Take Along A Spring



The Xincheng County was quite a distance away from the Poplar Gully, and it was also at night, so the mountain roads were bumpy. Even if Lee Mingxuan had immediately set off after receiving Yang Fann's call, he would probably still arrive at the Poplar Gully in about an hour.    


Considering the journey from Qingshan Town to Poplar Gully, Lee Mingxuan would be quite satisfied if he could reach Poplar Gully in an hour and a half.    


While waiting for Lee Mingxuan, Rakshasa Woman woke up. She was different from Bing Feng. Bing Feng not only suffered a heavy blow from Yang Fann, but also from her love fans. Therefore, she was still unconscious.    


"Yang Fann, why are you alright?" You were the one who knocked me out? " As soon as Rakshasa Woman woke up, she immediately realized the situation she was in. While she was shocked that Yang Fann woke up so quickly from the coma due to the strong anesthetic, she was also amazed that she was knocked unconscious without realizing it.    


Yang Fann didn't even bat an eyelid as if he didn't hear Rakshasa Woman's question. Towards this woman who had become so perverted to the bone, Yang Fann really didn't care about her. If it wasn't because he didn't want to cause trouble, he would have personally eliminated this disaster to avoid leaving any hidden dangers for himself and his family.    


"Yang Fann, you bastard, let me go quickly. Otherwise, I'll kill your entire family!"    


"Yang Fann, I'm warning you, if you don't let me go, I'll kill myself. At that time, how are you going to explain this to the Chinese authorities?"    


"Yang Fann, do you want to know a big secret? A secret that can make you as rich as a country?"    


"Yang Fann, do you know why Lisa and the other Europeans came to China to capture me? It's related to that big secret that I mentioned. If you are willing to let me go, I will tell you."    


Rakshasa Woman continued to throw bait, wanting Yang Fann to let go of her. From saying nice words to lure, to cursing at Yang Fann, she used all kinds of methods.    


However, Yang Fann didn't even say a word to her in the end. Yang Fann would only let her go if he was crazy, to think that he still had to take the risk of sneaking back to deal with her after escaping.    


Half an hour later, Bing Feng, who was sitting on another tree, also slowly regained consciousness with a moan.    


As expected of a trump card who had received professional training. Bing Feng's resistance to medicine was stronger than ordinary people, and the power of the Lust Powder seemed to have reduced by more than half. Other than her flushed face, she had regained control of her body, and her words were no longer as coquettish as before.    


"Yang Fann, who captured Rakshasa Woman?" Bing Feng immediately asked when she saw Rakshasa Woman tied to another tree.    


"Don't tell me it was you who did it, and it was you who knocked me out and tied me to the tree?" Bing Feng looked around and didn't see anyone else. Then, she shifted her gaze onto Yang Fann.    


"Oh right, it can't be you who captured Rakshasa Woman. You've been poisoned by my powerful anesthetic, and you'll turn into an idiot if no one treats you. What about the person who saved you?"    


If Bing Feng hadn't mentioned this, it would have been fine. The moment she mentioned that he had been drugged, he might have turned into an idiot, causing Yang Fann to immediately become angry from the bottom of his heart, and he was extremely furious, but he never thought that Bing Feng, a woman, would be able to be so ruthless to this extent, and even without caring about anything, she had already given him a strong anesthetic. If it wasn't for the fact that his body had been modified by the Spirit Spring, even in such a remote place as Poplar Gully, he might have missed the treatment time!    


How could Yang Fann know that Bing Feng only used the anesthetic on him after he felt that she was drugged. Before Rakshasa Woman appeared, Bing Feng had always thought that the drug was from Yang Fann.    


After reciting the Heart Cleansing Curse a few times in his head, Yang Fann's anger didn't burst out. He was worried that he would get rid of Bing Feng in his anger, so he didn't even say a word to her and got angry when he saw her.    


Sand... Sand... Sand...    


A series of light footsteps came closer and closer. If it were not for the dead leaves on the ground, it was very possible that the footsteps could not have been heard.    


Yang Fann immediately became vigilant. This sound of tiptoeing couldn't be made by the patrolling security guards. It couldn't also be Lee Mingxuan's men. It was very likely an accomplice of Bing Feng's, or Rakshasa Woman's.    




Yang Fann didn't wait for Bing Feng and Rakshasa Woman to respond. He ignored the pain in his legs and jumped over to each of them with a rag, stopping them in their mouths.    


Yang Fann's six senses were obviously stronger than Bing Feng's and Rakshasa Woman's. It was only when he stuffed the two girls' mouths shut that they could faintly hear the approaching footsteps.    


Yang Fann waved Bing Feng's fountain pen pistol and threatened the two girls in a low voice, "If any of you dare to make a sound, I'll shoot her dead!"    


This time, Yang Fann was not trying to scare Bing Feng and Rakshasa Woman. He was serious about the fact that no matter how miraculous the effects of the Spatial Spirit Spring were, it would be impossible for Yang Fann's leg to heal completely in such a short period of time.    


Previously, Yang Fann used the power of the Spirit Body because Rakshasa Woman was caught unprepared. Since Bing Feng was hit by the Lust Powder, the two girls didn't know how Yang Fann knocked them out.    


However, things were different now. Rakshasa Woman and Bing Feng were both awake, and based on the footsteps, there was more than one person who had come. If Yang Fann used the Spirit Body's power, he might be discovered by others, and in order to keep his secret, Yang Fann might really kill him!    


Yang Fann didn't kill anyone, and he didn't want to kill anyone, but that was also a score. If there was a choice between killing someone and exposing his secret, the answer would be the latter, because Yang Fann's secret was not only related to his freedom and life, but also to the freedom and life of his family!    


If Yang Fann was an orphan who had eaten his whole family's food, perhaps he could bet on the character of some people. He hoped that some people would abide by the law, abide by morality, and not capture him for sectioning.    


However, Yang Fann wasn't the only one. Behind him were the parents that raised him, and many relatives and friends that helped him in the past. Yang Fann wasn't Yang Fann after all, he wasn't Yang Fann.    


For his parents, for his friends and relatives, Yang Fann was willing to do anything, even if it meant risking everything!    


As a result, he warned Rakshasa Woman and Bing Feng at the same time, and slashed each of them with his knife, knocking the two girls unconscious again, so as to prevent them from causing any more trouble for him.    


After knocking out Bing Feng and Rakshasa Woman, Yang Fann took out the rags in their mouths to prevent them from suffocating to death while in a coma.    


Then, Yang Fann, with full vigilance, held Bing Feng's pen pistol in one hand and Rakshasa Woman's dagger in the other, and hid behind a big tree. He wanted to see who the guy was.    


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