Take Along A Spring



As the CEO of the Crystal Palace, she was a rich lady with millions. What kind of hotel hadn't Bai Mei seen before?    


However, the moment she saw the courtyard situated at the foot of the Pear Ridge, she immediately liked it here.    


It was simple and unadorned, elegant without losing any of its elegance. It was dignified with a sense of elegance. Within its exquisite elegance, there was a trace of magnificence.    


With his back against the green mountain, his feet treading on the green water and his white walls covered in green tiles, he was indescribably enchanting.    


"If I could stay here, I think I'd keep my youth longer, right?"    


Bai Mei thought like this. When she looked at Yang Fann beside her, her vision became a little blurry.    


The majority of women were emotional animals. Sometimes, their preference depended solely on their feelings. Sometimes, they would feel that a person was good. Wherever they went, they would feel good. Even when they slept and snored, they would feel good.    


He felt that if a person was bad, the more he looked at him, the more problems he would have. Even if he had done a good deed, he would still feel that it was fake.    


As the saying goes, love goes to the house, truly like a person, as long as you smell his body odor will be infatuated, will often see the places he often stopped to feel the smell he left behind.    


When Bai Mei saw Dispersive Flower Courtyard, she instantly had an urge to come and live here in the future.    


"Yang Fann, there are so many rooms, can you give one to me? I... I'll come and stay for a few days when I have time. "    


On the spur of the moment, Bai Mei actually wanted to get into a room with Yang Fann. However, the moment she said that, she regretted it and quickly explained. She was too reckless, and the implication was too strong.    


"Okay, which one do you want?" Yang Fann looked at Bai Mei with a faint smile. He wanted to know if this woman had the guts to continue talking.    


"I... Why don't you tell me if you want to give it or not? If you don't say anything to me, aren't you just humiliating yourself? " Bai Mei was just about to consider which room she should choose when she saw the ridicule in Yang Fann's eyes. She immediately knew that Yang Fann might be playing with her, so she decided to take the initiative by taking a step back.    


"Mm …" "How about this room?" At this moment, the two of them walked into the Central District. Yang Fann pointed to the west wing and said to Bai Mei.    


Standard quadrangles should basically have the following buildings: front yard, center yard, and backyard.    


These three small courtyards are made up of the inverted room, the main house, the hanging door, the east and west rooms, the ear room, the corridor, the back room, and so on.    


How does a large family, with so many people, allocate these houses?    


Outer court: one for the gate, one for the doorman, two for the parlor, and one for the third generation of boys. In this way, the five upside-down rooms in the front yard worked.    


Main courtyard: main hall, five rooms, main house for the owner of the highest seniors living. If the owner of the house has a second room, the first wife lives in the main house, that is, the left side of the main house, and the second wife lives in the right side of the main house.    


If it was the pattern of sitting in the north and facing south, the three rooms in the east wing would be the second generation grandpa and grandma's residence. Naturally, the west wing's three rooms were occupied by the Second Master and Second Young Madam. Most of the rooms in the backyard were reserved for the sisters, while the other rooms were reserved for the maids.    


However, Dispersive Flower Courtyard was a structure that sat south and faced north, while the west wing on the left side of the main house was the base of operations, the residence of the second generation old master. The room Yang Fann was referring to was here, the west wing, was where he should live.    


"Alright, alright. This is what you said. You can't go back on your word, right?" Bai Mei jumped up and down like little girl and wanted to hang herself with Yang Fann.    


"Ugh …" Yang Fann was a bit speechless. Did the little girl really not understand the distribution of rooms in the courtyard, or did she pretend not to understand?    


He told Bai Mei to stay in his room. He wanted to make fun of her, but she quickly agreed.    


At this moment, Yang Fann had the urge to smash his own feet with a stone. Bai Mei should not know the distribution of the courtyard. It would be weird if a girl who grew up in Jiangnan knew where to live and where not to live!    


Yang Fann was embarrassed. "President Bai, don't be in such a hurry to pull the hook. I'll test you first. Do you know which place in the courtyard everyone should live in?"    


"I know, what's so difficult about that? Speak, what are you plotting by asking me such a simple question? " Bai Mei blinked her charming big eyes as she looked at Yang Fann warily, as if Yang Fann had committed some unforgivable mistake.    


Do you really want to marry me?    


In his heart, Yang Fann was cursing Bai Mei for being dishonest. She's already in a hurry to get married. I'm not ready yet, it seems like it's still too early to discuss marriage, right?    


Seeing the strange look on Yang Fann's face, Bai Mei also felt that something was wrong. "Alright, I'll tell you. Let's see if it's right or not."    


"Well, that's the main house, the master's house." Bai Mei pointed at the inner court's main house as she spoke.    


"There are two rooms on both sides. They are for guests to stay in." Bai Mei pointed to the east and west rooms as she said proudly. She even glanced at Yang Fann provocatively, as if she was talking about something trivial. How could this sister not know?    


"Ugh …" Yang Fann was sweating profusely. He had misunderstood. This little girl didn't know where everyone should live, so he was shocked!    


Bai Mei pointed to every room again and said. Other than the east and west rooms being wrong, everything else was right. Yang Fann didn't correct her. She didn't understand her own joke, so what was wrong with her own correction?    


When she turned around, she did not see the light in Bai Mei's eyes. She had been to Yanjing before, and had lived in a standard courtyard for more than a month, so how could she not know where each person should live in the courtyard. However, since Yang Fann did not want to promise her, she purposely said it wrongly to avoid an awkward situation between the two of them.    


The backyard was very beautiful. Lotus Pond, Banyan Tree, Pavilion, Flowers …    


However, Lili's mood wasn't as good as before. She felt that Yang Fann must have despised her identity, as a married widow who was a few years older than him. That was why he had been unwilling to accept her and had kept his distance from her.    


As for her trillions of yuan, Bai Mei had never treated it as her own weight. Although Bai Mei had worked hard in the shopping mall for so many years, she was still that little white flower.    


For a woman who has never been in a relationship, she would not be able to combine her feelings with reality. She would also feel that emotion was more important than anything else. In the midst of love and bread, she would even naively believe that love was more important than bread.    


Women were always the same. When they were still little girl, or had yet to experience the collision between feelings, they would basically put feelings first.    


However, once you have experienced the baptism of feelings, and experienced the taste of feelings, you will understand that no matter how sincere your feelings are, they can't be eaten as food, can't be worn as beautiful clothes, can't be made into designer bags, and certainly can't be turned into an automobile house.    


When she was still an innocent student, she would fall in love with Yang Fann because Yang Fann saved her. But after leaving the school for less than a year, she had already been bewitched by the playworld and had decisively chosen to break up with Yang Fann.    


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