Supreme Violent Young Master

C807 White fruit great immortal

C807 White fruit great immortal

Although Jin and Mu Zheng knew about the conflict between Nezha and Li Qing, they couldn't say anything about it. They were siblings after all, blood was thicker than water, and this couldn't be changed.    


"Above the Heavenly Court is Yang Jian, the God of Justice. He holds a high position, being below one person and above tens of thousands. The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey was a trash who came from the Qingyang Island, but it was also highly favored by Haotian. As for that little old man Li ChangGeng, he might seem like a clown, but no one understood his power in the Heavenly Court better than his father. "Now that I have established my power, I will never be able to stand up for myself again!" Li Qing felt a bit depressed as he pinched his forehead.    


"Father, did you forget where our foundation was?"    


"Our foundation is in the west. As long as the two Buddhist Sect leaders of the west are still alive, the Heavenly Court can never lay a hand on Father. In addition, I've heard that the demons and demons of the Lower Realms' Eastern Victory Divine Region have gathered here, and even the Demon Ox King of Thundercrash Mountain has arrived at the Divine Eastern Victory Divine Region. When that time came, there would inevitably be a fierce battle. That monkey, without the help of his father, wouldn't be able to accomplish anything big. Father can be at ease, as Empyrean Clear Sky is a person who understands everything, he cannot be idle with father forever! "    


"Let's hope so!" Li Qing silently narrowed his eyes, as if he was waiting for his own escape route. Suddenly, Li Jing opened his eyes and suddenly thought of something. He asked, "You two brothers have come from the west, is there anything that the two Sect Leaders wish to instruct you on?"    


"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from father's eyes!" Jin smiled and lowered his voice. "Are you two sure you have something you need father to do?" Once this matter is done, the buddhist luck will be unstoppable in the future. "    


"Oh?" Li Qing excitedly asked, "What's the matter?"    


Jin Zheng leaned over and whispered something into Li Jing's ear. The expression on Li Jing's face slowly changed until he became surprised. "That's it?"    


"Yes, that's it. So Father had to make a move immediately and find the fox. Don't waste time on the two Sect Leaders' plans. The Sect Leader must make some preparations for the Heavenly Secrets. That fox will soon be born, becoming a Golden Immortal and flying to the Heavenly Court. I hope father will pay more attention when the time comes! "    


"It's only a fox. How could the two school heads possibly value him that highly?" Li Qing was puzzled.    


"I don't know either. However, as long as Father follows the orders of the two Sect Leaders, it will be fine! " Jin Zheng said in a low voice. Li Qing nodded. "Father understands!"    


Mortal World, Divine State of East Victory. In a forest, a white fox was happily walking back and forth in the forest, occasionally letting out surprised cries. It was as if this forest was already her territory. Even the large carnivores such as the wolf cub and the leopard saw the snow-white little fox, but they did not step into the room to avoid it.    




The fox cried out happily. Above the Prehistoric Land, this snow-white fox actually grew six tails. Its enormous tail swayed, and it looked extremely cute and cunning.    


However, not long after, a giant gray wolf suddenly sprang out of the forest and blocked the fox's path. The little white fox's entire body began to tremble. Under the fierce and imposing gaze of the wolf, the little fox continuously retreated before running away. In the entire forest, only two figures could be seen dashing forward.    


After running for an unknown amount of time, the giant wolf's body trembled and actually split into three figures, from east, south, west, and north, stopping the little fox. The giant wolf's ferocious laughter also continued to ring out, "Little fox, This King wants to see where else you can run to, but I didn't expect that you could transform into six tails so quickly. But now, you are not my opponent, so you should go back with This King and obediently become an imperial concubine!"    


With that, the giant wolf's body closed in, its huge furry claws flapping as if trying to demonstrate its might.    


The pure white little fox suddenly opened its mouth and said in a stubborn tone, "You're delusional, I won't go back with you!"    


"Hehe, this is not up to you!" In this forest, a person who can resist my Earth Wolf King has yet to be born, you will not be able to escape today. But so what if you can run? This King will kill all your descendants. This King does not believe that you won't come out. Little fox, for the sake of your fox clan, you should return with me! This King promises to love you well! "    


As it spoke, the giant wolf swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The tip of its tongue greedily licked the tip of its nose as it revealed an exceptionally sinister smile.    


The little fox's entire body was curled up, and its pair of beautiful eyes were filled with fear. Not long later, the six huge tails expanded and turned into six streaks of white light as they pounced towards the huge wolf. The huge wolf smiled and said with disdain, "I didn't expect that you would still be so weak after transforming into six tails. Alright, if you want to fight, I'll grant your wish!"    


In the dense green forest, the snow-white Six-Tailed Demon Fox and the huge Sky Wolf were constantly fighting. Its six tails were like chains as they tightly gripped the wolf's neck. The huge wolf's smile became even more ferocious and bloodthirsty.    


The Six-Tailed Demon Fox was startled. It let out a roar, turned into a streak of white light, and charged forward.    


On top of the bed, dressed in snow-white clothes, who else could it be other than Chen Yuyang, he quietly watched the battle between the two demon beasts below, but he was not worried at all, and his face revealed a hint of playfulness. Behind Chen Yuyang, the Howling Moon Sirius was casually drinking his wine, holding the purple gold wine gourd in one hand and sticking a few green plums in the other.    


Plum was wine, and this was no doubt a form of enjoyment.    


It was unknown when the Howling Moonlight Heavenly Wolf finally opened its mouth, "That Earthen Blue Wolf, how long after he left the island, he was actually covered in demonic energy. Just look at his appearance, it's really shameful!"    


Chen Yuyang laughed lightly and spread out his hands. "There's nothing I can do, you must know that the Nine Tailed Demon Fox Clan's natural born beauty, if I don't send this wolf down, I am truly worried that a Nine Tailed Demon Fox King without mana will immediately become a piece of fat in this patch of green forest. Isn't that good!"    


"You must be afraid that your plan will be disrupted!" The Moonhowl Heavenly Wolf said without any trace of politeness.    


Chen Yuyang embarrassedly coughed twice, the smile on his face became even wider: "Say, do you think that this kind of love between a human and a beast is world-shaking?!"    


"Yes!" The Howling Moonlight Heavenly Wolf said unceremoniously, "Not only is he a traitor, he is also very unscrupulous!"    


Chen Yuyang laughed out loud: "You're not just dog blood, you're dog blood already. A deity from the Heavenly Court suddenly showed mercy and saved a dying white fox, and then came the traditional Pusong's story of love. Even I feel disgusted by it, but this is how things went.    


As he quietly watched the battle below, the smile on Chen Yuyang's face became even weirder, no one knew what he was laughing about, even the Howling Moonlight Heavenly Wolf did not understand. However, he very quickly heard from Chen Yuyang. "I never thought that this fellow, Earthen Blue Wolf, would be so well-hidden. It seems that there's going to be another saint in my Qingyang Island!"    


The Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf was taken aback and exclaimed, "You mean, you mean, this Earthen Blue Wolf fellow?"    


Chen Yuyang's words made the Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf not dare to believe it. After all, out of the ten great demon kings in Qingyang Island, his own cultivation was the highest. However, even he himself was at a loss of what to do, let alone the Ash Earth Wolf. However, it was impossible for Chen Yuyang to be wrong about his cultivation level, so Xiao Yue Tian Lang didn't know what to say for a moment.    


He just gave a cold snort and made up his mind in his heart. He would go back and train in seclusion.    


After the ancestor was defeated by his descendants, it had to be said that this was a very humiliating matter. According to the pride of the Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf, this sort of thing was absolutely intolerable. Chen Yuyang chuckled and said, "Looks like you need to cultivate properly, or else you will become a laughingstock!"    


"Hmph, I know!" In the face of Chen Yuyang's mockery, the Moonhowl Heavenly Wolf's tone was a little bad. He even put down his favorite wine and focused on the battle below. His expression was extremely focused. He didn't even feel a slight breeze brush against his face.    


In the middle of the green forest, the giant wolf was ferociously attacking. Its claws were very sharp, and a faint green light was emitted from its eyes, carrying a bloodthirsty light.    


With a "peng" sound, the little white fox's body was fiercely slapped away and slammed into a tree. The huge willow tree in their embrace suddenly cracked and turned into dust. This kind of power was indeed strong, but it could only be considered strong amongst demon beasts. In the eyes of Chen Yuyang and the Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf, it was not really shocking.    


In a battle between true saints and the destruction of Heaven and Earth, why would they fear a small Green Forest?    


Blood dripped from the corner of the little white fox's mouth. The huge wolf smiled sinisterly and approached the little white fox step by step. "Little fox, I really can't bear to injure you because of how beautiful you are!" As he spoke, he sighed and clicked his tongue twice. It was as if he was about to pounce on him.    


The white fox's eyes flashed with a golden light the moment the giant wolf made its move. It gave an angry roar and took two steps back in fear, "Gold Core Blast, little fox, don't you want to die!" With that, blood gushed out of the wolf's mouth. However, the wolf's expression grew even more unsightly. "Since you wish to die, then this king shall grant you your wish!"    


The giant wolf was enraged and a mysterious light covered the little fox's body. This was a kind of enchantment for demonic beasts. With a "hong" sound, birds and beasts flew in the sky above the green forest and continued to cry out in fear. As if they had met with some sort of disaster, the birds and beasts scattered in all directions, as fast as they could get.    


And within that barrier, the little white fox's golden core exploded, and one after another, powerful rays of light struck the barrier.    


The huge wolf once again walked step by step towards the dying little fox. It gave a strange laugh and said, "Little fox, if you have reached the realm of seven tails, This King will definitely not easily offend you. However, you only have six tails, so even if you self-destruct, you will not be able to harm This King!"    


Licking the blood that was tinged with a fishy smell, the huge wolf cackled and said, "You won't die that easily. Even if your golden core is shattered, your body is still mine." This King will strip all your fur and hang it on the outside of Green Forest. This is what happens if This King infuriates This King! "    


As the huge claw spoke, it landed on the little white fox's body. The little white fox struggled, but it was already useless. She could only close her eyes and wait for death to come. A teardrop fell down from the corner of the little white fox's eyes. Even the beast had emotions. As the teardrop fell onto the ground, it gave off an aura of life.    


Just as the huge wolf was about to succeed, a cloud suddenly flew across the sky. An angry roar could be heard, "Evil creature, stop!"    


There was a figure standing atop the cloud. His face was warm like jade, and his hair was tied up in a bun. He wore a long green robe, and although he looked weak and pale, he exuded the elegance of a scholar.    


"Who are you?" The huge wolf pinched its eyes and said fiercely.    


The green figure descended from the clouds and arrived in front of the little white fox in a flash, blocking the sharp gaze of the giant wolf. He said majestically, "This Immortal is great deity White Fruit of the Heavenly Court!"    


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