The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



However, Huang Xing was a smart person, he could obviously guess Wu Qianqian's current state of mind. Perhaps the reason why she kept putting on airs and paving the way in front of him was because she wanted to ruthlessly defeat him at the most crucial moment. She seemed to be hinting at something, and all of this was just a message to Huang Xing: If I, Wu Yawen, was as beautiful and feminine as I am now, would you, Huang Xing, still ignore me?    


In actuality, the general of this army wasn't that brilliant.    


At most, it only shocked Huang Xing.    


Wu Qianqian was about to speak again when Huang Xing's cell phone suddenly rang.    


Answer. Fu Jie's voice came from the other side, "Director Huang, where are you?"    


Is it over? Huang Xing asked.    


Fu Jie answered in a low voice, "No chance at all."    


When Huang Xing answered the phone call from Fu Jie earlier, he had already guessed a few things. If all went well, the meal would not end in such a hasty manner.    


Huang Xing tentatively asked, "Which segment has a problem?"    


I'll tell you about it when we meet, Fu Jie said.    


I'll be right back, Huang Xing said.    


After hanging up, Wu Qianqian happened to receive a call from Li Xiaochen. When Li Xiaochen asked where she was, Wu Qianqian said, "Come out and have a cup of coffee."    


While Wu Qianqian and Li Xiaochen were on the phone, she gestured to Huang Xing to return home. The two of them got on the Land Rover, Wu Qianqian started the car, and opened the Bluetooth hands-free. As she drove, she continued to talk to Li Xiaochen.    


Wu Qianqian said, Xiao Chen is almost done. Let's go and help Xin Fang Corporation.    


Li Xiaochen said, Why don't you help yourself? Hmph, actually, that Boss Fu has no sincerity at all. What does he treat us as, a cheap labourer?    


What did you say? Wu Qianqian asked.    


Li Xiaochen said, It's definitely not as high as your big brand's shelf. I only asked Fu Jie to sponsor me a few daily necessities, but she was so picky that she refused to bleed.    


Wu Qianqian said, That's impossible! It was impossible for Fu Jie to be so stingy.    


Li Xiaochen said, "Oh, Qianqian, what happened to you? Why did you start to speak up for outsiders?"    


Wu Qianqian said, Well, I'll talk to you when I get back.    


After the call ended, Wu Qianqian suddenly turned around and looked at Huang Xing. She casually said, "You'd better bring a condom."    


What? Huang Xing was stunned and broke out in a cold sweat.    


Wu Qianqian's coincident with him was already quite dramatic, but when Wu Qianqian reminded him to bring a condom, the plot was more dramatic.    


While she was still in a daze, Wu Qianqian urged again, "Put it on, you've been under strict investigation by the police recently. You always come out to hunt at night." The copilot had better use his seat belt as well, lest the traffic police find him again.    


Ah? Huang Xing finally understood.    


Actually, it was Wu Qianqian who was quick with her words just now. She said 'put on her safety belt' and said 'bring a condom'.    


The consequences of changing these two words, 'carrying' and 'carrying', were unimaginable.    


It was a good thing that it was just a false alarm.    


As he fastened his seat belt, Huang Xing couldn't help but snicker in his heart.    


When he returned to the entrance of the 'Donkey Banquet', just as Huang Xing was about to get off, Wu Qianqian said, "Wait." Huang Xing looked at her doubtfully. Wu Qianqian smiled and said, "I'm an old classmate, why don't you leave a number." Huang Xing said, "Okay."    


Huang Xing took out his cell phone to ask Wu Qianqian for a number. Wu Qianqian asked, "Don't you have a name card?" Huang Xing said yes, took out his business card from his pocket and swapped it with Wu Qianqian. Wu Qianqian looked at Huang Xing's business card, smiled and said, "It was pretty good, the office Deputy Director, became the leader." How can I catch up with you? You're famous. What celebrity? It's just a personal name.    


After exchanging pleasantries, Huang Xing got out of the car and watched Wu Qianqian pick Li Xiaochen up before heading east.    


Huang Xing thought that Fu Jie was waiting for him in the car, but when he walked in front of the Phaedon, he saw that there was no one on top of it.    


Just as he was about to call Fu Jie on the phone, he saw her walk out of the Donkey Banquet with several plastic bags filled with items.    


When Fu Jie saw Huang Xing, she handed him the bag in her hand and said, "I packed it." It's a pity to waste so many dishes, take them back to eat. In fact, we haven't even touched our chopsticks yet.    


Huang Xing took it, but Fu Jie seemed to have realized something and said, "Wait."    


What's wrong, Boss Fu?    


Fu Jie slapped herself on the head and said, I'm really confused, everyone. Why should I pack? Shouldn't we just settle it in the room? You haven't eaten, I'll call Fu Zhenxin, Cao Manager and the others over and we'll eat the leftovers together. "No, no, no, no, the chopsticks were untouched. This is not a leftover dish.    


Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie's logic was a little chaotic. He guessed that she must have been confused by the matter of inviting the host. Looking at the lingering worry on Fu Jie's pretty face, Huang Xing couldn't bear to let it go. At this moment, he really wanted to share the burden for Fu Jie.    


But when Fu Jie mechanically brought Huang Xing back to the room, the waiter was clearing the table.    


Fu Jie said, "Forget it, why don't we go to my house and eat."    


Huang Xing couldn't bear to refuse and nodded his head in confusion.    


On the way to the residential complex, Fu Jie drove very slowly. From time to time, she would glance at the phone screen beside the rack. Perhaps she was hoping for a miracle.    


At Fu Jie's house. Fu Jie moved the packaged dishes onto the plate like she was moving a bag of vegetables.    


After opening two bottles of red wine, Fu Jie found two oversized goblets.    


Fu Jie and Huang Xing clinked cups one after another with plates of specialty donkey meat and delicacies.    


The food was astringent and the wine was bitter. Huang Xing Duo wanted to share his worries for the peerless beauty in front of him.    


Unknowingly, two bottles of red wine had entered his stomach.    


Fu Jie stood up and was about to go get it when Huang Xing stopped her. Forget it, Boss Fu.    


Not enough. What, you're afraid I can't control your wine?    


'Boss Fu, Wu Qianqian and Li Xiaochen won't buy it, so we don't have to find a television host, 'Mr. Wu said. Change your mind.    


Fu Jie took out two bottles of high-end dry red wine from the wine cabinet and sat down. It seems that I, Fu Jie, take myself too seriously. Only now do I know that I can't even get a second-tier host from a provincial television station.    


In my heart, you will always be a goddess, Huang Xing consoled her. Wu Qianqian, Li Xiaochen, and the others cannot compare with you.    


The moment he said that, Huang Xing realized, did he really drink too much?    


Fu Jie was stunned for a moment. She pointed at Huang Xing and said, "You're coaxing me! You're coaxing me!" Cheers! Cheers!    


Fu Jie poured the wine without lifting the stopper. Seeing that she couldn't get the wine, she couldn't help but frown.    


Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie had drank too much.    


After some thought, Huang Xing still picked up the red wine and poured Fu Jie a symbolic amount. 'Boss Fu, try to be more open-minded, 'Wu said. Actually, we can still consider Li Xiaochen's offer.    


Fu Jie frowned and asked, "Do you know what condition she gave?"    


Wasn't it just a set... Huang Xing paused as he spoke and immediately changed his words: "What is it?"    


She offered to sponsor a dress, Fu Jie emphasized. Alas, she was even more pretentious than Wu Qianqian. Oh man, since you don't want to work with me, Fu Jie, why are you going to the banquet and making an appointment? The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. I, Fu Jie, have been playing in the mall for so many years …    


Huang Xing felt that Boss Fu's logic had become somewhat chaotic.    


He couldn't help but ask: "How much can a set of clothes cost? I think …"    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing and thoughtfully shook her head. "Do you know what kind of clothes she wants from me?" One piece of crocodile skin skin clothing, made from Gulf Crocodile skin. A Herm's purse, also want bay crocodile. She also wanted a limited edition Sinkwindn crocodile skin shoes, which she still wanted to import into the bay crocodiles. What a vain woman, she was like a crocodile, opening her mouth wide to suck my blood. We won't do the loss of money business, we can't do it.    


Huang Xing was stunned.    


Fu Jie's words seemed to enlighten him.    


Huang Xing had worked as a security guard in an upscale shopping mall two years ago and had also come into contact with some so-called luxury goods. He knew that crocodile skin products were the king of the skin, and the Gulf Crocodile was the king of the crocodiles, so its price was extremely expensive. In that high-end shopping mall, there was a piece of crocodile skin skin clothing, and it was not even the material of the Gulf Crocodile, so the price was 275,000 yuan. The reason why a piece of crocodile skin skin clothes was expensive was because crocodile skin were rare and precious, and their manufacturing techniques were extremely complex and picky. It was said that no more than fifty people in the entire world were able to completely master the crocodile skin's craftsmanship. Furthermore, the difference in the crocodile skin s' patterns was extremely great, with many injuries. To find a suitable material for making a perfect set of clothes, one had to be one out of a thousand.    


Based on this, Li Xiaochen's offer was actually much higher than Wu Qianqian's. He estimated that it would cost at least five or six hundred thousand yuan to put on this makeup.    


Huang Xing also remembered the ostrich leather purse and python leather purse in Wu Qianqian's hand when they met. Perhaps, he thought to himself, it was a chain reaction. A woman's vanity was a very terrifying thing. Li Xiaochen saw that Wu Qianqian was equipped with luxury goods, and of course, she felt an itch in her heart. Under the urge of jealousy and envy, and not wanting to buy anything from her own pocket, she could only use this method of "sponsorship" to cut off other people's flesh and fatten herself up.    


However, she had overlooked one point. Her mouth was open so wide that if others were afraid of getting bitten, who would still dare to feed them?    


Huang Xing could not help but exclaim at the change of world affairs and the greed of the human heart.    


The successive failures had caused Fu Jie's grand blueprint, which she had originally planned out, to become somewhat blurry. So much so that she couldn't help taking a few more drinks.    


A hint of redness seeped into the peerless beauty's face. Her transparent skin emitted a bright luster, as if she was dreaming.    


The sound of countless clinking cups formed a lost melody that struck Fu Jie's normally tenacious heart.    


'Boss Fu, good things come to fruition, there will be a turning point in this, 'Wu said consolingly.    


Fu Jie sighed and shook her head. The press conference is getting closer and closer. This is the first step of our company on the road of brands, originally wanted to let this first step to be brilliant, to take a sound. Unexpectedly, I, Fu Jie, can't even invite a host from a provincial or municipal television station.    


Huang Xing hurriedly said, "Boss Fu, this is not your fault!" Actually, Wu Qianqian...    




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