Take Along A Spring



In the end, Yang Fann did not allow Yang Sanmao and Shen Yun to go to Xincheng County. Lee Dagang told him that there was no place to put the office equipment even after buying it. Printers, scanners, computers, file cabinets, etc.    


Shen Yun also felt that she was being a bit too hasty. Yang Fann's company was newly built, and even the office space had not been completed yet. It was still too early to buy office equipment, so she decided to use Lee Dagang's company's equipment first.    


So, after dinner, Shen Yun sat in Lee Dagang's car and returned to Xincheng County. At the same time, she also brought along the information of all the newly recruited employees of Yang Fann. She will prepare the contract.    


After Lee Dagang and Shen Yun left, Yang Fann was also considering whether to rebuild the office building.    


Originally, he had wanted to use a compound as his office space for Jade Spring Mountain Villa, but crossing a courtyard was after all a design for a house. If he wanted to use it as his office space, he might need to make some changes to it.    


After careful consideration, Yang Fann decided not to build any more office buildings. The area across the yard was not small at all, and there were a lot of rooms as well.    


The key point was that using the old Yanjing and courtyard as an office space, those with a high status would definitely have one.    


On the morning of the second day, the investigation team arrived at Poplar Gully.    


The investigation team may have come to investigate Yang Guoqing, but they didn't say anything. There were a total of three members, and they talked to many villagers, talking about a lot of things. The villagers who were talked to didn't even know why the so-called investigation team came.    


Yang Fann did not know about this matter until the investigation team found him and asked him about the situation in the village as well as the details of his contracted Pear Ridge. Only then did Yang Fann feel that something was wrong and guessed that these people were probably here for Yang Guoqing.    


However, no matter who he was targeting, it would not affect Yang Fann at all. He had paid a total of 300 thousand for the contracted Pear Ridge, and very few people in the entire Qingshan Town would be able to surpass him in terms of the contract price. Even if Yang Guoqing and he secretly did something, it was impossible, so what was there for him to be afraid of?    


The investigation team wandered around the village for a day and only left when the sky was about to turn dark. As soon as the investigation team left, the Poplar Gully exploded, and the villagers were no longer stupid, as they faintly felt that the investigation team did not come with good intentions.    


Many people had already guessed that the investigation team was after Village Head Yang Guoqing. However, these people only dared to discuss secretly. In front of Yang Guoqing and his family and friends, everyone chose to remain silent.    


Yang Fann did not know how Yang Guoqing did it after borrowing a hundred thousand yuan from him. Since the investigation team had entered Poplar Gully, it meant that the accountant Yang Tieliang had already used his strength, but he did not know which stage the reporting materials were sent to, or whether it was Xincheng County, or Qingshan Town, or perhaps a level higher?    


However, from the accents of the three people in the investigation team, Yang Fann judged that they were probably from Xincheng County. Although Qingshan Town were governed by Xincheng County, their accents were slightly different, so outsiders might not be able to recognize them.    


Yang Guoqing acted as if the investigation team had never been here before, and did whatever they had to do. Seeing that the other villagers were still the same, he didn't show any sign of nervousness or fear that a disaster was about to befall them.    


However, in the evening, Yang Guoqing actually went to Yang Fann's house and asked Yang Fann's investigation team what questions they had with him with a pale face.    


Yang Fann found Yang Guoqing's performance funny. He thought Yang Guoqing could really keep his cool, but it turned out that his performance during the day was just a disguise. He was already rushing over to his house to inquire about the situation as soon as it got dark.    


Second Uncle, don't be anxious. That hundred thousand dollars, haven't you transferred it into your Village Committee account?    


"Yes, I did. I already called the day I borrowed the money. Why did the investigation team still come?" Yang Guoqing said uneasily as he wiped off his cold sweat.    


"Isn't it fine to just call the account? What else do you have to worry about? When the investigation team asks you, just pay attention and don't say anything about it." Yang Fann was defeated by Yang Guoqing. He thought that Lu Li borrowed some money and didn't send the money to his bank account. Since Yang Guoqing had already repaid the money, what was there to be nervous about?    


Yang Guoqing was still worried when he got back to his room, as Yang Fann's comforting words still hadn't calmed him down.    


That was all Yang Fann could do. If Yang Guoqing still didn't feel reassured, then there was nothing he could do. He could only blame Yang Guoqing's lack of mental fortitude. He could only bear with it and get used to it.    


The next day, Lee Dagang came and handed over a stack of printed contracts to Yang Fann. All the service contracts were similar, and Shen Yun directly copied 100 copies of them according to Lee Dagang's model contract. With so many blank contracts, it wouldn't be a problem for her to recruit a few more people.    


As soon as Yang Sanmao saw the contract, he immediately became happy. As long as he could sign this thing, he would be the real employee of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and could be said to be guaranteed. As long as he didn't make any big mistakes during the contract period, Yang Fann wouldn't fire him for no reason.    


In order to maintain the high morale of the company's employees, Wu did not make them sign a life contract. Whether it was Yang Sanmao or the other 10 employees, Wu had signed a one-year contract with them.    


According to the provisions of labour law, labor contracts are divided into fixed term labor contracts, non-fixed term labor contracts and labor contracts with the completion of certain work tasks.    


A one-year contract like the one that Yang Fann and his employees signed was considered a fixed term labor contract. After the contract expires, if both parties are willing, they can renew the contract and the next time they can still sign a fixed term labor contract.    


However, a fixed term labor contract can only be signed twice. If the contract continues to be renewed, then the contract will be signed without a fixed period.    


Yang Fann's plan was to sign the contract for the first time, one year first. The second renewal was three years old. If you do well, Yang Fann will sign a long contract with his employees without a fixed time limit.    


After Yang Sanmao signed the contract, he happily went to recruit 10 other employees. Because it was his first time signing a contract with an employee, Yang Fann decided to sign the contract with everyone in person to show how much he valued signing and how much he valued everyone else.    


Seeing 10 of his own new employees standing in front of him, Yang Fann couldn't help but to have a lofty ambition in his heart. No wonder so many people are willing to be officials.    


"Come on, let's cut the crap. Everyone sign your names and sign the contracts in duplicate. Everyone keep one copy for yourselves and one copy for the company."    


Yang Fann was also very excited, "From now on, we will work together. If we work hard, we will think of a way. As long as we work well, I promise we won't lose anything!"    


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