Take Along A Spring



Wu Shuangshuang was unwilling. She really wanted to do something. Otherwise, she wouldn't have left the government to go to an orphanage in the county and become the principal.    


However, no matter what Wu Shuangshuang said, Yang Fann eventually stopped her from copying the video on his phone. He and Wu Shuangshuang had just met today, so he didn't know much about her character. Giving her the video of him forcing Xiong Baiwan was akin to handing over his responsibility to Wu Shuangshuang.    


If Wu Shuangshuang didn't take this video and turn around to deal with Xiong Baiwan's friends instead, Yang Fann could immediately go to jail and use the law to lynch. With Xiong Baiwan and his friends messing with him, even if Yang Fann betrayed for 10 years or 8 years, it would be easy for him to lose his life!    


Yang Fann did not allow others to control his own fate. Even if there was a one in a million chance, he would not take the risk. Yang Fann carried the family's hope and what he did was not just his alone.    


Besides, with the relationship between Yang Fann and Wei Xiaorou's family, they didn't want to send Xiong Baiwan to prison together. Xiong Baiwan might have done a lot of bastard things, but the crime was not fatal, he didn't kill anyone, he didn't let the fire go, and the women he played with were all willing by the other party.    


"You can take this guy's words to heart, or you can secretly investigate them based on some clues he said, but let me give you a piece of advice, just investigate those two friends he said, and don't make too much of a mess with them, or else with so many people working together, even your father might not be able to handle it."    


Although Yang Fann also wanted to bring all the bad guys to justice, he knew that it was not realistic. Unless all the big bosses from the province attacked together, it would cause an earthquake that would not meet the requirements to build the core values of socialism.    


The meal had to be eaten mouthful by mouthful, and the food had to be cooked piece by piece. If it really wasn't good, then those two friends of Xiong Baiwan could just stay put and take down the former dean of the orphanage as well as the accomplices inside the orphanage.    


Wu Shuangshuang was not stupid. To be able to become the principal of an orphanage at such a young age, not only because of her father, but also because of her own abilities.    


It's just that Wu Shuangshuang still lacks practical experience. As long as she has a certain amount of time, a certain amount of time, and a certain amount of training, she will surely become a political rising star in the future.    


After listening to Yang Fann's analysis, Wu Shuangshuang quickly understood. She changed from the awkwardness of being held in Yang Fann's arms to standing up and walking around the room excitedly. She was a government rookie that had not been flattened by reality and was ready to break her wrist with those sinful government veterans!    


"Yang Fann, I have a suggestion. Since you also want to be a good person, then let's cooperate for the time being to dig out those worms, and even those pitiful victims to gain justice, alright?"    


What do you mean I also want to be a good person? I'm not a bad person, so I spent so much effort just to make you watch videos and slap your face, just to make up for it. To be a good person, what kind of international joke is that!    


Is this sort of thing even something this big bro, a normal commoner, can participate in?    


"Not good, I don't want to be a good person, and I don't want to cooperate with a little girl like you. If you want to investigate, then do it yourself, don't involve me, I don't want to get involved."    


Yang Fann was not going to be tricked by a young girl and wanted to drag Yang Fann into the water. If Yang Fann wanted to investigate, he could investigate by himself and work with a girl he didn't even know, and maybe she would sell him off.    


"You … Why are you like this? When you first came in, didn't you yell for me to tell you the truth? Why don't you care now, are you still a man? "    


Wu Shuangshuang was furious. She had met a boy before who was not a courteous and refined young master, a refined and handsome young man. She had never seen a lazy and bad guy like Yang Fann.    


Yang Fann was speechless. Girl, do you really not understand, or did you do it on purpose? Asking a man if he is a man, it's easy to cause misunderstandings!    


It's fine as long as you report the results of your investigations to me. If it's necessary, I'll help you a little.    


Yang Fann was ready to end his conversation with Wu Shuangshuang. He had already been in the office for a long time. If he didn't go out now, Lin Jie, that dirty young woman, would have to let her thoughts run wild again.    


Yang Fann wasn't afraid that she would let her imagination run wild. However, Lin Jie was Qin Mengyao's cousin, so it was best not to let her speak ill of him in front of Qin Mengyao.    


After all, Yang Fann was prepared to train Qin Mengyao to become one of his own in the future, so he mistook himself as a lecherous pervert. Yang Fann felt that it was unnecessary and it was better to maintain his glorious and lofty image in front of the employees of the company.    


Wu Shuangshuang suppressed the surging anger in her heart and went out to the car with Yang Fann to move things. Yang Fann and Lin Jie only moved a small part of the car, there was still a bunch of stuff on the car that they haven't finished moving.    


When the other employees of the orphanage saw that the dean had already moved his stuff, they did not want to just sit by and watch. They reluctantly helped to move, no matter how much they thought of Wu Shuangshuang as the new dean, they still had to put on an act.    


Many people in the orphanage were old foxes, and they all lived a long life. Since Wu Shuangshuang was able to become the principal at such a young age, it meant that she knew what she needed to do. There were only two possibilities.    


Thus, no matter how much they secretly cursed Wu Shuangshuang, envied her good birth, and envied her being on the side of some big boss, they all knew that this outrageously young dean was someone they couldn't afford to offend, and absolutely could not go against her on the surface.    


Following that, Yang Fann finally saw the living conditions of the children of Xincheng County Orphanage. Their dorms were in tatters, their clothes were in tatters, their daily necessities were in tatters, and even their hair was a mess!    


The healthy children were still alright, they were all sensible very early on and could still take care of themselves.    


The most pitiful were those children who were physically disabled. Some of them were immobile, some had low intelligence, and some of them lacked care. Other than dirt, they were dirty.    


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