Take Along A Spring



Bai Mei was worried about Yang Fann in the middle of the night and the whole morning. She didn't even have breakfast for the sake of meeting Yang Fann earlier.    


However, when she saw Yang Fann, he was neither locked up nor lying down in the hospital. Instead, he was leisurely eating with a little beauty!    


Eating with a little beauty...    


Beautiful ladies eating...    


Female eating...    






At this moment, Bai Mei had a kind of old woman who caught Qin Mengyao's foot. If it wasn't for the fact that she was still rational, she would have grabbed Qin Mengyao's hair and asked her how she seduced her husband!    


In her rage, Bai Mei really treated Yang Fann as her husband. Women sometimes have no reason to talk to each other. Some people would be so jealous of other people that they would reject Yang Fann, let alone Bai Mei, who had long been happy with Yang Fann.    


A majority of people felt the same way. If they saw that everyone was here to snatch something, they would feel that this item was definitely not bad. Even if this item was ordinary, many people would still feel that it was good.    


Bai Mei was now like a child who had seen someone play with her beloved toy. Her heart was so sour, but her good character reminded her to be calm, to be calm, to be f * cking calm!    


Bai Mei hated calmness. She felt that if she continued calming down, she would most likely lose her happiness. Therefore, Bai Mei decided to take the initiative and take the initiative.    


"Hello, you're Qin Mengyao. I often hear my family Fan mention you. What a beautiful girl."    


Bai Mei greeted Qin Mengyao gracefully. Her words were sincere, making others unable to tell that she was dissatisfied with Qin Mengyao in the slightest.    


However, Yang Fann, who knew Bai Mei well, felt a strong sense of deceit. What kind of trick did this woman think of? Why did she act like her mistress? Why did she have to return the favor?    


It was Qin Mengyao's first time seeing such a dignified, graceful, and powerful woman like Bai Mei. For some reason, she felt like a mistress caught red-handed on the spot.    


Bai Mei was different from the other female professors. The temperament of the female professors was gentle and elegant, they were scholarly and they were completely different from Bai Mei's. Their auras were strong and overbearing, making Qin Mengyao feel as if she was at a loss!    


Yang Xiangdong looked at Qin Mengyao and then looked at Bai Mei. He did not say a word, so it was unknown what he was thinking.    


Zhong Runjuan was different from her husband as she kept looking back and forth between Bai Mei and Qin Mengyao. She was smiling like a flower and was extremely happy in her heart.    


As usual, women sometimes had no reason to. If Zhong Runjuan bumped into Yang Xiangdong and had a meal with a pretty girl, she could easily kill him with a roar.    


However, when it came to her son's turn, it was the opposite. Zhong Runjuan couldn't wait for Yang Fann to find a few girlfriends and let her pick them.    


If it weren't for the law, Zhong Runjuan wanted to say to Yang Fann, Let him marry Bai Mei and Qin Mengyao, and let them be pretty to each other, and Zhong Runjuan would be satisfied with that!    


If Yang Fann knew what Zhong Runjuan was thinking, he would be even more sure that she was his own mother. Who would be so good to an outsider? If you want to marry a wife, don't spend money; if you have that money, you might as well buy more new clothes.    


However, Yang Fann didn't thank Mom for her feelings right now. He was embarrassed to the point that he couldn't open the f * * king door.    


After being caught by Bai Mei, Yang Fann had the feeling that he was caught red-handed by the woman on the spot. He couldn't help but glance at Bai Mei a few times, thinking that this woman's ability to control the situation was really out of the question. The moment she appeared, she had already grasped the initiative with just one sentence.    


Conquering a woman would give a man a sense of accomplishment.    


Conquering a beautiful woman would give a man a greater sense of accomplishment.    


Conquering a beautiful strong woman would make men feel more accomplished!    


Therefore, Yang Fann had the urge to conquer Bai Mei, this beautiful woman, this beautiful strong woman, and it was a very, very strong impulse!    


That year, when Yang Fann first pressed the system flower Lee Qian under his body, the thrill of conquest was unforgettable for him. It was even more intense than the thrill of consuming drugs. Yang Fann even felt that he was addicted to it, not to mention that it was very addictive!    


F * ck, what are you thinking about? Was this the time for him to let his imagination run wild?    


Yang Fann felt that his mind was probably out of sorts recently. He was very unsteady in the area of women and would always get distracted whenever he saw beautiful women. Now that he was in front of his parents, he actually thought of conquering Bai Mei. It seemed like it was time to find a psychiatrist.    


Since Bai Mei and her father, Mom, were here, Yang Fann couldn't let them watch him and Qin Mengyao eat. Since the three of them hadn't eaten anyway, Yang Fann asked them to sit down and eat together.    


At the dinner table, Bai Mei once again explained to Yang Fann what mastery was. She talked and laughed merrily, she was demure and elegant, she had the attitude of a hostess.    


Bai Mei's performance was flawless. Not only did it not make others feel that she had suppressed Zhong Runjuan and Yang Xiangdong's limelight, it did not make others feel that she had ignored Qin Mengyao. Furthermore, she often displayed Yang Fann's authority.    


The more Zhong Runjuan looked, the more satisfied she became with Bai Mei. Where could she find a wife like her who could even take part in a state banquet? With such a daughter-in-law overseeing the family, no matter how many mistress her son brought back, there was no need to worry about a fire in the backyard.    


If Bai Mei had known of her perfect performance today, she would have vomited three liters of blood and died on the spot as a result of Zhong Runjuan's words.    


I did it to show that I have a special relationship with Yang Fann in front of Qin Mengyao. Why did I have to suppress my mistress? I don't want Yang Fann to bring so many of them home!    


Qin Mengyao was a good girl, but not all good people were stupid, and not all of them were obedient.    


When Lili had seen Yang Fann and Lee Qian fighting against each other on Jiang-Da campus, she hadn't even given up on her feelings for Yang Fann. Besides, now she was only having a meal with Bai Mei?    


No matter how good Bai Mei was, no matter what relationship she had with Yang Fann, Qin Mengyao was not going to give up. Besides, the little girl was getting braver and braver, ready to use her youth and Bai Mei's nobility to break her wrists and see who would die in the end.    


Cough cough … Who does Yang Fann belong to!    


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