Supreme Violent Young Master

C993 I disagree

C993 I disagree

At first, Deng Jiu thought that Chen Yuyang was speaking up for him, but when he heard the latter half of the sentence, his expression immediately darkened, as his eyes began to roll around, as though he was calculating something. There were not many people in the capital who knew of the Half-Words Hall, unless they were gangsters. And the number of people who knew half a hall of Hall Master s was even less. Therefore, Deng Jiu began to feel an inexplicable fear toward Chen Yuyang.    


There were many people who knew how to flatter and flatter under Deng Jiu's hands, especially those who knew how to express their loyalty. Naturally, Deng Jiu also had his eyes and ears as well as nails with him beside him.    


Without waiting for Deng Jiu to speak, the lackey who had just come out made his move again. However, it was not a direct confrontation, but a sneak attack. The blade in his hand thrusted towards Chen Yuyang, and only when it approached Chen Yuyang did it burst out, his strength suddenly increasing, and he roared explosively: "Brat, insulting Hall Master Lin, you're courting death!"    


"Brother, be careful!" The young man cried out in surprise. He wanted to take action, but the distance between them was too far. It was impossible for him to help.    


Chen Yuyang helplessly shook his head, no one could see how Chen Yuyang managed to get there, but he still had a harmless smile on his face as his fingers easily caught hold of the blade, and with a clear sound, the steel blade was instantly split into two. Chen Yuyang casually waved his hand, and his indifferent voice sounded out, "I've said it before, I'm not always in a good mood!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the lackey fell to the ground. There were no wounds on his body, only the thin steel knife stabbed into the forehead of the person behind him. However, the steel knife didn't stop. He kept flying until he heard a muffled sound. Then, he stabbed a third person in the face and stopped.    


With a casual wave of his hand, he took the lives of three people. This caused Deng Jiu to feel a chill all over his body, and an unspeakable fear.    


However, the young man on the side heaved a sigh of relief. He had seen the entire process. When the blade tip pierced the first person's throat, the second person had already rushed forward, while the third person had already pulled out a pocket-sized pistol, pointing the black muzzle at Chen Yuyang. Unexpectedly, in just a split-second, all three of them fell to the ground. The casino immediately exploded, "Murder, murder ~ ~"    


The gamblers were all fleeing outwards in a calmer state. They were so flustered that their legs felt like lead and they couldn't even run a single step. As for Ma Liu, his entire body had gone limp and he fell to the ground with a cold sweat, spitting out a green liquid from his mouth. He had been scared to death.    


Chen Yuyang let out a cold snort, and ignored the gamblers who were running for their lives. He glanced at Deng Jiu, whose legs had gone limp, and said: "These three are all Lin Mutang's men! It looks like Lin Mutang doesn't really trust you? "    


Deng Jiu trembled, his voice had already changed: "You, you, who exactly are you, are you, are you someone from the First Level House?"    


Chen Yuyang shook his head, but curiously looked at Deng Jiu's smiling yet not smiling appearance. Suddenly, he turned his head and said to the young man: "Brother, thank you for today's matter. I have some things that I want to discuss with Deng Jiu.    


The young man was also shocked by Chen Yuyang's earlier hand. He took a long time to regain his senses, cupped his hands, and said: "I did not expect brother to be a martial artist. I am Sha Wuduan. Brother, if you have time, please meet me at Dragon Tiger Mountain! "    


"Longhu Mountain?" Chen Yuyang suddenly laughed, laughed very brilliantly, and asked: "Who is Sha Jianguo to you?"    


Sha Wuduan came back to his senses and said, "Sha Jianguo is my brother. Does brother know my brother?"    


Chen Yuyang smiled, within his smile seemed to be a beautiful memory, as he lit up a cigarette: "I know, my old friend. "However ?" Chen Yuyang waved his hand, and said: "It's something that happened many years ago, it's fine if you don't say it, but if you don't want to, then so be it!"    


Sha Xing did not quite understand Chen Yuyang's words, but he quickly cupped his hands and said again: "Since that's the case, if Qingshan does not change, there will always be green water!"    


"See you later!" Chen Yuyang said indifferently.    


However, Chen Yuyang could see clearly that the girl had brought the pinhole camera on the table with her before she left. Regarding this, Chen Yuyang only laughed indifferently. had also noticed this detail, but because Chen Yuyang was in front of him, he did not dare act rashly.    


Leaving the club, Sha Wuduan looked curiously at the girl and asked, "Are you a journalist?"    


The girl nodded shyly and said, "Thank you for today. If not for you, I would have been dead!"    


"No need to thank me. It's just a foot stepping on me when I see injustice." He paused for a moment before continuing in a voice filled with sand, "However, don't call others' husbands easily from now on!"    


After saying that, Sha Wuduan released the girl's hand and turned to leave. The girl looked at Sha Fusheng's back and suddenly shouted, "Hey, I'm Liu Cheng. Remember my name!" Seeing Sha Wuduan leave without even looking back, Liu Yi stomped his feet and muttered to himself, "What a stingy man! I was going to treat him to a meal! "    


Walking along the dark road by himself, Liu Fan's heart was in turmoil. Today, not only did he film the underground casino, but he also film the scene of the murder inside the casino. However, as he thought about it, his mind drifted to that tall and handsome back. Shaking his head, Liu Fu thought to himself, "Liu Fu, what's wrong with you today? You can't normally hate those flies, but why are you so interested today?"    


They didn't know that although the hero saving the beauty, he was also the most effective.    


However, on the way, when Liu Suifeng subconsciously touched his pockets, he exclaimed, "Where's my camera? Where's my camera?!" In the end, he searched through his entire body, but he could not find Liu Cheng.    


Inside the gambling den, Chen Yuyang looked at his watch and muttered to himself, "There's still three minutes!"    


"First, sir, you, what exactly do you want to say to me? No matter what, I, Deng Jiu, am still a gangster, I will definitely not owe Sir a debt, rest assured Mister! "    


Chen Yuyang squinted his eyes and laughed: "I don't want to talk too much with you. Have you heard Xiang Yu's story?"    


"Yes, I've heard of it!" Deng Jiu did not know what Chen Yuyang meant, but facing this kind of person who killed easily and with such bloody methods ? Deng Jiu could only give in.    


"It's good that you've heard it, Xiang Yu once said that it could be replaced. "Think about this question carefully today!" After saying that, Chen Yuyang left a number and said, "This is my number. Do you want to be suppressed by Lin Mutang for your entire life, or become the master of the capital's darkness? Exterminate Lin Mutang, exterminate the First Level House, that is your own choice! "    


With that, Chen Yuyang's entire being disappeared, as though he had disappeared without a trace, and only left behind a single sentence, "Qu He Xuan, don't move. That's my man! "    


In place of, she had already made it very clear that she wanted to support Deng Jiu in becoming the dark overlord of the capital. This was not an absurd decision, but a carefully considered one. Deng Jiu indeed had such a condition. Firstly, although Deng Jiu was part of a hall, he was not close to Lin Mutang. If it was not so, Lin Mutang would not have chosen to place people by Deng Jiu's side. Secondly, Deng Jiu was a delinquent, but he still possessed the spirit of a Daoist from the older generation.    


Perhaps, Deng Jiu didn't know that when he saw Sha Wuyou being used, he gave him an angry look, which completely changed Chen Yuyang's view of him, and also saved his own life.    


The reason why Chen Yuyang did not reveal his trump card to Deng Jiu was because he still wanted to test him. Look at Deng Jiu's character. If Deng Jiu wasn't the type to do great things, he could tell Lin Mutang about this matter, but his fate would be the same as Lin Mutang's.    


The capital is the night sky, the United States is the day.    


At this moment, in a secret underground communication station within the capital's most hidden National Security Six. Zhang Hanhai and Huangfu Zhong were chatting with each other. Naturally, the topic would not leave Chen Yuyang. Huangfu Zhong looked at his watch with some doubt, then looked at the indifferent Zhang Hanhai and asked curiously, "Little Zhang, exactly who is Chen Xiaoyu?" I have investigated, he is the fourth generation successor of the Chen Family, how could he be related to National Security? "    


With a bitter smile, Zhang Hanhai spread his hands and said, "I don't know either!"    


"What?" Huangfu Zhong asked in surprise, "As the Chief of National Security, you don't even know about it?"    


"I really don't know about this. Initially, this position was decided upon personally by the No. 2 Chief, but as to who this position belonged to, the No. 2 Chief did not say clearly. I've also investigated it before, and Yu Yang's records were directly transferred from Dragon Group to us, so I have no right to ask! "    


"Dragon Group, what does little friend Chen have to do with Dragon Group?" Huangfu Yuzhong was even more astonished.    


Zhang Hanhai nodded, his finger lightly moved across the teacup on the table and said, "Yes, Yu Yang is not only related to Dragon Group. According to his own words, the master of Dragon Group Clan Leader Long Feiyun was his senior brother. So his position within the Dragon Group is that of a major general instructor! "    


He lightly tapped the table and let out a long sigh. "So that's how it is!" All of a sudden, Huangfu Zhong chuckled and said, "I didn't expect that you would actually invite someone from the Dragon Group to help you retrieve the artifact. No wonder you had such a confident look on your face." It seems that the No. 2 Chief has found a good helper for you! "    


"Indeed!" Zhang Hanhai nodded, narrowed his eyes and said, "I've always felt that Yu Yang has an unspeakable mystery about him." Although he was the deputy director of the sixth branch, he had never mobilized the vast manpower and resources of the sixth branch. The scariest thing was that despite having nothing, he was able to uncover six major smuggling cases that hadn't been discovered in the past three years. It must be said that this is a miracle! "    


"Oh, is that really true?" Huangfu Zhong became even more curious and said, "Little Zhang, tell me in detail!"    


Zhang Hanhai told Huangfu Zhong from the beginning to the end of what had happened recently. Huangfu Zhong's eyes began to shine even brighter as he chuckled and said, "Little Brother Chen is indeed a resourceful person. His ability and luck aren't something that an ordinary person can have!"    


"I want to give him a bigger stage, and he should do better. Especially since he's still young ? " As Zhang Hanhai spoke, he let out a sigh as a trace of sadness flashed across his face.    


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