trivial matter, he would always direct Huang Xing to pass it down, or let him personally carry it out. In this regard, Huang Xing was happy that it didn't matter.    


Three days later, in the morning, the company's manager and the Employees arrived one after another to gather at the marketing hall.    


Fu Zhenxin, who usually liked to be late, came early today. Furthermore, when she came to the company, she sneakily called Dan Dongyang to the side and spoke excitedly. Huang Xing had a premonition that this Fu Zhenxin definitely had bad intentions, and was probably going to play some tricks against him. After handing over the orders to Dan Dongyang, Fu Zhenxin even raised her head proudly, and sexy pulled at the seams of her buttocks. Huang Xing saw all of these details, and suddenly felt that Fu Zhenxin and Dan Dongyang were in a collusion.    


Sure enough! Dan Dongyang directly walked in front of Huang Xing and handed over the name in his hands to him, saying solemnly: "Hmm, Deputy Director Huang, I want to go out with Boss Fu to settle some matters. This morning's roll call and military training, I'll let you carry it out.    


In the first three days, Dan Dongyang had always called out his name, but this time he called out his name. How could Huang Xing not see that within his smile was a hidden dagger? There was also Fu Zhenxin standing at the entrance, which made him look as if she was undisguised as a joke. In a moment, Huang Xing understood everything. This was a conspiracy between Fu Zhenxin and Dan Dongyang, and because he knew that had never been in the army before, he deliberately assigned the task of training in order to make a fool of himself in front of the manager and the Employees.    


What a sinister intention!    


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