Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C561 He Did What He Said

C561 He Did What He Said

On the stage, there was one less Red Spider who got the right punishment for being jealous.    


Wang Hao looked around. Bai Xiaosheng and Lei Qing were fighting fiercely in the center of the fighting stage. Reverse Sky and Death God were trembling in the air, while Wen Dun was in a completely berserk state, fighting two enemies at the same time.    


For the time being, the three of them did not show any signs of fatigue or defeat.    


However, Wang Hao was still worried, especially when it came to the Death God.    


"Golden Armor Devil Dragon, protect me. If the Death God makes any dangerous moves, immediately go and help Ni Kong!"    


Wang Hao ordered the Golden Armor Devil Dragon. Although the Golden Armor Devil Dragon was an inanimate object, the soul stored in its head was something that Wang Hao could comprehend.    


The Golden Armor Devil Dragon's cold eyes stared intently at the Death God that was flying in the sky. Its legs were slightly bent, and it could easily spread its wings and fly.    


The most intense battle in the arena was between Bai Xiaosheng and Lei Qing. Lei Qing was indeed worthy of being the young master of Thunder Sound Mansion. He had cultivated the unique lightning skill of Thunder Sound Mansion to the extreme.    


He held two sabers in his hands, and after activating his movement technique, he looked like a dancing peacock, extremely dazzling.    


As the two blades danced, lightning covered his body. A blue light shone, illuminating half of the stage.    


Bolts of lightning descended from the sky and struck towards Bai Xiaosheng.    


The speed of lightning was hard for ordinary warriors to dodge, let alone the dense lightning.    


However, Bai Xiaosheng kept changing his body. Every bolt of lightning could only hit where he was at the last moment.    


Bai Xiaosheng's breathing was rapid. He had already used his Bloodline Ability to its limit.    


Under the effect of predicting the bloodline, the trajectory of every bolt of lightning would appear in his mind ahead of time.    


When the dance ended, Bai Xiaosheng and Lei Qing stopped.    


Lei Qing's expression became very serious. He said in a deep voice, "You are the first person who can completely avoid my dance."    


Bai Xiaosheng breathed heavily and said snappily, "If I could take it head on, no one would be able to hide from me."    


Lei Qing looked at Wang Hao who had returned to his cultivation state under the protection of the Golden Armor Devil Dragon behind Bai Xiaosheng.    


"It seems that you are not going to let me go."    


Bai Xiaosheng took a deep breath and raised the Seven Star Sword once again.    


"The giant dragon that Wang Hao created looks pretty powerful. Even if I let you go, I'm afraid you won't be a match for that big guy, right?"    


Lei Qing was silent for a moment, "That giant Golden Armor dragon can instantly destroy the Earth Ghost Puppet of Red Spider. I really don't have the confidence to defeat it. Since that's the case, why don't you move aside? You are not my opponent. I think you should understand. "    


Bai Xiaosheng smiled, "You are right. I am the strongest amongst the remaining eight people on the fighting stage. I am not your opponent. Perhaps, you can defeat me with your next dance."    


He paused for a moment. His expression suddenly became very serious and serious.    


"But I will not let you pass!"    


Lei Qing was puzzled. "Do you want to consume more of my Yuan energy or buy more time for Wang Hao to recover?"    


Bai Xiaosheng shook his head. "I am not that great. It is just that I did not know what was good for me and boasted. It is fine if I am defeated by you now. If I do not do anything and make way for ___, I will not be able to keep my face."    


"What I, Bai Xiaosheng, value the most is this face. I, Bai Xiaosheng, will not let this happen even if I have to risk my life."    


Lei Qing looked at Bai Xiaosheng's calm expression and knew that he wasn't joking.    


He raised the two blades in his hands, and lightning danced on the tips of the blades.    


"Excuse me, may I ask, what did you promise me just now?"    


"I promise them, even if I lose, I will help them solve a big problem"    


The Seven Star Sword glittered with starlight, and a powerful battle intent burst out from Bai Xiaosheng's body.    


"What's worth celebrating is that even Wen Dun would rather fight two of them alone than fight them. You can be considered a huge problem."    


The lightning on the twin blades in Lei Qing's hands danced even more intensely.    


"Since that's the case, I can only get rid of you before going to deal with Wang Hao."    




Lightning and starlight collided, but the starlight was immediately suppressed by the lightning.    


"Damn it!" Bai Xiaosheng's heart was filled with hatred, "There is a difference of two levels between our realms, and Lei Qing cultivates the most powerful cultivation technique in Thunder Sound Mansion. If we continue fighting, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long."    


After a serious fight, Lei Qing's attacks were incomparably fast. His legs kept changing their pace, and the lightning on the east side of the blades reflected on each other.    


Bai Xiaosheng once again activated his bloodline power. Although he could predict Lei Qing's next move, his body could not avoid it in time.    


He found that his movements had become much slower than before.    


"Oh no, it's the numbing effect of the lightning."    


Although the Seven Star Sword was able to block the attack of the twin blades, it was unable to block the lightning. The lightning passed through the Seven Star Sword and entered Bai Xiaosheng's body.    


The powerful physique of the Spirit Martial Stage Martial Artist allowed Bai Xiaosheng to continue fighting under the attack of the lightning. However, the lightning had caused an invisible damage to his body.    


His limbs began to become numb, and even the Yuan energy in his meridians became unstable.    


The numbness continued to accumulate as he fought with Lei Qing.    


Lei Qing said calmly, "If you continue fighting, your entire body will be paralyzed and you won't be able to move. Stop."    


Bai Xiaosheng gritted his teeth and said, "Don't say so much. If you want to find trouble with Wang Hao, beat me down first!"    


The two of them continued to fight. The difference was that Bai Xiaosheng fought while retreating. He jumped up and down on the fighting stage without any pattern.    


However, no matter how much he tried to delay, he still could not change the fact that he was no match for Lei Qing.    


When they fought for the forty-eighth move, Bai Xiaosheng's movement of waving his sword had become incomparably stiff. His eyes were wide open, and he could only watch helplessly as Lei Qing swung his sword at him.    


"Thunder Slash!"    


With the help of his prediction bloodline, Bai Xiaosheng knew that Lei Qing's slash was just a pretense. The real killing move of his opponent was in his other hand, a seemingly harmless blade.    


He wanted to swing his sword to block it, but his numb and almost unconscious arm was as slow as a snail.    




The blade in Lei Qing's hand swept past Bai Xiaosheng's chest. Immediately, blood splashed in all directions. Lightning drilled into the wound and struck Bai Xiaosheng's internal organs.    


Bai Xiaosheng's body fell backwards, and with a soft "Pa!" sound, he lay motionless on the fighting stage.    


Lei Qing glanced at Bai Xiaosheng. Bai Xiaosheng had already fainted. His eyes were white, and faint black smoke was emitting from his body.    


His body had been severely burned by the lightning, and there was a burnt smell in the air.    


Lei Qing bypassed Bai Xiaosheng and prepared to deal with Wang Hao.    


However, the moment he stepped over Bai Xiaosheng, his body suddenly stopped.    


Lei Qing frowned. His ankle had been grabbed.    


He turned around and saw that Bai Xiaosheng had woken up. A palm was holding his ankle tightly.    


A trace of anger appeared between Lei Qing's eyebrows.    


"Are you really not afraid of death?"    


"Of... of... being afraid of death..."    


Bai Xiaosheng said weakly, "But what I promised... I have to keep my promise... A man who goes back on his word, what kind of man is he..."    


Lei Qing sighed, "I respect you as a man, but this is the competition stage, I can't continue playing with you."    


As he spoke, Lei Qing raised his sharp blade again, intending to cut off Bai Xiaosheng's arm!    


As if he didn't see the falling blade, Bai Xiaosheng turned his head to the side.    


His eyes focused on one point.    


"There is only one last step left..."    


The blade was getting closer and closer. The jumping lightning hit Bai Xiaosheng's face and woke him up from the pain.    


Bai Xiaosheng bit the tip of his tongue and opened his mouth.    


"It's not over yet!"    


A Essence Blood shot out from Bai Xiaosheng's mouth and landed where he had just looked.    




The trembling sound of the blade echoed across the martial stage. Lei Qing's blade that was aimed at Bai Xiaosheng's arm stopped in the air, and the lightning dissipated.    


Lei Qing widened his eyes. To his surprise, he found that his body couldn't move at all!    


What was even more unbelievable was that he couldn't control the Yuan energy in his body.    


Light blue flames were burning on his body and Bai Xiaosheng's body. The flames were very faint, because it wasn't flames, but Yuan energy.    


The Yuan energy that dissipated from their bodies.    


"What did you do?"    


Lei Qing struggled with all his might, but he couldn't even move a finger.    


Bai Xiaosheng had the same experience as Lei Qing. He swallowed the blood in his mouth and said calmly, "Look around."    


Lei Qing used the corner of his eye to look around. He was surprised to find that there were rays of starlight shining on the fighting stage.    


The starlight connected with each other and formed a formation.    


He and Bai Xiaosheng were at the center of the formation!    


"When did you..."    


Lei Qing's voice stopped abruptly. His eyes gradually widened, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.    


He discovered that every ray of starlight was the place where Bai Xiaosheng's footsteps had landed when he had just exchanged blows with Bai Xiaosheng.    


"So it turns out that the reason why you kept changing your body shape was not to delay the time of your defeat, but to set up the formation."    


The 498th step was the 48th formation point, and Bai Xiaosheng's last Essence Blood was the 49th formation point!    


"Seven Star Formation, Ethereal Domain!"    


Bai Xiaosheng looked at Lei Qing and said with a smile, "This is my domain. Unfortunately, my cultivation is not refined. I need to make some preparations before I can use it."    


"My domain is very strange. Anyone who possesses Yuan energy will not be able to move. Only when all the Yuan energy in their body has dissipated can they regain their freedom."    


Just like what Bai Xiaosheng had said, after the two of them completely lost their Yuan energy, the formation disappeared and the domain collapsed!    


Bai Xiaosheng got up from the ground and threw away the Seven Star Sword. Without the support of Yuan energy, the Seven Star Sword was a little too heavy.    


"You and I both don't have Yuan energy, do we still want to continue fighting?"    


Although Bai Xiaosheng was in a sorry state, his eyes were shining with confidence.    


If he didn't have any Yuan energy left and couldn't use any martial skills, he could only rely on his fists and kicks to decide the outcome of the battle.    


The Bloodline Ability was carved into his bones. Even without Yuan energy, he could still use a portion of his strength.    


With just punches and kicks, who could win against Bai Xiaosheng, who could predict the opponent's next move?    


"I lost."    


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