Supreme Violent Young Master

C803 God of justice

C803 God of justice

The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey collided with Haotian above Lingxiao Treasure Hall. This move was designed by the Empyrean Haotian, Li ChangGeng, and the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey. The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey's suggestion was more or less similar to throwing bricks to lead to jade. The Six-Eared Macaque placed Yang Jian on the nomination of the God of Justice, while Haotian pretended not to agree.    


However, the name Yang Jian was once again associated with the position of the God of Justice. The next step for Haotian was very simple, which was to ask the various officials for their opinion. Thinking about it, when the position of the God of Justice was placed on fire, everyone wished that they could get rid of it as soon as possible. With Yang Jian, who was already a character, no one would be stupid.    


At that time, when all of the civil and military officials in the Heavenly Court unanimously recognized Yang Jian, Haotian would be left with no choice but to lay down his useless nephew under everyone's repeated pleas.    


As expected, Haotian pretended to be angry as he stared at the six-eared rhesus monkey. But very quickly, the anger in Emperor Haotian completely disappeared, as if he no longer mentioned the six-eared rhesus monkey. Instead, he continued, "Everyone, there are still suitable candidates for the position of God of Justice.    


Third Prince Nezha and Yang Jian had a good relationship, so he took a step forward and said, "This subject has something to say!"    


Haotian nodded and said with a doting smile, "Third Prince, who are you!?"    


"This subject believes that the position of the Saint Lord Sage is indeed suitable for you, my lord. I ask that you reconsider!" After Nezha finished, he immediately returned to the team and didn't say anything else. However, a pair of spirited eyes looked at the chair. No matter what Nezha said, he knew what his godfather was thinking.    


Thinking about it, Haotian would also be happy about Nezha's actions just now. After all, there weren't many people in this world that could see through Emperor's Heart, and Nezha was one of them.    


As he continuously turned the Nine Dragon Golden Gemstone in his hand, Haotian raised his eyes once again. With a frosty expression, he asked once more, "Other than Erlang Shen Yang Jian, is there no other suitable candidate for your beloved official?"    


Haotian was angry. Although he was only pretending to be angry, when the emperor was angry, the mountains and rivers still changed color. All of a sudden, everyone in the Heavenly Court kneeled down in fear. They shouted, "Your Majesty shall atone for his sins, Your Majesty shall atone for his sins, The subjects shall be incompetent, and the subjects shall be incompetent. "Your Majesty, please calm your anger and take care of the dragon's body!"    


Haotian coldly snorted but didn't say anything. Now that Haotian didn't say anything, no one dared to stand up. However, very quickly, Haotian's gaze shifted to a corner of the Heavenly Court. He said with a slightly cold voice, "Officer Wang Ling, what do you think?"    


In a corner of the Heavenly Court, the middle-aged man, who was called Officer Wang by Haotian, looked very energetic in his fiery red robe. In a corner of the Heavenly Court, the middle-aged man, who was known as Officer Wang, looked very energetic in his fiery red robe.    


"Yes!" Haotian's anger seemed to have disappeared quite a bit. He snorted lightly and said, "Don't tell me that's what you mean?"    


The group from the Heavenly Court let out a sigh and quickly said, "Your Majesty, this is what we all mean. Erlang has revealed himself as the Saint Lord, with his boundless magic power and unparalleled justice. He is the most suitable for the office of judicial god."    


"Oh?" Haotian laughed with great interest and said, "I didn't expect my nephew to be away from court all year round. He's actually quite popular!" No one knew the deeper meaning behind Haotian's chuckle. However, the people below could not figure it out. They thought to themselves: It seems like the Great Sky Sovereign still likes Yang Jian. He must be happy in his heart. The rumors were indeed true.    


Only Nezha could figure out the reason behind his godfather's laughter. He couldn't help sighing in his heart, "It seems like the Second Brother of the Yang family is going to suffer a lot after coming to the Heavenly Court." Clearly, the chuckle from Haotian earlier contained a trace of incomprehension and mockery. It was as if he was searching for the source of this strange phenomenon.    


With a wave of his hand, Haotian impatiently said: "Since all of you think so, then so be it! Li ChangGeng went to the mouth of the river and spread the word of my emperor. He announced that Erlang Shen, Yang Jian, will be appointed to the Heavenly Court and will follow him without delay. At the same time, you tell my nephew that I have granted him the right to be independent and to arrest. The Ministry of Justice follows the rules of the sky. After all the files have been dealt with, hand over a file to me. Also, you told Yang Jian that the position of judicial god was meant by hundreds of civil and military officials in the Heavenly Court. One person said, ten people said, and a hundred people said, and that was the truth. As long as he does not violate the rules of heaven, even I have no right to dismiss him from his position! These words made him remember that from the moment he entered the Heavenly Court, he was not my nephew. Even if I have violated the laws of heaven, he still has the right to inquire! "    


With this said, everyone began to panic. The position of the God of Justice instantly changed from an awkward position to the most powerful position in the Heavenly Court. To be able to handle a case independently and capture someone, this was no longer a small matter. The previous God of Justice did not have such authority. The trial of the case was in the hands of Haotian and a few other ministers. The imperial power was paramount. If Haotian did not commit any crimes, then there was no crime. As for the rules, no one cared.    


But now, it was different. The God of Justice had the right to judge cases independently, and just this rule alone was already very terrifying. Of the people sitting here, who didn't break the rules? Furthermore, Haotian actually gave Yang Jian the right to capture him. That was, the transformation had bestowed a certain level of military power to Yang Jian. Compared to the previous judicial god, this judicial god was like heaven and earth.    


Furthermore, these two articles were not the most frightening. The most horrifying thing was that they would be appointed for the rest of their lives, as well as being able to interrogate His Majesty. This was a method that disregarded authority and authority. Everything was determined by the rule of the heavens, and even the Emperor's authority would be restricted by the rule of the heavens. However, there was one thing they did not expect, and that was that Heaven's Note had originally been set by Haotian. That could also be modified. This frame could be changed at will by the imperial power, and what Haotian needed Yang Jian to do was stabilize the frame he created.    


Such an appointment was simply a monstrous authority, and the people below could feel a real threat from it.    


It had to be known that they had no way to deal with the incoming God of Justice. Even the Great Celestial Sovereign had said that once he was appointed, he could not annul his mandate. This sort of authority was simply too great. Haotian looked at the expressions of the people below and felt very pleased in his heart. However, he did not seem to finish his words, "Pass down the order, Chunkou, bestow the title of Head Deacon of the Ministry of Justice to the brothers Mei Shan and a thousand two hundred Grass Deity. Together with Yang Jian, we will go to the Heavenly Court to enforce the law on the Heavenly Generals of the Ministry of Justice!"    


A commotion broke out in Lingxiao Treasure Hall. There was a soldier, a general, power, methods, and an unusually cold and stern god of justice. This was destined to be a nightmare. What kind of character were the brothers Mei Shan and the one thousand two hundred Grass Head Gods? Every single one of them was an existence comparable to a heavenly general. This kind of judicial team was something that these people could not sit on.    


However, no one dared to stand out. They couldn't help but look at each other in dismay.    


Don't stick your head out and get beaten the moment you do. This was what everyone in the Heavenly Court was thinking. What Haotian wanted was this kind of effect. He smiled lightly and said, "Since all of you beloved officials have no objections, then this matter is decided. I am determined to reorganize the Ministry of Justice of the Heavenly Court, let's start from here! "Everyone, remember what I have said today. The majesty of the heavens is above all else!"    


Haotian's body slowly stood up from the dragon throne. However, at this time, a figure was standing in the middle of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall. Haotian looked at that person and couldn't help but sneer in his heart as he thought: I didn't expect you to be the first one to stand up.    


The one who stood out was the Eastern Emperor Dongji Qinghua. The Azure Flower Emperor was a man of true character. He stood up and said, "Your Majesty, this subject has something to say!"    


"Please speak, Emperor Tsinghua!" Haotian seemed to be extremely polite. After all, the Azure Flower Emperor was one of the four heavenly emperors with an exalted status. One could even faintly call him the Head of the Four Immortals. In addition, the Azure Flower Emperor was in charge of a large number of heavenly soldiers. Given his power and status, he should be respected.    


"Your Majesty, this subject has no objection to Erlang Shen being appointed to the office of Heavenly Justice. This subject also has no objection to Your Majesty's guarantee of the independence of the judiciary. However, His Majesty has given the judicial God the power to arrest people and bring them to trial. This subject has some doubts. " The look on the face of the Azure Flower Emperor grew more and more solemn.    


"If the Monarch has any doubts, I can consider it over and over again!" Haotian nodded slightly.    


The Azure Flower Emperor said, "Your Imperial Majesty, once the judicial Empyrean God is granted the right to bring people to trial, then in the future, everyone in the Heavenly Court will panic. The judicial Empyrean God's authority will be far too great. It's best to have restrictions on him. Otherwise, the Ministry of Justice will one day become the independent kingdom of the Heavenly Court. For your majesty, this is not a good thing for the Heavenly Court! "    


"Yes!" Actually, it was not like Haotian didn't know either, but he still helplessly said, "What the Monarch said is the truth. I wonder if the Monarch has any good suggestions?"    


"Your Majesty, of course, God of Justice can be granted the right to arrest people for trial. However, there must be a limit to it. If you reach a certain level of an official of the Heavenly Court, you can request the God of Justice to first request His Majesty to order you to arrest them. "It's safer this way!"    


"The emperor's words are reasonable. When Yang Jian comes to the Heavenly Court, I will announce it!" Haotian was elated and thought proudly to himself, Why didn't he think of this? This way, he would be able to restrain Yang Jian's future actions. Thinking about it, Yang Jian would not go overboard.    


The Eastern Extreme Green Flower Emperor left, but soon, another person stood out. This time, the person who stood out was a general of the Heavenly Court, the Titan, the Titan Spirit, and he said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I feel that Your Majesty's treatment is unfair. Forget about the former judicial god who was innocent, how can the gap between the former and the current judicial god be so huge? This subject does not understand! "    


The Titan was a martial general, so he had a few words to say. However, Haotian didn't want to argue with him. He waved his hand and said, "If you don't understand, then you don't need to. Do your essential work well."    


"Yes, Your Majesty!" The Titan quickly retreated.    


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