Supreme Violent Young Master

C797 Weak water explosion six ears death 1

C797 Weak water explosion six ears death 1

Letting the water flood and extinguishing the earth seemed to be a very cruel thing, but in the end, there was still compassion within the cruelty. It was as if a vast, primordial power had erupted, summoning the power of Karma that had existed between Heaven and Earth for countless years. The prehistoric era would truly be destroyed. Although it was still many years ago, for cultivators, the passage of time in the mountains was simply too fast. There was no room for mistakes.    


Naturally, no one knew about Chen Yuyang's arrangements. Other than Hong Jun, even the person in the East Sea was concealed. However, could he really hide it? No one knew.    


In the Heavenly Court, on the training field outside South Heaven Gate, the battle between the marshals was still going on. It had been three days and three nights. Although the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey deliberately went easy, the Sky Peng still pressed on step by step. Even a human being has a bit of fire, let alone a monkey with an impatient nature.    


The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey, on account of the Heavenly Sect Leader, showed mercy at every turn. It did not want to clash head on with the Sky Peng, but the Sky Peng seemed to be befuddled and did not know what was good for it. In the eyes of Haotian, this situation made him feel a wave of unhappiness. It wasn't because he didn't like the monkey with six ears, but because he loathed the peng's pettiness.    


Gray and silvery white lights turned into two streams of dust, darting around the martial arts training ground at incomparable speed. For the past three days, the two had fought without rest or food. He had used all of his techniques, not only using force, but he had also used up all of his Qingyang Island and mana.    


The two figures clashed and then separated.    


In the distance, the heavenly roc was gasping for breath with its mouth wide open. The three days of battle had caused the heavenly roc's originally handsome face to turn pale white. The Nail Rake in the Sky Peng's hand was also not as sharp as it was three days ago. There were traces of battle on its silver armor.    


On the other hand, the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey was much calmer. The flaming rod in its hand seemed to become more and more valiant as it fought.    


The Six-Eared Monkey silently watched the Sky Peng that was gasping for air. Its entire body was as firm as a rock, and it did not allow any movement, "Marshal Tian Peng, it is not shocking that you and I have fought a great battle for three days without rest. However, we are considered experts in this Dao.    


The heavenly roc roared, "No! The match is not over yet! If I don't fight with you, I won't accept it!"    


How could the roc not know that the monkey was trying to make a move on him? But the roc was too proud. The more it acted, the angrier he became. In this world, there were many people who were proud, arrogant and arrogant. Unfortunately, the Sky Peng was one of them.    


The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey shook its head and smiled bitterly in its heart, thinking: "Since you insist on not realizing your mistake, then don't blame me for not considering our Heavenly Sect Leader's friendship."    


Without giving the two any time to think, the Nine-Toothed Rake in Tian Peng's hand seemed to be on the verge of collapse. However, it still ferociously appeared, fiercely charging towards the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey. The Six-Eared Monkey seemed to be mixed in with something else. It was stunned for a moment before raising the poker in its hand and berating: "Open!"    


With a loud clang, the entire training ground was shaken by the aura of Sky Peng, who did not fear death. The Six Eared Monkey took three steps back with a horrified expression on its face. He was well aware of what kind of power the peng's desperate attack had displayed. It was a powerful killing intent.    


The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey understood that the aura belonged to the Skypalace Cult Leader when they were listening to the Qingyang Island.    


In terms of killing intent, there was no one in the Three Realms who was better than the Supreme Sectmaster who wielded the Divine Punisher Blade. The Immortal Execution Archipelago controlled the heavens and the earth, and this killing intent was very pure, as if it came from the heavens and the earth. The heavenly might was formidable and could not be violated by mortals. However, very soon, the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey woke up from its killing intent.    


"Alright, again!" The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey became slightly excited.    


Tian Peng looked at the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey with a bit of admiration and said with a smile, "You do indeed have the strength to be a marshal. To be able to fight with you today, this marshal can be considered to have no regrets even in death. To be able to find an opponent worthy of respect in this world was also a type of luck. If you treat me as your opponent, then show me some respect and stop holding back. Give it your all! "    


The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey was stunned for a moment before smiling, "Alright, since it's like this, then it shall be as you wish!"    


Finally, the battle between the heavenly roc and the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey had come to an end. However, from Haotian's point of view, this battle seemed to have just begun. Right now, although the two of them did not move, their auras were instantly enraged to the extreme. This kind of energy explosion had broken the limit.    


The two of them merged into the air once again. This time, they were even faster, so fast that not even their afterimages could be seen. Only the faint sounds of clashing weapons could be heard in the air. This was the sound of weapons clashing. Traces of tremors caused by weapons colliding with each other spread throughout the world. Even the air itself began to tremble.    


The entire martial arts arena's floor had been beaten into a mess by this battle, and was even somewhat tattered.    


Haotian smiled faintly, looking at the flying stone chips and said cheerfully, "Looks like I'm going to have to spend quite a bit of money. These two guys actually beat up my dojo to such an extent, and they're going to have to spend quite a bit of money." Although Haotian had said this, everyone knew that Haotian was still a bit excited. There wasn't the slightest hint of blame.    


Suddenly, with a loud bang, a silver figure was blasted out from the sky. Haotian could clearly see that Tian Peng was actually able to withstand the monkey's fire rod head on. At this moment, the heavenly roc was like a kite with its string cut as it fell down from the sky.    


However, Haotian was even more clear that the moment this guy threw away the Nine-Toothed Rake in his hand, his palm paused in the air before forming a seal with his entire palm. It was a mysterious seal. When Haotian saw this, he shouted in his heart: Not good, it seems like Tian Peng still has some tricks up his sleeves. What a powerful turbulence aura.    


Yes, this was Marshal Tian Peng's unique aura. As Marshal Tianhe had been training for so many years, coupled with the fact that the Sect Leader had taught him personally, the Sky Peng had finally comprehended this killing move. It could be said to be a unique killing move in this world. He then shouted angrily, "Three thousand weak water! "Break!"    


The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey's body shook as a strong pressure assaulted its face. It was unable to stop it at all.    


There were only two weak waters in this world. One was in the Nine Hells of Hell, the other was on the Blood Sea, and the last was above the Heavenly Court, in the Heavenly River. As the Marshal of the Milky Way, the Sky Peng had been in charge of the river, so it naturally had some control over the weak water. In addition to that, it often went to the Golden Leg Island to consult, and the Sect Leader had actually taught the Sky Peng the ability to control the weak water in the river.    


Weak water was the purest form of water in the Three Realms. Legend has it that it was created from the tears of Pangu himself. However, weak water was also the most terrifying water flow in the Three Realms. Even a dirty liquid like the blood sea could not pollute the weak water. Even terrifying people like the River Styx did not dare to easily enter into the weak water's territory. One could imagine how terrifying the weak water was.    


Weak water could be considered the advancement of all immortals. Unless they had a quasi-Saint cultivation, if they were to be contaminated with it, their Fa Li would be devoured and their bodies would be destroyed. 3000 weak water, no floating feathers, no birds flying, these things were all terrifying existences in nature.    


When Haotian heard the Sky Peng's scolding, he instantly felt that something wasn't right and shouted angrily, "Marshal Tian Peng, you're too presumptuous!"    


However, it was already too late. The heavenly roc deliberately resisted the Six-Eared Macaque's attack. It was already prepared in its heart and was ready to die. However, the Sky Peng was a proud person. Even if it died, it couldn't compare to its pride and self-esteem. Therefore, the Sky Peng had used its final killing move. Powerful killing move.    


It triggered the weak water in the Milky Way River to carry out the final attack.    


The pure and weak water seemed as if it was not something that the human world should have. A monstrous weak water suddenly fell from the sky, engulfing the entire martial arena. The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey was naturally unable to escape. Seeing such a destructive scene, the Sky Peng laughed. It laughed somewhat bitterly, laughing somewhat sorrowfully and helplessly.    


Weak water is merciless, it is not something that should exist in the human world. The purest water between heaven and earth gathered together in an instant and violently surged forth, swallowing up the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey, and only a miserable cry could be heard. His voice was very loud and clear. Even the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey, who was silently in the water, had not thought that the Sky Peng would be crazy to such an extent.    


However, he knew that at this time, as the supreme expert of the Three Realms, the slightest carelessness or mistake would cause the Heavenly Court to suffer the greatest loss. Scanning the messy crowd in front of him, Haotian berated loudly: "How is that acceptable? You are all deities in the immortal realms, how is it proper for you to look like such a mess? "    


Anyone would be afraid of death, and Immortals were even more afraid of death. In these three realms, besides the freak Tian Peng, no one else could survive in the weak waters. Thus, everyone began to panic. Looking at the torrential water, everyone was filled with terror, fear, and terror.    


However, Haotian's berating words still had some effect. At the very least, it made some people start to calm down. Everyone turned to look at Haotian, hoping that he would be able to save them at the critical moment. These immortals had never felt that their original master, the Jade Emperor, was as powerful as he was today.    


Haotian waved his hand and said, "Retreat! Everyone, retreat to Lingxiao Treasure Hall!"    


Suddenly, the many immortals of the Heaven Realm began to retreat. Under the leadership of Literari Star and Wu Crooked Star, these people retreated in a rhythmic, or rather orderly manner. Under the pressure of the weak water, everyone could still forcefully suppress the fear in their hearts. It was probably only Haotian who had such power and methods.    


After silently waiting for everyone to return to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, Haotian's eyes turned as he furiously stared at the not so far away heavenly roc floating above the weak water. In his heart, he viciously said: "Hello, Tian Peng, hello!"    


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