Supreme Violent Young Master

C446 Return to the central south china sea

C446 Return to the central south china sea

As this happened, the troop of men grew longer and rougher. Even the traffic policemen who were standing in the rain began to give out commands by themselves. They saluted the young man in the lead without any pretence of pretence.    


Just like this, the line grew longer and longer, and more and more people appeared. Although they were spontaneous, they were incomparably disciplined, and they noiselessly walked down the great road of the capital. Maybe this was the quality of a soldier, or maybe this was the shocking power that Chen Yuyang had given them. At the same time of solemnness, everyone's footsteps became more consistent.    


Raising his foot and landing on the ground, this was clearly an army walking on the street. They all followed Chen Yuyang's footsteps, and even their basic steps had to be in line with his. The sound of their stomps was extremely orderly, as they welcomed the cold rain. This group of people were like an iron army, and did not make a sound, only that there was a wave of determination and determination in everyone's eyes.    


The most terrifying thing in the world was not the power to defy the heavens, but rather the persistent belief gathered by groups of ants. That was the best hope for survival, and was also the only power that could shake the world and move it.    


A powerful cyclone continuously reverberated through the skies of the capital, heading straight for the Gate of Heavenly Peace. The footsteps that shook the earth beneath their feet were uniform, and the sounds of their stomping and stomping caused the ground to tremble, along with the trembling of their hearts. The hearts of the citizens were at a loss, as they quietly sat in the drizzle, staring into the distance. His eyes refused to leave for a long time.    


It was only when the black speck slowly appeared in front of everyone's eyes that someone from the crowd suddenly called out, "General Chen ?"    


The voices were very long, spiraling in the sky, spiralling, and it was the most hopeful cry from the bottom of their hearts. Everyone's eyes started to waver, until the black uniformed handsome figure of Chen Yuyang was clearly imprinted in the rain, and the sky seemed to be moved by it, leaving behind sad tears. The rain fell even more onto Chen Yuyang's head and onto his body, the cold rain was unable to extinguish the flames in their hearts no matter what.    


Following the sound of a voice, many voices began to ring. They first muttered in confusion, "General Chen!"    


It was followed by a roar, "General Chen, General Chen!"    


People held their slogans very high, as if they were showing their anger and their desire. Now, this mythical person had appeared right in front of him. His bangs had started to condense in the rain, but he didn't seem to be embarrassed at all. His black figure only grew taller and taller.    


Seeing Chen Yuyang, an unprecedented confidence began to appear in everyone's hearts. This confidence came from his trust for Chen Yuyang. This trust was based on the strong history of Chen Yuyang and the support of his terrifying martial arts. In the South Sea battle, Chen Yuyang declared that he would shock everyone.    


The military boots beneath his feet continuously kicked away the water that had begun to accumulate on the surface of the road, carrying with it a sense of decisiveness and anger.    


At this moment, the eyes of this young general, this young Red Hawk, were not filled with sadness, but with an incomparable conviction and determination. The tears on his face, mixed with the rain, slowly disappeared, leaving only a faint salty taste.    


Behind him was something like a long dragon. At this moment, almost no one in the team held an umbrella, and no one obstructed their exposed bodies in the torrential rain. The torrential rain poured down onto their bodies like a torrential downpour.    


Chen Yuyang's footsteps stopped, along with the rest of the convoy, they all stopped, they looked at the back of the young man in front of them, the admiration and hope in their eyes grew stronger, as though they were looking at their leader, the spiritual leader.    


Kick, Kick, Kick, two steps, Chen Yuyang took two steps forward, looking at the people who were quietly sitting in the rain, he gave a deep bow, without any additional words, without any rich feelings, just a bow.    


While these citizens looked at Chen Yuyang, and stared at his delicate and pretty face for a long time, they slowly raised their right hands. They were trembling a little, but they were still as resolute as ever.    


The torrential rain poured down, no one went to look for a place to hide, and no one ran away in a sorry state. They just stood there quietly, waiting, waiting for the arrival of the young general who would lead them back to the pride of China.    


From the crowd, the body of the hunchbacked old man that was trembling unsteadily slowly walked out, arrived in front of Chen Yuyang, and said excitedly: "General Chen, we have finally waited for you?"    


The guilt in Chen Yuyang's heart was apparent to the old man. His eyes moistened once again, and he bowed once more, his voice choked with emotions: "Sorry, I came late!"    


"Not too late, not too late. We need you. Bring us to send Little Japan back home. We will be waiting for you!" The old man's trembling hands didn't know what to do.    


"Thank you, thank you for trusting me so much. What virtue do I, Chen Yuyang, have to be able to take on such a heavy responsibility?"    


The crowd once again responded to the loud cheers, saying, "General Chen, we believe in you, we support you!" "Before you, in the 30 years of China, when did we ever dare to use troops from another country? The islands in the south sea, the treasure islands, the fishing islands ? when did we ever have hope to recover them? You gave us hope, you allowed us to regain the pride of the Chinese people, and under your lead, China will surely once again stand at the peak of the world!"    


"Yes, General Chen, only you would dare to send Little Japan back to its homeland. How many years have it been since we old guys lived? We never forgot the massacre from seventy years ago when we were children, but now Little Japan is still as savage as ever. Their hands are stained with the blood of the Chinese citizens, and now it is time for them to pay the debt of blood with their blood! "General Chen, as long as you ascend higher, we old bastards will carry our guns and cross the Sea of Japan. We will make these little Japan pay back the pain that they imposed on us!"    


"That's right, General Chen. Please rise to the top and wipe out this little Japan. We are willing to take the lead. We would rather die standing than live kneeling."    


"I'd rather die standing, and live kneeling not too far away!"    


Its roars shook the heavens, and even its Zhongnanhai was affected by the roars, causing them to tremble. In the rain and wind, Chen Yuyang stood straight like a pine tree, not moving at all. He stared intently at the old man who stood in front of him, he closed his eyes slightly and said in his heart: Little Japan, Little Japan, you have stirred up the wrath of Hua Xia, it was you who had awakened this huge dragon, what do you want?    


Suddenly opening his eyes, golden light shot out in all directions. Chen Yuyang wiggled his throat and said: "Do you believe me?"    


"Trust in General Chen, trust in General Chen!"    


Chen Yuyang nodded his head, and said: "Then that's good, please go back everyone! The war will always be a battlefield for the soldiers, and only if the soldiers stay focused will they be able to ensure the victory of the war. I, Chen Yuyang, swear on the Blood Alliance here, that I will repay the pain that Little Japan has brought us with my life, to not destroy Mount Fuji, to not destroy the Yasukuni Temple, to not destroy the sword! "    


As he said that, a sword appeared out of nowhere in Chen Yuyang's hand. It was a Tai Ah Sword, a dark green light flickered, as though it was going to swallow everything, one hand grabbing the sword hilt and the other grabbing the sword head. It scattered on the ground, producing a clear jingling sound.    


Drops of blood dripped down from Chen Yuyang's arm.    


Everyone heard, they saw, they heard, they saw clearly. After a moment of silence, they burst out again, "General Chen is mighty, General Chen is mighty!"    


The silent meditation recorded in the history books of China ended without a sound, but underneath the silence there were waves surging inside. Even Japan did not expect that their vile and probing behavior would cause them to suffer from a blow to the head, a lesson that they would never forget.    


When Chen Yuyang's wet body appeared in the Zhongnanhai, numbers one, three, Bai Jingqi was completely shocked. The flames in Chen Yuyang's eyes seemed to want to devour everything, it was scorching hot and no one dared to look into his eyes.    


With a cold smile, he looked around and Chen Yuyang said: "I still came, it seems that there are people who are going to be disappointed!"    


He was just about to speak up awkwardly, but he was interrupted by Number Three who was still laughing. He ran over to Chen Yuyang and laughed: "Yuyang, don't be such a kid, political affairs will always be like this. Don't mind me, let's keep our heads down and continue working together!"    


Number One also stood up and said, "Yuyang, I was in the wrong in that matter, if you don't mind, then I won't be able to rest easy in the future. After all, you are still young, and if you accidentally take the wrong path, then the entire country will suffer a tragic loss.    


Chen Yuyang didn't pay attention to him, and only coldly looked him in the eye, to the point that his heart was trembling.    


"Let's not talk about this first. What should we do about the South Sea?" "I took back the South Sea. I have to give them an explanation, give my people an explanation, or else ?"    


"We know, we know!" Number Three immediately said, "We have already researched the decision. We will let Zhou Yuanxiang return to Jiangnan and prepare all the war preparations for the South China Sea. What do you think?"    


Chen Yuyang nodded and did not say a word. Bai Jingqi then teased him: "Yuyang brat, look at your current appearance, you don't look like a big shot of a country. How about you change your clothes and come back as soon as you're soaked in water? We still have some important matters to discuss."    


Chen Yuyang looked at Bai Jingqi and smiled, then said: "I don't need to change my clothes, perspiring like a chicken, I don't think so!"    


With that said, steam started to rise from Chen Yuyang's clothes and his hair started to rise. Chen Yuyang was extremely terrified, like he was a hero in a wuxia film, or perhaps more accurately, like a pot of boiling water. Not a drop of water left.    


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