Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann called Xiong Baiwan to ask about Zhang Hao's matters. Since they had already beaten up Zhang Hao's dog leg Wang Kun, it was only a matter of time before they would draw Zhang Hao, a big fish. Yang Fann had to know himself and know his enemy before he could respond with ease in the next development.    


Xiong Baiwan's voice sounded dazed, he should still be asleep: "I say, you with the surname Yang, if there's anything we can call in the afternoon, I'll hang up first!"    


With that, Xiong Baiwan hung up the phone without waiting for Yang Fann to speak. Yang Fann was furious, this guy didn't even take him seriously, it seemed like he had given him too much face.    


Thus, Yang Fann decided to erase the Friendship Guest House in Jiangbei from his Partner list. A Partner who looked down on him, no matter how awesome Yang Fann was, didn't need to be.    


Since Xiong Baiwan's path was blocked, Yang Fann called Wei Xiaorou. The speed of her answering the phone was twice as fast as Xiong Baiwan's, and her voice was also crisp and pleasant to listen to. If he didn't understand her personality and only heard her voice, he would have thought she was a very gentle girl.    


"Hello, Yang Fann. What can I do for you?"    


"Girl, let's not be so serious. Hello, Yang Fann. Why don't you say good morning to Mr. Yang?" He was very clear about this girl's temper. The more courteous you were with her, the more insistent she would be on your side. It was better for everyone to play their part, acting pretentiously was meaningless.    


"Surnamed Yang, don't take face when you're given, what's wrong? Isn't it better to be a little courteous with you?" Don't tell me you are the legendary masochist and despicable? " Sure enough, Wei Xiaorou's style returned, but Yang Fann felt that it was good this way. It seemed more familiar this way, so polite that it seemed different.    


"Fine, the one-day plan is in the morning. Time is precious, so I won't bullshit with you. Seriously, do you know Zhang Hao?"    


Wei Xiaorou flew into a rage, "You're the one who's not proper at all. The women around you are like the light of a lantern, not decent at all. Oh right, which Zhang Hao, is he from Tianhao Group? "    


"Congratulations, you got it right. It's Tianhao Group's Zhang Hao, nicknamed Hao-ge. If you know about him, can you send me his information? I'll treat you to lunch. "    


"Why are you asking about Zhang Hao? That guy is a bastard, don't provoke him. " Although Wei Xiaorou's words weren't pleasant to hear, Yang Fann could tell from her words that she was full of concern. It seemed that this girl's heart wasn't bad. She was a good person!    


Sigh, Yang Fann heaved a long sigh in his heart. The people who were the most unpopular these days were the good people. If it wasn't for Wei Changqing, who stood behind Wei Xiaorou, with her vengeful personality, she would have already suffered greatly.    


"It's fine, I have a friend who had a conflict with Zhang Hao. I want to study Zhang Hao and I won't provoke him."    


Originally, Yang Fann wanted to organize the evidence and hand it over to Wei Xiaorou so that she could think of a way to deal with Zhang Hao. At this moment, he changed his mind and decided to deal with Zhang Hao on his own, so as to avoid implicating Wei Xiaorou, the innocent girl, with him.    


"Alright then. When you treat me to lunch at noon, I'll give you the information so that you don't go back on your word. Hehe." Wei Xiaorou raised her fist. "I'm so smart!" she said. "You want to fool me with an empty promise? No way!"    


After finishing the call with Wei Xiaorou, there was still some time before class. Yang Fann casually washed a few pieces of clothes that he changed, hung them in the Space of Jade Pendant to dry, then went out to drive away.    


These few years, Jiangnan City had built quite a few viaducts and there were also quite a few subway lines, but the traffic still worsened year by year.    


When he finally reached Sanjiang Vocational Training School, he saw that he was already quite a few minutes late. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have washed those clothes.    


According to Sofia's rules, those who were late had to stand by the door and shout for the report, only after the teacher had agreed could they enter.    


He had to stand on the podium and apologize to the teachers and all the students, because Sofia believed that being late would affect the teachers' mood and the students' attention. It was a very immoral action.    


However, it wasn't Yang Fann's style to obediently follow the rules. Ever since he was young, he had been mischievous and mischievous, stuffing caterpillars into the stationery boxes of female classmates. He had also done things such as loosening the legs of the stools that the teachers were sitting on, or tripping over the missing teachers, or even smearing hot pepper noodles on the blackboard, which caused the teachers to cough incessantly.    


For such a student, if you wanted him to obediently stand at the door and shout his report, receive the attention of the students, and even stand on the podium to bow and apologize to the students and teachers, you might as well kill him.    


So, Yang Fann rolled his Spirit Body and the hidden lock at the back door of the classroom opened soundlessly. When Sofia turned around to explain the grammar, Yang Fann slipped in through the door with a swoosh. Before Sofia turned around, Yang Fann had already settled himself in the seat at the back and was listening to her very seriously.    


If it was an ordinary teacher, Yang Fann would be able to fool them with this move. However, the person he met was Sofia, a good teacher who was responsible for his work.    


In order to save time, Sofia did not call out anyone during class, but with her bright young brain, she could tell with a glance how many students there were in class.    


There was no helping it, the desks were arranged neatly and horizontally. As long as one paid attention, it was difficult to calculate how many people would attend class.    


When Sofia turned around, she found that there was an extra person in the classroom. If she looked carefully, the extra person should be sitting in the back seat. Who else could it be other than Yang Fann, who pretended to be listening carefully?    


"Yeah, Yang Fann, where did you go just now?" Sofia asked in French.    


"Teacher Sofia, I've been sitting here listening to your lecture and haven't gone anywhere. Is there a problem?" Yang Fann also answered in French. For now, Sofia was already very satisfied when she heard Yang Fann speak pure French. Among all the students she taught, there had never been anyone who could speak French as well as Yang Fann.    


Sofia and Yang Fann chatted in French, which made many students jealous. It wasn't because a beauty like Sofia ignored them, but because everyone was jealous of Yang Fann.    


Your French is so good that you have to go crazy. Everyone speaks poorly, and many people don't even know how to say anything. What kind of conspiracy do you have in mind? Do you want to use your bullshit to show off everyone's incompetence?    


Just when Yang Fann was proud and thought that he could pass the test this time, Sofia suddenly spoke again, "Fine, since you said that you've been listening in class, then tell me, what do I have to say?"    


Yang Fann: "# $% &..."    


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