The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C27 Open room

C27 Open room

But Huang Xing did not refute him and slowly walked down the stairs. As the discussions between the managers grew fainter, Huang Xing gradually increased his pace.    


The sun had set and the sky had already darkened. It was rush hour, and they crossed the bustling streets of Dongguan. The sounds of cars and horses converged to form a unique metropolis melody. After passing through a noisy market on North and South Street, they got closer and closer to a rented house. Huang Xing wanted to buy some food, but he remembered that Ouyang Mengjiao had whispered to his during marketing time. He guessed that she must have bought quite a few things already, so he increased his pace and walked forward. The street was filled with the smell of fruits and vegetables, causing Huang Xing to think of his own garden that he had grown up in.    


Just as they left the market, Huang Xing and the landlady ran into each other. The landlady called to Little Yellow and said, "Little Yellow, pay the rent for this month tomorrow. Our family is almost out of money to buy vegetables." Huang Xing took out two hundred yuan from his pocket and gave it to the landlady. The landlady was overjoyed and praised Huang Xing saying that he was an open-minded person, so she did things happily. Huang Xing said, he had felt assured since the beginning.    


In fact, Huang Xing felt that the family of the landlord was quite pitiful. The five generations of people were in the same hall, and it was a rather large three-story house, which had been forcibly converted into more than twenty single rooms. In order to collect more rent, the five of them built two huts in the courtyard, which added up to less than forty square meters. Logically speaking, this was a very wealthy family. The two old people were retired employees and had a pension of six or seven thousand yuan per month. The landlady and her wife also had good jobs and were well-paid. A family of five or four people, plus seven or eight thousand yuan a month in rental income, what kind of a figure would that be? However, such a family lived a simple and unadorned life. They did not dare to eat or drink, and they would cry and be poor whenever they saw others. The tenants' water and electricity bills were so accurate that if any of the tenants lost a dime, the landlady could recite it from the beginning until the next month, when the tenants could make up for that dime.    


[Life is complicated. Why do you have to live so tirelessly?]    


In front of the rented apartment, Huang Xing was about to push open the door and enter, but suddenly, everything became pitch black.    


A soft and sweet little hand covered Huang Xing's eyes.    


Huang Xing smelled a familiar yet long-awaited fragrance. That perspiring little hand was a beautiful memory of his.    


A sweet female voice, with a hint of childishness, began to sing: Gently blindfold your eyes, and let you guess who I am.    


To a certain extent, the owner of this voice made Huang Xing a little helpless.    


Huang Xing gently pulled her hands away, but didn't turn his head back in a hurry: "Little cutie, why are you here?"    


The girl twisted her body and said, You guessed right again! Brother-in-law, you're amazing!    


In fact, this innocent girl who suddenly came to visit them was Huang Xing's sister-in-law, who was also her biological sister, Zhao Xiaomeng. She had just turned 19 and was studying medicine at Jinan University. Although they were siblings with Zhao Xiaoran, their personalities were completely different. Zhao Xiaoran belonged to the type that pursued after all, and would never be satisfied with anything he currently possessed. But Zhao Xiaomeng was different. She could find happiness in this kind of difficult environment, and he was the typical kind of sunny girl. Before he and his sister were married, she had always admired Huang Xing's talent and character. Every time Zhao Xiaomeng came to visit her sister, he would pester his brother-in-law to discuss life and pursuit. was the one who gave her the nickname "Little Cute". Zhao Xiaomeng really liked his brother-in-law calling him that.    


Her wife, Zhao Xiaoran, was no longer her lover, but the Zhao Xiaomeng in front of him was still that innocent girl from before. She was dressed in a student attire, had a simple but elegant hairstyle, and had a slightly wide and close-cut glasses on the bridge of her nose, cleverly contrasting with her petite and exquisite figure. Her eyes were charming, and her smile gave one the feeling of spring. Her skin was very good, white and smooth, as if it could be blown to pieces. Her sexy lips were naturally bright red without lipstick, and her pure white teeth envious of countless people. Although Zhao Xiaomeng didn't know how to dress up and put on makeup as much as her sister Zhao Xiaoran, she still revealed a kind of simple and unadorned true beauty. People felt that there was no need to use cosmetics to decorate a truly beautiful girl.    


Obviously, Zhao Xiaomeng still didn't know about the current situation between sister and brother-in-law. She shook Huang Xing's hands and asked: "Brother-in-law, quickly tell me, why do you always guess that it's me? Could it be that you have eyes at the back of your head?    


Huang Xing picked up one of her hands and laughed. Every time you cover my eyes, I feel wet.    


Zhao Xiaomeng embarrassedly wiped the sweat on her hands on her pants, then mischievously said: "I am the reincarnation of Xiang Fei." Beautiful girls like to sweat. Haven't you heard?    


Huang Xing blushed with shame: Xiang Fei? It was more like that. Not modest at all.    


Zhao Xiaomeng giggled: Is there a need to be modest in front of you. Brother-in-law, come with me to see my Sis. Let her cook good food for me tonight!    


Huang Xing was startled.    


He didn't know how to tell the truth to the cute Zhao Xiaomeng.    


Huang Xing stammered out slightly: Your sister, she … She had to work overtime at night. He came back late.    


As he said this, Huang Xing blamed himself in his heart. How could he deceive a kind and naive little girl? However, he really didn't want Zhao Xiaomeng to know the truth between him and her sister.    


Zhao Xiaomeng tilted her head and blinked her large eyes: Then I'll call my sister and ask her to come home early.    


Huang Xing quickly stopped her: "Don't." Would you like to try out your brother-in-law's craftsmanship?    


Zhao Xiaomeng clapped her hands: I was waiting for you to say that!    


Huang Xing secretly complained in his heart. He didn't want Zhao Xiaomeng to know that she was a 'hidden girl', and that he was leading to an even more complicated dispute. So he quickly corrected himself and said, Brother-in-law, can I invite you to a restaurant?    


Zhao Xiaomeng pouted her mouth and shook her head. As you know, brother-in-law, Xiao Meng is not greedy.    


With no other choice, Huang Xing said that he would go to the toilet and asked Zhao Xiaomeng to wait at the door. But in reality, he had directly dialed Ouyang Mengjiao's cell number at the door of the washroom.    


Huang Xing said. Meng Jiao, go back to your room quickly. Ouyang Mengjiao countered with a question. "Why? The dishes are already prepared, they are your favorite dishes. You even made a plate of stir-fried mushrooms … …" Huang Xing interrupted her. There's a change in the situation, my sister-in-law is here. Ouyang Mengjiao was shocked. You won't even let your sister-in-law off? Huang Xing frowned and asked, what nonsense are you spouting? My sister-in-law still doesn't know about the relationship between Zhao Xiaoran and I. You don't need to say anymore, hurry up and clean up the room and take what you need to take. Don't let Xiao Meng see any flaws, I will stabilize her for another ten minutes. Ouyang Mengjiao said with a wry smile. Okay, give me ten minutes.    


Huang Xing took a deep breath and walked to the door of the rented room nervously.    


Zhao Xiaomeng was shaking her head and humming a song when she saw Huang Xing coming back. She grumbled with goodwill: "I fell into the pit, I've been going to the toilet for so long."    


Huang Xing evaded: Big … large.    


Zhao Xiaomeng stepped forward and held Huang Xing's arm: "It's a little cold, hurry up and bring me in, it's still warm inside the house."    


Huang Xing revealed a troubled face: "Come warm, come, let's go to the market."    


Zhao Xiaomeng complained repeatedly: Brother-in-law, you're too cruel. I will risk my life to accompany the prince. I want to eat sweet potatoes, pat cucumbers, and drink rice porridge.    


Huang Xing laughed: No problem.    


But in reality, Huang Xing felt a burst of sadness in his heart. At that time, Zhao Xiaoran always shouted for big fish and big meat, trying to get a taste of the mountains and the sea. But Zhao Xiaomeng's taste was completely the opposite of hers. It was not that Zhao Xiaomeng did not yearn for delicious food, but she knew how to be content with it and understand his financial difficulties.    


After buying the vegetables, Huang Xing nervously brought Zhao Xiaomeng into the small hut. Then, Huang Xing personally cooked a few dishes and ate dinner with Zhao Xiaomeng. Zhao Xiaomeng ate to her heart's content, praising Huang Xing's culinary skills, which was comparable to the chef at a hotel. After eating, Zhao Xiaomeng sat on the bed, swinging her legs while waiting for his sister to come back from work. Seeing her serious and focused expression, Huang Xing really wanted to tell her the truth, but in the end he didn't dare to.    


At nine o'clock, Zhao Xiaomeng stretched her arms and said, "Brother-in-law, why isn't my sister back yet?"    


Huang Xing suggested. Xiao Meng, why don't you go back first? Your sister will work overtime tonight.    


Zhao Xiaomeng pouted and criticized, her brother-in-law was truly disloyal and wanted to kick me out. We don't have class today. The school is closed.    


Huang Xing was so anxious that cold sweat ran down his spine: Why don't I find a room at the hotel for you?    


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