Take Along A Spring



However, in order to make delicious watermelon paste, it definitely wasn't this much. Although the watermelon paste in the space hadn't been prepared yet, Yang Fann believed that the taste should be above the tomato sauce and the chili sauce. If there was the Spatial Soybean, the taste of the watermelon sauce would certainly be even better.    


Although Yang Fann loved beauties, he wasn't a bear bag who wouldn't be able to walk when he saw a woman. He wouldn't ignore the safety of his family just because of a few fake pleas from a beauty.    


From ancient times until now, there had been many people who had fallen on the woman's belly. Zhou You was one of the leading figures in this world, and even these people had been cheated to death by her, not to mention Yang Fann, a small and insignificant commoner. If he saw a beauty, his IQ would drop to zero, and he would be able to report to Yama in a few days' time.    


What is a good woman? What kind of woman was worth protecting with her life?    


A good woman would definitely not drag down her man. She would never let her man get into trouble or be in danger. She would never provoke her man and her family. As the saying goes, a family has a good wife.    


On the contrary, a good woman would always think for her man and for her family. She would rather eat her own veggie than let her family eat until they were full.    


Only such a woman was worthy of a man giving his all for her. Even if it meant sacrificing his life and dignity to protect her!    


The current Bai Mei only wanted to become her Crystal Palace, so she didn't consider Yang Fann's feelings. Maybe she was just thinking too much, or maybe all modern women were like this, but Yang Fann couldn't be confused. He couldn't be confused about anything he could do, and he definitely couldn't do anything himself.    


It was also because of this that Yang Fann would not risk exposing his Space of Jade Pendant to Bai Mei, and open up his supply of goods to her. If Bai Mei had once been together with him, or even been willing to sacrifice her life for him, then Yang Fann would not hesitate to agree to her request.    


It couldn't be said to be right or wrong, it was just that everyone's position was different. If Bai Mei just sat on Yang Fann's chest and became his woman, Yang Fann would never treat her like how he treated her now, it would be a completely different situation.    


Afraid that the relationship between the two of them would get awkward again, Lin Xiaoling started to change the topic on the side: "Right, Mei, when Jiangnan City opens tomorrow, have you received the invitation letter yet?"    


"Got it. Are you going to the opening ceremony tomorrow as well?" Bai Mei also seemed to realize that there wouldn't be any result if she kept pestering Yang Fann. Maybe she would even freeze the atmosphere that had just eased up, so she might as well go along with the topic of best friends.    


It had to be said that the two of them were smart women.    


Hehe, I do not have the qualifications to participate in the opening ceremony, but I do have to go and take a look as well. I heard that this Horticultural Exhibition has all kinds of flower exhibitions, and they even give me the right to be the champion.    


Lin Xiaoling's eyes were filled with hope. "In the past few years, good orchids can be sold for millions, and even though it's all just made up, the orchids aren't as popular as before, but they can be sold for millions at the very least. I can't afford to buy them anymore, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to see those Top-grade Orchid for the rest of my life."    


"An orchid can actually be sold for millions?"    


Yang Fann was very surprised. He had not noticed this before, he only knew that some rare orchids were more valuable, but he did not know that they were so valuable.    


He had planted two more stalks of orchids in his space. Even if he dug them up from his mountain, he didn't know what kind of orchids they were. When he had time tomorrow, he would go and take a look and see if his orchids were worth more than 10 yuan.    


After bidding farewell to the two great beauties Bai Mei and Lin Xiaoling, Yang Fann drove back to Urban Village. He was disappointed that his beautiful scenery of spring with Bai Mei failed to materialize.    


However, while he was disappointed, Yang Fann was also glad that something had really happened between him and Bai Mei. Yang Fann was a bit scared.    


This exhibition will last for a total of three days and will be attended by nearly a thousand or so exhibitors. At that time, there will be many entertainment programs, such as the selection of Courtesan Belle, and a small-scale auction. It is said that it will attract many flower lovers from all over the country to come and buy it.    


Since Yang Fann had nothing to do, he decided to join in on the fun. Although he didn't have any expensive flowers and couldn't afford those precious varieties, it was still good to be able to broaden his horizons.    


Thus, Yang Fann entered the Space of Jade Pendant and found the two orchids that he had randomly planted beside the Spirit Spring. In order to keep the spring water clean, Yang Fann had intentionally planted a circle of flowers and plants around the spring water, including the two orchids he had dug from the mountains.    


The leaves of these two orchids were long and thin. If not for the fact that they had already bloomed, it would have been difficult to find them mixed in with other plants.    


Yang Fann was very happy, the two orchids seemed to grow quite well, the plants were strong, the leaves were fat, and the flowers had three colors, red was vivid, yellow was elegant, and purple was noble. With one look, one could tell that they were selling very well, and they should be worth a hundred and eighty yuan worth.    


After finding the porcelain pot that used to grow the two orchids, Yang Fann put the two orchids together with the surrounding soil into it. Then he lightly patted it flat and poured some Spatial Spring Water into it.    


If the situation of Yang Fann sowing orchids were to fall into the eyes of the orchids experts, they would definitely despise him. In order to grow orchids, it was necessary to have a well-ventilated mud basin, and the soil in the basin would also be piled up like a hill. It was best to lay a layer of Yunshan grass on the surface of the soil to protect the roots of the orchids, as well as to prevent soil erosion.    


Which orchid grower would plant an orchid like Yang Fann in a porcelain basin with poor ventilation and even filled in the soil at will? This made it obvious that he was an amateur.    


Yang Fann despised those who despised him ruthlessly. If you have money, you can buy them easily. At most, you can get two pots of wild orchids worth a hundred and eighty.    


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