Supreme Violent Young Master

C788 Your sister si fan

C788 Your sister si fan

In the current era, after the Conferred God Battle, the Eastern Profound Gate, the Buddhist Sect of the West, and the Heavenly Court had all become a kind of abnormal three-legged framework. Haotian was proud enough to be a quasi-sage cultivator and stand between two great powers. Although he couldn't be denied, he was still the weakest of them all. However, the existence of Qingyang Island behind the Heavenly Court was a completely different story.    


Whether it was the borrowing of power from the west or the inaction of the east, they were all watching the actions of the Heavenly Court. This was because in some aspects, the Heavenly Court was the person whose Qingyang Island was above the Prehistoric Land, and from a certain point of view, Clear Sky represented the attitude of the Qingyang Island, which made people apprehensive.    


But now, the Dao Sovereign Qing Yang actually used such a move, killing both black and white, and both black chess and white chess were people of Qingyang Island. This couldn't help but confuse the people. No one could clearly see what exactly this profound Dao Sovereign Qing Yang wanted to do. Under the heavens, I seem to understand a bit, and the receiver also saw a little side. Just by this, he gave his terrifying martial uncle a respectful and extremely noble evaluation.    


The battle between the demons from the Ancient Desolation Heavenly Court and the Xihe Ox Plains continued. It could be said to be of no small scale and caused the Prehistoric Land to be once again immersed in the situation of being buried in the ground. Although it could not be said that the world was devoid of life, there never seemed to be a good war or a bad peace in this world.    


However, sometimes this kind of action was like a child playing house to some people.    


The old man in the fiery red daoist robe and the old man in the azure Yin Yang daoist robe were sitting facing each other inside the Five Zhuang Temple. Within the Five Zhuang Temple, the fruit bloomed once every 3,000 years, and the fruit grew once every 3,000 years.    


The two old Daoists who were sitting opposite to each other and sipping tea and playing chess were not Red Cloud and ZhenYuanzi under the Heavenly Dao. Who could they be? In this world, if there were truly unspecialized characters, then these two would definitely be two of them. Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun did not involve any major sects, and they did not have many disciples. ZhenYuanzi was just two children, Qingfeng Mingyue and Hongyun.    


For a saint of the Heavenly Daos to be able to live as carefree as the other two, most likely the only person they would be able to deal with was Nuwa.    


However, the Nuwa Palace was located outside the 33 Layered Heavens, within the primordial chaos. The palace was unavoidably sad and cold. Where could it be compared to the quiet and serene beauty that came from the five mansions of Zhen Yuanzi? It was very comfortable and pleasant. With the addition of the ginseng fruit tree, the Five Villa of the Ten Thousand Mountains had already become an immortal realm above the Prehistoric Land.    


Ever since Red Cloud and ZhenYuanzi had become saints, there had been very little of the Five Landscape Monastery. It wasn't that Red Cloud had no training hall of his own, but the training hall was empty except for him. At the urging of an old friend like ZhenYuanzi, Hong Yun moved straight to the Wuzhuang Temple to work with ZhenYuanzi. The two of them played chess and drank tea every day. Their days were also quite comfortable.    


However, even if the two of them didn't go out, they still knew a bit about the current situation and the news of the Three Realms. After all, they were both saints, so how could they not know anything? Both Red Cloud and ZhenYuanzi wished that they didn't know anything, but they were curious. Everyone always had these gossiping thoughts.    


"Old friend, this ginseng fruit of yours is ripe again!" Red Cloud secretly let out a sigh. He looked at the life fruit in the yard that was emitting a laughter like a baby's and calmly said.    


Zhen Yuanzi naturally understood how sorrowful and sorrowful his old friend's sigh was. He slowly lifted his wide sleeves, and the finger that was originally about to fall loosened. The white jade-like chess piece in his hand instantly slid down, accurately falling into the chess basket made from purple bamboo baskets.    


"Nine thousand years! Another nine thousand years!" Zhen Yuanzi suddenly spoke and sighed.    


Afterwards, the two of them raised their eyes and smiled at each other. In these five views, it was unknown how many times he had watched the flowers blossom and fall, and how many times he had watched the ginseng fruit tree mature. Being old and not dying is a thief. The two of them have been living on this Prehistoric Land ever since the opening of the sky, so they must be tired of it now.    


"Tell me, isn't it boring to live forever!" Zhen Yuanzi pinched his own palm as he chuckled and mocked himself. He seemed to be talking to Red Cloud, but also seemed to be talking to himself.    




Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand and called out to the two pretty boys: "Qingfeng Mingyue, come here!"    


The little Daoist quickly trotted over to Zhen Yuanzi and respectfully greeted him, "Greetings, Master. Greetings, Master Hong Yun. I wonder what Master has to say!"    


"The ginseng fruit tree is ripe, you two go get the golden hammer." He took out 29 fruits and sent 5 fruits to the Hollow Jade Temple on Mount Kunlun, 5 fruits to the Eight Visions Temple on the Shouyang Mountain and 5 fruits to the Golden Slope Island in the East China Sea. Two are to be sent to the Heavenly Court, the rest are to be sent to the Qingyang Island of the North Sea! " Zhen Yuanzi leisurely instructed. It was just like what he had said after the ginseng fruit tree had ripened.    


He stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Northern Sea Qingyang Island, Brother Qingyang is a strange person who made wine from Zhong Huang Li. I don't think he would care about your fruits!"    


Zhen Yuanzi smiled gently and said, "The two of us have become saints thanks to the cultivation of our dao brothers. We can't bring out anything more eye-catching than the Five Zhuang Temple. Consider these fruits as courtesy!" Hong Yun did not speak any further. As he only mentioned that handsome and handsome fellow Daoist, a strange smile began to appear on his face.    


Waving his wide sleeves, ZhenYuanzi said to the two kids, "Go, go. Be careful!"    


"Yes, we will do as the old master commands!" Soon, the two boys rushed into the garden and began their work. A ginseng fruit was something that a mortal could live up to 360 years old just by smelling it. Eating one ginseng fruit was even more amazing. However, in the eyes of Qing Feng and Mingyue, not to mention smelling, they had eaten quite a lot these past few years, so they didn't seem to care too much about it.    


Looking at the busy figures of the two children, it seemed as if Hong Yun's words had evoked a hint of thought. Zhen Yuanzi asked in a bland voice, "Old friend, what do you mean by this? I don't understand!"    


Hong Yun sighed and the smile on his face became even more radiant. He waved his hand and smiled, "It's good that you can't understand it. It's good that you can't understand it!" Sometimes, having seen through everything, one would lose their original novelty. Now the two of them had days in hand, so they didn't need to do anything. They could just quietly watch from the sidelines. Watching quietly, it was natural. As for the three from the east, they will need to put in some effort. "    


Pausing for a moment, only then did Hong Yun open his mouth again in confusion: "It's just that, the two in the west are a bit impatient now, while the three in the east seem to have had it for a few days, it's so quiet that it's a little strange. I wonder where their confidence comes from? "    


Sometimes, it was too quiet in this world, and it was strange. This Prehistoric Land was like an incomparably huge chessboard filled with chess pieces. Other than the three giants in the prehistoric era, the only ones who had the qualification to land were the Heavenly Dao Saints. The west had already landed first, borrowing the power of the Heavenly Court to fight back.    


However, the strange thing was that the three Qing Clans of the Eastern Profound Gate had been maintaining a kind of silence, a silence akin to death. This didn't make sense. It was an indescribable feeling. Not only did the red cloud not understand, even the Western Quasi and reception could not understand. Logically speaking, the Eastern Three Pure Ones would certainly stand up and express their views on this matter.    


But now it seemed that everything was too quiet, so quiet that it was eerie.    


"Ha ha!" Two chuckles came from the Eight Visions Temple in Shouyang Mountain. It was the sound of the laughter of the old man. He waved the fan in his hand and muttered to himself, "Where did your confidence come from?" Then, they raised their heads and looked at the two people beside them. The three of them smiled in understanding, "My two junior brothers, where do you think our confidence comes from?"    


The two people sitting on the prayer mat were, of course, the Yuanshi Heavenly Sovereign and the Master of the Skypalace Sect. Ever since his father and Yuanshi had visited Jinao Island, the relationship between the Three Purities had become more and more intimate. Now that the three of them were together, just like in the past, they cultivated together, discussed the Dao together, and tasted the tea together.    


Exalted Celestial Yuanshi had a peaceful expression on his face. His somewhat plump body remained motionless as he looked at the flames in the Eight Trigrams Furnace. He softly said, "Those who follow the heavens will have to suffer the wrath of the heavens. Now that the number of days is not in our hands, no matter how we calculate it, it will only change the small details of the Heavenly Dao.    


Yuan Shi's words clearly showed that he was somewhat discouraged. However, Tongtian, who was wearing a purple and red robe, said with a serious look on his face, "Brothers are of the same heart. After all, we have three people! "    


Tong Tian's words had already explained the problem that had befallen me. Where did my confidence come from? Quantity was always a powerful thing, stronger than the number of days he had spent in the world, or anything else. Three against two, they could do whatever they wanted. In the end, they were still unable to gain anything from it.    


"We are not three people, but seven!" I smile. This is his last resort. The nine saints under the Heavenly Dao made up seven people from the east. Seven against two, how could he lose! This was the simplest and most simple truth. The number of days was balanced. Since the East was too strong, the West naturally had to control the number of days. This was the principle of checks and balances.    


After listening to his words, San Qing fell into silence. Finally, Tong Tian smiled and said: "Forget it. It's better to leave this matter of plotting against the heavens to Qingyang. He's more adept." I will obediently act as a symbol of the position of a thug. "This will save you the effort!"    


Yuan Chu laughed lightly and joked, "Third brother's words are indeed unskilled!"    


"Third brother's words are reasonable. Even if the two in the west combined forces, they would still not be a match for him. Why should we? If he messed up his plans, he might not like it. All we need now is an attitude! " As he spoke, his aged eyes were fixed on the fire in the Eight Trigrams Furnace. He seemed to be excited.    


Actually, what I said wasn't wrong, this kind of difficult problem can only be solved by Chen Yuyang. What they need is attitude and support, that's all. Actually, when we mentioned confidence just now, the real origin of San Qing's confidence was probably the Northern Sea, which was still the mysterious Dao Sovereign Qing Yang. It was just that they did not know, that the so called Ji Wushuang, was only knowing some things they did not know.    


"There are more capable people, there are more capable people!" On the Qingyang Island, Chen Yuyang gave a shallow self-deprecation.    


Now, the situation had turned into chaos. It didn't matter if it was the direction of Xihe Niu Zhou, the Thundercrash Mountain, or things related to the Buddhist teachings from the East. However, in this hidden battle, everyone seemed to have forgotten one thing: the Great Thunderclap Temple in the west and the Buddha of the Spirit Mountain.    


Feeling the leaves around his body fluttering, Chen Yuyang did not look back and only asked: "Is everything done?"    


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