Supreme Violent Young Master



Zhang Shaoyong was stunned for a moment. His entire body began to sweat, but he still believed that the judge was just swindling him, so he seriously replied, "What else can you say? Of course, there will be an gang fight at Nanjing Road, and he has to bring people there to deal with it! "    


The judge shook his head and said, "No, this is what Yang Qilong said. He said you told him that the Qing Gang and Zhu Family might have an armed conflict on Nanjing Road. You said that we took the Zhu Family's benefits and had to work for them.    


Zhang Shaoyong was stunned. He didn't expect Yang Qilong to sell him like this. But his reaction was fast, and he immediately shook his head: "You're framing me, what evidence do you have?"    


The judge sighed heavily from his breath and said, "You're a dead duck. You have a tough tongue. "Alright, since you want the evidence, I'll give you the evidence." As he spoke, the judge pressed down on the tape recorder beside him, and a hoarse voice sounded out. Everyone could clearly hear that this was Zhang Shaoyong's voice.    


"Qilong, wake up, wake up, something happened?"    


"What is it, Secretary Zhang?"    


"Qilong, I just received news that a fierce battle has taken place on Nanjing Road. It might be the Zhu Clan and the Qing Gang." Hurry up and bring someone to take a look! "    


"Alright, Secretary Zhang. But what should I do?"    


"Do you still need me to hand it over to you? Since we took their benefits, we naturally have to do things for them. This is a rule. When we reach the Nanjing Road, bring back all the men from the Qing Gang. I think that little girl Du Ling will not be able to do anything, if anyone dares to resist, we will kill them without a care! "    


Ka, the judge pinched out the tape and sneered at Zhang Shaotian, "Young Master Zhang, what else do you have to say for yourself? "Do you still want to put up a resistance?"    


Zhang Shaotian was currently confused, but he quickly thought of something and said: "What does this mean? "It's just a recording. The current technology is very common. The country's laws state that a recording cannot become part of the evidence. If you use this as a basis for determining my guilt, I'm afraid it won't be justified!"    


The judge laughed. "Recording is not a conviction, but it is in a common court, and this is a military court. Our technicians have carefully analyzed this recording. At the same time, we also investigated the telecom and mobile, and found that you and Yang Qilong's call time completely matched this recording! Do you have anything else to say? "    


Zhang Shaotian still insisted: "I refuse to accept this, you are all framing me!"    


At this moment, a reporter stood up with a cold smile and said, "Your Honor, the verdict has to be based on evidence. Your witness can only prove that Mr. Zhang has accepted bribes, not that he tried to assassinate a high-ranking military officer. This is not in line with your original crimes.    


The judge said with a faint smile, "Sir reporter, this is a military court. You must know that the military court is not open to the public, and in order to be fair, we also responded to General Chen's request to hold a public hearing. However, this does not mean that you journalists can disrespect the prestige of the military court and raise doubts during court sessions, do you understand?"    


The reporter sneered, looked at Chen Yuyang and said: "So General Chen is only trying to gain fame, then why do you need us reporters here? Is this what General Chen and the court call fairness? "    


No matter how he tried to defend himself, he would become the star of the media, so he had already made preparations. Using the power of the media to deal with the media, to deal with reporters, that was the best thing he could do.    


He signaled the crowd with his eyes, and a reporter from Qi Yang immediately jumped out. He sneered, "I don't know what kind of mediator you are to actually raise such a dirty question without any logical, strict, and idiotic questions!"    


When Qi Yang's media reporter appeared, it attracted a lot of attention. The crowd focused on their battle, and the media who had come out to pick a fight immediately responded, "Although Qi Yang Media is a giant dragon head, it can't affect the speeches of us small media organizations. May I ask, why is my question not logical and strict?"    


Qi Yang's media reporter immediately mocked, "Such a retarded question, only you irresponsiblemedia can ask about it. Judging a case, it's naturally about evidence, material evidence, Yang Qilong had just admitted that they assassinated General Chen, moreover, General Chen is here, could it not be considered as certification?" "Zhang Sihai and the other policemen have already admitted their guilt, and they also have a letter of guilty. Isn't this the same as having physical and human evidence? Do we have to continue trying to solve this question?"    


His words were resolute and decisive, but the reporter was still unconvinced. "These are just the words of your family. They can't represent a strong testimony. We, the media, want to see a third party witness?"    


The people from the Qi Yang media said with a smile, "As long as there's a third party witness, do you think this matter is fair?"    


In fact, Qi Yang Media was basically a hoax. However, the infuriated small media said seriously, "Yes, only if a third party witness appears will we consider this as being fair!"    


Qi Yang's media once again looked at the other small media outlets and asked, "Do you think so too?"    


Everyone nodded, "That's right, we all agree. General Chen is the victim and the instigator of this matter. If he can't say what he wants, then where is the fairness of the law?"    


The judge laughed and said, "Don't worry, I was about to call a third party witness!"    


At this point, everyone in the media fell silent. The judge then continued laughing, "Pass down the witness, Yun Rong!"    


The girl who was working hard at the barbeque stall soon stood in front of everyone. The judge asked, "Miss Yun Rong, what kind of work do you do?"    


Yun Rong said calmly, "I'm in the barbecue business. The stall is on the Nanjing Road!"    


The judge continued, "Then do you want to buy barbecue on Nanjing Road on the evening of the fifth day of May?"    


"Yes!" Yun Rong nodded.    


"Then did you witness everything!" the judge asked again.    


Yun Rong nodded her head sincerely and said, "Yes, I saw everything that happened. More accurately speaking, this matter started because of me. Here, I would like to thank General Chen for saving me! " After saying that, she bowed towards Chen Yuyang and expressed her gratitude.    


The judge nodded. "Then can you tell me what happened?"    


"Sure!" Yun Rong nodded, "That night, my stall was placed on Nanjing Road. I am an outsider, and my home is not in Shang Hai, but in the southwest, where the disaster happened. I left my hometown and came to Shanghai to do business, hoping to be able to help people in my hometown one day. On the fifth of May, I remember very clearly that it was the first day I went out to do business. I set up stalls, there were a lot of people, and my business was very good. At that time, General Chen happened to be eating barbecue on my stall, and later, until the morning, a group of hoodlums came out of the darkness.    


Those hoodlums claim themselves to be Zhu Li of Qinghong. They call me Zhu Li of the Zhu Family, and they want to collect my protection fee when they see me, saying it's 50,000 yuan. Otherwise, I'll just follow them! "    


At that point, Yun Rong had already started to sob, but she kept insisting, "I'm just an outsider from the poor village, how could I have that much money? At that time, I was extremely scared, luckily I had General Chen to help me beat down those hoodlums, and before I left, those hoodlums were even clamoring that they would take revenge!    


When General Chen saw that I was pitiful, he helped me pack up and told me that the world was in chaos and that I should go back early. At that time, I felt extremely wronged. I was thinking, why, why are we common folk so hardworking in doing small businesses to make money, and why is it so difficult?    


However, I still listened to General Chen and prepared to go back. But fate is always toying with me. When we were halfway to the stall, a police car drove over, and the person who alighted from the police car called himself a police captain. His name was Yang Qilong, and he immediately checked our ID card!    


He told me to go with him to the police station. General Chen asked, Do you have an arrest warrant? The policeman became angry from embarrassment and started shouting at General Chen. In Shanghai, he said, I can arrest whoever I want. Who do you think you are?    


Then, he looked at General Chen and said to his subordinate, "This person is an accomplice of the mafia, he might be involved in the gang fight, robbing the bank, committing a felony and wanted to arrest General Chen." General Chen continued to ask him, How can you arrest an ordinary citizen without a warrant?    


That policeman laughed, he said, "I am the king of this place, Shanghai. If I say you are a member of a gang, then you are a member of a gang." "Even if it wasn't, if he arrested you and beat up a member of the gang, that would be considered a merit of the police. When the time came, a reward would be given out by the state, and he would even say that he had paid his brothers to go drink with him.    


General Chen got angry, he said, and killed him. I don't know what that means, but General Chen is very angry. He said, If I don't go with you, what can you do to me?    


"Later on, later on ?"    


The more Yun Rong spoke, the more agitated she became. The judge immediately said, "Miss Yun, don't be agitated. Don't be agitated. Speak slowly. What happened after that?"    


At this moment, everyone, including the media, had quieted down. They had never thought that the situation would turn out like this. No one thought that Yun Rong was lying as she truthfully described her actions.    


Yun Rong cleared her mind, and then said with tears in her eyes: "Later on, they took out guns and electric batons, and clamored towards General Chen:" Boy, you better come with us, or else it would be well-deserved that we killed you. I closed my eyes. Then, knowing that General Chen's voice had sounded again, he said to me, Don't be afraid, they won't hurt you again. It was then that I felt at ease. "    


After listening to Yun Rong's description, the judge sighed before turning to Zhang Shaotian, "Young Master Zhang, do you have anything else to say?"    


Zhang Shaotian lowered his head and did not utter a single word. He knew that there was nothing he could do about it. There were still people below who wanted to criticize her, so they asked Yun Rong, "Miss Yun Rong, can you guarantee that what you said is true?"    


Yun Rong looked angrily at the reporter before swearing, "If I, Yun Rong has a lie, I will be struck by lightning." She pointed at the media and said, "You, you people are called the uncrowned king, but you guys only know how to bully good people. I want to ask you guys, I'm a country bumpkin, do you think it's that hard for me to survive in a big city and do small businesses diligently?    


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