The Most Conceited Expert

C32 Chapter 32

C32 Chapter 32

It had to be said that Qin Shuang's eyes were really pretty.    


I stared at it, dazed for a moment.    


For a long time, Qin Shuang didn't speak. I just stared at her for a while. At this moment, a pocket watch suddenly flashed in front of my eyes. Slowly, my ears heard the sound of this pocket watch moving.    


My consciousness was sinking.    


The school —    


When I realized it, I was surprised to find myself in school. Why am I at school?    


I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing a school uniform, and I was wearing a pair of clean, tattered cloth shoes.    


I walked inside. The school building today didn't look any different from before. It was just that I felt that the gazes of the people around me were filled with other complex emotions.    


"Zhang Tianyu, you should hurry over to take a look. That Lian Cheng is pestering Li Yan'er again!"    


When I heard my classmate say this, I immediately jumped up from my seat.    


My masculinity has never been so strong at this time. I rushed to the playground in a hurry. At this time, Lian Cheng was pestering Li Yan'er, giving her a hug and hug.    


"Li Yan'er, just listen to me!" Our family is rich beyond compare, don't tell me you're worried that you won't be able to enjoy the rest of your life? "    


Li Yan'er revealed an extremely repulsed expression.    


"Like I said, the person I like isn't you! Hurry up and leave!"    


When Li Yan'er repeated herself again, Lian Cheng touched her butt with his two pig like hands. Li Yan'er shouted loudly, and immediately sent a slap towards him.    


Annoyed, Lian Cheng raised his hand to hit him.    


I rushed forward like an arrow, and the moment Lian Cheng's hand landed on Li Yan'er's face. He directly grabbed onto the guy's hand.    


"A good man doesn't fight with a woman, yet you actually hit a woman?"    


There had always been enmity between Lian Cheng.    


He didn't like me, and I hated the way he treated me! However, the me right now didn't know where this courage came from. I actually dared to confront Lian Lian directly.    


"You stinking brat, get the hell out of my sight right now, or I'll beat you up too!"    


Soon I took two steps back.    


I'm not running away, I'm just putting on a fight with this guy. I beckoned with my hand for the guy to rush over.    


Lian Cheng rushed towards me like a bull fighting a bull. His fist carried a very powerful force. If it hit my body, it would directly turn into a mouthful of blood.    


But I don't know what's going on with me right now. And I could clearly see his fists move when they hit me, the moment they reached me.    


I kicked him in the chest, and he lost his chance to hit me with his fist.    




Chen Bo's back ruthlessly slammed against the wall.    


I was even more happy and scared of fighting, but I was more nervous. I've never hit Lian Cheng before, and now, I can't even move him on the ground by myself!    


They all rushed towards me. At this moment, I had a taiji posture, using softness to counter force. The moment they attacked, I used their original strength to bounce back.    


I greatly admire this part of my godly operation.    


Are all the worlds I used to live in fictitious? Only this world is real? I am a very powerful figure, I am not afraid of Lian Cheng, I can do bravery, I can do what I like!    


"Zhang Tian Yu, do you believe that I won't kill you?"    


At this time, Chen Bo's expression turned fierce.    


I remained calm and continued, "Use all of your tricks."    


"Since that's the case, don't blame me for being impolite."    


"Zhang Tianyu, what can you do to me with this trash?"    


From their mouths, the most I heard was trash. Lian Cheng treated me as trash that wasn't worth mentioning, and so did Chen Bo.    


Thus, the anger in my entire body was filled with veins. I wished that I could prove my strength in front of them!    


I'm not trash!    


This thought was incomparably strong in all of history!    


I don't want to submit to others and be a cowardly turtle. I am a man.    


"If you have the ability, then come and challenge me!"    


When Lian Cheng heard me say that I was going to duel, it was as if he heard the funniest joke in the world. Zhang Tian Yu, you piece of trash, do you think you can beat me? Let me tell you, I can destroy you with a single finger! "    


"Lian Cheng, I won't let you trample on my dignity again!"    


"Trash still wants dignity?"    


Lian Cheng's expression changed and he rushed towards me.    


His fist was heavy and it hit me in the stomach. It hurt, and that piercing pain took over my whole body. I groaned and fell to the ground, curled up like a caterpillar.    


Lian Cheng kicked me on the shoulder blade again.    


This intense pain was very real! It seemed that my beautiful moves that day had no effect on him. I struggled to get up, but was completely trampled by him! I tried to struggle, but Lian Cheng kicked me again.    


"Trash is trash, do you still want to turn the sky upside down? Do you think you're Zhuge Liang? He looks like a pig, but his IQ is as white as frost! "    


I've had enough of being humiliated like this!    


I don't want to be a good-for-nothing anymore!    


I want to rise up, one day, I want to link these people under my feet! I want to be the highest person in this world!    




The next second, as if I had gone mad, I stood up from the ground. In that quarter of an hour, I was three times stronger than before. Lian Cheng never expected that I would actually counterattack.    


I hit the guy in the left eye with my fist, and soon his eyes were black and swollen. Staring at me, seizing the opportunity, how could I give him a reaction?    


With another heavy kick, I kicked him right in the middle of his crotch. This place was the weakest place for all men. If they wanted him to feel the sensation of breaking eggs, carrying it would definitely bring them the best experience.    




Lian Cheng rolled on the ground in pain.    


Cold sweat dripped from my forehead as I laughed loudly and foolishly.    


"You can wake up now!"    


"Hello? You should wake up quickly. "    




As I slept, I heard a voice in my ear.    


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