Supreme Violent Young Master

C867 He saw long feiyun again

C867 He saw long feiyun again

Zhu Fugui immediately said coldly, "Young Master Zhao, you must admit that your mistakes will only increase the arrogance of evil forces. It's wrong of you to do that!"    


Teacher Zhu, when Zhang Zhixiang was bullying the female students in class, why didn't he see you jump out and say something fair! As for the matter regarding Chen Yuyang and Tang Bo, before you have investigated them thoroughly, you anxiously gave a definition of wanting to expel the students.    


Zhao Sisi had originally come from the same unit, so her words were incisive, directly pointing to the heart of Buddha.    


Zhu Fugui said, "Teacher Zhao, I saw it with my own eyes, could it be a lie!"    


Zhao Sisi snorted coldly and said, "Who knows what sort of tricks are involved?"    


Zhu Fugui was furious and said harshly, "Teacher Zhao, don't speak nonsense, I will sue you for slander!"    


On one side was the new best teacher, and on the other was the old teacher of the school. Chair Yang shook his head and said: "Alright, Little Zhao, Little Zhu, you two stop arguing, you two go investigate this matter!"    


"Alright, Chair Yang!" Zhu Fugui immediately smiled and said.    


The two of them talked with Chair Yang for a while longer before leaving the Education Bureau. The two of them arrived at the classroom one after the other. At this moment, Tang Bo had already settled the matter. The corners of Zhang Zhixiang's mouth were still swollen, and his lips still had traces of blood on them.    


Chen Yuyang, on the other hand, was calmly reading a book.    


Seeing the situation, Zhao Sisi knew that this idiot Zhang Zhixiang must have provoked Chen Yuyang again. He scolded himself in his heart: This thing that doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is is really an ignorant childe. Too ignorant. Zhao Sisi had seen Chen Yuyang's attack before, instantly killing two of her own experts. This time, she could already be considered holding back.    


"Chen Yuyang, Zhang Zhi Xiang, come out!" Zhao Sisi whispered at the door.    


Chen Yuyang had a smile on his face as he walked out elegantly. Even Zhang Zhixiang, who had been lying on the ground for so long, still felt dizzy. However, the gaze in which he looked at Chen Yuyang with became even more reverent and peaceful, as if he had the impulse to kill someone. Chen Yuyang looked at Zhao Sisi, then looked at Zhu Fugui with disdain, and said, "Teacher Zhao, Teacher Zhu!"    


Zhu Fugui snorted sinisterly, turned his head and did not say anything.    


Zhao Sisi completely ignored Zhu Fugui, and asked Chen Yuyang, "Chen Yuyang, I heard that you fought in the classroom, and even beat up Teacher Zhu!"    


Chen Yuyang squinted his eyes: "Teacher, do you think my body can beat Teacher Zhu's?"    


Zhao Sisi looked at Zhang Zhixiang again and asked, "Zhang Zhixiang, what's wrong with your face?" Why did I get beaten up? "    


Zhang Zhixiang stammered, "That, that, it's nothing. It was me who accidentally walked into the wall. I wasn't beaten up or beaten up!"    


When Zhu Fugui heard this, he immediately said, "You're lying, I clearly saw ? ?"    


Zhang Zhixiang immediately said, "Teacher Zhu, you're wrong, you're wrong!"    


In Zhu Fugui's heart, childe like Zhang Zhixiang must be vengeful. He did not understand why Zhang Zhixiang would lie. However, Zhu Fugui was unwilling and said, "Teacher Zhao, Tang Bo must have threatened Zhang Zhixiang and made him lie. I clearly saw it ?"    


Without waiting for Zhu Fugui to finish speaking, Zhao Sisi smiled and said, "Since that's the case, I'll call another student over!"    


Saying that, Zhao Sisi said, "Zhang Mengmeng, come out!"    


Zhang Mengmeng was a very cute girl. She wore a ponytail and quickly came out and said, "Teacher Zhao, you're looking for me!"    


"Teacher is asking you if there was a fight in the classroom just now?" Zhao Sisi rolled her eyes and said.    


Zhang Mengmeng immediately understood and pretended to be ignorant, "No, we are all quiet over that essay of Chen Yuyang's. There was no such thing as a fight at all!"    


"Alright, you can go back now!" Zhao Sisi chuckled and said to the pale-faced Zhu Fugui, "Teacher Zhu, do you have anything else to say? Students have human rights as well, and those who frame their students will be punished by the law! "    


"This ? Little Teacher Zhao, Little Teacher Zhao ?" Zhu Fugui suddenly became anxious as he spoke incoherently.    


Zhu Fugui couldn't figure out why this was happening? Zhang Zhixiang lied. That's right, but he didn't understand why Zhang Zhixiang would lie. Could it be that he was really afraid of being beaten up? In fact, the joints between the two were very simple. Tang Bo was teaching Zhang Zhixiang using the most basic and basic method.    


This kind of thing couldn't be considered poison, but it could make a person's entire body itch. Tang Bo also lied to Zhang Zhixiang that it was a type of poison, so he had to ask him for an antidote every other day. He never thought that this ignorant childe would actually believe him.    


Tears streamed down his face. He swore to the heavens that he would never tell anyone about this.    


At that time, when Chen Yuyang saw Tang Bo's expression, he really wanted to ask: "Is this guy really that stupid?"    


In this matter, Zhu Fugui had to work hard to not gain the favor. He had offended Tang Bo as well as Zhang Zhixiang, and had even offended this beautiful teacher, Zhao Sisi. One had to know that Zhao Sisi's rallying power among the school teachers was extremely powerful, to the point that she had reached a terrifying level. But from Chen Yuyang's point of view, many of these people came out from the military.    


Zhu Fugui left without a word, and Zhang Zhixiang also returned to his seat. However, Zhao Sisi kept Chen Yuyang, and her eyes congealed, as her eyes shone with a cold light, "Chen Yuyang, why did you beat up Zhang Zhixiang?"    


As a member of the army, Zhao Sisi could naturally see that the wounds on Zhang Zhixiang's face were definitely caused by a punch, and even his teeth had fallen out. As one of the important people that the capital had sent to Su Hang to protect Chen Yuyang, Zhao Sisi did not dare to slack off in the slightest. For the future heir to the Chen Family, who controlled half of China's army, life was secondary.    


Therefore, Zhao Sisi was unconsciously acting as a babysitter and guardian.    


"Teacher Zhao, I just said that this matter has nothing to do with me!" Chen Yuyang squinted his eyes and laughed.    


Zhao Sisi coldly said, "You don't dare to accept the honor of doing so?"    


Chen Yuyang sighed deeply, shook his head, and said with an unhappy expression, "Major Zhao Sisi, this has nothing to do with you, I don't need to explain anything to you right?"    


Zhao Sisi was surprised when she suddenly heard Chen Yuyang's unexpected words, but since she was a soldier, she immediately replied, ", what nonsense are you spouting?"    


With one hand on the railing, Chen Yuyang leaned on it, looked straight at Zhao Sisi, and said with a expression as profound as the ocean, "Major Zhao Sisi, she originally belonged to the Jiangnan Military Region Command, but after she entered the Saber Army to train, she was once ranked as a Major, and consecutively obtained the title of Champion in the shooting competition! It's known as the Fighting Shooting Twin Flower, didn't I get it right!? "    


Listening to these things, although not very carefully, but she had already summarized everything that Zhao Sisi had done for the past eight years. Zhao Sisi looked at Chen Yuyang with an inconceivable gaze, and thought: How does he know, other than the old chief, no one else in the Chen Family knows of his identity, let alone being so careful?    


"Enough, don't think about how I found out about these things. I naturally have my own channels. Colonel Zhao Sisi, if you really love the teaching profession, you can stay. If you get tired of it, you can apply to leave. I'll get the old man and the capital on the phone! As for the others sent by the capital, you can still contact them. As for the same words, I do not need their protection! "    


Zhao Sisi's eyes were filled with horror. She looked at Chen Yuyang for a long time before saying, "Do you know what you're saying? Although I really don't like childe like you, but this is my mission, I am a soldier, I only know how to obey! "    


"Oh, really?" Chen Yuyang smiled playfully.    


"The meaning of protecting you is the old head. The time has already been set. The old head will not transfer me back." Zhao Sisi seemed to want to explain herself.    


However, Chen Yuyang did not want to hear it, so he waved his hand and said: "If you like it, then stay. This has nothing to do with me, but I do not want anyone to disturb my normal life. Don't follow me out of class, I don't like it. I was born an ordinary person, and I am still an ordinary person! "    


Zhao Sisi took another step back, speechless with shock. He didn't expect this young man to be so arrogant. Seeing that Chen Yuyang was about to leave, Zhao Sisi quickly asked, "Where are you going?"    


Chen Yuyang squinted his eyes. That pair of clear and profound eyes were deeply reflected in Zhao Sisi's starry eyes. His voice was very light and contained a hint of magnetism, but it was very nice as he replied, "Where I'm going is none of your business. Colonel Zhao Sisi, your current identity is that of a teacher.    


"You ~ ~" Zhao Sisi stomped her feet hatefully. However, her face suddenly turned red.    


As he walked on the green grass, Chen Yuyang thought back to his previous life. Those familiar people, his father, his mother, his grandfather, his eldest uncle, his eldest uncle, Chen Xinchen, Li Yingwei, Huang Nuo, his eldest brother Ye Family, his second brother Ge Qing. Gu Qianqian, Zhu Geziyu, Ouyang, Gu Xiao, Bai Jingqi, Bai Lei, Sha Jianguo, Old Zhu, and Monkey. All of these familiar figures flashed through his mind, as if they were a movie.    


"This life's turning point, I wonder if I'll be able to meet these friends ~ ~" Chen Yuyang muttered to himself.    


Looking at the boys running about on the lush greenery and the girls waiting on the lush greenery, Chen Yuyang felt an inexplicable emotion trembling in his chest. Raising his head to look at the sky, Chen Yuyang revealed a faint smile. Although Chen Yuyang was only at the Tai Yi Golden Immortal Realm, he did not need to cultivate arduously. He needed to be moved, his heart trembled, and his mental state increased.    


In an instant, the strange Daoist power poured into Chen Yuyang's body, and all the spirit energy in the world was sucked out.    


Chen Yuyang silently sighed, and muttered: "Mental state, is still mental state, the middle stage of the Da Lou Golden Immortal, not bad to level up!"    


At this time, Chen Yuyang's gaze suddenly became sharp, and he said: "Old friend, it's been a while. Come out!"    


A black windbreaker appeared behind Chen Yuyang like a shadow, and the voice was a little cold and indifferent: "Old friend? Do we know each other? "    


He quietly appeared at Yuyang Academy and arrived beside Chen Yuyang. This person wore a black trench coat, and even though the weather was not too hot at the moment, he was still wearing a black trench coat. This person was wearing a black trench coat, and even though the weather was not too hot at the moment, he was still wearing a black trench coat.    


The person's voice was very cold, extremely cold as he said, "Chen Yuyang, male, 19 years old, enrolled in Yuyang Academy. Father Chen Luohe, mother Ye Qingcheng, within a week, killed Su Haonan, crippled the Japanese sword master Liu Shen New Soldier Guard, Bei Chen Lan Liu, killed the Suhang City Party Secretary Lin, killed the Japanese Panasonic Group's son, Panasonic Young Master, and almost annihilated a company in the Suhang Army sector! "    


Chen Yuyang squinted his eyes and laughed: "That's right, very comprehensive. Long Feiyun never thought that we would meet again."    


"Long Feiyun, Dragon Group Clan Leader, codename Long Yi. Grandfather Xuan is the sword god Long Bai, the ancestor of the Dragon Group. However, Long Feiyun is only a fake name and your name should be Xuanyuan Feiyun. Your grandfather is Xuanyuan Longbai of the Xuanyuan family and one of the five great elders of the Xuanyuan family. " Chen Yuyang retorted without any trace of politeness.    


The person was startled, he was shocked in his heart, he knew Chen Yuyang because he did not have a firm connection and information, but the young man in front of him had a deep understanding of him, which made him excited. This kind of information, even the inside of Dragon Group did not know. He narrowed his eyes and said: "Chen Yuyang, you are truly an enigmatic person, do you know? What you know is enough to take your life! "    


Chen Yuyang laughed twice, and said: "Old Dragon, this is not the first time the two of us have interacted with each other, can you kill me?"    


Long Feiyun was startled, and asked doubtfully: "Do we really know each other?"    


"Maybe you don't remember, or maybe you really don't know, but it doesn't matter, as long as I know you. Tell me your purpose for coming here, but you didn't expect the head team leader of Dragon Group to actually come to Su Hang? " Chen Yuyang went straight to the point.    


Long Feiyun rubbed his nose, and said awkwardly: Let's talk about business first, can I smoke a cigarette?    


Chen Yuyang laughed out loud, and said: "Old Long, you're still used to this strange habit of yours, but it doesn't matter. I haven't tried the taste of Zhongnanhai in a long time, you wouldn't be so stingy in giving me one, right?"    


Long Feiyun's fingers, which were in his pocket, stiffened as he helplessly said: "I really believe that you know me now!"    


Taking out two cigarettes, the two began to puff. Moments later, Long Feiyun said in a cold voice, "Chen Yuyang, since you know who I am, you should know why I'm looking for you. It was clearly stated in the super natural world that the supernatural man cannot take action against ordinary people. You have already violated this rule and even killed someone, so I will bring you back as the National Security Guardian Office right now! "    


"Stop bullshitting Old Long. Why don't you tell me the truth?" Chen Yuyang squinted his eyes, as if he was looking at Long Feiyun in amusement.    


But just as Long Feiyun was about to get serious, he took out a pair of handcuffs. Chen Yuyang mocked once again: "Since we are all from supernatural man, you should know that that thing is useless against me!"    


"You have violated the laws of the country, but I can give you a chance to apply for redemption!" Long Feiyun said indifferently.    


"It's the same again!" Chen Yuyang said snappily: "Didn't you just say that the opportunity you had was to join the Dragon Group, then willingly get brainwashed by you all, and become a machine in the end?"    


"You ~ ~" Long Feiyun looked at Chen Yuyang blankly, as though he couldn't hide anything from this youth. However, he really couldn't remember where he had seen Chen Yuyang before. How could Long Feiyun know that he was only living in Chen Yuyang's previous life.    


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