Supreme Violent Young Master

C353 A single mistake can cause a thousand feet of hatred

C353 A single mistake can cause a thousand feet of hatred

Why aren't you interested in our encounters? Why are we outsiders, first bullied by the underworld, then bullied by the police? Is this our fate? Can't good people live a decent life? You tell me why, why? "    


Everyone in the media was stunned into silence. They were called the uncrowned king, but in fact, they were also people, and they also felt indignant in their hearts. Yun Rong's words seemed to have resonated in their hearts, they were speechless, they felt ashamed, and felt that they had let down the pen in their hands, the burden on them.    


The media had existed since the ancient times. In the feudal era, people wanted to know more about the government or any new developments in various fields. They used words and words, and the common people were also interested in these things. Since ancient times, the media had been spreading news about some major events, leading to some public opinion.    


These journalists, the editors of the pen, led one era after another of public opinion. Most of what the citizens had seen were the records of wild history, but today, the media had become something. The construction of commercial media had become a tool for making money.    


Whichever one was the biggest, they would dig desperately for their news, newspapers, and magazines. There were sensational headlines everywhere. These items that attracted the eyes and made people laugh had become the entertainment of the masses. To increase the benefits and wealth of their bosses, they were no longer the media, but all sorts of gossip.    


Today's media had lost all meaning and responsibility. In their eyes, nothing was as important as money.    


They had no sense of responsibility. They made up nonsense with their pens, some saying nothing, some saying yes and some saying yes, reversing right and wrong. A huge mine accident, in their writing, under the money and enticement of the coal mine owner of Xishan, could be called a miracle of life, shocking the world.    


Chen Yuyang suddenly stood up, his eyes deep, he used the Sky Demon Sound and said: "Wake up! Our media, reporters, what are you doing now? Public opinion in the media is to tell you the truth, with a great mission and historical responsibility. You people are called uncrowned kings, and now, what are you writing about? Is that something the people want to pay attention to?    


Was that the unrelenting, unrelenting, and unrelenting reality of things? Was that the blood-stained style of pointing at mountains and pointing at rivers, the passionate text? What are you doing now? What are you thinking about? Could wealth and money really be so important? Could society's good and evil be measured by money? Have you forgotten your sacred mission and responsibilities?    


Admittedly, this society is full of desires. However, it is more important to show your honesty, your attitude, your responsibility to the media and the masses. You can't create such nonsense. With milk, you are a mother. You are eyes, the eyes of the people. You are the supervisory authority, the authority. You have to be worthy of the pen in your hands, and of your own heart.    


Think back to the old Mr. Jin of Hong Kong, how impassioned he was when he ran the newspaper. We want to see what is right and what is wrong, what is passionate and courageous, not the gossip, nor the eye-catching smile and exaggeration. We want to see only one thing, and that is to seek truth from facts!    


The most uncrowned king, the most social public opinion, where is your responsibility? What do you think is right? "    


Chen Yuyang's words, although being using the Sky Demon Sound, had roused the morals of the reporters. It was the temperament of a scholar, an unyielding authority, an unleavable scholar. There was guilt, anger, generosity, and a sense of responsibility towards society in their hearts.    


Looking at the silent crowd, Chen Yuyang continued: "Don't make a mine accident, that is a miracle of life, if not an earthquake, that is the unity of the people. Don't tell people to be alert when food poisoning happens. If something happens to a star, you just have to follow it and report it. Is that what the media should be doing?    


Look at the person in front of you, look at this girl who lives by barbecuing, is her body really so worthless? She has already been baptized by the natural disaster once, do you really have the heart to let her experience a man-made disaster? Girls like her were everywhere, not just her.    


Today, it was I, Chen Yuyang, who met her. If I didn't meet her, would she be spending the rest of her life in jail? Or could it be that by being directly executed, your hearts will not ache, your souls will not tremble, and so many lives will pass by in a flash due to your neglect, turning into dust!    


Aren't you blaming yourselves at all? Your media, you are not just a tool to make money, you are the guide of national public opinion, such a dark matter is happening all the time now, I, Chen Yuyang, am begging you uncrowned kings to use your blood to awaken your souls, stir up your responsibilities, reduce the number of cases of usurping power for personal gain in the world, reduce the number of pitiful girls like Yun Rong, please! "    


As he spoke, Chen Yuyang bowed deeply. These were his heartfelt words, a heavy blow to the media which was also what he had said in the hearts of the citizens. His words were sharp and fair, not lacking in dignity and morality. His final bow was taken by the media and photographed by the countless other media outlets. It moved everyone's hearts.    


The first to clap was a judge who was seated on the judge's seat. Even the general rank military judge was deeply moved by Chen Yuyang's words and was moved beyond words. Tears welled up from the corners of his eyes, those were tears of joy, tears of joy, and he said quietly: "The nation has such a young hero, the nation is fortunate, the citizens are very fortunate!"    


At the same time, Qi Yang's media representative stood up and said, "On behalf of Qi Yang's media, I wish to express our gratitude to General Chen. You are the beacon of our lost path and have guided us on the right path. "On behalf of the Qi Yang media, I hereby declare that from today onwards, the media will only serve the public and become the true target of public opinion. They will become the eyes of the public!"    


For a moment, all the media outlets on the scene started to express their opinions, saying that they would accept the lesson and throw away the media violence. From today onwards, they would serve the public and become the eyes of the public.    


This court-martial verdict finally became Chen Yuyang's lecture, becoming the media's confession meeting, and became a slogan for the media to spread across the generations. However, these reporters were scholars, and their bosses were not them.    


With the help of Chen Yuyang's huge fund of funds, Qi Yang Media had impressively become a freshman company for the literati media. The giant companies had appeared in the media world and became the leaders of all the media outlets, as well as the champions of the media.    


Chen Yuyang's speech before the military court and Yun Rong's story quickly became the focus of all the media's attention. Wave after wave of praises sounded, and once again, Chen Yuyang's image in the hearts of the people rose to an unprecedented level. From a Red Eagle Sect, to a Red Prince, he became a defender of the interests of the weaker groups. He became their guardian deity.    


Especially the long speech that Chen Yuyang gave at the military court, the one that didn't want to call all the mines a miracle in life, which suddenly spread across the internet. That sincere attitude, that refined demeanour, and that point-blank sharpness, instantly created another wave of applause. Many people said that this was a national idol, that this was the true Red Eagle School, the good general who had come for the sake of this country's weaker group.    


The surging tide had retreated, and some people were unwilling. Not only were they unable to defeat the giant who was Chen Yuyang, but they had also caused his figure to become even taller, allowing his mental strength to become even more imposing, allowing his image to be deeply engraved in the hearts of the people. This was undoubtedly a result that they did not want, and was undoubtedly a terrifying matter as well.    


After the ruling of the military court, Zhang Shaoyong, the former secretary of the city's political and law department, was sentenced to death and executed immediately. As for Yang Qilong, death penalty, probation. Zhang Sihai and a few others were sentenced to varying degrees of punishments under 30 years of age. This was undoubtedly a matter with a large number of people's hearts.    


However, there were only a few people who knew about this. The person who felt the most fear was undoubtedly Mu Guoxing. He had his eyes fixed on this military ruling until he saw that Zhang Shaoyong did not reveal his identity, and then he felt relieved. However, Zhang Shaoyong's wife, the woman who complained about him in the capital, was stopped midway. Being arrested by the police for embezzlement and not reporting it, the fate awaiting her would be miserable beyond compare.    


But after thinking about it, Chen Yuyang would definitely not let Mu Guoxing go. He was a bug in Shang Hai, and was also the Zhu Family's protection umbrella in Shang Hai. Chen Yuyang would never allow him to stay in an important place like Shang Hai, so his fate would naturally not be any better.    


At this moment, Mu Guoxing was still in the office of the city council, continuously making calls and sending messages to the central government. He hoped that the central government would be able to control Chen Yuyang and stop him from relying on his family's power to disrupt Shang Hai's security.    


This gave him a sense of foreboding.    


After pacing around the office for a while, Mu Guoxing finally picked up the phone in his hand and dialed a number. "Tsinghua University?" It's me, right, I feel something's not right, take your mother, everyone in the family and the finances, and go abroad quickly to avoid the limelight. If there's nothing good, come back again, if there's anything else, then don't ever come back! "    


He understood his father's worries, so he brought along his mother, a type of family, and even stolen finances from various parts of the Zhu Family to leave Shanghai, take the water route to Korea, and then go to the United States.    


However, going abroad was not as easy as he thought. Not long after he dialed Mu Guoxing's number, a car arrived at the city government office of Shanghai City Committee. With the number plate beginning to show his name plate, he rushed into the office of the Party secretary of the city.    


After kicking open the office door, Mu Guoxing calmly sat on his chair. Looking at the newcomer, he smiled and said, "You've still come. I didn't expect you to arrive so soon."    


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