Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C461 Top 64

C461 Top 64

Up and down the ring, the sparrows were silent, and everyone was staring at the sword-wielding young man on the ring.    


Bai Qi's performance had exceeded everyone's expectations. He raised his sword and swung it down, ending the match.    


Bai Qi's opponent looked at the Devil Subduing Sword on his neck. His heart was beating wildly. He had an illusion that the person standing in front of him was not a human, but a demon!    


Old Li, who was supervising the match, let go of the palm hidden in his sleeve. He had just made preparations to stop Bai Qi.    


When Bai Qi swung his sword, he could clearly feel the killing intent and coldness contained in the sword.    


"Qilin Academy, Bai Qi wins!"    


Looking at Bai Qi who jumped off the arena and left, Wang Hao had a feeling that something must have happened while he was separated from Bai Qi!    




In the following battles, whether it was Wang Hao, Jia Houwei or Bai Qi, there were no more difficult opponents to deal with, especially Wang Hao and Bai Qi. It was almost as if they had been crushed all the way, and from beginning to end, there wasn't even a single person. They were able to force Wang Hao to summon the Dragon Abyss Sword.    


Jia Houwei had joined the Essence Returning Sect, and the Sect Master had personally taken him into the sect. He had even shamelessly brought Rouling into the sect.    


Regarding Jia Houwei's conditions, the Sect Master of the Essence Returning Sect agreed with a smile. The Divine Body of Fallen World might not be a concern for the supreme experts, but for the fierce competition of the Fifth Heavenly Layer... And a rare genius.    


After several rounds of martial arts competitions, a total of 106 martial artists were selected to advance.    


Apart from these 106 people, the geniuses recommended by the major families and sects of Holy Domain had also been selected. A total of 198 people had been selected.    


These 198 people would compete for the top 64 spots!    


Although it was nominally 64 people, in reality, there were only 64 spots. Out of the 56 people, there were only 28 who won the final battle. In addition, the Azure Dragon Academy and the Phoenix Academy had promised to send four Ten-person Candidate disciples, so they had a total of thirty-two people on the list. They were going to enter the true selection of the Ten Children!    


The competition of the top 64 didn't continue in the arena. Wang Hao and the others entered a secret realm under the lead of Elder Lee.    


The entrance to the secret realm was a huge formation. Wang Hao could tell with just a glance that the Yuan energy required to open the entrance to the secret realm was enough to make one's heart jump.    


This was a desolate world with yellow sand everywhere. The sand had dyed the heaven and earth dark, and the outline of the sun could not be seen.    


"All of you will spend the next fourteen days in this secret realm."    


Elder Li's expression was very serious. "I have to warn you that this secret realm is full of hidden dangers. Even the one in a million genius might die here!"    


As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the one hundred and ninety-eight jade pendants landed in everyone's hands.    


"This jade pendant was personally forged by the elders of the Artifact Refining Association and Talisman Association. As long as you inject a trace of Yuan energy into it, the jade pendant will immediately activate and bring you all back to the Third Heaven from the secret realm!"    


"The content of the competition is very simple. Whoever can persist until the end of the secret realm will obtain victory!"    


"When the number of people in the secret realm is reduced to fifty-six, the elimination round will end and the ranking competition will begin!"    


"Those who can persist for a longer time will receive a corresponding reward. Trust me, the reward for the top ten is a cultivation resource that you will never obtain in your family or sect!"    


Elder Li's words made everyone's heart burn with passion. Among the 198 people present, many came from clans or sects that were at the First Heaven, the Third Heaven, or even the Fifth Heaven. As geniuses, the cultivation resources they could obtain... What?    


The cultivation resources that couldn't be obtained in sects and clans, this temptation was enough to make everyone go crazy!    


Elder Li was very satisfied with the performance of the crowd. He continued, "Fourteen days later, the secret realm entrance will open again. Before the fifty-sixth secret realm is decided, those who escape the secret realm will be disappointed. I wish you all good luck!"    


With that, he turned around and left the secret realm.    


The secret realm entrance closed. The whistling wind filled everyone's ears.    


Jia Houwei's mouth was wide open, and a mouthful of sand was poured into his mouth. He hurriedly released his Yuan energy to block in front of his face.    


"Pooh pooh! Why is there such a huge sandstorm!"    


Wang Hao lit the Golden Pupil and scanned his surroundings. This secret realm was extremely large. Even if the Golden Pupil was used to its limit, it would not be able to see the border.    


Everywhere he looked was sand and sand dunes, without a trace of vegetation.    


Everyone had already dispersed. Those who were familiar with this place had formed a small team. Since the rules of the competition were to last until the end, this secret realm was destined to be filled with danger.    


"Boss, let's go too? At least find a sand dune to block the wind!"    


Jia Houwei's suggestion was very agreeable. He shockingly discovered that the yellow sand in the wild wind had the effect of countering Yuan energy. After the strong wind blew for a while, he had expended quite a bit of Yuan energy.    


"Okay!" Wang Hao did not refuse. To persist for 14 days, he had to conserve every portion of elemental energy. "Fatty, do you see Bai Qi?"    


Jia Houwei shook his head. "No. Where did this guy go?"    


Wang Hao frowned slightly. Ever since he confirmed that the Pure Heart Jade was activated by the Devil Subduing Sword, he had been paying attention to Bai Qi's every move. However, after a moment of carelessness, he had lost sight of Bai Qi.    


"When we get out of the secret realm, we must find him and ask him about it!"    


Wang Hao and Jia Houwei formed a pair and walked along the direction of the wind. They quickly found a sand dune and hid behind it.    


With the sand dune blocking them, the sandstorm weakened a lot. Wang Hao and ___ immediately started to circulate their Yuan energy to recover.    


In just the time it took for three incense sticks to burn, one-thirtieth of the Yuan energy in their bodies had been swept away by the sandstorm.    


"Fatty, use the Dust Separating Shield to block the sandstorm later. If your Yuan energy is consumed too quickly, you might catch us off guard if you encounter any danger."    




Wang Hao lit up the Golden Pupil once again and scanned the surroundings. This time's competition did not prohibit the Medicine Pill from being consumed. If it was just by relying on the sandstorm, it was impossible to eliminate any one of them.    


Danger must be hidden somewhere else!    




The scenery within the Golden Pupil gradually became blurry. Wang Hao discovered that within the sandstorm, there was a small amount of Yuan energy that blocked his vision.    


"The Yuan energy within the sandstorm is mottled and messy. It must have been swept away from the bodies of 198 people!"    


"This sandstorm is really strange. If we follow this trend, my Golden Pupil will not be able to be used again in less than a day."    


After extinguishing the Golden Pupil, Wang Hao tried to release his Yuan energy to search his surroundings. However, just as his Yuan energy left his body, it was ruthlessly swept away by the sandstorm.    


Jia Houwei also noticed this situation. He smiled bitterly and said, "What kind of place is this? Other than the eyes that can still be used, the other senses are basically useless."    


Just as he finished speaking, a roar suddenly sounded from afar.    


The two of them stood up and looked across the sand dune. They saw a black cloud sweeping over from afar.    


"This crow's beak of mine..."    


What was black was not the black cloud, but an even bigger and denser sandstorm!    


The sandstorm was extremely fast. After three breaths, Wang Hao and Jia Houwei were sucked into it.    


The sand dunes that were supposed to block the wind for them were blown to the ground in an instant.    




Wang Hao roared. Jia Houwei understood and immediately opened his Dust Separating Shield. He turned the Dust Separating Shield into a bowl and blocked the direction of the sandstorm.    


The Dust Separating Arts was a divine ability. There was no Yuan energy in the dust. No matter how big the sandstorm was, the Dust Separating Shield was still indestructible.    


"Luckily, I have this skill!" Jia Houwei was pleased with himself, "With the Dust Separating Shield, no matter how big the sandstorm is, it will not be able to do anything to us."    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Both of them felt a vibration on their waists. Wang Hao took out the jade pendant that Elder Lee had given him. Unknowingly, a line of small words had appeared on the surface of the jade pendant.    


"One hundred and ninety-seven!"    


Without a doubt, one hundred and ninety-seven was referring to the number of people participating in the competition in the secret realm.    


"Why is there only 197 people? Could it be that someone has left the mystic realm?"    


Wang Hao was secretly shocked. Although the sandstorm had gotten bigger, it was impossible to force a genius to give up the competition and escape in such a short period of time.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Just as he was lost in thought, the jade pendant in his hand started vibrating again. Along with the vibration, the number of small words on the jade pendant changed to 196!    


Another person had failed!    


"Boss, what's going on?"    


Wang Hao said in a low voice, "Fatty, watch the surroundings. There's something strange in the sandstorm!"    


The two of them leaned against their backs and monitored their surroundings. However, the sandstorm was too big, so they could not see clearly even half a meter away.    


Beads of sweat were dripping down Jia Houwei's forehead. If the distance of half a meter was really too great, the two of them would not have any time to react!    


Thinking back to the battle with the Second Prince in the Wilderness, Wang Hao closed his five senses and used his intuition to sense his surroundings.    


His intuition told him that there were hundreds of shadows following the sandstorm toward the two of them.    


These shadows were the size of cheetahs, but their speed was much faster than an ordinary Earth Martial Stage Ferocious Beast!    


What was different from an ordinary Ferocious Beast was that these shadows had six legs, and each leg was very long and slender.    


The shadows were getting closer and closer, and Wang Hao's intuition was getting clearer and clearer.    


Suddenly, he shouted loudly, "Fatty, be careful of bugs!"    


Insects! That's right, they were insects!    


The first bug violently crashed into the Dust Separating Shield. Before Jia Houwei could react, cracks appeared on the Dust Separating Shield.    


"Damn it!"    


Jia Houwei hurriedly circulated the Yuan energy in his body and activated his divine ability, wanting to strengthen the Dust Separating Shield. However, his movements were still half a step slower.    


The second, third, fourth...    


More than ten insects crashed into the Dust Separating Shield one after another, shattering it into pieces.    


When the bugs reached the two of them, Jia Houwei had yet to summon the Proud Heaven Wild Sword.    


"Sword One, Sword Drawing Arts!"    


When his brother was in danger, Wang Hao did not hesitate to pull out his Dragon Abyss Sword. The bright sword light pierced through the sandstorm, pierced through the shell of the bug's sword shadow, and killed it!    




The bug roared, and its body instantly exploded. The yellow liquid that carried a strong corrosive aura pounced towards Wang Hao and Jia Houwei.    


"Cloud Trample!"    


Wang Hao grabbed Jia Houwei and used his movement technique to retreat more than ten meters. The yellow liquid fell onto the sand, corroding a huge pit in the sand!    


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